6) Antartica lultima mappa della terra piatta - SOTTOTITOLI-SUBTITLES
Oct 25, 2020 18:00 · 926 words · 5 minute read
so you want the truth about Antarctica fasten your seatbelts here it comes let’s zoom in on the moon the moon is the reflection of Earth not the little ball you have been told but a gigantic earth and in one of these craters we live the crater so pick use gallows and probably you won’t believe a word I say but I will prove it to you within the next minute watch this take a freeze-frame of the crater darken the image now let’s make a 3d map watch the differences in height next we take the official Antarctica map flip horizontally rotate a bit skew it a bit put it on top of the 3d map well for me that’s a match but for you unbelievers let’s watch it in detail now a lot of people won’t believe this but what are the chances that I take a random crater of the moon make a 3d map of it that matches the map of Antarctica perfectly the chances are zero except when you know what you’re doing if you want to know how I got there I explained it in my previous videos to be honest this insight was a complete surprise for me too because I thought there was no Antarctica so both theories are true you have the ice wall of the Flat Earth within the middle of the North Pole and you have the continent Antarctica only it is much bigger and it is not surrounded by water there is probably no South Pole as we are not on a little ball now I will look for the passage to get out of the crater someone who saw my video gave reply saying that the symbol of Earth in the series Stargate was this you can see the resemblance with so pious colors and now I will give you some information about the Pillars of Hercules because I think that is the clue to get out of the crater for this I will take Wikipedia according to Plato’s account the last realm of Atlantis was situated beyond The Pillars of Hercules in effect placing it in the realm of the unknown renascence tradition says the pillars bore the warning necklace Ultra also non plus ultra nothing further beyond serving as a warning to sailors and navigators to go no further so when the Psychopaths tell you to go no further you can be damn sure there is something beyond so where are the Pillars of Hercules so they tell us The Pillars of Hercules are situated in Spain and Morocco let’s investigate that well they seem to have the right angle in Morocco in Spain some people know it too The Pillars of Hercules remind me of the favorite subject of the Freemasons the pillars of jackeen and blasts so you destroy the pillars the symbolic destruction of the gate sadly enough for them that was exactly the event that got me searching for the truth later on the Spanish changed their symbols into plus ultra there is more Columbus discovered the new world I think the new world was not about the Americas it wouldn’t surprise me that Columbus discovered the passage out of the crater now why am I saying this because when you look on the Antarctica map you have a place called the Hercules Inlet when you put that on the new map I made you see the Gateway of the two pillars when you flip the map you can clearly see the two pillars and the Gateway another way to get out would simply be walking all the way out of Antarctica into the new world maybe the new world order is not the new world order but the new world order the small elite that knows there is a new world beyond the same people that made the Antarctica map they know so in World War two with the improvements of air flight the Americans must have seen the bigger Antarctica or the Germans British Russians but nobody says a word why that’s because there are no Germans British or American they are all servants of the Roman Empire the Roman Empire that slowly morphed into the Holy Roman Empire and the Vatican top of the military are the Templars the Templars cross is everywhere in England Germany the Vatican Russia and so on all the elites are member of the Templars and in the meanwhile during world war ii they are hiding behind their neutrality in their hiding place switzerland headquarter of the templars with their Templar treasure and looting the whole of Europe with their favorite criminals the Nazis after the war the German people are slaughtered and the real criminals flee to the US and the USSR where they work on their new global deception the fake space program to the US they sent one of their top criminals Wernher von Braun there he creates NASA responsible for the fake solar system and the fake moon landings now I will end with this image the Eagle of the Roman Empire lands on biosphere earth crater on the bigger earth and covers it with the Akasha symbol of the Freemasons in the back you see the little baller the fake replacement of the real earth you also see the number 11 the two pillars they are manipulating our subconscious there is a word for this whole story and sooner or later these people will get what they deserve thanks for watching you .