3 Free very useful vst plugins you need!

Nov 6, 2020 16:45 · 369 words · 2 minute read width handy already spend start

Hi, I want to share with you the 3 free plugins I use on every project These three plugins have proven to be very useful over the last few years Links to these three are in the description below. 1 Loudmax by Thomas Mundt is a free limiter plugin. It’s very simple, it’s not the most transparent sounding but very useful as a track limiter on drums or whatever track needs just some limiting. You drag the slider down like this to limit. The compensate the end volume with this slider.

00:35 - You can select the limiter to catch inter sample peaks here And you can link both sliders here so it will automatically compensate the volume. Very handy, very nifty. 2 Voxengo MSED. This mid side plugin let’s you set the width of your audio track, and encodes from left right stereo into mid side stereo and the other way around which how I use it mostly in mixes and mastering to make standard stereo hardware mid side capable. I made an entire video on how I use this, check the card and endscreen for that. 3 Hofa 4u project time. This may be the most boring plugin of the lot, but very very valuable. it doesn’t do any processing or sound tweaking.

01:19 - What it does is, it tracks the time you spend in a project. Just insert it somewhere in a insert slot and it start tracking the time the project is open and after closing and opening the project, it continuous where you stopped. I use it to keep track of time , especially when I mix for a client You can offset the time if you insert it later and you already spend some time before. There is a pause button when you take a break and you can give the project a name. This little plugin saves you time when you need to calculate time spend on a project. Very handy.

01:53 - Check out the video displayed on screen for more free plugins. Please remember to subscribe to the channel and share this video if you want. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one. Bye! .