Amber & Brash Become A Party Of Three & Wesley Gets A Sister | Neighborhood Stories
Oct 15, 2020 17:00 · 429 words · 3 minute read
AMBER: See you later. DAD: You’re still daddy’s little boy, okay? [BABY LAUGHING] Hey there, I’m Crystal with Ring. Up next in Neighborhood Stories: a working dad didn’t miss out on his son’s first steps thanks to his Ring Cam. - Noah. [CLAPPING] One of life’s big moments happened when little Noah’s dad was at work. But mom, Lili, was lucky to be there when Noah took his first long walk in the living room. [BABY LAUGHING] Lili didn’t have time to grab her phone to capture it for her husband.
00:29 - Instead, sent him the video recording from their Indoor Cam. LILI: Had we not had that, it would just have been a story that he would have had to imagine. And now he has the visual, he knows exactly how it went down. He’s just thankful that the camera got the video. AMBER: See you later. Their first stop on the way to the hospital was in front of their Video Doorbell. It was Amber and Brash’s last time leaving their apartment as a party of two. A couple of days later… AMBER: He’s here! They were back with their newborn son. As a new mom, being able to see who’s at the door makes life a little easier for Amber. AMBER: If he’s sleeping, or if I’m holding him, or even if I’m nursing, I’m not going to be able to run and jump to the door to see who’s there. Ring really gives you that peace of mind, that you could just look at your phone really quick, when you have a second, to see who’s there. WESLEY: I’m so glad.
01:16 - Five-year-old Wesley was so happy his sister was about to be born, he started to cry. WESLEY: I’m, I’m so glad. DAD: You crying? WESLEY: Yeah. DAD: You’re OK, buddy. WESLEY: I’m trying not to cry. DAD: Come here, buddy. You’re still daddy’s little boy, ok? His mom Samantha was in the hospital when her husband told her about Wesley’s reaction. She was sad she didn’t see it herself, but was very happy her doorbell had captured it. SAMANTHA: Being in the hospital all by myself, it was kind of nice, cause I got to feel like he was almost there, and he got to experience a moment of it with me. I started crying a lot, and I showed all the nurses, and we kind of cried together.
01:54 - If you have special moment’s like Samantha’s and want to share them with us, send your videos to .