Unboxing the BRAND NEW BATSON "ALTER EGO" Collection Hoodie...

Nov 16, 2020 19:00 · 1913 words · 9 minute read tear going december huge creative

yo do you guys ever like sneeze and like and then pull yourself a little bit welcome to the channel my people today we have something a little bit different a little bit unique a little bit very very very specific to this channel right here you’re not gonna get this specific content on this specific video anywhere else all right i’m bringing originality to so you guys have seen it you guys have seen the thumbnail you know what we’re doing today we are unboxing my brand new hoodie the batson 2020 alter ego one of two collection this is a mouthful but we’ll get into that i wanted to make a video that lives for a very very long time because i wanted to showcase to you what you’re actually gonna be getting on the day when or if when you purchase your very own batson hoodie for yourself now before we get into that i want to say a couple of things so you know just listen since i was very young i’m not very young for a couple of years now for many years now i’ve wanted to own my own clothing line and my own brand my own garments that i can wear not because i feel like anything else i didn’t really like any of the other clothing so i just made my own i’ve just always really been into fashion like you can literally see over here i have a custom built wardrobe where i can show off my shoes my hoodies and my jackets because i like clothes a lot and i’m a very artistic and creative person myself so i thought why don’t i just make it you know what i mean why don’t i just put two and two together make clothes feed my creative side and you know just just make a sick product that other people can wear and since i started making hoodies this would have been my second one now i dropped one in september that was a huge creative outlet for me because i could basically just design a product not just for people to see on like instagram or something like people can actually wear this and it’s like a sick experience for everyone i get to experience people enjoying a product that i put my heart and soul into and people get to enjoy and a product that i put my heart and soul into basically i love making clothes because it just feeds the creative side of me and that is why i’m dropping a second hoodie this year which is why you’re watching this video right now and a lot of people are confused like well yo why is it called the alter ego collection yo why is it one of two yeah why is it why is it blue many questions will be answered in this video because i’m going to explain the backstory uh the forward story the app story and the down story of this hoodie right here well before we get into the unboxing i’m going to take you guys back a little bit so this toy that i’ve got my arm this is a character called eli all right and he’s sort of like my alter ego he’s the crazy side of me the side that does what he wants blah blah blah blah blah and that is why this collection is called the alte ego collection because i feel like it is a separate entity of like myself which is eli the guy that’s on my arm and you guys might have noticed if you follow me on instagram you’ve seen the designs you can see that this is alter ego collection one of two and that is because next year there is another hoodie drop in which is called the autoego collection two of two and that’s gonna be bones so we have eli and we have bones two characters that i’ve made up in my head that i feel like deliver some sort of story and could deliver some sort of character maybe a few few maybe later down the line you know maybe they could be like be put into a cartoon or something who knows but i feel like it’s a cool concept to have two characters both hoodies and they’re both are basically going to be the exact same design uh eli is obviously a zombie and bones is obviously a skeleton but yeah that’s the story behind the whole alter ego and the one of two and the two of two collections so bones will be dropping on maybe like january or march next year i don’t know but yeah for now we’re going to be unboxing the eli side of the alter ego collection so let’s just get into it this is the exact package you will be receiving on the day and by the way you can get this for christmas any moms or dads watching this out there that wants to get this for that kid feel free premium shipping it will get to you before christmas in time for basically for you to give it to your kid on christmas these are drop in on december the 16th right in time for you to order one for christmas and is the perfect christmas present i guess you know if you’re struggling what to get get someone at batson hoodie just do it yeah this is the exact package that you will be unboxing on christmas day if you get for christmas or if you just want to buy one this is the this is the package you’ll be getting it’s got eli’s face on the front and then obviously on the back it’s got your shipping address 21 suck your mum so let’s get into the actual unboxing shall we so right off the bat there is much more than just a hoodie this hoodie comes with a custom keychain for you guys to put on whatever you want if you have a nipple piercing that will more than likely fit through your nipple piercing it’s just a cool little custom keychain it’s fabric is like very very durable this isn’t no plastic this is like you wouldn’t be able to tear this with two forklifts driving away from each other with steel rope attached to it it’s a very very very durable keychain you can basically put on anything it’s lightweight it’s slim it’s small and it’s basically a really cool design so yeah this is the custom keychain that is included in the price you pay and in the package that you get you don’t have to pay any extra you don’t have to select any other options this keychain just comes with the hoodie by default we also have something else this is the colored version of the tattoo that is on my arm this is eli in all of his glory now if you’ve been following my channel for a while you would have seen that he’s wearing sort of like a version of the sketch hoodie that dropped in september some blue ripped jeans some green shoes and he’s also got pink skin and a hat because you know hats are cool also the only reason i’m wearing a hat is because this mop on my head and don’t worry i’m shaving my head for a video soon so stay tuned for that but yeah this is eli this is the sticker that is gonna be coming in your package as well you get sticker on the keychain you support little you can put this on your laptop you can put this on your phone you can put this on whatever you want it’s a sticker it’s a really really high quality sticker as well like listen yeah premium quality suck now let’s get into the juicy stuff the thing that everyone is here for the actual hoodie oh it’s [ __ ] back to front boom this is the hoodie this is the hoodie it is a blue hoodie with a pink sort of embroidery on the front yes this is embroidery listen this is embroidery guys this is embroidered on the hoodie this is no print this is high quality embroidered onto the hoodie this is not coming off ever and as we unfold the mysteries grow i’m gonna put it on actually before i put it on let me show you this the back print a design that i worked very hard on design that i think is sick and fitting for the the sort of aura of the drop meant to be a little bit crazy it’s meant to be colorful and that’s basically what it is it says at the bottom i don’t know if you guys wouldn’t be able to read that product of batson clothing limited alter ego collection hoodie one of two this is a very very collectible item like i don’t think my hair is a mess right now this is a very very highly collectible item that basically under a hundred people will own and this stock is limited when i tell you it’s limited all right you need to be there on december 16th on shopbacksun.com to get one there is a very very very high possibility they’re going to sell out within 24 hours so you need to be there this is the highest collectible item on the market right now let me put it on now for real so this is it this is the product this is the batson hoodie of 2020 december this is the second hoodie i’ve ever dropped and as i said the first hoodie in the auto eagle collection labelled as eli there is also an embroidered arm patch sleeve patch whatever you want to call it that is also eli’s face same as the sticker same as the one here same as the tattoo same as everything this is the staple this is the branding of the hoodies eli’s face so yeah this is the hoodie guys i hope you enjoy it this is something a little bit different to my channel it’s something i’ve actually wanted to do for a very long time now just haven’t really found the um the time to do it i hope you guys can already appreciate this i hope you guys can all really appreciate the time and effort that has gone into making this product and don’t worry this is not the end of batson clothing this is genuinely the beginning this is the second hoodie i’ve ever dropped next year in 2021 there’s going to be four different hoodies that i drop in throughout the entire year so be ready for that stay tuned for that because it’s going to be sick once again for the final time if you want to cop yourself a batson keychain a batson sticker and this very very limited high quality hoodie you can see like it’s a really really comfortable nice thick soft hoodie just perfect for winter and christmas then please be on shotbatson.com on december the 16th you can cop yourself one and yeah that’s it guys uh there’s also one more surprise that comes in the package but i’m not going to show you that just here peace sharpest.com on the 16th december bye. .