Mailbag Monday #100
Nov 2, 2020 05:40 · 1980 words · 10 minute read
tonight I’m enjoying one of my favourite beers this is grandpa’s sweater oatmeal stout from Barn Hammer brewing in Winnipeg it is just a nice mellow stout exactly the kind of thing you want at the end of a hard day or on a special occasion such as the 100th mailbag monday nobody is more surprised than me that this is the 100th mailbag monday episode that I’ve done I’m just the reaction from you guys is so impressive and surprising i just i just enjoy doing this plus there’s cool stuff so in addition to this that one of you guys sent me i’m going to bring in the usual assortment of mailbag items this one is uh one of the ones that came through the drop shipping warehouse in Mississauga so i have no idea what it is oh hey it’s an hdmi video capture thing so this is a usb hdmi video capture dongle hdmi on that side usb 3 on that side this is something that i noticed a lot of people on on Brian Lough’s discord were finding cheap and grabbing so i decided that this one might be kind of a handy thing to have too so i grabbed one i may use it for doing screen capture on my raspberry pi i mean there are other ways of doing it but if I’m experimenting with that or just recording from account from a camera or any number of things but for now let’s just see what the little user manual says it can do max resolution 3840 by 2160 at 30 hertz or and it can output 1920 by 1080. so it down samples okay supports hdmi standard cable up to 15 meters yeah yeah uh most acquisition software vlc obs etc supports windows android and mac oh i don’t see linux in there well we’ll just have to find out whether that works or not hdmi to usb 3 audio video capture card game recording box and live streaming currently selling for 12.41 canadian 939 american which is what i paid for it as well okay and free shipping yay from lucky shop 7 so this is basically cut and paste straight out of the little manual if you want to see it there will be a link as usual down in the description this is interesting and this might pose a problem with my workshop computer um i’m not sure whether it is an i5 3400 or better and it wants nvidia graphics hmm oh i’ll have to try it anyway okay well it does in fact show up and vlc can pick it up that’s a good sign although i think it’s messed up my audio capture but we’ll live with that okay let’s experiment with this thing a little bit let’s grab a hdmi cable that works that’s a good sign i’ll plug in my work laptop here which see what happens so there’s reddit up on the screen there and then on here let’s go there we’ll try read it in night mode that’s actually even easier to see still got that delay but that’s quite easy to read oh very cool okay so here i’m just using vlc to record directly i’m not using my video capture on top of video capture and i’ve got the audio set correctly now before i just had to choose a different audio input in the capture options on vlc but yeah that’s pretty straightforward well that is a neat thing and i think it’ll be handy should i decide to do any live streaming in the future which i don’t really have any plans for but or if i’m working on anything that i need to just grab a copy of the video and capture it to show you guys oh now i can do it fairly easily well that was kind of fun. next in we have soldering iron tip okay that’s not really that surprising it’s probably another different tip for this t12 I’ve been slowly grabbing an assortment of them what is this one this is a fairly fine tip this one is the chisel tip that so many people recommend so i figured i’d grab one and give it a shot and it’s fairly small this is the um where’s the there we go the t12 d12 i don’t know is it a 22 tip shape I’m not sure we’ll see what the listing says one piece t12 soldering iron tip for soldering rework station i got this from a user who is no longer registered on ebay and as you can see i paid 7.18 canadian so as always when the original listing isn’t around i will link you to this search which should find lots of them so in the absence of of the original seller let’s just look at Hako’s web webpage because this is a clone of the hakos although the package actually says it’s a hako and it says hako all over it so maybe it is or maybe it’s just a ripoff i’m not sure anyway here is what i got the t12 d12 so it is a little chisel kind of tip two flats on it a fairly narrow 1.2 millimeters wide by 0.
5 millimeters thick 06:22 - okay next we have extender oh wow that’s been abused i hope it’s okay ribbon cable oh i think i remember what this yeah yeah yeah okay this is a micro sd card extender so my printer is an ender 3 which has a micro sd card right on the front it just slides right in but it occurred but it’s kind of inconvenient so this will allow that to plug into the machine and then i can take the sd cards and plug them into this at a more convenient location rather than kind of underneath where the print bed slides out so that’s handy or it could have been handy before i uh pressed the raspberry pi into service using octoprint so now i don’t actually have to run sd cards back and forth tf sd card extension cable extender flexible extender for car gps one piece i guess yeah you could use that for loading new files under your car gps sure i got this from prize shop and it cost me 5.71 cents canadian with free shipping not a huge amount else to say down here 48 centimeters long um any size of uh tf or micro sd card uh yeah the capacity doesn’t matter it’s just wires compatible with many many things plug the card into the connector plug the adapter into the machine how much easier could that be so the fourth thing is this is camera accessories it says hmm lots of bubble pack electron go out mosquito small a night lamp it is a plug-in bug zapper night light why did i order this just because it was fun it seemed like an amusing thing anyways led socket electric mosquito killer lights flybug insect traps zapper night lamp i got it from this guy whose name i can’t pronounce xinghuistore online he isn’t selling anything at the moment as happens so as usual i will link you to this search which will find a bunch of them and meanwhile we’ll look at another seller so you can get them in a variety of colors and uh eu or north american i paid 1.57 for this from that guy that’s not selling it anymore it might have been an auction but I’m not sure it was so long ago yeah dollar 57 back in april anyway what does it say uses 110 voltage volts for the us version features lighting in mosquitoes material plastic and circuit boards right not much to say about it okay let’s uh just plug this in and see what happens power it on there nothing’s happened actually i’m gonna power it on there and then power it on here so we have some blue leds in the background of it and as you can see there are some bits of metal work two different bits of metal work with fingers sticking out a certain distance apart now i don’t know how far apart those are exactly we’ll deal with that when i get to tear down time sometime in the future but I’m assuming mr bug flies in here and is attracted by the fancy blue leds because who isn’t attracted by fancy blue leds and lands himself across that electricity whatever it is there and gets absorbed straight straightforward enough i can sort of see the shadow of some electronics just sort of flapping around in the breeze in there so there is some kind of a driver in there it’s not just that metal work connected straight to the line voltage probably so or maybe that’s just the power supply for the leds who knows we’ll find out in a future teardown that should be fun and now the moment we’ve all been waiting for at least the moment i’ve been waiting for this special one that was sent in before mailbag monday number 100 this came from Larry in Richmond Hill Ontario thank you so much let’s see what it is i’m being much more gentle than normal ooh silver box that’s pretty fancy Larry let’s see what’s in here a note a dip lead alignment tool lift the arm insert the ic lower the arm squeeze etc do it paduak & poplar - holy hell man Larry has gone all out he’s made me bespoke tool here now i want to open it with a certain amount of reverence oh that wow awesome okay now i gotta find a bent IC and if i don’t have one i’ll make one okay a source of ICs i don’t even know what this board is or was or came out of okay so there we have one i see with horribly bent pins due to some careless knob operating it set that down into there squeeze those in look at that that’s nice and straight okay and then there’s this little piece of uh turned pin header to straighten the them this way oh Larry you’ve outdone yourself this is amazing i know you used to be able to get tools similar to this in plastic from radio shack or places like that but this is brilliant the fancy bespoke padauk poplar gold and lacquer man thanks Larry this is going to uh earn pride of place on my tool shelf that is excellent well that was an amazing mailbag monday not only is it the hundreds but i got this awesome cool handmade uh handmade tool from larry that’s that’s just excellent um anyway let’s uh let’s go over the shipping times for these things because that’s a typical thing the hdmi capture card because it was shipped from within canada only took 18 days the sd card extender took 30 days which is nice this soldering tip took 116 days and the bug zapper is the winner at 159 days yes i waited 159 days for this thing it is definitely going to be a tear down that’s the entire purpose of buying it well thanks everybody for watching um for watching a hundred of these things wow don’t worry i’m not gonna stop doing them i’m i just have too much fun doing these and i know from the reaction that you guys have fun doing them too or seeing them done so mailbags shall continue for the indefinite future uh thanks as always to my patreon supporters for helping me pay for these things thanks to Larry and thanks to all of you for watching i will talk to you later .