Migrate/Convert Virtualbox VM to Hyper-V

Mar 12, 2020 20:33 · 205 words · 1 minute read similar virtual media manager select

Hello and welcome! Switching back to Hyper-V Here is guide how to migrate vm from virtualbox to hyper-v First open Virtualbox Open file and Virtual Media Manager Select from hard disk which you want to convert to hyper-v Then click Copy button Select VHD for Hyper-V or VMDK for Vmware Next select Dynamically allocated for smaller size vm-hard drive Then where new vm - hard driver will saved Then converting disk On Hyper-V create new virtualmachine where converted disk will be attached later Settings for new vm should similar that on virtualbox like ram, cpu, etc. For hard drive select attach later option Then convert vhd to vhdx form Select converted disk Select Convert option, other option for shriking or expanding disk Select dynamically expanding becaese smaller footprint Then attach disk to vm Add new hard drive to vm and attach disk image to it Check other settings also Now vm is ready to run Also network interfaces change between virtualbox and hyper-v, so those need to modified Check interface name with ifconfig -a -s command Okey, on hyper-v network interface name is eth0, not enp0s3 Then reload network interface settings and network should work Sees to work Thanks for watching! See you soon! .