[GOING SEVENTEEN 2020] EP.25 디에잇과 12인의 그림자 #1 (THE 8 and the 12 Shadows #1)

Jul 27, 2020 13:09 · 4092 words · 20 minute read

[GOING SEVENTEEN Monthly for July] [Talking about monthly THE 8] I sort of want to be the leader and tell the others what to do or make them repeat after me.

00:25 - It doesn’t matter what it is? Yeah, whatever it is, I just think that. .

00:30 - Umm. . I think it’d be fun if I become in charge of the others and lead them.

00:34 - [So we prepared this July issue] [THE 8 and the 12 shadows : Staying home alone] [A filming set that looks like a house] [The main character of the July issue] We need to do what he does. x3 [Main body] Hello.

00:44 - [Shadows] Hello. [Shadows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] Hey, focus! x2 We can’t miss a thing.

00:49 - Wow. [Mexican wave] Wow~ This is uncomfortable.

00:53 - This is uncomfortable~ [A shadow’s unexpected move - CUT!] This is THE 8’s content.

00:56 - Hello, we’re SEVENTEEN. Hello, we’re SEVENTEEN! - Whoa~! - Whoa~! Now we’re gonna do something fun.

01:06 - [Echo] Wait, we don’t have to repeat what you say. .

01:09 - [Accepting] Don’t repeat what he says. Okay.

01:11 - I’m gonna make some beats here. [Got caught after] [doing it sloppily] No.

01:17 - [Educating the shadow] Ah, good good.

01:20 - Loop station. Oh, the loop station! [Loop S-8-tion] [A familiar beat] [Recalling a famous song] [Rhythm] [Excited] [Unexpected move - CUT!] Another song. x3 Another song? Okay.

01:44 - [A steady shadow] Another song? [The second beat] This is tiring! [They don’t know what song it is] [B-boying] What song was this? [Dancing king] Isn’t there a song like this? [Did not expect this] Why is this so tiring? [They got exhausted after 2 minutes] I’m exhausted.

02:11 - Try something else. If there’s no space on the couch, just sit on the empty air.

02:16 - Do a wall sit, a squat. Do a wall sit.

02:19 - [Boldly facing the back] [Looking forward to what he’s gonna do] [That thing that used to be trendy] [He’s the only one who doesn’t know this] No.

02:34 - We should do it one by one in order. Minsoo. . Mingyu.

02:36 - [Trying again] Who’s Minsoo? [Failed - CUT] We should do it again.

02:43 - Yeah, let’s do it again. x2 What’s the right order? x2 The line x3 Get in a line. x2 We’re shadows.

02:48 - - Let’s do things one by one in order from now on. - Stay in line. x2 Good luck.

02:51 - [Watch me] Phew. [Failed] Dude. .

02:59 - What are you doing? [SELF] What are you doing? [4th try] [ASMR of SEVENTEEN who’s staying home] [SEVENTEEN is happy today as always] [They’re so good at this(even though we don’t know why they’re so good)] - Oh my gosh. - Continue! x4 [He can even move like that] [Exhausted] We should give a noogie to a person who doesn’t follow his actions well.

03:26 - [Watermelon juice] We should get some rest now.

03:38 - I don’t have any ideas. I don’t have any ideas.

03:40 - [Thought of an idea] Dude, out of nowhere? [Windmill] We need to do that. x2 [Synchronization failed] The shadows can’t be cut off in the middle.

03:56 - [One body] Watch him. x2 We need to do what he does. Everyone do what he does.

04:07 - Why is this so tiring? [THE 8’s turn is over] It’s over.

04:15 - [Steady] Isn’t it over? [Mingyu’s TIME] [Sat with his legs crossed] Cross your legs. x3 Mingyu sat with his legs crossed.

04:23 - He uncrossed his legs. x2 [Unsynchronized] He’s crossing them. x3 [Pass it on] [Encore] Don’t copy me! Don’t copy me~ [Started moving around] [A shuttlecock, which is something that everyone plays with in their houses] [Giving some time to the shadows to get ready] [Gather around] [He kicked the shuttlecock 3 times] [The shadow’s try] [3] [Succeeded] [Kicking] [the shuttlecock] [the shuttlecock] [Kicking the air] [Physical strength] [-1] [Sloppy] [Mime king] [The quietest content ever] [There’s a recipe] [Changed his mind] [Happy] We’re gonna do this for an hour? [Glancing] [Mirroring] [Shadow] Do what he’s doing.

05:48 - Copy what I’m doing! Copy what I’m doing! Copy what I’m doing! Copy what I’m doing! [Hello everyone] Da jia hao! You have to copy what I’m doing! [Memories of Sang-gu] Mala Xiang Guo. .

06:01 - [A shadow’s unexpected move] You have to copy what I’m doing! [Changed for the first time] If you’re looking at me, copy what I’m doing.

06:02 - If you’re looking at me, copy what I’m doing.

06:03 - [Changed for the second time] You should’ve copied what I was doing.

06:04 - [Changed for the third time] You should copy what I’m doing.

06:04 - [Changed for the fourth time] @#& copy what I’m doing.

06:05 - [Changed for the fifth time] Copy what I’m doing while looking at me.

06:06 - Copy what I’m doing while looking at me. [Mumbling] [His mother tongue] Da jia hao.

06:09 - Hey, follow me! x2 What are you guys doing? You shadows.

06:12 - [A Korean language dictionary] Just pretend like you pick up something. x2 You usually don’t read books. .

06:19 - [Quickly admitting it] This is hard.

06:24 - [Exposition] [Complication] [Crisis] Wait, this isn’t it. .

06:30 - [Climax (The shadows are getting separated)] [Resolution] [Pass it on] [Saying hi] [The shadows are splitting up] Shadows, don’t fight. x2 My shin.

06:47 - - Hey, shadow! - Sit x3 - Shadows, come quickly~ - Shadows! Hurry! [Air fryer] Home X Ball~ Let’s get some rest.

07:08 - Are any of you going to rest? I wish that the owner changes soon.

07:11 - I feel like DK is gonna do something active, too.

07:13 - Okay. [Mingyu’s turn is over] Okay.

07:17 - It’s me. DK~ I can get started right away, right? Let’s rest.

07:20 - [DK’s TIME] Wow, he started. x2 It’s gonna be a whole new world now.

07:28 - [Exciting world] [A meaningless roll] Ugh, come on! [To make recommendations about what to do when staying home] Why are we doing this? [DK’s staying home] - Dude, what’s the theme of this content? - Do this quickly.

07:39 - - There’s no theme. - Twice! x4 This must have a meaning, right? No. x2 [Contracting space by magic] [Measuring their muscle strength] [Does anyone know why he’s doing this?] Be careful x2 It’s dangerous! What is this? Just go quickly~ [1 Home X Ball] [2 Home X Balls] [3 Home X Balls] My sugar’s running low.

08:03 - It’s rotten. x3 Ew, the smell! It’s rotten.

08:07 - [This is exciting] Why do you keep on walking like that? What did he do? I don’t know.

08:14 - [The musical instrument that everyone has in their houses] [Finding our own sound] Why is he doing that? Oh my gosh.

08:28 - Good, you’re doing great! [Typical stay-home activity] Very good! [Pass it on] [Boot camp] What is this? [SEVENTEEN tribe assembled] Why aren’t you doing this? x3 Why aren’t you doing this? Save me.

08:53 - I’m exhausted, too. [It’s more fun if you watch this while copying what he’s doing] You guys should follow this at home.

08:56 - This is so exhausting. [Out of battery] Lie here. Lie down.

09:03 - We should lie down here. Let’s get some rest.

09:11 - After we rest! [Batter fully charged] [Finding our own sound season 2] Wait for us! x2 Wait for us! Come quickly! Is this “The Wailing” or something? [What’s important] Bruh. . ! [SEVENTEEN tribe] Do exactly what I do! [Our own melody is so exciting] Let’s rest. x3 Dude, the food in the air fryer is going to burn.

09:50 - [Shadows breaking away] [Warm Home X Ball] - It looks so delicious! - We have go quickly, now go.

09:54 - [Pogo stick] Copy him! x2 Oh, he’s good at it! [Mime party] [So detailed] I’m sweating right now, can we stop for a bit. . ? This is good.

10:18 - Let’s actually get some rest. x2 Let’s actually get some rest.

10:21 - [He drank air] I’m gonna rest, let’s rest. How many minutes do I have left? 1 minute? Like this.

10:26 - Just copy what the person in front of you does.

10:28 - Let’s take a picture. x2 [Selfie] Let’s take a picture. x2 Let’s take a picture. x2 [Talking to himself] Since this is on timer, I’m gonna press this and go there quickly.

10:34 - Go there quickly. 3! 2 seconds! 1 second! [Taking selfie alone at home. jpg] Who’s that outside? [Scolding the shadow] What are you doing? What are you doing? [Echoing] Oh, you! [This won’t do] Oh, you! What are you doing, huh? You pissed me off.

10:54 - You pissed me. . [Punishment] Oh, please just…

10:58 - [Disciplinary punishment upon a group] When will it end? Hey, DK! Look, an old man is looking at us outside! [Peculiar sight to behold] [DK’s turn is over] SeungKwan, let’s take a break, please? You should move to the end.

11:23 - Break time, please? [SeungKwan’s Turn] I’ll let you rest for real.

11:26 - We jumped around too much. Please let’s take a break.

11:36 - [That pose looks familiar] [The 13 conches] Ooh, the reverb here is great.

11:56 - [The place great for singing] [13G wi-fi] [Need more of Kim Kyung Ho] [The vocal training ends] [Boogie Training] [The important daily routine] The pressure is getting on him.

12:30 - [Busted] The pressure starting to weigh on you, right? [Shrimp Cracker] [Using a hack] [13 chipmunks] [Pressured] [That’s how they play at home] [The characteristics of the main body: It never gets tired] Are you ready? [He is talking to his shadows at home alone] Do it in a straight line, okay? [Tries the hula hoop] [Pressured] [He is pressured alone] This isn’t good.

13:25 - [Put your hands up] [The what’s going on in their head] Let us get some cool air, too.

13:30 - Let us get some cool air, too, he says. Why is it even wearing me out? No wonder our house is in mess.

13:39 - There’s no pressure on me to make people laugh, [Occupational hazard] so why am I doing this? You can even sit down. Don’t stand.

13:44 - You’re the last person I want to hear that.

13:46 - [The concept here is to act as if you’re home alone] I keep hearing weird noises.

13:48 - [The next target] [Stretching] Right away. x4 Do it right away.

13:56 - [They are not bowing] That’s too easy.

13:59 - I never knew this would be so sweaty. Oh dear.

14:04 - [Happy Lunar New Year] [Where’s new year’s pocket money?] Today’s feature is just somewhat off.

14:13 - [Dispose your wrong thoughts] [Exhausted] [Origami (Colorful)] [Matching colors] What is he making? [Paper airplane] [A lot different from expectation] [SeungKwan’s turn is over] [Pressured] Okay! [Vernon’s Turn] - Vernon, Vernon! - Go right away! - Can’t we take a break? - No, we’re going right in.

14:43 - Do we have zero break? This is almost like field training.

14:47 - When it is my turn, I don’t want to rest. - Aerobic exercise, eh? - Alright, copycat mode on! Sheesh, let’s take a break.

14:52 - [The characteristics of the main body: It never takes a break] I wanna play with the hula hoop.

14:53 - Do you get responsible when you go up front? I will do what SeungKwan failed to do just now.

14:57 - Do it in line. We can do it. x2 [Hula hoop challenge] - We can do it. - Get ready. Get into a straight line.

15:01 - One, two. Let’s do this! We can do it! [Failed] We can… Argh! We can…

15:08 - [Shouts] Argh! Why are you mad at everything these days? [Looks away] Why are you mad at everything these days? Why are you mimicking S. COUPS? Why are you mimicking me? [Honest] I was just scared.

15:16 - Copying the shadow? [We are not sponsored] [Here’s one, too] [Preparing yoga] [Cat pose] [Sick and tired of cat pose] If you keep doing that in front, your vengeance is near.

15:40 - Do we have to do it? [It will be more entertaining if you mimic along. ] What is he doing? I can’t see.

15:52 - I can’t see. Just mimic the person in front of you.

15:57 - What is he doing? I don’t know. I think he’s just doing the yoga stuff while watching the video.

16:04 - Isn’t this wrong? This was a bad idea. .

16:07 - [Wrong decision is strictly CUT] Now we are going to touch the edge of our feet while lying down.

16:08 - Now we are going to touch the edge of our feet while lying down.

16:10 - Lie down and do what with our feet? [Lie down and just touch the edge of your feet] I can’t.

16:17 - I can’t touch it~! [Yoga Class] This episode. .

16:23 - [The root of the question] Will this be funny enough? [Awake] Hey, he got up! x4 Got up? x2 Got up? x2 When did he get up? Spread your legs and bend over.

16:33 - Spread your legs and bend over. What’s wrong with him? You must take a break when it’s your time, okay? You must take a break when it’s your time.

16:43 - [Can’t hear the shadows talking] Let’s just all take a break.

16:44 - [There’s this kind of fun, too] Taking a break doesn’t mean it is not fun.

16:46 - The guys in the back shouldn’t say something like, “taking a break doesn’t mean it’s not fun. ” What’s this? It’s called a horse posture.

16:52 - I never thought this will turn out to be something sweaty.

16:53 - - What kind of horse does that? - Horse posture.

16:55 - That’s why we’re dressed so comfortably, yeah? [One of a kind horse] Who does this at home? We all just watch YouTube. .

17:00 - [Fact attack CUT] We need someone to save us by just taking a break.

17:02 - This is harder than the music shows. [The good shadow] Hurry up and follow, focus, guys.

17:08 - Stop all this, let’s go and do something else! Stop! [Shadows’ complaints exploded] [Likes stretching] Don’t say that to our main body.

17:18 - [Vernon’s turn is over] Ah okay! He was the worst.

17:20 - [Dino TIME] Hey, Dino let’s take a break! x2 Take a break. x2 Mr. Dino! [AWOL] I’m going to get some coffee before we synchronize.

17:24 - [Feels bad] - Ah what? - We are already synchronized, what are you guys doing? Come here, shadow! Shadow! [Blaming SeungKwan for everything] - You need to be more modest. - The video is rolling, what are you doing, SeungKwan? Shadows can’t think.

17:33 - Let’s sit over there. Ah, this is it! x2 Sit in one row.

17:37 - Sit in a row. [Everyone follows] [Trying to have a conversation] Isn’t this how a main body should act? What is he talking to us though? Can you see us? [Out of nowhere] [In mess] [Excited] - It needs to go in order. . - In order.

17:59 - But do we have to do this. . This is so tough.

18:04 - This is the toughest episode, excluding the one where we had to catch mice.

18:07 - This is exhausting. This is it. [Doesn’t care if you are exhausted] [Reliable eldest member] You don’t need to sing. Don’t sing.

18:16 - We are shadows. The possibility of this coming out as a soundtrack is ZERO~ [Stop] [Determined eyes] [Sev-bots] [Chronic disease with the main body] [Please] If you guys are like this. .

18:42 - [Holding a grudge] - Hey, does he know how to read the air? - This is exhausting.

18:44 - [Ran out of things to do] [Thinking] There should be nothing to do now.

18:48 - [Nope?] I wasn’t able to exercise after our comeback but I am doing all that here.

18:59 - If everyone at the front doesn’t rest neither will I.

19:01 - Let’s cool down while going in circles. [First break] [Taking a look outside] Ah~ [Going for a walk] Put hands behind your backs x2 [Meaningless gesture] [Anxious atmosphere] Dino, don’t feel pressured. x2, It’s all right.

19:26 - I am not. Be comfortable, everyone.

19:28 - Jeonghan is tired. [Shadows talk] Can we just sit since we don’t have anything to do? [Horror movie] - Shadow! - Yes! Stay behaved.

19:36 - I’m craving for some instant noodles. [Here we go again] We need to follow that.

19:44 - Did he tuck his shirt in? No, I mean his hand? Dino, let’s lie down. x2 Let’s just lie down.

19:49 - I’m so curious what S. COUPS will do. S. COUPS, bring a KartRider, let’s all. .

19:52 - [Solemn] Follow. x3 But we also need some breaks.

19:55 - He said follow. x2 Shadow. x2 We can still talk to each other.

19:59 - I am looking that way right now. To follow what you’re doing, we need to look at you.

20:03 - I’m going to stay still like this. [Nunchi game] Why is SeungKwan making that hand gesture? What’s he doing with his hand? I didn’t know since I was looking this way.

20:15 - [Dino’s turn is over] Okay, let take a break.

20:16 - Follow me. [S. COUPS TIME] [Wrong order] Dino, you need to go to the back.

20:20 - - Oh, the back? - Ramyun. x4 Ramyun. x4 Ramyun sounds good. x2 [Spills] Hey!! [Excited to finally eat something] Everyone wants a break but no one actually does it.

20:30 - You started it. This is scary. x2 Follow his hand. x3 [Mimes] Hey, we are shadows. x2 You need to push it down.

20:36 - There isn’t anything. Aren’t you guys not suppose to talk? He’s friendly to his shadow.

20:41 - Why isn’t this working? Best friends.

20:43 - [Gives up the Ramyun] Hey, let’s take a break.

20:44 - Making ramyun was a great idea. [Shrimp crackers] Follow him. x5 Why wasn’t that working, though? [1 day 0 cracker] [Can’t stop my hands] [Spicy shrimp crackers] DK’s got a burning hand.

21:03 - I’m looking that way. [Sharp] Bro, you are looking forward though from your position.

21:07 - Hey, we are merely shadows. We can’t talk with the main body.

21:09 - [Try hard CUT] How about talking to myself. .

21:10 - - The main body can’t hear what we say? - He can’t hear us.

21:12 - Even what he says… [Content analysis in the middle of shooting] We don’t exist right now.

21:14 - - Oh, I see. - He’s home alone right now. [Finally understands the concept in 30 minutes of shooting] He is alone in this house.

21:18 - So why don’t you copy what I do? No, like, why do we not copy him? [They are copying] [Dazedly eating] He eats chips really quickly.

21:30 - [The shadows’ analysis on the main body] He puts it in quickly, but his mouth moves slowly.

21:33 - It seems like he’s chewing only with his right teeth.

21:34 - [Provoking] His mouth is like the mouth of a camel.

21:37 - [Angry] He can’t hear. x3 [The main body isn’t supposed be hearing that] He can’t hear us. x3 He’s just looking at the empty space over there.

21:44 - [2nd attempt at provoking] The detox that he did is gonna be useless.

21:46 - [He really is angry] He’s looking over there.

21:48 - - The main body cannot hear the shadows at all. - That’s correct.

21:51 - [He really is glaring at them] It seems like he’s staring at us, [He really can see them] but he can’t see us at all.

21:54 - [He really is scared] - I’m not scared at all, but I’m scared. - He can’t see us at all! He is scary. .

22:01 - There’s nothing to do. - You can just sit down. - Let’s lie down and put arms around each other’s shoulders.

22:05 - I feel like THE 8 is doing the best out of us all.

22:06 - [A new try] [How a camel drinks water] [Push-ups] Why are you doing something that you normally don’t do? [A bulldozer in the way] [Warm leader] Guys, we don’t exist.

22:32 - Copy his arm movements. x2 I feel like S. COUPS is looking at me, I’m scared.

22:36 - Come to the back! To the back. [Resting] Stop moving around! [Goggling his eyes] Hey, I didn’t move around much! We shadows must be really tired.

22:49 - [I don’t care] I’m so tired. . I don’t know what the heck we are doing.

22:54 - Ugh, S. COUPS… Why does he annoy other people? [The type that annoys other people] [S. COUPS’s time is over] Put your phone back over there.

23:08 - [Jeonghan’s TIME] I think that - Jeonghan is gonna show what “rest” is. - Bro, are you gonna rest? [Exhausted] Okay, we’re resting.

23:14 - Let’s rest. x3 We have to copy Jeonghan.

23:19 - Gosh, why is there so much trash? [Clenching his teeth] Why is there so much trash? Why is there so much trash? [His inmost thought] You trash! Jeonghan is a genius.

23:26 - Ugh, why is there so much trash? Why did the trash get so big? Why is there so much trash? Why isn’t anyone cleaning this place up? You trash! [A trash] [comes back] That main body is really violent.

23:42 - [Preparing something] He’s doing something weird.

23:44 - [Excited] Yoon Jeonghan is doing something weird.

23:45 - - What are you gonna do? - It’s so hot here.

23:47 - Why is this house so dry? [Done throwing the baits (actual thing)] I should spray some water.

23:56 - [Waterpark is open!] I should spray some water.

24:00 - All the shadows should form an alliance. Only Joshua needs to do that.

24:04 - Let’s make a team and only make Joshua do that.

24:07 - It’s Joshua’s fault that he’s there. We can’t touch the stuff there.

24:11 - Joshua. [Mad] I think it’s still dry. .

24:16 - I should spray some more water. Oh, what was that? [Water theme park is open for the second time!] [Cool] He’s a genius! He’s so funny! I want to. .

24:34 - My socks are wet~ Joshua! [Exposed to water] Joshua. . ! And he’s still copying Jeonghan.

24:42 - [A monster created by variety shows] The variety show material. x3 Look at Jeonghan’s hand carefully. x2 We need to copy what he does right away.

24:49 - Let’s get some rest. When Jeonghan’s turn finishes, he might go to the very back and revenge. .

24:53 - We have to see him. x3 [Dazedly eating] Why don’t you share it with the people next to you? Make yourself at home.

25:04 - Joshua. . [He’s not an A. I. ] Joshua. .

25:09 - Our legs are in sync. I didn’t think the main body would spray water like that.

25:14 - But he did make it fun. [He was born with those talents] He must be a genius.

25:18 - He’s the best in those fields. A tall man.

25:21 - SEVENTEEN’s Loki. I’m thirsty. You’re thirsty? No! [Thinking] [Not my business] - It’d be so fun if he does it again. - For real.

25:39 - It’d be so fun. [The calm before the storm] I should spray it farther away! I should spray it farther away! [Jeonghan’s turn is over] [Joshua’s TIME] - It’s Joshua. - You said you were gonna rest! [39 minutes remaining] Our main body is a mess.

26:12 - I’ll go. I can’t go over twice. I did it three times.

26:19 - Three times? Okay. That was just a practice.

26:25 - - You have slow reflexes, don’t you? - I was just practicing.

26:27 - 1 2 3 4.