Innovation Zones at ASU - (60 sec)

Jan 10, 2020 18:42 · 167 words · 1 minute read thoughtful human interaction asu factor

[upbeat music] NARRATOR: It’s a big idea to create robust business ecosystems throughout one of the largest cities in the US, that not only drive your success, but also lets you tap into the ASU factor, world class research, innovation, and impact. We’ve built an entirely new kind of university, scalable, flexible, high-speed, adaptable, technologically enriched and empowered. We went ahead and built four academic campuses and then we built six innovation zones, six places where you can come, you can locate, your company can expand. NARRATOR: These innovation zones foster the collaborative culture so necessary in today’s global environment and generates healthy social impacts, whether through tech transfer, new research, or thoughtful human interaction. So, imagine the university that you wished you had, that you could work with, we are that university and we have a place to co-locate, a place to advance your enterprises, advance your innovation activities, concentrate your activities and make these things happen. We’re ready to talk, let us know, thanks. .