Introduction to Git - Core Concepts

Sep 16, 2017 22:15 · 3848 words · 19 minute read

Hello, I’m David Mahler, and this is an introduction to Git. Utilize two basic diagrams to help our understanding of what is happening when we run git commands. The diagrams are the git commit graph and the three conceptual areas for files in git. We will create a git repository and run some core commands. We will map all those commands to our two diagrams to help our understanding.

00:35 - The next two videos I put out will cover branching and merging and working with remote reposistories. That will make branching and remote repositories much easier to understand. has been made available for free under a creative commons license. Lodato This site maps the most common git commands to diagrams just like I’ll do in this video. Let’s get started now, by defining git.

01:16 - What is Git? Git is a type of version control system. A Version control system (VCS) enables you to record changes to files over time. These files could be device configs, software code, documentation, anything really. However, git works especially well with text files. you’ve made Work on multiple versions of a file in parallel.

01:50 - For example, perhaps you are adding new features to some code. code. are ready to merge your new changes into the production version. Now before we dive into a real repository, let’s cover two core concepts via diagrams. The git commit graph and the three conceptual areas of a git project.

02:18 - The git commit graph Git tracks changes to files over time. It does this by enabling you to take snapshots of files at any time. These snapshots are called commits. We can represent these commits with a basic graph. a repo. We start with a standard directory on our filesystem. Once we have git installed, we can turn this directory into a git repo. Starting the repo is done with the git init command. Let’s say we add two files to our directory, F1 and F2. After adding these new files, we decide to take our first snapshot or git commit. The commit is represented by this oval here.

03:01 - Now that we have our first snapshot, we can always go back to this point, to how these files looked when we took the snapshot. You might think of this a little bit like saving your place in a video game. Let’s say we edit F1. Maybe we add some new lines to it. After our edits, we can capture our new changes to F1 with a second commit. So we have two commits in our commit history now. Our first commit has F1 and F2 as they were when we first created them. Our second commit has the updated version of F1. The second commit also has F2, but it hasn’t changed since the first commit. F2. Now we have built up a history of 3 commits. We are currently here at our 3rd commit. At this commit, we have F1 in its updated state, the same way it was in our 2nd commit. Also, we no longer have F2. On our filesystem, we will see F1. We won’t see F2 since we removed it.

04:00 - Since we have snapshots, we can restore earlier versions of files. For example, let’s say we decide we want F2 back. We can retrieve it from the 2nd commit here. In git parlance, we would checkout F2 from this commit. In the same vein, maybe we decide we want F1 back the way it was here at our first commit. the edits we made here at the second commit. Something else that is important to note. Every commit is logged by git. git will log who made changes and when. You can image how useful this can be on a large project with many contributers. Thats it for a quick first look at the commit graph. As we work on our project, we change files. When we are ready, we make a commit or take a snapshot of files. A commit saves the state of the files at a particular point in time.

04:51 - Usually, we make a commit when a logical unit of work is done. For example, when we add a new feature. We may commit all changes related to that feature in a single commit. Now, let’s start talking about the three conceptual areas of a git repo. the staging area, and the git history. The working tree is what we see on our filesystem.

05:18 - When we add, delete, and edit files, we do that in the working tree. The git history is equivalent to the commit graph we just saw. This history is kept in a hidden directory dot git. The dot git directory holds an object database and metadata that makes up our repo. complete git project, and it’s full history. They would have access to all the versions of files in any commits we made. As we are working on our project, we make changes in the working tree. We add, remove, and edit files in the working tree. commit. For example, maybe we edited three files. commit.

06:06 - The way we get this control is through the staging area. We would add the two files we want to the staging area. When our staging area is right, we make a commit. Only the changes in the staging area are put into the next commit. The file we left out can be included in a future commit. The staging area is also known as the index. For consistency, in these git videos, I’ll stick with calling this the staging area. Thats a overview of our two diagrams. Let’s get started with our own git project. These diagrams should start making more sense as we work through a real repo. On my system, I’m using a Linux Ubuntu VM. To install git, I ran “sudo apt-get install git.

” 06:50 - For other systems, please search online for git installation documentation. We start with a standard directory on our filesystem. I’ll create a directory on my filesystem. with YAML based text files in it. Keep in mind the type of project I make is not relevant for the purposes of the video. in that directory.

07:19 - Now let’s move into the new directory and add a file named S1. I’ll use vi, but you can use any text editor you prefer. S1. assigned VLAN numbers. Let’s save that data and exit. Now we have a single file S1 in our new directory netauto. We can make this directory hold a git project with the git init command. After running this command, we get back a message. With the git init command, git added a new hidden subdirectory,.git into the netauto directory. Let’s look at our three conceptual areas diagram to visualize what we’ve done. We created a directory named netauto on our filesystem.

08:17 - That directory is now our git repo’s working tree. The working tree is where we add, remove, and edit files for our project. The working tree has our first file S1 in it. Next, we ran the git init command. That command created a.git subdirectory in our netauto directory. As we discussed before, this dot git directory is what holds our repo. but we will soon.

08:45 - Before we get on with our first commit, we have a quick administrative task. name, email and a timestamp with the commit. This is important for tracking when changes where made to a project and who made them. First, we will set our name. Then we will set our email with. git config –list shows us our name and email are set. for any git repo we have on this system. So we shouldn’t have to do this again.

09:37 - If you happen to need a different name and email for a particular repo, you can use the –local flag instead of –global. Now that we’ve set our name and email, let’s make our first commit. In our working tree, we have the new file S1. Git will call S1 “untracked” since it is a new file. Remember, git tracks changes to files over time. Git isn’t doing any tracking for S1 just yet. However, it will once we add S1 to our staging area. Before we stage S1, let’s run the git status command. First, we see that we are on the master branch. We will talk about branching in the next video. We are about to make our initial commit.

10:32 - Git status tells us we have an untracked file S1. It also tells us how to get S1 into the staging area. We stage S1 with the git add command. into tracked files. Let’s run git add now. Let’s run git status again. When we ran git add S1, that moved S1 into the staging area. Git status expresses this by saying we have “changes to be commited”. In the staging area, we have our “new file: S1”. Also, note that git status no longer says that S1 is untracked like it did before. Now, git is tracking S1. . The git commit command creates a commit with whatever is in the staging area. For us, it’s just S1. Also, we used the dash m option.

11:33 - With dash m we provide a short message describing what is being changed. We now have the first commit for our project with the single file S1. Let’s take a look at the three areas diagram again to review what we’ve accomplished. Previously, we made our netauto directory - this is our working tree. In this directory, we put the file S1. We used the git add command to put S1 into the staging area. Finally, we created our first commit with the git commit command. Let’s go back to the CLI and see what says now. Git says we have “nothing to commit, working tree clean”. Nothing to commit means everything in our staging area is already commited. Working tree clean means there is nothing new in our netauto directory.

12:24 - Everything that’s in the netauto directory we have put into a commit. At the moment this is only the S1 file. If we look back at the output from running git commit, we also see part of a hash. Git performs a SHA-1 hash of every commit that’s made. It takes in the directories, files, and some metadata to create this hash. Every commit we make has a unique hash value. What we see here is the first 7 hexidecimal characters of a 40 character hash. Let’s check in with our commit graph. We have a single commit so far. It has a unique SHA-1 hash with the first 7 characters of that hash shown here. The commit has our name, email, a timestamp and our commit message. Let’s see how to get this same information at the CLI. At the CLI, the command tells us about our commit graph.

13:17 - The output shows that we have a single commit. First, we see the full 40 hexidecimal character hash. Then we see the author name and email. Finally, we see the message we provided. Let’s build on this by working with a 2nd file S2. Making our second commit In our working tree, we can make a file S2. We can just copy S1 Let’s edit S2 so that it’s not the same as S1.

13:44 - I’ll give S2 a new IP address and I’ll make some changes to what VLANs are on what switch ports We can add VLAN 20 to port 1, and we can remove VLAN 20 from port 3. Let’s also edit S1. We can add a 3rd VLAN green with VLAN id 30. Also, we can put port 1 in the new VLAN and save that. Let’s check in with our three areas diagram. In our working tree, we have a new file S2. Since it is new, it starts as untracked. We also modified S1. S1 is being tracked since we previously commited it. Our staging area has not changed yet. It still has S1 the way it was before our new edits.

14:36 - Also, S2 is not present in the staging area yet. If we run git status , this confirms the same. S1 is modified, but not staged. S2 is a new untracked file. Back to our diagram. staging area. We can see this by using the git diff command. Here is git diff. We see how we’ve updated the file S1. We added the green VLAN, and we moved port 1 from VLAN 10 to VLAN 30.

15:13 - Note how git diff is not saying anything about the new file S2. That is because S2 it is not tracked yet. staging area. Let’s stage S1 and S2. One option is to run git add S1 S2. Instead of that, let’s do git add. The dot means to add all new and modified files to our staging area. So that will add both S1 and S2. We also could have run git add S* for the same effect using a wildcard. If we run git status, we see S1 and S2 are now both in the staging area. A quick check of our diagram shows this.

16:00 - Now our working tree and our staging area match, they both have the modified S1 file and the new S2 file. in the working tree and the staging area. area and our most recent commit. In other words, it shows us what we are about to commit. Back at the CLI let’s run git diff –staged. In the output, we see our changes to S1, and we see all the lines for the new file S2. This looks good, so let’s commit these changes now. git commit -m “add S2 and edit S1”. We’ve made our 2nd commit. We get a unique hash for the 2nd commit. Let’s look at our commit graph. We created our git repo with git init. We added S1 and made our first commit. We added S2 and edited S1 and made our second commit. At the shell git log shows the same thing. Our most recent commit is at the top. Our first commit is below that. If we add the -p option to git log, we can see what actually changed with each commit. Let’s now look at a quick way to remove a file from our repo.

17:32 - Remove a file Probably, the easiest way to remove a file is to use the git rm command. We can remove S2 with git rm S2. The git rm command did two things at once. It removed S2 from our working tree. It also staged this removal. Therefore S2 is removed from the staging area as well. At the CLI git status shows the same, we have a staged removal of S2. We can commit this removal of S2. Again, we use git commit to make a commit. This time we will leave off the dash m option. When you leave off the dash m option, you are taken to your default file editor. For me, this is nano.

18:18 - From here, we can make a more detailed multiline commit message than we would have done with the dash m option. Let’s do that. Below our message is some info from git. Finally, it tells us what branch we are on and what we are about to commit. I’ll save this file and exit. We have completed our 3rd commit. Checking our commit graph, we see the new 3rd commit with S2 removed. Flipping back to the CLI, git log shows the 3 commits.

19:04 - We can see in our most recent commit, that we have a multiline commit message. We were able to do this since we left off the dash m option with the git commit command. Now that we’ve built up a short git history let’s see how to undo some changes. Let’s start by making a change to S1 again. . We can add a bogus VLAN, ‘badvlan’ with id number zero. We will save that change. Looking at our 3 area diagram, we see S1 has changed in the working tree. However, it hasn’t been updated in the staging area yet. We didn’t stage this bad config. version of S1 that is still in the staging area. Effectively, we would be discarding the new working tree changes. At the CLI let’s check git diff. Again, git diff shows the diff between the working tree and the staging area. So we see the new ‘badvlan’. git status shows S1 is modified but not staged.

20:14 - In the output of git status, git tells us how to undo the modification. git checkout – S1. Now, S1 is back to how it was before we added badvlan. git diff returns nothing since our working tree and staging area match. git status shows our modifications are no longer there, our working tree is clean. Finally, more s1 proves we have in fact discarded the badvlan change. Keep in mind; we can’t recover the changes.

20:46 - We never commited ‘badvlan’, so it doesn’t exist in git history, and it’s not coming back That’s how to undo a working tree change. Let’s see how to unstage a file. Undo staging of files. Let’s edit S1 and stage the change. We will put port 1 in the red VLAN instead of green. We save that and exit. git diff shows our changes. Our working tree and staging area match. However, our last commit doesn’t have the new snapshot of S1 yet. So we can use the dash dash staged option with git diff.

21:34 - git diff –staged This shows the diff between the staging area and our most recent commit. git status shows S1’s newest changes are staged and ready to be commited. In our diagram, we see we the modified S1 in the working tree. We added it to the staging area with git add S1. latest commit. Now we can unstage S1. We do this with the git reset command. More specifically git reset HEAD S1. This will restore S1 from the lastest commit. The term HEAD in this context refers to the most recent commit. We will talk more about HEAD in the next video on branching and merging. Back at the CLI. git rest HEAD S1 We’ve unstaged S1. Keep in mind we only restored S1 in the staging area. Our working tree still has the new version of S1. git status confirms this.

22:42 - We have the modified S1, and it is not staged. We can also restore the working tree now with git checkout –S1. Now let’s look at one more undo action. Earlier we deleted the file S2. Let’s recover S2 from a prior commit. S2 isn’t in our working tree anymore, and it’s not in our staging area. We deleted S2 after our 2nd commit. Let’s get S2 back from this commit, before it was deleted. With we can see commits that affect the file S2.

23:24 - From our commit messages we see where we added S2, it was our second commit here. Let’s get S2 back from that snapshot. We are checking out S2 from the commit that starts with these five characters. ls shows we have S2 back now. as well. Let’s go ahead and commit this. Checking our 3 area diagram. We retrieved the file S2 from the 2nd commit in our git history.

24:11 - We put it in both the working tree and the staging area with the git checkout – S2 command. Finally, we commited the restore of S2 with the standard git commit command. OK, before we conclude this video, let’s wrap up by talking about the dot gitignore file. .gitignore Often in a Git project, there are files you don’t need Git to track. Some examples could be log files, compiled code, or other non critical artifacts. Let’s put a couple of files like this in our working tree. We can make a file myapp.pyc here. Also, let’s create a logs directory. In the logs directory, we can put a couple of log files. Now shows the pyc file and the new logs directory as untracked files. First the compiled file. We can put the whole file name here like this myapp.pyc. Instead, of that let’s use a wildcard.

25:18 - We know we don’t want any file with the pyc extension tracked, so we can use asterisk dot pyc. like this. Let’s save that and exit now. Running git status again, we see neither myapp.pyc or our logs files are showing up. We do have the.gitignore file which we need to commit to our repo like any other file. git add. and git commit -m “add.gitignore file” So that’s last topic I wanted to cover in this git core concepts video.

26:04 - Wrap up and review Let’s wrap up here by doing a quick high-level review of what we accomplished through one final look at our diagrams. The git commit graph shows our history of commits. Our first commit was here at the bottom when we added S1. Our last commit was a moment ago when we added the gitignore file. Every commit has a unique 40 character sha-1 hash. They also have a timestamp, our commit messages and our name and email associated with them. Using the git log command, we can see the git history from the CLI. Here is the 3 conceptual areas diagram. This does not include the.git subdirectory. We make our changes in the working tree. When we are ready, we stage the changes we want in our next commit. That is done with the “git add” command. command to make a commit.

27:08 - Right now our working tree, staging area, and our latest commit all match up so we are in a clean state. We saw how to overwrite an unstaged working tree change. That was with the git checkout – filename command. We saw how to unstage a snapshot with the git reset HEAD command. We also saw how we can remove a file from our repo with the git rm command. Finally, we had a quick look at how we can use the gitignore file. The hidden gitignore file enables us to disregard files we don’t want to be tracked in our repo. OK, that wraps up this video on git core topics. After that, I will have a video on working with remote repositories. rebasing, and cherry-picking.

28:13 - THATS IT I hope you found this video helpful for your work. If you’d like to support this page, please subscribe for more content like this. Also, as always you can connect with me and say hello on LinkedIn at question to the best of my knowledge. Thanks for watching! .