Израиль. Святая Земля. С Новым 2021 Годом! Новогодний выпуск. Holy Land. Happy New Year 2021
Dec 30, 2020 17:34 · 2850 words · 14 minute read
Happy New Year 2021! Art group West and East Pavel and Larisa Platonov New Year’s release Video, music and performance Art group West and East Pavel and Larisa Platonov Jerusalem, December 30, 2020 Good afternoon, dear friends! Pavel and Larisa Platonov are with you. Greetings to everyone from the Judean Desert, where you can find such wonderful pine trees. The pine tree perfectly withstands our most difficult conditions. Such a rocky ground and an unusually high temperature. And this is the first tree that began to be planted in Israel as part of the transformation, return of the Holy Land and its Biblical appearance at the beginning of the 20th century.
01:10 - But today is winter and the temperature is not so high. Only + 18 degrees Celsius. And you can even find mushrooms near these pines. See how they knock out of the stones. And so I will raise, they are right under the stone. Look here he was pressed by a stone and now I got out, in principle, a mushroom. It is similar to the mushrooms known in Russia as boletus. Mushrooms are harvested here in winter, when the rains have passed and the sun appears. Those familiar with the mushroom culture, especially those from the former Soviet Union, walk through the forests here around Jerusalem and in the Galilee. where there are forests and mushrooms are gathered And here is another one, too, knocks right out from under the stone. Now we will clear the path for him. And just the same mushroom mood. Maybe let’s go pick mushrooms today. And yesterday we went to the beautiful city of Jaffa for New Year’s mood. And I must say he amazed us with his people.
03:29 - But look what an interesting plant right with New Year’s flowers and also looks like a Christmas tree and it is called callistemon. Look what interesting brushes he has, just like brushes from a bottle. For the New Year we buy several multi-colored cyclamens. And until the beginning of April they delight us with their colors. This flower brings a lot of positive energy into the house. This year I put one flower inside the house. But the cat immediately began to nibble on his flowers. Speaking of cats. The theme of a cat and a tree is inexhaustible. Alice - this is the name of our cat shows an active interest in a new object in the house, which has so many attractive and forbidden things. But she is cunning and hooligan only when no one sees her.
06:09 - The main role is played by the cat Alice Meow… And this is our home Christmas tree, it is, of course, artificial, like all the others that we have been dressing up in Israel for 23 years. When I was a girl and I could not buy a real live pine tree, I was very upset when I had to dress up an artificial one. Or perhaps, if I knew that in the 19th century an artificial tree was particularly chic and very expensive, maybe my grief would not have been so strong. The other day when we walked in the city of Jaffa.
We specially came to see the Jaffa artificial tree. That phrase: “Yes… This is not Rio de Janeiro”, just did not go out of my head. And what did you remember Ostap Bender? Yes, not Ostap, I remembered different trees in the world, and a tree that floats in the lake in Rio. And what is this tree so famous for? Well, firstly, it is floating, tall, its height is 85 meters and very heavy, weighing 530 tons. Wow… Do you know any very, very Christmas trees? Well… I know a couple of the weirdest trees.
07:23 - For example? Well, for example, a one-hundred-kilogram Christmas tree made of potatoes, which was made by students from Peru. And also a Christmas tree, consisting of shopping carts, as many as 86 pieces. Wow!! This is great !!! And I know about the largest Christmas tree in the world. Its size reaches several football fields. Come on. What kind of tree is this? Can not be! There is one. True, if the word tree is not taken literally. This is an installation in the form of a Christmas tree, and it stretches along the slope of one of the mountains in Italy from the foot to its top.
08:01 - And at the peak of the star is the Basilica of St. Ubaldo. It can be seen at a distance of 50 kilometers. And I know about the most golden tree in the world. It was installed in a jewelry store in Tokyo 10 years ago. And it went to a tree, a little more than 2. 5 meters high, do you know how much gold? As much as 43 kilograms! I heard about this tree. Her jewelry theme was Disney World. And the heroes of Disney cartoons served as decorations. But do you know this golden tree was not left alone? 5 years later, another golden Christmas tree was installed in the same store for the 90th anniversary of the brand. This time, though, having spent only 19 kilograms of gold. The jewelers were greedy. Probably… The store manager said: “We hope this tree sweeps away all the sad news and gives hope for a happy future.
” 09:00 - And these are probably the most expensive trees? Ahh… Of course not. You know that in 2010, in one of the hotels in Abu Dhabi, they put up a Christmas tree worth 11 million dollars. Wow…. And she held the championship for 10 years, until last year she was outdone by a Spanish beauty. Like this? It was worth $ 16 million. And these trees are they made of diamonds? Nearly. Jewelry and gems drove the price tag almost to insanity. A Christmas tree in Abu Dhabi was decorated with diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, as well as precious jewelry and exclusive watches. And on the Spanish beauty there were pink and red diamonds of very large sizes and fabulous prices. And in a small designer purse hid an exclusive watch, one of the 5 existing in the world HUBLOT BIG BEN. The Christmas tree was decorated with Designer toys made of gilded ostrich eggs and sputtered with diamonds.
10:08 - For the manufacture of toys was invited - a very extravagant, fashionable and expensive designer from England - Debbie Wingham. She worked on these toys for a month. She was also helped by jewelry houses: Chanel, Louis Vuaton, Bulgari, Cartier. They provided their jewelry. So precious jewelry, natural furs and ostrich eggs were used for designer toys. This tree was also decorated with other, more traditional toys: fairies, balls of gold and silver, filled with all kinds of sweets, precious key chains. Not without the Swarovski stones. The good news is that such huge investments have not been thrown to the wind.
11:00 - Millionaires found their customers for all these products. Listen, we have a Santa Claus-toy for 2.5 million, from the time when we were millionaires. Well, in the crazy 90s in Ukraine, everyone was millionaires. Unfortunately, we are not alone. Did you know that Jerusalem has its own Santa Claus. And in the old city he has his own residence, open on New Year’s and Christmas days. And this year it turned out to be very original. And our Ministry of Tourism helped him to be original. What are you? So, what is next? He went to the Dead Sea. And what was he doing at the Dead Sea? Explain to me? The same thing that all Santa Claus do. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And to the Salt Island, he was delivered by a catamaran. And this island was very much like a snowy one. An incredible story. Like this.
11:57 - In the old city of Jerusalem lives coach, basketball player Isa Anis Kasidi. But on Christmas days, he turns into Jerusalem Santa Claus. And he has every right to do so. Ten years ago, he studied at the Santa Claus Special School in Denver in the USA, and received a license there, but did not stop there and improved his qualifications at the world’s oldest Santa School in Michigan. This is our Jerusalem Santa Claus. But this Jaffa Santa looks like no license at all. Doesn’t even know that Santa’s cigarette is forbidden. Santa is a poor student.
12:52 - Probably, there are no longer those who remember how our beloved Santa Claus, like the Christmas tree , was persecuted during the anti-religious campaign. In 1927, one of the songbooks printed “A Christmas Song of the Pioneers”. Let us read you a few phrases of this dialogue between Soviet children and Santa Claus. - Christmas grandfather with a bag, you were once honored! And now all the guys will meet you with a laugh! - I have always loved children and gave them books. For me, good children. - Children you rubbed glasses, Talking about God.
Only we are not fools - Out of our way! 13:36 - We drive everything divine out tirelessly, it is dearer to us than the idle ringing, the rumble of a drum!.. - What are these impudent words? Wild your clicks. On the day of Christ’s Nativity. This is a great sin! - Yours are disgusting to us, your grandfather, Fairy tales and jokes. There are no simpletons between us - You can’t cheat! Dudki! To what level of absurdity it was possible to reach, agree? But still, Father Frost was returned to the first Soviet Christmas tree in 1937. The image of Santa Claus in a high hat, with a staff in his hand and with a long fur coat, was performed by the then famous entertainer - Mikhail Garkavi.
14:18 - It was he who initiated the tradition of celebrating the New Year with champagne. These were the first bottles of Soviet champagne. Again, a little history. In 1936, on the initiative of Stalin, a decree was adopted “On the production of Soviet champagne, dessert and table wines.” During these years, they began to introduce bourgeois habits, recently despised by all. “Champagne is a sign of material well-being, a sign of prosperity. “ The long and expensive method of aging champagne - Champanoise, was not suitable for the USSR. It was necessary to invent a way through which this drink would be available to everyone and everyone. And thanks to a champagne chemist with pre-revolutionary experience, Professor Frolov-Bagreev, such a method appeared. The debut of “Soviet Champagne” took place on January 1, 1937, when at the festive reception of the Stakhanovites in the Kremlin, the host Mikhail Garkavi , already known to us, in the guise of Santa Claus, drained a glass of Soviet sparkling wine to the chimes. Once the leader of all nations, Stalin, decided to personally taste the champagne.
15:33 - And he didn’t like the sour taste of the brut at all. This became known at the plant. And Sparkling was immediately sweetened. Thus, a new taste appeared - “semi-sweet”. The plant received a state award. According to one legend, in 1945, Stalin personally instructed the Soviet people to drink only champagne on Victory Day. Nobody knows for certain whether such an order was given, but the holiday was indeed celebrated with “Soviet Champagne”. Champagne has become one of the propaganda elements in front of the Western world.
16:12 - The country’s leadership decided to show everyone that life in the Soviet Union is getting better and everyone has access to: sparkling wine, chocolate, wine and caviar. Dear friends, a very difficult and one might even say a difficult year 2020 is coming to an end, a year of trials, temptations and losses. I would like the next year to be kinder and happier. But still, we want to be fair for the outgoing year, because thanks to unemployment and the free time that has appeared, we have paid a lot of attention to our channel. We are infinitely grateful to those who were with us all this difficult time, supported us with their likes, kind comments and wishes! We are grateful to those who subscribed to our channel, thereby becoming our sponsor.
17:01 - Since December last year, the number of our subscribers has grown 10 times and has already crossed the seven thousandth mark. Many thanks to all! We hope that the New Year will be more supportive and generous with joy. We will also delight you with new films, music and songs! Thank God for everything! Be healthy, happy and prosperous. But for the New Year they give gifts. And our gift is musical. It’s true, not a debut. We have put together just a few songs from our reports. These are: “Lions of Jerusalem”, “City in the Night”, “Summer Day”, “Bossa Nova”.
17:41 - Happy New Year! Lions of Jerusalem. Art group West and East. Pavel and Larissa Platonov’s Lions of Jerusalem are looking at the stones in the shadows, They are asking for peace here almost every day, Three millennia of their silent path, It is difficult to deceive the Lions of Jerusalem. The lions of Jerusalem are hard to deceive. Dawn in the desert remembers your sadness, Moments are wondrous while there is a way, But stone walls protect people, From the lions of Jerusalem and their tenacious claws. From the lions of Jerusalem and their tenacious claws.
19:46 - From the lions of Jerusalem and their tenacious claws. And the city again built walls of stones, Handing over to people the scrolls of various new ideas, And the lions of Jerusalem, finding a place in the stones, The movement of life is caught in their dreams and dreams. They catch the movement of life in their dreams and dreams. Dawn in the desert remembers your sadness, Moments are wondrous while there is a way, But stone walls protect people, From the lions of Jerusalem and their tenacious claws. From the lions of Jerusalem and their tenacious claws.
22:02 - From the lions of Jerusalem and their tenacious claws. Lions of Jerusalem. Art group West and East. Pavel and Larisa Platonovs City at night. Dedicated to Jerusalem. The city fell asleep in the ghostly dust, The sky and the stars look at us again, The city of the night sleeps in this world, The fortress and walls tell their story. The night city shines with the sky, The night city pleases with light, The city has fallen asleep in a serene sleep, The gentle gaze pleases the traveler, The night city is a whisper of hope, The pattern opens for an instant. The city counts the days for eternity, Thousands of destinies are woven here, The sky and stars twinkle in the distance, The city is in the night…. The city of hope pleases the stars, Asks for peace with dawn in the night, For thousands of years, a spring has been pouring, Pure water of a real dream.
25:28 - The city at night dreams of the sky, Looks longingly, he was not there, The city of warmth and an oasis in the desert, Praying at night piercing the sky with Songs of good for people in this world, Pleases the whole human race… The city counts the days for eternity, Thousands of destinies are woven here, Heaven and the stars twinkle in the distance, City in the night…. The night city shines with the sky, The night city pleases with light, The city counts the days for eternity, Thousands of destinies are woven here, The sky and stars twinkle in the distance, The city in the night…. The night city dreams of the sky The night city dreams of the sky Looks longingly because he was not there City in the night. A Summer Day is dedicated to Jerusalem. Art group West and East. Pavel and Larisa Platonovs A new day woke up, put on summer clothes, From the heat we are looking for a shadow, in illusions as before, The window is open, the world of fantasies is endless, It beckons to miracles, spaces of charm.
29:22 - The wind rushes upward, casting aside all doubts, The breeze is looking for coolness in the flight of inspiration. The endless horizon flickered in the distance with lights, Under the accompaniment, sang songs with us, Runs slyly into the distance, the passage of time is conventional, In the desolate land of anguish, the presence of a silent. The wind rushes upward, casting aside all doubts, The breeze is looking for coolness in the flight of inspiration. The wind rushes upward, casting aside all doubts, The breeze is looking for coolness in the flight of inspiration. Summer day. Art group West and East. Pavel and Larisa Platonov Happy New Year 2021! Art group West and East Pavel and Larisa Platonov New Year’s release Video, music and performance, Art group West and East Pavel and Larisa Platonov, Jerusalem, December 30, 2020 .