Baktus Red Flower

Dec 29, 2020 18:45 · 2609 words · 13 minute read processing elsa repeat half three

hello everyone in this new video tutorial I will show how to make this baktus with flower that I decided to call baktus red flower as regards the yarn I used the cloud yarn that if you remember I have already used in the coral color and always to make a baktus this once opted for the color 04 that this ruby ​​color even if from the camera it looks a bit a bright red almost a red perhaps cardinal but actually a more intense red and I used three balls of yarn even if in the last one I advanced about half working with crochet of the 3.5 as always in the description I will leave you the link to the site by crocheting with the yarns from which you can buy yarn in myself also in the other colors and there are really many colors and there is still coral there is green there is black white that is midnight blue so you can really do it in the color that suits you the processing is very simple are four turns that must always be repeated and but the proof that you see is an alternation of strips of 3 high stitches with strips of fans I worked them as I told you with a 3.5 crochet hook and I made an abaktus about 64 cm high, about 128 cm long and a bit of yarn left over so you can actually do it too a little bigger still so maybe you will be able in my opinion to do at least another four laps so it is still a little wider and even a little longer you just remember that you need to hide in order to realize in flower at the end which in fact you see is a very nice little flower very simple to do in three turns you realize that I have attached only here to the tip at the bottom but that if you want you can also do it attached to these two points only that this I preferred to leave them as it is because wearing tyrant to fear of ruining the florin and therefore I preferred to leave it alone here having said that we say that even this beat can be part of our quick and easy projects now however we work with 3 and a half crochet even if with a thin yarn that is then very soft and does not prick so this yarn is perfect for the neck and for the pathos having said that I hope that you like this creation too, that you want to make it and if so then please send me your photos or on my facebook page crochet with elsa or on the facebook group the freedom to hook and knit or as always you can tagagrmi also on instagram where you will find me both as elsa do and if you have purchased from the site or at the site at the haberdashery you can also tag me by concentrating with the yarns on instagram and as always we will see you at the next video tutorial I hope to make one before New Year’s if this is not the case I will make a video for you not here on youtube but certainly on social networks to wish you a happy end of the year a good start of the year hoping that we will have some positive surprises in store compared to this year that is ending, that said, kiss everyone then to make our baktus I decided to use the The null yarn in color 04 than this beautiful ruby-colored yarn and I will work with a center on the 3 and a half since, however, the red is a little annoying with the white background I will show you the beginning of the processing with the gray one so that you see better when we go to work but I repeat I will always work only with the ruby color then since at this point we go to make our baktus and we make or a magic ring and inside the magic ring we go to make 3 chains then one two three hatching our first treble crochet we return had two other treble crochets one and two we close the magic ring we turn around with the work and we go to make 3 chain stitches that are the first treble crochet then one two three separation chain I take the return yarn in the first double crochet to make a double crochet 1 double crochet over the second double crochet a double crochet inside the third chain stitch separating chain I take yarn back to the third chain stitch and v I want to make another double crochet well what we will do from now on will be our rounds so I will call it first round which then I am around that we always repeat so I turn around with the knitting and go to make 3 chain stitches which are they opened at the high so a two-three separating chain takes a thread return to the base stitch I go to make a double chain stitch separating chain I go where or the three double crochets I go to make a double crochet over each double crochet then a two and three separation chain I go into the third chain then I skip the first one I enter the second that as wanted the third chain of our first double crochet and side to make a double chain stitch of separation I return another double crochet so I finished my first round I go around with the working I go to buy the second round and I make 3 chains 1 2 3 that goes our first high separation chain stitch I take the thread within the arch of a chain and I go to make the my fan then a double crochet separating chain I return another double crochet separating chain I go where either the three double crochets I make a double crochet over each double crochet in di huna ii and iii separating chain entered the fan headband and the leg my fan then a treble crochet a chain return another treble crochet to keep the separation entered the third chain that here wanted my first my heart and I’m going to make a treble crochet so I finished the second g I turn around with the work I go to make my third round which consists in making 3 chains that are the first double crochet then one two three I take the thread I always return to the same base stitch and I go to make two other high stitches one and two chains and the of separation I go to the headband of the fan and I go to make my fan so never high separation chain return high stitch separation chain I go where or the three high stitches I make 3 but one high above each treble crochet then a two and three separation chain I take the yarn I go into the setting of the fan adapt my fan then treble stitch separation chain return high stitch separation chain I take the yarn entered the third chain then skip the first from bottom to top is the third one that here had my first treble crochet and I’m going to do 3 treble crochets an indent 2 indent 3 and I have finished so also the third round you see strips of 3 treble crochets alternate with strips that have become so we turn the work we go to make our fourth round that even the last one will almost start again from the first and we go to make 3 chain stitches that are the first double chain stitch separation chain and return to where or the first double stitch and I go to make the first of mine three shirts one I go to the next double crochet 2 I go to the next double crochet 3 separation chain I go where in the fan I enter the aspect of a chain and I go to f are my fan stitch art chain return high stitch separation chain badone arcat né where or the three double crochets I make 3 high stitches 12 next 3 separation chain I go where to the fan headband I’m not going to make a t-shirt fan I return a ‘other double chain stitch separation I go where or the three double stitches I make a shirt over each double stitch then a 2 I enter the third chain stitch and make my third double chain stitch separation I return and go to make another double stitch I have finished so also the fourth round and as I told you you start all over again so the first round that I remember was 3 chain stitches that are the first double chain stitch separation chain we return to the same basic stitch we make a double stitch because it is equivalent to our fan you see separation chain a T-shirt over each double crochet of one two three separation chain and I go into the fan and go to make my ma my double chain stitch return ops excuse me that I have to pull the thread a little because otherwise it makes me smaller and inside another double chain stitch of separation I go where 3 double stitches edited 3 double stitches one two three chain stitches separation I go where or to the fan what does my fan of high pig chain return high stitch separation chain one shirt over the first 3 double crochets then a 2 and 3 separation chain I go into the third chain then skipping the first at the top and giving the third part from the bottom if I go to make a double crochet separation chain I return another double crochet that we have redone our first round to repeat the second I remind you that we will make 3 chain stitches that are the first double chain a separation chain and then again the fan inside the trim of the fan so these are the four turns and as you will see we will have the separation of strips of 3 high stitches with the strips becoming it was therefore a very simple and very schematic process if we want to say so but with the fact that we will do it in red color in my opinion it will still be elegant enough to be used even on a little more elegant clothes then I have finished the processing of my balthus and I came up sixty-four centimeters high from top to bottom while from one tip to the other tip it came about 128 centimeters wide and I will not do any border above the mists side but I’ll show you a nice thing that we are going to do below since ours is our joke this very Christmas color I decided in the final so in the tip of going to make a tile it is however high and it is not really a tile but how much more a flower that reminds a little of the Christmas flower then making this color red for has really very Christmas and let’s do it in this way we create a magic circle I will always work with a 100 over and a half and inside the magic circle go or to make 3 chains that are the first double crochet then a 23 takes a return thread and I go to make a total of 12 double crochets then one already done then I go second third continue like this until you have a total of 12 double crochets finished the 12 shirts we pull the thread of the magic ring to close it and anem appears a very low crochet inside the third chain stitch second round we go to make 3 chain stitches which are the first double crochet then one two three I take the thread it is worth the next double crochet and make one another treble crochet 3 chain stitches one two three and start over then I take the yarn I go to the next shirt and make a double crochet go to the next double crochet I make a second treble crochet 3 chain stitches one two three I take the film I start over then go to the next shirt and I make a double crochet goes from the next shirt make another double crochet 3 chain stitches one two three I continue like this throughout my second round I am also finishing the second round I made the two double crochets I go to make the 3 chain stitches and then entered the third initial chain which was equivalent to my first treble crochet third and last round I get up with a chain I return to the base stitch I go to do a single crochet a single crochet in the next double crochet I take the yarn I go in the affection of 3 chain stitches I make 3 double crochets then a 23 2 chain stitches 1 2 I take the yarn I return to the pond with 3 chain stitches I go to make 3 double crochets 1 2 and 3 and start all over again then a single crochet above the treble crochet a single crochet above never high next take thread within the space of 3 chain stitches I make three shirts of one 23 2 chain stitches 1 and 2 I take the thread return to the affection of 3 chain stitches again to make three t-shirts huna ii and iii and I start again from the lower over go high never lower over stitch next high and linen bow of 3 ball chains to make 3 high stitches one two dates one has made the nonino 2 and 3 2 chain stitches 2 I start again by re-entering and making 3 high stitches 1 2 and 3 then I continue like this but when he arrived at the last bow I will show you how to join our flower at dawn actus then I made the three high stitches inside the church of 3 chains now I have to go and make the two chains but I’m going to do so I go to make a chain then I hook where or you see this is the tip in reality I could also oh well I forgot to remove the thread I hook here entering let’s say in the magic ring that we had done I take the yarn I’m working with and go to make a slip stitch then chain again, always working with the yarn I was working with and then I go where I have the bow of 3 chains again and I go to make my last 3 high crochets one two three end the round going to make a very low crochet inside the low crochet and as you can see we have thus joined our flower to the bach tus we can do you can also do the flower in the other two tips as you prefer I want to do it only below I do not want to do it also in the other two tips I like the idea of having it only below so it can be said that mine my baktus is finished .