FIRST LOOK Nike Zoom Kobe 6 Protro Grinch 2021

Nov 10, 2020 18:00 · 1729 words · 9 minute read molds additional one thousand original

today i have a very special review for you guys and that is an exclusive look at the kobe 6 set to release in 2021 i scoured all through the internet to see if anybody has posted any images and i haven’t seen anything yet i’ve seen other blog posts with some information but none with actually showing the shoe and i’m excited to show you guys first let’s go ahead and get into the video welcome back to the channel what’s up with you guys how you doing how you been if you did not know by now my name is dj and this is the dna show now if you haven’t already make sure you hit that subscribe button hit the bell notification because that gives you an update every time i upload a new video and don’t forget to hit the like button because that helps the algorithm owe so much so i’m sure a lot of you guys know there’s obviously a lot of hype around kobe’s shoes especially after his passing earlier this year and a lot of people have been going after his classic model sneakers especially when the retros have released because of his passing and now we’re starting to see old models released to the public and everybody has been going crazy this shoe in particular i had to have these when they first came out i will never forget the day christmas day these released 2010 i remember sitting outside of nike town when the nike basketball pack came out it was the kd3 lebron 8 and kobe 6. oh my gosh i will never forget that pack and then the following year with the purple pair and the red you know the cookie cutter kd for it like those were some good times so for those that have been in the game a little bit longer you do remember grabbing these back in 2010 10 years ago ain’t that crazy so i had a pair of my collection for a pretty long time and i ended up getting a gash in the back of the foot right here on the hill and it was like a huge just piece of the foam just flapping off and it ended up falling off and my shoe was just like you know i wasn’t really satisfied with it anymore because i messed it up and i i ended up selling them so i saw those probably like 2016 i would say and obviously who knew about prices and all that stuff the shoes started to kind of rise in value at the time it was maybe like 500 bucks and that was a lot at the time to say that the shoe was you know 100 something dollars so that all happened and i was always looking for another pair always looking for another pair and then i seen that they were gonna release again in 2021 and i found that out and i was like bruh i need to get my hands on these and i got blessed with a pair and i’m very very happy to give you guys a review of these today so for me i may be a little bit more excited about this review than normal but i know personally like i’ve been looking for these for some years now and i finally have them in my collection like this is so dope especially to be able to get an early sample pair in hand and show you guys like this is just so crazy so a couple initial things to note before i start breaking down the shoe this pair is considered apple green and the original pair was considered lime green now from the naked eye it may be hard to tell but again i don’t have my original pair anymore because i got rid of those about four or five years ago so i don’t have anything to compare them to but i will try to get another pair to make a comparison video for you guys as well but i just couldn’t wait i had to show you guys these i’ve been sitting on these for a few days now and i’m just like bro we gotta make a video so starting with the outsole you have your classic kobe 6 outsole you got your red branding with the kobe logo here you got your carbon fiber plate in the middle of the foot you got a semi-translucent lime green apple green whatever you want to call it outsole right here at the ball of the foot going up to the midsole you have kind of three different colors of green with a lighter lime green a darker green right here and then the same lime green from or apple green i don’t know i got i keep saying lime green but either way you kind of got three different tones of green all throughout the midsole of the foot as well which we will talk about something in a second because i do have another sample pair down below and that was the first sample that came out which has a different color midsole than this pair does which we can go over that in a bit going to the upper we have that grinch green upper with the material with the kind of skill with the rubber vibes all over it like oh my gosh this is just so dope to see these again get them in hand have a sample pair and just oh man yeah this is just fire looking at the heel of the shoe you have a green patent leather right here and then a clear plastic cap around that with the kobe signature in red on the heel i think from first glance if you didn’t know and you you never seen the other pair before or whatever it may be you would think like wow they did a really good job it looks like the old pair if i wouldn’t have told you so i think overall initial look at the shoe they did a really good job and i’m excited for them to release these to the public i have heard rumors in the streets about like a special christmas drop or you know all-star weekend or different times like that so i’m not exactly sure when this shoe is supposed to release but looking at the tag right here it says spring 2021 i’m not exactly sure i will keep you guys updated as we find out what day these are supposed to release so the og pair came with typically the red or the green laces me personally i like to wear the red laces a lot more than the green laces kind of make it pop a little bit more and they remember kobe he even wore the red laces when he wore him on court so that’s something i’m not sure about as well because this isn’t an actual pair that’s releasing to the public this is a sample so they could potentially come with two pairs of laces but that’s something i’m unsure about so looking at the insoles right here one insole says i want to shoot that and the other one says molds to my foot so as you put them together basically he wanted to create a shoe that molds to his foot and his style and in return they ended up creating the kobe 6 for him back in the day drop a comment down below on what your favorite kobe 6 colorway is me personally this grinch colorway is at the top of the top i really love this one i was excited to get it then i’m excited to get it now and i’m excited to hold on to this one for a long time i i i don’t know why i got rid of my other pair but i messed up but now i got another pair and i’m never getting rid of these i’ve been on the hunt for over four years trying to find another pair again and i ended up running up on two different pairs ain’t that wild so like i was saying earlier this first batch sample right here came with a different color midsole so as you can see the lime green is a little bit more bright or more potent or whatever you want to call it compared to the midsole and it doesn’t blend as much and then the red tones on the heel of the foot are actually a little bit deeper red as well so hopefully you can see that in the comparison photos that i just showed you guys so overall this shoe is a 10 out of 10. i’m so excited to bring you guys the first look at this shoe and i hope to be able to do this more often as well so let me know what you think down below in the comment section is this the shoe that you’re going to be going after what memories do you have with the grinch model alone what are your favorite mamba moments you let me know down below in the comment section man this is so crazy thank you thank you thank you you know who you are so all right you guys i’m gonna see you guys in another one i hope you enjoyed this i’m out me yo if you enjoyed this video and you want to make extra money or grow your shoe collection i want to give you a free video with my three tips that were the most powerful that will help you grow your sneaker collection and make an additional one thousand to ten thousand dollars a month all you need to do to get this free video is click on the first link in the description or the comment that’s pinned in the comment section that’ll take you to a page where you can enter your email address and i’ll make sure that i send you a video right away and if you enjoyed this video again don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe my name is dj i’m signing out i gots to go i’m gone peace .