Playas Ecuador: The BEST Weather in the WORLD?! (2021)
Feb 11, 2021 19:51 · 1737 words · 9 minute read
- Hola unconventionals, We’re in Playas Ecuador.
00:02 - - Woohoo - Their claim to fame is that they have the best climate in the world.
00:07 - - Si, el mejor clima del mundo! - We’re going to investigate or analyze that claim later in this video.
00:14 - But first we’re going to do one of our very favorite things in the world and that is go for a morning walk on the beach.
00:20 - (Music) - Before we show you more of Playas if you are new to our channel, or if you wanted to see more of this magical country, hit the subscribe button, ring the bell please because we tell you what it’s really like to live in Ecuador.
00:38 - (Music) - We thought the beach by Olón was long at eight kilometers.
00:51 - This one’s 14 kilometers which is a little over eight and a half miles.
00:55 - That means there’s plenty of beach for everybody and you’re sure to find a spot all to yourself.
01:00 - (music) We are here on a Wednesday which is why there aren’t very many people on the beach but on weekends and holidays, this beach is packed with people.
01:24 - Really, about an hour and a half from the guayaquil airports so they get a lot of weekend tourists from the big city.
01:31 - (music) - It’s not as windy here. It’s also a Southwest facing beach so we don’t get the big waves that we do in Olón.
01:49 - It’s similar to Ayangue and if you missed that video, JP will put a link right above my head and in the description below.
01:55 - (music) - The word Playas in English means beaches, so if you do a search online for Playas Ecuador you’re going to get a lot of results for beaches in Ecuador.
02:17 - The actual name of the city here is General Villamil Playas named after a famous general during Ecuador’s independence fight from Spain.
02:29 - - Once again, Ecuador does not disappoint, this beach is incredible and it’s so beautiful and we are so lucky to live here JP.
02:37 - - [JP] Yes we are. (music) - [Amelia] How is it? - I cannot believe how warm the water is, - [Amelia] I know it’s like bath water.
02:58 - - [Amelia] Yeah, this is perfect for me. - All right Amelia, you ready to head back? - Yeah, let’s go check out the town and then maybe we can come back to the beach later.
03:05 - - Yay (music) We’re back from our walk, we’re staying in an Airbnb right on the Malecon It’s super nice.
03:16 - We’re going to give you a tour of that when we get back from shopping.
03:19 - Unfortunately, I blew out my flip-flop so we need to get some new ones before I step on a pop top.
03:24 - - What are you doing? Are you almost done Amelia? Yes.
03:28 - Are you almost done? Yes. (music) We’ve noticed it’s extremely clean here in Playas and I guess that’s because they have people like the guy behind me cleaning up the streets and we really appreciate that, thank you.
03:46 - (music) - [JP] Did you lock up our stuff? - Yes I did. - [JP] All right, lets shop.
04:31 - - Okay (music) - [JP] Amelia, I think these are too small for me.
05:07 - - Yeah, I think so, they’re awfully cute.
05:11 - - And we’re back from our walk around these central part of Playas and I got flip flops.
05:16 - So no more stepping on pop tops for me. - Yeah, this area actually reminded us of La Libertad only it’s not as crowded.
05:23 - We do have a video about La Libertad So if you want to check that out, JP we’ll put a link right up here.
05:28 - - And in the description, and if you’re watching on the television you just have to imagine that and then go to the website to see it.
05:34 - - Yes, so my favorite part about our walk today was going into the park and the square and looking up and seeing all those iguanas in the trees.
05:41 - That was the craziest thing, it was really cool.
05:44 - - Yeah, there were clear up at the top. My favorite part was watching Amelia walk on the beach.
05:48 - - I said walking around town but thank you JP.
05:52 - After we enjoyed the iguanas, we walked over to the Tia which is just a couple blocks we needed to stop in and pick up a few things.
05:59 - - Yeah, so we did our normal shopping, it’s very much like the Tia in Montañita only it’s a bit older than the one that is in Montañita, which is really pretty new.
06:08 - - Yeah, and it’s also a little bit larger. From there we decided to go check out the Aki because we haven’t been in one of those before, and that was a few blocks away.
06:17 - And that one reminded us more of a discount shopping center, like Aldi’s.
06:21 - - Yeah, that’s the first time we’ve been in one it is a chain throughout Ecuador so you’ll see those in a lot of places, including in Cuenca.
06:27 - - Yes, and right across the street is the new Mercado the Mercado Minicipal I believe it is.
06:33 - Yes, that also looked relatively new. - Yeah, it’s a traditional kind of Ecuadorian wet market with all of our favorite produce as well.
06:41 - - Last night, we walked down to mall El Paseo which is just down the street on the east end of the Malecon.
06:47 - - Yes it’s just like the mall El Paseo in La Libertad and it even has a Hiper mart, which is like a super Walmart, it has everything from clothes to food, to toilets and TVs.
06:57 - So you get pretty much anything you need there.
06:58 - - Yeah the mall itself is kind of small but it does have a food court with a few American fast food joints.
07:04 - And there is a movie theater to have a little bit of variety.
07:08 - - Yeah there isn’t a lot of variety when it comes to food though, other than the fast food places in the mall and a couple of pizza joints, we have not noticed much other than traditional Ecuadorian restaurants.
07:18 - So do you want to come here and open an Italian restaurant or an Indian restaurant that would be awesome.
07:23 - - Before we talk about the weather we’re going to take you on a tour of our Airbnb.
07:27 - - Yes we are staying in a beautiful Airbnb right on the Malecon with amazing ocean views.
07:34 - - Yeah it’s actually a lot bigger than what we needed but we waited till the last minute to book this because our schedule kept changing and we wanted to be centrally located and within walking distance to everything.
07:44 - - Yeah the master bedroom has a king size bed which was not listed in the Airbnb description.
07:49 - So that’s kind of important to know. But our favorite part is the amazing balcony and their wall sliding glass doors that open up with amazing ocean views.
07:58 - - Yeah these views are incredible and so are the views of the sixth floor and that’s where the pool is and you get 360 degree views from that rooftop deck.
08:05 - It is awesome. - We’ll put a link in the description to this Airbnb so you can go check it out if you want to.
08:10 - We’ll also put an affiliate link down there.
08:12 - If you click that and book a stay then we get a discount off a future stay and you’ll get a discount off your first day with Airbnb.
08:20 - All right now for the weather, what do you think Amelia? Is this the best weather in the world? - I think it could be.
08:26 - - I do too. - Its pretty awesome. - So the average temperature year round is 75 Fahrenheit which is 24 Celsius right now.
08:34 - We’re in the hot season. So according to the weather app, it’s been about 81 degrees or 27 Celsius for this whole week.
08:40 - And it is beautiful. - It is, it’s a lot sunnier here throughout the year than it is in Olón or in Cuenca.
08:46 - - Yeah it’s considered a dry tropical climate.
08:49 - So it’s definitely not nearly as humid as we have been experiencing in Olón.
08:54 - - Yeah I have been nearly as sweaty on this trip in it.
08:57 - It’s just been so comfortable. So I think, yes I think that this is the best weather in the world.
09:04 - - We are you going to come back to Playas to do a real estate tour.
09:07 - And we have plans to go to Salinas and Manta for real estate tours.
09:10 - So be sure to hit that subscribe so you don’t miss those videos.
09:13 - Cause we’re going to tell you how much it costs to live here.
09:15 - - I think that’s all we have for this video.
09:17 - If you enjoyed it, leave us a thumbs up, please.
09:20 - - We hope you guys have an unconventional day.
09:22 - We will see you all in our next video. - Chao - Chao - [JP] Wow. It’s beautiful.
09:26 - - It really is. I had no idea the views were so amazing up here and look at that mountain or I don’t know what that is.
09:32 - It’s really pretty. - [JP] It seems like we should be hiking up that thing.
09:35 - - I think it’s pretty far away though. - [JP] Too far.
09:38 - We’d have to drive there, but then we can hike it.
09:39 - - Yes. .