Just_Breathe_Full_Movie_HD @#ПроДобро
Apr 3, 2021 10:36 · 13532 words · 64 minute read
[Music] [Music] behind little lifes transpire I can’t explain [Music] [Music] [Music] man and this woman father you have made the bond of marriage a holy mystery a symbol of Christ’s love for his church may their lives always bear witness to the reality of that and make their love fruitful so that they may be living witnesses to your divine weddings are so lame I mean the whole marriage thing is a joke a big joke like a dream [Music] little girl no longer they tell me that it’s all the best and that’ll just grow stronger [Music] I can make time go backwards I changed a lot of stuff I’d start when I was 10 the day my dad left I changed that day and I probably thought that day the moment yeah that would definitely be on the list nice you need to come back inside now on top of the major bummer of being dragged into the manager’s office with the entire store staring at me like I just killed a puppy I had to listen to lecture 101 be look aside from the fact that it’s just plain wrong on every level imaginable what would possess you to do something so senseless I’m a Sydney you know they had security cameras everywhere Sydney I am talking to you everybody does it everybody steals all of you are incredibly privileged private school friends are thieves yes and you think that’s okay well the problem with parents is they don’t know when to get off at casein shut up maybe I should be more specific the problem with my mom is that she doesn’t know when to get off my case and shut up I have an appointment to show a house and I would care why because you’re calling my cell at seven on the dots to check in no I’m not I’m going to Zacks party tonight told you like a week ago well your plans have changed you’re not going anywhere mom everybody is going it’s the last day of school everyone but you that is not fair you know what Sydney life’s not fair I never thought that at my age I’d be alone working a 60 hour week coming home to an empty apartment and a daughter who steals for a hobby yeah well if your life didn’t turn out the way you wanted it don’t take it out on me I’m running late there’s meatloaf in the fridge just two minutes on high we can talk when I get home you can talk to yourself the biggest mystery of the friggin universe after why people get married is why people have kids I mean hello why bother I’m grounded I’m serious they still do that yeah my mom seems to be stuck in a 50s time warp what’d you do what difference does it make sack I’m in prison locked up chains and striped uniform is normal stick okay sweet I’ll pick you up in an hour [Music] Sydney why didn’t you call me [Music] Sydney why didn’t you owe me uh no no it’s uh it’s Zachary Nicholas mrs.
Forster where is Sydney wow she’s uh she’s in the hospital oh my god oh she just had a little drink all right she’s got a sick which hospital then Forster yes that’s me how’s my daughter she’ll be fine alcohol poisoning we pumped her stomach oh no that’s pretty standard with these kids especially on the weekends well can I see her yeah just sign here she go home to me she was ready Noah salted food for 24 hours thank you she’s okay so I’m just gonna split you do that Zack make it permanent I don’t want you to ever see her again harsh yeah isn’t it you get into your PJs I’ll be there in a minute to tuck you in morning Ben is everything okay I wouldn’t be calling if everything was okay what’s going on Lin I hardly know where to begin yesterday Sydney was caught shoplifting and last night she snuck out to a party that I specifically forbade her to go to and then just now she had her stomach pumped because she had alcohol poisoning well is she all right yes I give up I cannot do this alone anymore you have got to show up what good will that do said you just want to see me I’ll Drive 400 miles on the second I walk in the room she’ll leave just like she did last time and the time before that okay I do not need a history lesson Ben she’s your daughter she’s in trouble you’re her father we have to figure out what to do fine I’ll come on the weekend I need you here now not on the weekend okay calm down I’ll get there as soon as I can if I don’t hit too much traffic I should be there just shortly after 10:00 I’ll be waiting but anytime with her over the past year you might have noticed great that was my fault I can’t help it if she doesn’t want to see me point what is the point lid I asked you to talk her to come to the wedding she didn’t want to come to her own father’s wedding that’s so shocking isn’t it we have one conversation that doesn’t end in a fight I’m not fighting I am simply telling you that city needs to get away from here this boy she’s been hanging out with Zack he’s a bad influence so get her to keep boyfriend Oh No why didn’t I think of that Kasim isn’t your best quality fine and let me spell it out for you even if I could keep her away from Zack which is proving to be pretty well impossible they’re at least a dozen or so kids here just as bad if not worse and I can’t watch her every secondly she’s a two-year-old because I have to work so that I can pay for this apartment and the private school and everything I don’t exactly do that on your own would you like me to add up the child support figures for the past five years thank you that you can do all right what are you thinking I think that a couple of months a small-town living would be really good for Sydney look like dad isn’t well and it was it just isn’t a really good time for us right now well I’m sorry to hear about your dad you know how much I like him but quite frankly I don’t care if it’s a good time for you and it’s a good time for your daughter well the thing is Emma’s expecting you’re kidding four months in almost five I see no you don’t it was a plant it just happened and when were you planning on sharing this happy news we just wanted to wait I want to make sure things worked out well looks like they did congratulations but your wife’s condition changes nothing Hey you’re up hi Sydney hi feel it what is he doing here I asked him to come great your dad and I need to talk just a bit longer well I’m sorry don’t want to interrupt your important discussion oh and in case you were wondering I heard it’s disgusting you’d better let your wife know that our stepdaughter is coming back with you [Music] I run the business on my own now I knew when I moved to cloud Lake that eventually happened but a lot faster I thought it would I’m glad you keep it up with your music do you play all you want out there she’s no neighbors to worry about your granddad’s in a nursing home now he’ll be real glad to see you talks about you all the time you don’t like Emma this is artistic like you she paints said we’re gonna be together for the whole summer that’s not gonna change so we may as well try to make it work just so everything’s real and clear daddy I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be a few and I especially do not want to be with your pregnant wife this whole summer is gonna suck so I think the best plan is for me to listen to my music and communicant rate on driving because the sooner we get there the sooner all of this would be over and then I can go I think we need to set some ground rules ground rule des Vosges no misunderstanding about what you can and cannot do like what like drinking and smoking which you cannot do not allowed great so were you like Amish no pretty steady rule for someone your age on what plenty we want to let it know you have to run it by us first us being you and what’s your name what are you doing I’ve been really patient with you Sydney I put up with her silence and your rudeness this entire trip but I will not tolerate you being rude to Emma do you understand me cannot even to ever got it [Music] [Applause] this is it done is allowed right you’re here welcome home Sydney this is not my home that well well hello hello Oh signal ception is much better in town but you can use the regular phone anytime you want super this is Katie she’s my best buddy aren’t you girl oh oh yes oh good girl I think that’s everything where’s my room like I said it is it ready yet we don’t really have a guest room well we do but we’re just remodeling yet so you can bunk up here for now I guess I’ll just take your suitcases up then whatever you’re not putting me in here now you I think you’re gonna be happier downstairs in the den and there’s a TV down there too [Music] how do you get into town why I was thinking about checking the place out holding up the liquor store you know just follow the road you took to get here you used my bike if you want it’s out in the back I’m sorry that’s a big adjustment so settle in [Music] [Music] pack of Marlboro Lights go back and five years but I know mother showing me your fake ID either I’m seeing it all are you here with your parents why Oh curious that’s all I know you’re not from town you must come from somewhere Chicago your city how do you know that I’m friends with your stepmom Heather Barnes she’s not my stepmom nice meeting you too Zack sit Zack you can hear me it’s a miracle you sound like you’re on the moon Syd worse you have to come save me before the needle suck up my soul haha right okay alright I’ll make plan impossible you don’t need a plan just write down the address it’s 14 Orchard Park just get in your cart hello Zack said hello Zack reception sucks out here here you Jess waters is that supposed to mean something to me I was in the cafe just now that’s pretty cool what you did with the shades I don’t know what you’re talking about hey I’m not gonna write you out I’m actually kind of filled with admiration that you’re able to pull it off I just got eyes in the back of her hand she usually doesn’t miss a thing can I um can i bum a smoke I don’t smoke you shouldn’t either what is that like the party line in this town my mom Doncaster two years ago I’m sorry I forget it listen about the shapes yeah Heather’s okay she’s been pretty helpful since my mom passed one pair of shades is not the end of the world shouldn’t do something nasty to a nice woman it’s bad karma thanks for having my back karma lies here I’ll put him back nobody will even notice they were gone whatever I just live on the edge of town in the old gray house with a havoc on the porch she come back hang out sometime yeah I have got to get away from here you’re there for the summer Sydney are you have a real bed now they’re eating you bread and water as well okay did you know that emma is like 50⁄50 really okay me not fifty but she’s old like you thank you look mom I promise I’ll be good just let me come home well it’s a little late for that Sydney I have to go mom you cannot just dump me here Sydney I did not dump you you’re spending the summer with your father in a resort town some kids might think that was kind of fun Cray well you can send them here I have to go I love you mom just breathe I think beautiful relaxing thoughts relax when we get the results of the amnio back Shh everything’s gonna be just fine we’re and if a perfect baby just like you so good Alice are you think I’ll name Alice [Music] I like old-fashioned pretty house Elizabeth the forest what if it’s a boy no this is Alison here I can feel her a little baby honest your daddy loves you [Music] oh good warning I just wasn’t sure what Sydney would like so you made everything and it seems you are gonna have to eat all of it oh she seems very disinterested in making an appearance oh really well I’ll go get her I get to get my stuff out of there anyway mm I’m good [ __ ] it’s dad morning I must made a great breakfast for you Oh breakfast well you should it’s the most important meal of the day can we please save a nutrition lesson for another time yes the doctor has asked Emma to take it easy that’s why she’s only a week part-time right now so so I need you to help her around the house go to the market whatever she needs mm-hmm I’ll take that as a yes little breakfast wouldn’t hurt rise and shine I feel [Music] a few hi that was very pretty yeah well I wasn’t playing for an audience I’m going off to the market would you like to come along no I know this must be really hard for you Sydney yeah yeah I do when I was a kid my parents didn’t I don’t care Sydney what I would really like for us to try to be friends by it well for one thing we’re gonna know each other for a lot of years and for another thing my doctor just called with the results from Miami oh and I’m carrying your baby sister around in here that baby is not my sister but it has nothing to do with me it’s yours and yours and died Hey Sydney’s what’s up not much we’re going to st.
Paul to score some tickets for the John Mayer concert cool later [Applause] Sydney Sydney are you hungry Sydney [Music] I thought your father said no smoking in the house I’m sorry I can’t hear you I said no smoking in the house take those out and put that cigarette out right now right now okay jeez you don’t have to freak out on me I completely lost it on Sydney I mean completely it was like an out-of-body experience been there done that step parenting for sissies well I’m not a [ __ ] but I am completely out of my league here I really want to love her but she’s making it impossible to even like her what do I tell you when you told me you were gonna marry Ben don’t Kate don’t unless you’re prepared to marry his daughter too I thought you were exaggerating exaggerating I married a man with three kids yeah but your kids were different not at first what do you mean well they’re always testing you and you have to wait them figure out what they’re gonna do and cut them off how do I manage that start out by being so nice keeps her off balance stocked the fridge with her favorite foods rent them movies let her choose the TV shows we watch that’ll take care of a couple hours out of the day what do I do with the rest of the time we keep her busy hey my busboy quit this morning I have an opening mm-hmm I found with my Bunch that if they had time on their hands they used it to make my life miserable I don’t know it sounds more like a military campaign than a life you got it Oh [Music] Wow Keita really likes you she’s picky about her friends too I got you some snacks and some noodles [Music] Sydney I had no right to yell at you before I’m sorry really I mean I’m not sorry about what I said just the way that I said it you can’t smoke in the house cuz I’m pregnant that’s bad for the baby and you shouldn’t smoke anyway because it’s bad for you but that’s the way I should have explained myself instead of screaming at me okay no I it’s hard to believe it I used to be really calm and how do you got hormones yeah it’s all true the funny thing is I thought I was gonna be really good at this probably noticed but I’m not the youngest mother to be how old are you anyway I’m 39 I’m gonna be 40 when the baby’s born Wow I didn’t mean no no wow sums it up perfectly I mean if you told me a year ago that I was gonna be married and pregnant I would have said you were nuts I mean I’d pretty much given up on finding the right man I mean kids that was really okay with it Katie my friends my work and I just all happened so fast I feel sorry for your baby hey you and Dad it won’t last never does shall we just like me [Music] come on yeah I’m up here SID now you’re gonna see dad now what hey what a lucky baby yep lucky a little Alice Elizabeth didn’t want to tell you on the phone so cool yeah and everything’s good yeah [Laughter] [Music] I could look at this view all day long I imagine myself in the fish jumping like there’s no tomorrow hey that do you remember the first time that such a tiny thing that fight the little fisherman I thought the fish I caught was just huge it was like this big picture from that day I’ve missing I miss hearing those pretty tunes of yours I promise I will come back and play see you can sink a better young lady I won’t forget you catching up oh we sure are sure [Music] how’s Emma how’s my buddy Katie are they both fine Emma sends her love she’ll be here tomorrow with Katie oh good well they they allow Katie here you see yeah Emma but before she was your dad’s missus she brought Katie here for art classes I painted the picture for myself there’s look more like a space monster than me but it was the only art I never created and I was very very happy about [Laughter] you know emma has a friend Heather she owns a cafe in town yeah no she’s you doing well that’s good because I’ve got good to know that she isn’t opening in the kitchen this summer a couple hours a day you want me to get a job yeah why not write a couple extra dollars save up for something you want I talking about my first car I’m G I’m fair car maybe you can save up for something else that enough cell phone or a CD player even a laptop if you work hard enough maybe a laptop laptop who knows you know when I was a kid I think that for comic book you know times of chains having that light your step here it’s a little slippery [Music] I have that picture too you know the one of us fishing that day [Music] that’s one of the best memories of my life it is yeah it is how’d you mom hook up we met in movie you picked her up not exactly I was a senior working as an usher in this place on campus that so classic films once a week the film that night was with Katharine Hepburn and John Barrymore this truth can father you know yeah I got it anyway I was cleaning up after the movie and this girl came in she was just a freshman and she asked if I ran across a scarf that she’s not behind so we look for it and they leave behind you seen I was mom yep just say one no something else is interesting what’s that and that’ll film that night Katharine Hepburn’s playing a girl her name was Sydney Fairfield that’s where my name comes from it sure does in the minute you announce yourself the world and boy did you up a set of lungs Anya we knew that was the perfect name for you [Music] hi Heather what can I do for you um I was wondering about that job yeah take this to the kitchen Oh hello said Sydney what are you doing here said I had to come there like your soul was being sucked out I forgot to call him you know many times I didn’t think you actually show up yeah well you’re like Zach you have to come yeah well usually I can’t count on people you know yeah come on get your stuff together look Zach it’s been okay hey there bed for stern you this is my friend Zack Zack yeah I know all about Zack look whatever a mom told you it’s not true what are you doing here I came in Sydney what do you mean I called him when I first got here last night I’m sorry you drove all this way for nothing Zach the city’s not going anywhere you better get in that car and turn around dad we played I do it just take it off no I didn’t think he would actually show up you better get going yeah well she called me so check the reason Sydney’s here is to get her away from Chicago friends that I’d includes you especially you now aside from the fact that I’m not about to let my fifteen-year-old daughter Drive off with some kid I particularly don’t want her to go with you Ben let me handle this in you get that car you turn around and you go go and don’t you even think about coming back I was gonna tell them that I was gonna stay now [Music] [Music] [Music] hey JD Katie hey you taken with me girl stay home stay okay go go go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Anna what what happened is Sydney all right I’m sure everything is fine but Ben and Sydney had a fight it’s just that she took off well she’s gone what do you mean gone Ben is out looking for her right now and I’m sure he’s gonna find her but alright I’ll be there as soon as I can what hello yeah good morning you told me that gray how sit down Tomic on the floor glad you found it good good your parents I mean your dad won’t mind that I’m hearing oh he works night shifts won’t be home for hours okay nothing like cold feet after a hard night would you mind if I have some more yeah knock yourself out you should probably call your dad after maybe you’re done with that why cuz I’ll call the cops if you don’t know they’ll be happy I’m gone really for sure I ran away once really how come when my mom was sick my dad had to take new jobs to pay all the medical bills after she died I figured he’d be around a lot more somebody talking or not but you just kept working more than before when he was home he was real quiet and it wasn’t like I was there so I just got fed up around know what happened I think it baby boy dad call the cops they brought me home knows that and now is it better it’s okay I guess we go bowling once a week together it’s cheesy but man he’s good my dad and I used to do stuff together all the time you want some fruit I’ve got some maraschino cherries thank God I’m really sorry that I messed up your baby’s room Oh maybe you can help me fix it me you want me to help who better you go take a nice warm bath and then we’ll get to work she’s okay upstairs having a nap who’s that I called Lin what why because she’s her mother she needs to know what’s been happening any news see these back she’s fine hello Lin please please come down I’m sure you could use some coffee thank you she’s okay he’s come in take a seat make yourself at home you really didn’t have to come here man everything’s under control well that’s not what it sounded like when your wife called me at 4:00 a.
m. mom Sydney get your things together what’s going on you’re coming home with me just like you wanted I can’t believe I trusted you with her now hold on you order me to take her and then you expect me to perform miracles I’m doing the best I can under very difficult circumstances know what your 15 year old daughter disappears in the middle of the night that’s doing your best I don’t see you any any mother of the Year awards that’s why she’s here isn’t it well at least I’m a parent 24⁄7 a concept that you would never understand look I don’t need this right now well I’m sorry to interrupt your schedule Ben let me pencil in when you do need it and I’ll come back I am really tired so I’m gonna go sleep and then I have some painting to do so please go home mom I’m sorry that you drove all this way for nothing what is she talking about she and I are starting project together fixing out the baby’s room you and Sidney really yeah well I would rather have her here than anywhere near that Zac character that’s for sure but if there’s any more of this kind of thing she’s coming right home trust me there won’t be there wouldn’t bet on it Lynne don’t you want to stay and rest up No thank you I have to get back always nice meeting you Emma nice meeting you too live Wow I mean beauty together it’s as painful Oh watch yeah that’s why we got divorced but that was five years ago it’s just the way it is ever really and how did Sydney fit into all that she had nothing to do with the divorce that’s between Lynne and I oh yeah that’s what my dad used to say I didn’t horse you I divorced your mother well your dad had a lot of wise sayings and he was right oh you know what men those wise sayings are meaningless to a girl whose whole world is falling apart right in front of her look nobody can change what’s happened in the past you just have to move on hey Emma hi so how’d she do great she only broke two plates catelli’s usually higher in the first week well then great work now you can go home with your with Emma hi hi I wasn’t gonna bolt if that’s what you’re thinking no that is not why I’m here I had to go to the library and I thought maybe you’d like to have some company Viking huh oh sure [Music] [Music] all the antiques look like up here the church is our wedding pretty bride the gowns all wrong for a figure ever veils too short pleasures mine wait too much makeup wow you sound like an expert well I’ve been to a lot of weddings really yeah there’s this church by my school and me my friends we like to sneak in and watch I bet you’ll make an extra pretty bride getting made we’re not oh look at them they’re like women maybe so much just gonna last forever yeah you love each other right now but what about when you break up what happened I’d rather let go I don’t think I can answer that one for you Sydney again that’s why I’m not getting paid all right come on your dad’s staying tonight at st.
Paul these guys cook spoke to developer about a building project so it’s just gonna be us girls maybe we can order a pizza and work out the baby’s room [Music] this is gonna look great better than before hello uh yeah just a minute it’s for you hello are you just um um I can’t go nowhere can you laughs thanks um Jess and some of the girls are going to the John Mayer concert tonight on the Riverton campus and um somebody got the flu so there’s an extra ticket you like John Mayer it doesn’t there’s just girls you come straight home right after the concert straight home then you get to go really hey Jess yeah I can go okay I’ll be ready in ten minutes okay buddy thanks Emma I’m gonna get just see me um I’m kind of new to this whole stepmom thing all I know is that I trust you and that’s why I’m letting you go you won’t do anything to abuse that trust wait no way then you better get going that was sick please so let’s go - okay seriously is this a place guys guys I can’t go in there like we’re 21 here borrowed this from my sister no guys [Music] please talk about this [Music] [Music] [Music] need some IDs ladies [Music] for vodka sodas [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I dream [Laughter] [Applause] likes it my one drink I told you not to bring along anything [Laughter] [Music] why are you take until pill nurse Betty [Music] what they want me to do [Music] not driving whoa you don’t want to ride with us your deal sighs wait I don’t even all right hello Emma Emma I don’t know where I am what happened I went out with the girls to a club I know I said it wouldn’t I’m sorry but they were drinking and I thought just went and didn’t look take it easy okay here’s what you do you go inside the club stay on the phone and call yourself a cab that’s a name in club I don’t know I don’t know it’s the Manimal which animal Sydney the zebra zebra okay stay right where you are okay I’m coming right now I’m on my way okay please here I have a please okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey how much [Music] hello where are you I’m on my way to pick up Sydney no wait you’re breaking up man I got to concentrate on the road okay I’ll call you as soon as I find her [Music] [Music] Sydney [Music] today [Music] [Music] Sydney huh Sydney get in here right before you freeze here there’s a blanket in the back put this on get warm no you did the right thing by calling you did the right thing you know that no honey believes can only be happy right no because I care about you yes I care about you very much even after well this if I’d done even after all this stuff how did you forget me I was I was teaching art therapy at the nursing home your granddad and I we really hit it off yes there could be Nikita he loved Katie yeah your dad and I started having coffee after his visits mostly just to talk about his father at first then one thing led to another after well I don’t think there’s any happily ever after except in fairytales Sydney you’re not happy oh yes we are but we have to work at it every day I mean it’s not just to give it stay together Adam rocking chair but Advil people did so you could wreck the baby in it right yeah I did when I was little my dad built me its own house then the girls are [Music] [Music] I really would I gave new wedding me too me too is so wanted you to be there that your mom and dad get back together how did you know because when I was your age I had that very same go I could still I don’t know it sounds stupid no it does not it does not sound stupid oh oh oh okay nose okay what what hurts what I okay we need we need okay Oh you cannot take chance to do baby we need to go okay Hey so give me a baby you drive I’ll seize already I will okay [Music] [Music] dad where’s Oh No she’s in there nobody probably anything I need to see my wife name Forster hey I’m up arranging Forster I’ll call you when you can go in sir have a seat I don’t want to have a seat I want to see my wife I’m sorry so you’ll have to wait Emma are you alright she’s fine she can go home now are you sure honey I’ve been poked and prodded everywhere I’m fine you just make sure that she takes it nice and easy thank you you’re setting clues no late night drives as well the doctor said it could happen to any time it was good that Sydney was learned she was wonderful if I’d been alone I don’t know what would have happened can we just get out of here if I don’t get the car I stay with Emma I’d really like to stay here with you but I have to beat the construction site in an hour the inspectors coming are you feeling okay yeah you know Sydney I said that you wish you’d come to our wedding I might you are a magician but I think it would have changed the thing after all this how can you not see that she is not the problem you are you and Lynn hello yes it is okay okay I’ll be there right away thank you for calling then it’s dad [Music] [Music] words words what do they say [Music] it’s not a one shoe tell me it’s just what you do it shows the deeper side [Music] Oh you can laugh you can cry in and I will always be right here inside me just can’t say goodbye see you [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for coming man you mean in spite of the fact that you didn’t invite me I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking I didn’t expect you to you know for a long time he was dad to me too don’t start okay not today I didn’t mean anything by it sure you did you meant that I’m not really family I might as well take Sydney home they’ll save me a drive no she doesn’t she doesn’t need to leave yet yes she does you got a lot on your plate now visits over I’ll find you one take her go ahead Ben hey remember me is anybody gonna ask me what I want the news is between your father and me no no it’s not God nobody asked me anything in my entire life that’s not true this isn’t about you Sydney no I had a dad who will be dollhouses and played with me and so a vision and the next minute he was gone you were 10 years inside doesn’t matter mom don’t was warm and safe but it wasn’t safe it was can we do that her yeah I think we did maybe it’s not too late to start asking Sydney what Sydney feels about her life give her back some sense of control control over what were already divorced as history just hear me out I’ve been reading a lot and um I read this book about ceremonies your father’s funeral was so beautiful we all got to say goodbye and pay him tribute and express our feelings well isn’t the end of a marriage kind of like a death yes so I was thinking we can have a ceremony I feel about for a marriage it’s morbid listen listen this is not about your divorce this is about your marriage it’s about letting your daughter see that her parents used to be in love once that she came from love you did love each other right yes we did your husband was my first love don’t you think your daughter needs to hear this [Music] why don’t you stay overnight Linda I can book you around at the end it’s only a couple miles away you can think about it certainly I’ll stay the night but I I don’t know about the rest [Music] [Music] morning good morning you sleep well at all me either if Sydney wants to do this ceremony thing I’m willing okay me too come on it can I see a place we could have it in the backyard if your dad would like that well isn’t this cozy Oh enjoy this one run so goodbye you people have these ceremonies for a lot of rites of passage like verbs tests weddings yeah your dad and I we wanted if you wanted to do some sort of divorce ceremony Oh what you said you weren’t included and you were right so we want to do it as a family this is weird really weird Sydney just give it a chance okay sometimes that’s right your dad and I we want you to know that you had parents who loved each other and respected each other and we really did think it would last forever are you telling me this I guess we thought you should know and we’re so so sorry that we hurt you it’s the last thing in the world we wanted to do sweetheart look at me how can you forgive us forgive you yes [Music] we’re here today to honor the memory of our marriage we’re standing here in front of the people we love most in the world to honor the years we spent together to honor the love that once was and the amazing product of that love Lin you were my inspiration your faith in me gave me the courage to challenge the world then you made me see myself the way you saw me beautiful and exceptional you gave me wings you are the mother of my child for this I will always have you in my heart you’re the father of my child for this I will always have you in my heart Sydney I have something for you most people are lucky to have one perfect memory in their life this one’s mine [Music] you to it well I think this occasion deserves a picture that’s right everybody get together time can’t go backwards but that’s true we can’t change what’s already happened but we can change everything else my parents showed me that my parents [Music] I hope someday [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] Oh yeah but nothing [Music] every fan I just breathe just breathe just breathe I just breathe [Music] [Music] transpire [Music] [Music] [Music] everything [Music] [Music] [Music] behind little lifes transpire I can’t explain [Music] [Music] [Music] man and this woman father you have made the bond of marriage a holy mystery a symbol of Christ’s love for his church may their lives always bear witness to the reality of that and make their love fruitful so that they may be living witnesses to your divine weddings are so lame I mean the whole marriage thing is a joke a big joke like a dream [Music] little girl no longer they tell me that it’s all the best and that’ll just grow stronger [Music] I can make time go backwards I changed a lot of stuff I’d start when I was 10 the day my dad left I changed that day and I probably thought that day the moment yeah that would definitely be on the list nice you need to come back inside now on top of the major bummer of being dragged into the manager’s office with the entire store staring at me like I just killed a puppy I had to listen to lecture 101 be look aside from the fact that it’s just plain wrong on every level imaginable what would possess you to do something so senseless I’m a Sydney you know they had security cameras everywhere Sydney I am talking to you everybody does it everybody steals all of you are incredibly privileged private school friends are thieves yes and you think that’s okay well the problem with parents is they don’t know when to get off at casein shut up maybe I should be more specific the problem with my mom is that she doesn’t know when to get off my case and shut up I have an appointment to show a house and I would care why because you’re calling my cell at seven on the dots to check in no I’m not I’m going to Zacks party tonight told you like a week ago well your plans have changed you’re not going anywhere mom everybody is going it’s the last day of school everyone but you that is not fair you know what Sydney life’s not fair I never thought that at my age I’d be alone working a 60 hour week coming home to an empty apartment and a daughter who steals for a hobby yeah well if your life didn’t turn out the way you wanted it don’t take it out on me I’m running late there’s meatloaf in the fridge just two minutes on high we can talk when I get home you can talk to yourself the biggest mystery of the friggin universe after why people get married is why people have kids I mean hello why bother I’m grounded I’m serious they still do that yeah my mom seems to be stuck in a 50s time warp what’d you do what difference does it make sack I’m in prison locked up chains and striped uniform is normal stick okay sweet I’ll pick you up in an hour [Music] Sydney why didn’t you call me [Music] Sydney why didn’t you owe me uh no no it’s uh it’s Zachary Nicholas mrs.
Forster where is Sydney wow she’s uh she’s in the hospital oh my god oh she just had a little drink all right she’s got a sick which hospital then Forster yes that’s me how’s my daughter she’ll be fine alcohol poisoning we pumped her stomach oh no that’s pretty standard with these kids especially on the weekends well can I see her yeah just sign here she go home to me she was ready Noah salted food for 24 hours thank you she’s okay so I’m just gonna split you do that Zack make it permanent I don’t want you to ever see her again harsh yeah isn’t it you get into your PJs I’ll be there in a minute to tuck you in morning Ben is everything okay I wouldn’t be calling if everything was okay what’s going on Lin I hardly know where to begin yesterday Sydney was caught shoplifting and last night she snuck out to a party that I specifically forbade her to go to and then just now she had her stomach pumped because she had alcohol poisoning well is she all right yes I give up I cannot do this alone anymore you have got to show up what good will that do said you just want to see me I’ll Drive 400 miles on the second I walk in the room she’ll leave just like she did last time and the time before that okay I do not need a history lesson Ben she’s your daughter she’s in trouble you’re her father we have to figure out what to do fine I’ll come on the weekend I need you here now not on the weekend okay calm down I’ll get there as soon as I can if I don’t hit too much traffic I should be there just shortly after 10:00 I’ll be waiting but anytime with her over the past year you might have noticed great that was my fault I can’t help it if she doesn’t want to see me point what is the point lid I asked you to talk her to come to the wedding she didn’t want to come to her own father’s wedding that’s so shocking isn’t it we have one conversation that doesn’t end in a fight I’m not fighting I am simply telling you that city needs to get away from here this boy she’s been hanging out with Zack he’s a bad influence so get her to keep boyfriend Oh No why didn’t I think of that Kasim isn’t your best quality fine and let me spell it out for you even if I could keep her away from Zack which is proving to be pretty well impossible they’re at least a dozen or so kids here just as bad if not worse and I can’t watch her every secondly she’s a two-year-old because I have to work so that I can pay for this apartment and the private school and everything I don’t exactly do that on your own would you like me to add up the child support figures for the past five years thank you that you can do all right what are you thinking I think that a couple of months a small-town living would be really good for Sydney look like dad isn’t well and it was it just isn’t a really good time for us right now well I’m sorry to hear about your dad you know how much I like him but quite frankly I don’t care if it’s a good time for you and it’s a good time for your daughter well the thing is Emma’s expecting you’re kidding four months in almost five I see no you don’t it was a plant it just happened and when were you planning on sharing this happy news we just wanted to wait I want to make sure things worked out well looks like they did congratulations but your wife’s condition changes nothing Hey you’re up hi Sydney hi feel it what is he doing here I asked him to come great your dad and I need to talk just a bit longer well I’m sorry don’t want to interrupt your important discussion oh and in case you were wondering I heard it’s disgusting you’d better let your wife know that our stepdaughter is coming back with you [Music] I run the business on my own now I knew when I moved to cloud Lake that eventually happened but a lot faster I thought it would I’m glad you keep it up with your music do you play all you want out there she’s no neighbors to worry about your granddad’s in a nursing home now he’ll be real glad to see you talks about you all the time you don’t like Emma this is artistic like you she paints said we’re gonna be together for the whole summer that’s not gonna change so we may as well try to make it work just so everything’s real and clear daddy I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be a few and I especially do not want to be with your pregnant wife this whole summer is gonna suck so I think the best plan is for me to listen to my music and communicant rate on driving because the sooner we get there the sooner all of this would be over and then I can go I think we need to set some ground rules ground rule des Vosges no misunderstanding about what you can and cannot do like what like drinking and smoking which you cannot do not allowed great so were you like Amish no pretty steady rule for someone your age on what plenty we want to let it know you have to run it by us first us being you and what’s your name what are you doing I’ve been really patient with you Sydney I put up with her silence and your rudeness this entire trip but I will not tolerate you being rude to Emma do you understand me cannot even to ever got it [Music] [Applause] this is it done is allowed right you’re here welcome home Sydney this is not my home that well well hello hello Oh signal ception is much better in town but you can use the regular phone anytime you want super this is Katie she’s my best buddy aren’t you girl oh oh yes oh good girl I think that’s everything where’s my room like I said it is it ready yet we don’t really have a guest room well we do but we’re just remodeling yet so you can bunk up here for now I guess I’ll just take your suitcases up then whatever you’re not putting me in here now you I think you’re gonna be happier downstairs in the den and there’s a TV down there too [Music] how do you get into town why I was thinking about checking the place out holding up the liquor store you know just follow the road you took to get here you used my bike if you want it’s out in the back I’m sorry that’s a big adjustment so settle in [Music] [Music] pack of Marlboro Lights go back and five years but I know mother showing me your fake ID either I’m seeing it all are you here with your parents why Oh curious that’s all I know you’re not from town you must come from somewhere Chicago your city how do you know that I’m friends with your stepmom Heather Barnes she’s not my stepmom nice meeting you too Zack sit Zack you can hear me it’s a miracle you sound like you’re on the moon Syd worse you have to come save me before the needle suck up my soul haha right okay alright I’ll make plan impossible you don’t need a plan just write down the address it’s 14 Orchard Park just get in your cart hello Zack said hello Zack reception sucks out here here you Jess waters is that supposed to mean something to me I was in the cafe just now that’s pretty cool what you did with the shades I don’t know what you’re talking about hey I’m not gonna write you out I’m actually kind of filled with admiration that you’re able to pull it off I just got eyes in the back of her hand she usually doesn’t miss a thing can I um can i bum a smoke I don’t smoke you shouldn’t either what is that like the party line in this town my mom Doncaster two years ago I’m sorry I forget it listen about the shapes yeah Heather’s okay she’s been pretty helpful since my mom passed one pair of shades is not the end of the world shouldn’t do something nasty to a nice woman it’s bad karma thanks for having my back karma lies here I’ll put him back nobody will even notice they were gone whatever I just live on the edge of town in the old gray house with a havoc on the porch she come back hang out sometime yeah I have got to get away from here you’re there for the summer Sydney are you have a real bed now they’re eating you bread and water as well okay did you know that emma is like 50⁄50 really okay me not fifty but she’s old like you thank you look mom I promise I’ll be good just let me come home well it’s a little late for that Sydney I have to go mom you cannot just dump me here Sydney I did not dump you you’re spending the summer with your father in a resort town some kids might think that was kind of fun Cray well you can send them here I have to go I love you mom just breathe I think beautiful relaxing thoughts relax when we get the results of the amnio back Shh everything’s gonna be just fine we’re and if a perfect baby just like you so good Alice are you think I’ll name Alice [Music] I like old-fashioned pretty house Elizabeth the forest what if it’s a boy no this is Alison here I can feel her a little baby honest your daddy loves you [Music] oh good warning I just wasn’t sure what Sydney would like so you made everything and it seems you are gonna have to eat all of it oh she seems very disinterested in making an appearance oh really well I’ll go get her I get to get my stuff out of there anyway mm I’m good [ __ ] it’s dad morning I must made a great breakfast for you Oh breakfast well you should it’s the most important meal of the day can we please save a nutrition lesson for another time yes the doctor has asked Emma to take it easy that’s why she’s only a week part-time right now so so I need you to help her around the house go to the market whatever she needs mm-hmm I’ll take that as a yes little breakfast wouldn’t hurt rise and shine I feel [Music] a few hi that was very pretty yeah well I wasn’t playing for an audience I’m going off to the market would you like to come along no I know this must be really hard for you Sydney yeah yeah I do when I was a kid my parents didn’t I don’t care Sydney what I would really like for us to try to be friends by it well for one thing we’re gonna know each other for a lot of years and for another thing my doctor just called with the results from Miami oh and I’m carrying your baby sister around in here that baby is not my sister but it has nothing to do with me it’s yours and yours and died Hey Sydney’s what’s up not much we’re going to st.
Paul to score some tickets for the John Mayer concert cool later [Applause] Sydney Sydney are you hungry Sydney [Music] I thought your father said no smoking in the house I’m sorry I can’t hear you I said no smoking in the house take those out and put that cigarette out right now right now okay jeez you don’t have to freak out on me I completely lost it on Sydney I mean completely it was like an out-of-body experience been there done that step parenting for sissies well I’m not a [ __ ] but I am completely out of my league here I really want to love her but she’s making it impossible to even like her what do I tell you when you told me you were gonna marry Ben don’t Kate don’t unless you’re prepared to marry his daughter too I thought you were exaggerating exaggerating I married a man with three kids yeah but your kids were different not at first what do you mean well they’re always testing you and you have to wait them figure out what they’re gonna do and cut them off how do I manage that start out by being so nice keeps her off balance stocked the fridge with her favorite foods rent them movies let her choose the TV shows we watch that’ll take care of a couple hours out of the day what do I do with the rest of the time we keep her busy hey my busboy quit this morning I have an opening mm-hmm I found with my Bunch that if they had time on their hands they used it to make my life miserable I don’t know it sounds more like a military campaign than a life you got it Oh [Music] Wow Keita really likes you she’s picky about her friends too I got you some snacks and some noodles [Music] Sydney I had no right to yell at you before I’m sorry really I mean I’m not sorry about what I said just the way that I said it you can’t smoke in the house cuz I’m pregnant that’s bad for the baby and you shouldn’t smoke anyway because it’s bad for you but that’s the way I should have explained myself instead of screaming at me okay no I it’s hard to believe it I used to be really calm and how do you got hormones yeah it’s all true the funny thing is I thought I was gonna be really good at this probably noticed but I’m not the youngest mother to be how old are you anyway I’m 39 I’m gonna be 40 when the baby’s born Wow I didn’t mean no no wow sums it up perfectly I mean if you told me a year ago that I was gonna be married and pregnant I would have said you were nuts I mean I’d pretty much given up on finding the right man I mean kids that was really okay with it Katie my friends my work and I just all happened so fast I feel sorry for your baby hey you and Dad it won’t last never does shall we just like me [Music] come on yeah I’m up here SID now you’re gonna see dad now what hey what a lucky baby yep lucky a little Alice Elizabeth didn’t want to tell you on the phone so cool yeah and everything’s good yeah [Laughter] [Music] I could look at this view all day long I imagine myself in the fish jumping like there’s no tomorrow hey that do you remember the first time that such a tiny thing that fight the little fisherman I thought the fish I caught was just huge it was like this big picture from that day I’ve missing I miss hearing those pretty tunes of yours I promise I will come back and play see you can sink a better young lady I won’t forget you catching up oh we sure are sure [Music] how’s Emma how’s my buddy Katie are they both fine Emma sends her love she’ll be here tomorrow with Katie oh good well they they allow Katie here you see yeah Emma but before she was your dad’s missus she brought Katie here for art classes I painted the picture for myself there’s look more like a space monster than me but it was the only art I never created and I was very very happy about [Laughter] you know emma has a friend Heather she owns a cafe in town yeah no she’s you doing well that’s good because I’ve got good to know that she isn’t opening in the kitchen this summer a couple hours a day you want me to get a job yeah why not write a couple extra dollars save up for something you want I talking about my first car I’m G I’m fair car maybe you can save up for something else that enough cell phone or a CD player even a laptop if you work hard enough maybe a laptop laptop who knows you know when I was a kid I think that for comic book you know times of chains having that light your step here it’s a little slippery [Music] I have that picture too you know the one of us fishing that day [Music] that’s one of the best memories of my life it is yeah it is how’d you mom hook up we met in movie you picked her up not exactly I was a senior working as an usher in this place on campus that so classic films once a week the film that night was with Katharine Hepburn and John Barrymore this truth can father you know yeah I got it anyway I was cleaning up after the movie and this girl came in she was just a freshman and she asked if I ran across a scarf that she’s not behind so we look for it and they leave behind you seen I was mom yep just say one no something else is interesting what’s that and that’ll film that night Katharine Hepburn’s playing a girl her name was Sydney Fairfield that’s where my name comes from it sure does in the minute you announce yourself the world and boy did you up a set of lungs Anya we knew that was the perfect name for you [Music] hi Heather what can I do for you um I was wondering about that job yeah take this to the kitchen Oh hello said Sydney what are you doing here said I had to come there like your soul was being sucked out I forgot to call him you know many times I didn’t think you actually show up yeah well you’re like Zach you have to come yeah well usually I can’t count on people you know yeah come on get your stuff together look Zach it’s been okay hey there bed for stern you this is my friend Zack Zack yeah I know all about Zack look whatever a mom told you it’s not true what are you doing here I came in Sydney what do you mean I called him when I first got here last night I’m sorry you drove all this way for nothing Zach the city’s not going anywhere you better get in that car and turn around dad we played I do it just take it off no I didn’t think he would actually show up you better get going yeah well she called me so check the reason Sydney’s here is to get her away from Chicago friends that I’d includes you especially you now aside from the fact that I’m not about to let my fifteen-year-old daughter Drive off with some kid I particularly don’t want her to go with you Ben let me handle this in you get that car you turn around and you go go and don’t you even think about coming back I was gonna tell them that I was gonna stay now [Music] [Music] [Music] hey JD Katie hey you taken with me girl stay home stay okay go go go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Anna what what happened is Sydney all right I’m sure everything is fine but Ben and Sydney had a fight it’s just that she took off well she’s gone what do you mean gone Ben is out looking for her right now and I’m sure he’s gonna find her but alright I’ll be there as soon as I can what hello yeah good morning you told me that gray how sit down Tomic on the floor glad you found it good good your parents I mean your dad won’t mind that I’m hearing oh he works night shifts won’t be home for hours okay nothing like cold feet after a hard night would you mind if I have some more yeah knock yourself out you should probably call your dad after maybe you’re done with that why cuz I’ll call the cops if you don’t know they’ll be happy I’m gone really for sure I ran away once really how come when my mom was sick my dad had to take new jobs to pay all the medical bills after she died I figured he’d be around a lot more somebody talking or not but you just kept working more than before when he was home he was real quiet and it wasn’t like I was there so I just got fed up around know what happened I think it baby boy dad call the cops they brought me home knows that and now is it better it’s okay I guess we go bowling once a week together it’s cheesy but man he’s good my dad and I used to do stuff together all the time you want some fruit I’ve got some maraschino cherries thank God I’m really sorry that I messed up your baby’s room Oh maybe you can help me fix it me you want me to help who better you go take a nice warm bath and then we’ll get to work she’s okay upstairs having a nap who’s that I called Lin what why because she’s her mother she needs to know what’s been happening any news see these back she’s fine hello Lin please please come down I’m sure you could use some coffee thank you she’s okay he’s come in take a seat make yourself at home you really didn’t have to come here man everything’s under control well that’s not what it sounded like when your wife called me at 4:00 a.
m. mom Sydney get your things together what’s going on you’re coming home with me just like you wanted I can’t believe I trusted you with her now hold on you order me to take her and then you expect me to perform miracles I’m doing the best I can under very difficult circumstances know what your 15 year old daughter disappears in the middle of the night that’s doing your best I don’t see you any any mother of the Year awards that’s why she’s here isn’t it well at least I’m a parent 24⁄7 a concept that you would never understand look I don’t need this right now well I’m sorry to interrupt your schedule Ben let me pencil in when you do need it and I’ll come back I am really tired so I’m gonna go sleep and then I have some painting to do so please go home mom I’m sorry that you drove all this way for nothing what is she talking about she and I are starting project together fixing out the baby’s room you and Sidney really yeah well I would rather have her here than anywhere near that Zac character that’s for sure but if there’s any more of this kind of thing she’s coming right home trust me there won’t be there wouldn’t bet on it Lynne don’t you want to stay and rest up No thank you I have to get back always nice meeting you Emma nice meeting you too live Wow I mean beauty together it’s as painful Oh watch yeah that’s why we got divorced but that was five years ago it’s just the way it is ever really and how did Sydney fit into all that she had nothing to do with the divorce that’s between Lynne and I oh yeah that’s what my dad used to say I didn’t horse you I divorced your mother well your dad had a lot of wise sayings and he was right oh you know what men those wise sayings are meaningless to a girl whose whole world is falling apart right in front of her look nobody can change what’s happened in the past you just have to move on hey Emma hi so how’d she do great she only broke two plates catelli’s usually higher in the first week well then great work now you can go home with your with Emma hi hi I wasn’t gonna bolt if that’s what you’re thinking no that is not why I’m here I had to go to the library and I thought maybe you’d like to have some company Viking huh oh sure [Music] [Music] all the antiques look like up here the church is our wedding pretty bride the gowns all wrong for a figure ever veils too short pleasures mine wait too much makeup wow you sound like an expert well I’ve been to a lot of weddings really yeah there’s this church by my school and me my friends we like to sneak in and watch I bet you’ll make an extra pretty bride getting made we’re not oh look at them they’re like women maybe so much just gonna last forever yeah you love each other right now but what about when you break up what happened I’d rather let go I don’t think I can answer that one for you Sydney again that’s why I’m not getting paid all right come on your dad’s staying tonight at st.
Paul these guys cook spoke to developer about a building project so it’s just gonna be us girls maybe we can order a pizza and work out the baby’s room [Music] this is gonna look great better than before hello uh yeah just a minute it’s for you hello are you just um um I can’t go nowhere can you laughs thanks um Jess and some of the girls are going to the John Mayer concert tonight on the Riverton campus and um somebody got the flu so there’s an extra ticket you like John Mayer it doesn’t there’s just girls you come straight home right after the concert straight home then you get to go really hey Jess yeah I can go okay I’ll be ready in ten minutes okay buddy thanks Emma I’m gonna get just see me um I’m kind of new to this whole stepmom thing all I know is that I trust you and that’s why I’m letting you go you won’t do anything to abuse that trust wait no way then you better get going that was sick please so let’s go - okay seriously is this a place guys guys I can’t go in there like we’re 21 here borrowed this from my sister no guys [Music] please talk about this [Music] [Music] [Music] need some IDs ladies [Music] for vodka sodas [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I dream [Laughter] [Applause] likes it my one drink I told you not to bring along anything [Laughter] [Music] why are you take until pill nurse Betty [Music] what they want me to do [Music] not driving whoa you don’t want to ride with us your deal sighs wait I don’t even all right hello Emma Emma I don’t know where I am what happened I went out with the girls to a club I know I said it wouldn’t I’m sorry but they were drinking and I thought just went and didn’t look take it easy okay here’s what you do you go inside the club stay on the phone and call yourself a cab that’s a name in club I don’t know I don’t know it’s the Manimal which animal Sydney the zebra zebra okay stay right where you are okay I’m coming right now I’m on my way okay please here I have a please okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey how much [Music] hello where are you I’m on my way to pick up Sydney no wait you’re breaking up man I got to concentrate on the road okay I’ll call you as soon as I find her [Music] [Music] Sydney [Music] today [Music] [Music] Sydney huh Sydney get in here right before you freeze here there’s a blanket in the back put this on get warm no you did the right thing by calling you did the right thing you know that no honey believes can only be happy right no because I care about you yes I care about you very much even after well this if I’d done even after all this stuff how did you forget me I was I was teaching art therapy at the nursing home your granddad and I we really hit it off yes there could be Nikita he loved Katie yeah your dad and I started having coffee after his visits mostly just to talk about his father at first then one thing led to another after well I don’t think there’s any happily ever after except in fairytales Sydney you’re not happy oh yes we are but we have to work at it every day I mean it’s not just to give it stay together Adam rocking chair but Advil people did so you could wreck the baby in it right yeah I did when I was little my dad built me its own house then the girls are [Music] [Music] I really would I gave new wedding me too me too is so wanted you to be there that your mom and dad get back together how did you know because when I was your age I had that very same go I could still I don’t know it sounds stupid no it does not it does not sound stupid oh oh oh okay nose okay what what hurts what I okay we need we need okay Oh you cannot take chance to do baby we need to go okay Hey so give me a baby you drive I’ll seize already I will okay [Music] [Music] dad where’s Oh No she’s in there nobody probably anything I need to see my wife name Forster hey I’m up arranging Forster I’ll call you when you can go in sir have a seat I don’t want to have a seat I want to see my wife I’m sorry so you’ll have to wait Emma are you alright she’s fine she can go home now are you sure honey I’ve been poked and prodded everywhere I’m fine you just make sure that she takes it nice and easy thank you you’re setting clues no late night drives as well the doctor said it could happen to any time it was good that Sydney was learned she was wonderful if I’d been alone I don’t know what would have happened can we just get out of here if I don’t get the car I stay with Emma I’d really like to stay here with you but I have to beat the construction site in an hour the inspectors coming are you feeling okay yeah you know Sydney I said that you wish you’d come to our wedding I might you are a magician but I think it would have changed the thing after all this how can you not see that she is not the problem you are you and Lynn hello yes it is okay okay I’ll be there right away thank you for calling then it’s dad [Music] [Music] words words what do they say [Music] it’s not a one shoe tell me it’s just what you do it shows the deeper side [Music] Oh you can laugh you can cry in and I will always be right here inside me just can’t say goodbye see you [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for coming man you mean in spite of the fact that you didn’t invite me I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking I didn’t expect you to you know for a long time he was dad to me too don’t start okay not today I didn’t mean anything by it sure you did you meant that I’m not really family I might as well take Sydney home they’ll save me a drive no she doesn’t she doesn’t need to leave yet yes she does you got a lot on your plate now visits over I’ll find you one take her go ahead Ben hey remember me is anybody gonna ask me what I want the news is between your father and me no no it’s not God nobody asked me anything in my entire life that’s not true this isn’t about you Sydney no I had a dad who will be dollhouses and played with me and so a vision and the next minute he was gone you were 10 years inside doesn’t matter mom don’t was warm and safe but it wasn’t safe it was can we do that her yeah I think we did maybe it’s not too late to start asking Sydney what Sydney feels about her life give her back some sense of control control over what were already divorced as history just hear me out I’ve been reading a lot and um I read this book about ceremonies your father’s funeral was so beautiful we all got to say goodbye and pay him tribute and express our feelings well isn’t the end of a marriage kind of like a death yes so I was thinking we can have a ceremony I feel about for a marriage it’s morbid listen listen this is not about your divorce this is about your marriage it’s about letting your daughter see that her parents used to be in love once that she came from love you did love each other right yes we did your husband was my first love don’t you think your daughter needs to hear this [Music] why don’t you stay overnight Linda I can book you around at the end it’s only a couple miles away you can think about it certainly I’ll stay the night but I I don’t know about the rest [Music] [Music] morning good morning you sleep well at all me either if Sydney wants to do this ceremony thing I’m willing okay me too come on it can I see a place we could have it in the backyard if your dad would like that well isn’t this cozy Oh enjoy this one run so goodbye you people have these ceremonies for a lot of rites of passage like verbs tests weddings yeah your dad and I we wanted if you wanted to do some sort of divorce ceremony Oh what you said you weren’t included and you were right so we want to do it as a family this is weird really weird Sydney just give it a chance okay sometimes that’s right your dad and I we want you to know that you had parents who loved each other and respected each other and we really did think it would last forever are you telling me this I guess we thought you should know and we’re so so sorry that we hurt you it’s the last thing in the world we wanted to do sweetheart look at me how can you forgive us forgive you yes [Music] we’re here today to honor the memory of our marriage we’re standing here in front of the people we love most in the world to honor the years we spent together to honor the love that once was and the amazing product of that love Lin you were my inspiration your faith in me gave me the courage to challenge the world then you made me see myself the way you saw me beautiful and exceptional you gave me wings you are the mother of my child for this I will always have you in my heart you’re the father of my child for this I will always have you in my heart Sydney I have something for you most people are lucky to have one perfect memory in their life this one’s mine [Music] you to it well I think this occasion deserves a picture that’s right everybody get together time can’t go backwards but that’s true we can’t change what’s already happened but we can change everything else my parents showed me that my parents [Music] I hope someday [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] Oh yeah but nothing [Music] every fan I just breathe just breathe just breathe I just breathe [Music] [Music] transpire [Music] [Music] [Music] everything [Music].