Install Verus-Desktop on Windows

May 18, 2020 19:37 · 904 words · 5 minute read signed launch get standard installation

Hello! I’m Oink. I’m going to tell you today how to install Verus-Desktop wallet, on Windows. I have a freshly installed Windows No extra software installed, that also means that everyone should be able to use it on a standard installation without the need for installing something extra! OK, first of all, we’ll have to go to our website… We go to the wallet page. We scroll down a bit and we see the wallets that that we want to have. There’s Windows, Linux, MacOS and ARM. For your Pi for example. OK, we are going to download the the Verus-Desktop wallet. Just click it… … and it should start downloading.

01:00 - Yes! Do yo want to open it, save it or cancel it? We are going to save it! And now you see it is downloading. OK, it is nearly there. It’s not a very big file, so it shouldn’t take a minute. And there we have it. We can open the folder… and there it is. Verus-Desktop v0.6.4-3 That’s what we downloaded just now. To install it, we’ll need to open it up. And you’ll see 2 things: you’ll see a signature file and you’ll see an application The signature file, if you already have one [wallet] running there’s another video explaining how you can check the signature of any download If you have Verus-Desktop - an older version- running PLEASE, check the signature. For now we go into install Verus-Desktop. I’m going to run it. While I wait to activate, I’ll minimize some stuff. Ok: Windows protected your PC That’s common nowadays Microsoft is trying to protect against ANY binary that’s not signed by them.

02:36 - However, we know it’s safe, so I clicked show more and I’m going to click “run anyway” OK, there it is: maybe you’ve run older wallets from Verus that you had to extract… This one actually has an installer I’m going to read it all I’m a very fast reader and I’m going to agree. OK. For who do you want to install it? Do you want it for all the users that use your PC? Or for just me? For just yourself.I’m going to do it for just me. That means it will end up, not in the standard “C:\Program Files” location yet it will be saved in my own profile, so no one else can access it. Next: It will tell you where it will save it: and that’s actually in my own profile. That’s OK, that’s what I just said.

03:36 - And we’re going to click next and it will start installing… OK, it is going very fast… … And it’s finished! OK, “run Verus-Desktop” is already ticked. So, if I click “finish”it will start up Verus-Desktop right away. So I click Finish I minimize this one and I’m just going to sit back and wait what will happen… And it’s loading up with the Verus logo with the moving bar below that.

04:13 - OK, the first time you login, it will require a profile name It is completely new I am Oink, so I’m going to call my profile “Oink”. Let’s be creative And I’m going to say:“Create!” Select your profile. Well… I just made one. And there’s only one. OK, now there’s an option here: you can opt in to have it launch in this profile the next time you start up. We’re not going to do that right now but that would mean that you don’t have to choose your profile, you can just go on and get into your wallet, which I will show you right now by selecting it. OK, get started. This is what everyone sees the first time we get in.

05:02 - It did say in green at the bottom that I logged in. Oink logged in. I can go to “Wallet”, “Verus IDs” and “Mining Dashboard”. Let’s go to the wallet first. Let’s see what we have. OK, as you can see there are no coins added. Yet, you can click here, or you can click there. I’ll explain in another video how to load up your Lite mode coins, how to load up your native mode coins. That’s going to be two different videos. Here is the Verus Identity tab.

05:38 - Here your can, if you have Veruscoin in native mode loaded, you can do a lot of things, you can commit a name to get a VerusID. You can recover your VerusID if you already have one and revoked it. You can sign data or you can verify signed data, for example the download of your wallet. And here you’ve got your Mining tab. Right now it’s completely empty. Once you’ve got the coins loaded, you can see the mining status on your local miner. You can mine inside the wallet, you don’t need an external miner for it.

06:15 - OK, that’s it for this time I nearly forgot: We have an excellent WIKI page: You can find a lot of questions and the answers belong to that here, for Windows, Linux, MacOS general questions, general information How-To’s, so check it out. And if you stil do have a problem drop by our discord. If you don’t have a problem, drop by our discord: we always welcome you, there’s a lot of activity there. Thanks for watching! Please join me next time. .