How to use StageWave

Feb 22, 2020 00:00 · 338 words · 2 minute read fi monitoring system stagewave desktop

Hey everybody I’m Rodrigo I want to introduce you Stagewave the most complete Wi-Fi monitoring system for live performers in this video I will show you how to use it and also everything you need to start up the system In order to use Stagewave you need a digital mixer or an audio interface a Windows or Mac computer at least one Android or iOS mobile device Stagewave desktop and mobile versions installed in your devices and finally the most important component a high performance Wi-Fi router with 5 GHz band support for the entire requirement list please visit the link in description Well, it’s time to connect everything first connect your digital mixer to your computer in this case we will use a USB cable if you are using an analog mixer you can use an audio interface to convert analog signal into digital signal connect your computer to the router using a certified ethernet cable if your computer doesn’t have a Gigabit Ethernet port you can use a Gigabit Ethernet dongle prepare your phone by putting it in airplane mode turning off location services and turning on the Wi-Fi connect your smartphone to the Wi-Fi router make sure you are using the 5 gigahertz Wi-Fi network and finally connect your headphones to your mobile device Now the best part open stage wave in your desktop computer enter your user credentials or choose test mode in test mode you can use Stagewave for 10 minutes with up to 16 devices choose the audio device you want to use for your session open Stagewave in your mobile device and wait for it to connect to the Stagewave desktop application Finally, start controlling and listening your monitoring mix using the mobile mixer As you can see Stagewave is kick to install and simple to use for more information visit our website and join to our community in social media if you have any question give us a comment below that’s all for this time goodbye and try Stagewave .