Chuck Pierce: Resist Poverty, Infirmity & Isolation (James 4:7)
Nov 30, 2020 12:30 · 1470 words · 7 minute read
- Wow! (congregation cheers) There is not a day that you can get up that you can’t start again. Not one day. If you open your eyes and breathe, his mercy is there. His faithfulness is there. His grace can pour down on you. (congregation cheers) Now I want you right now to tell all condemnation. Any time the enemy condemns you, God, doesn’t condemn you. You are not a condemned land. You look at somebody and say, “Your land will prosper.
” 00:54 - (inspirational music) ♪ Morning by morning ♪ ♪ New mercies I see ♪ - Sing it over us, James again! ♪ Morning by morning ♪ ♪ New mercies I see ♪ ♪ All I have needed thy hand ♪ ♪ Has provided ♪ ♪ Great is thy faithfulness ♪ - [Congregation] Yes, yes, yes, yes! ♪ Lord unto me ♪ - Now I want you to say that out loud. He’s faithful to you. Now say this out loud, “I need God’s faith in me.” Remember in this month, this is a month about dreams. And I it’s been amazing to read some of your dreams that you’ve sent into us. As we try to hear what God is saying through revelation, night visions, and revelations. And it’s really good. But Linda Heidler is, has had some of the most outstanding dreams that have affected me. And I’ve been able to hear through them. As I said, the last two weeks, I was an intense intercession. So I call Linda in on, I think it was Thursday morning. And I said, “You know, I feel like God is saying some things and we need breakthrough into.” I know what I’ve been warring. Because I did get high enough to see the enemy. And she said, “I had a dream.” And I said, she began to share it.
03:16 - And I asked her, would she come and to share it this morning? So welcome Linda Heidler. (congregation applauding) - Thank you. Well, in my dream, I had gotten a letter from my mother. And my mother passed away like over 10 years ago. But she sent me a letter. And in the letter it said, “Here is what they are trying to accomplish through COVID.” She said, “First of all, poverty. “ And she said, “A lot of people have lost a lot. But even after recovery begins, a spirit of poverty is going to like have been entrenched in the nation.” And then she said, “Infirmity.” And she said, “Many people are sick with this. But after this is over, a spirit of infirmity will have attached to many people.” And then she said, “Isolation.” And again, many people feel like are do need to be isolated.
04:22 - But even after they don’t need to be isolated anymore they will continue to isolate. Because a spirit will come on them that makes them feel like that’s what they need to do. And then she said, “They also are attempting to take over communication systems and transportation systems.” And, you know, in my dream, it’s like I was reading this, reading this letter and I began to wake up, and I felt like I still had it in my hand. And my first thought was, “I need to write my mother a thank you note for telling me this.
” 05:04 - And then I began to wake up, and realized I didn’t have a letter, and I wasn’t gonna be writing her thank you note. So– - Wow! But we’re going to thank the Lord for sending you that revelation. Now I want us to stand up for a moment. - [Congregation Member] Yes! - In “Passover Prophecies,” I write about each one of these things, what’s happening. And you know, one of the hardest things for people to understand is God has a will for man in the earth. He has a will for you individually. He has a will for us, territorially. However, the enemy tries to use research. The enemy was defeated at the cross. But when Yeshua ascended from hell. So he’s already visited your hell. Yeah. - Yes! - There’s not a hell you can through he hasn’t already visited.
06:21 - (congregation cheers) And it’s hard for people to understand he’s spirit. Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. His spirit is working in the earth round. We keep looking, I think, for a physical Jesus here. It’s his spirit that is omniscient working down through. And anyone that will allow his spirit to live inside of them. This is a salvation message. It’s not the four spiritual laws. It’s the salvation message.
07:02 - If you will surrender your spirit to him he will invade your spirit. He’ll dwell in your spirit. He’ll make home in your spirit. Therefore, his spirit is moving through you. And when Yeshua ascended, he gave gifts to mankind. And those gifts will manifest by his spirit, through people. Now put your hand on somebody and say, “He’s talking about you.” - [Congregation] He’s talking about you.
07:42 - - So with that, we have a responsibility to enforce his headship here in the earth realm. - [Congregation Member] Yes! - Well Satan hates his spirit in you. He hates it. He’ll do anything to stop that anointing from coming through you. Because the anointing breaks the yoke. And I think we get so religious trying to do everything right, and be good. That ain’t gonna get it, people. None of us are good. No, not one. That’s why we need him dwelling in us. And if he’s dwelling in you, anywhere your footsteps you can retake him. You can lose him. You can say what he’s saying.
08:43 - That’s why people go places and pray and decree. That’s why when you meet people, you say what he’s saying. In “Passover prophecies,” I talk about what’s ahead. It is an interesting time. Look at somebody and say, “Don’t worry, be happy.” - [Congregation] Don’t worry, be happy. - You know, Chad, you used to play when I was saying somethin’. (congregation laughing) - Woo, Chad! - Y’all point at Chad and say, “God, help him.” - [Congregation] God, help him. (congregation laughing) - Don’t worry (mumbles). (Chuck laughs loudly) - And, and because of that, we have to resist– - [Congregation Member] Come on now, come on. - The weakness that the enemy is attempting to place on God’s people right now. See, this is so unusual. What we’re doing here, this isn’t happening all over our nation.
09:59 - Because one of the strategies was to remove this from our nation. - [Congregation Member] Yeah! - You need to see it. Listen to me. We have to worship. Let us go, that we can worship. (congregation applauding) And then you get to this nation, Pam and I read the Bill of Rights out loud, this, yesterday morning. You have to read the Bill of Rights out loud. And say, “This is what we’re about.” And then you have to say, “How’s Satan trying to take that one from us? How’s Satan trying to take that one from us?” Some of us, once we got free, we intended to stay free.
10:55 - (congregation applauding and cheering) - [Congregation Member] Amen, amen! - Now just understand that. - Amen! - Once we got free, we weren’t going back into that captive hell that we came out of. (inspirational music) And in the great cloud of witnesses there’s an ability to communicate. And I think, I think God said, “I’m going to use a way for Linda to understand because her mother could tell her various things.” So she could tell you: Resist poverty! (congregation applauding and cheering) Say it out loud. I’m resisting poverty. - I’m resisting poverty.
(inspirational music) 11:52 - - Listen, I walked in here, just handing out hundred dollar bills. Resist property! (congregation cheering) Resist infirmity! (congregation cheering) Submit yourself to God and resist the devil, And he has to flee. (inspirational music) Infirmity is not sickness. It weakens your ability to withstand. Resist infirmity! (inspirational music) Tell it to get out of your bloodline. (inspirational music) See that’s what COVID was designed. This COVID, there’s been COVIDs forever.
12:44 - This COVID was designed to find a weakness in your blood and burl itself in it. It’s manmade. It was sent– - Say that! To find the weakness that someone has, burrow itself in that weakness, and multiply. Right now decree, your weakness will not multiply! (inspirational music) Resist isolation! - [Congregation] Resist isolation! - Look at somebody and say, “You wouldn’t do well on an island by yourself.” (congregation laughing and chattering) .