Hydroponic Farming At Home – In-depth Tips and Tricks – Grow Hydroponics Vegetables
Feb 15, 2020 10:43 · 1607 words · 8 minute read
Hydroponic Farming At Home – In-depth Tips and Tricks – Grow Hydroponics Vegetables cool right click the link in the description for pricing ratings and reviews welcome back to airborne productions Harbor Freight makes a pretty good little greenhouse we’ve done a lot of work to make ours run a hydroponic setup let’s check it out there are many benefits to having a hydroponic setup it’s really clean and organized and it’s also clean on the inside when you run hydroponics it really protects your plants and roots from getting all rotted out because the water is continuously running through it a lot of times with a traditional setup your roots will collect water and the water won’t drain out like it should that will cause your plants to rot and die using hydroponics completely remedies that problem Harbor Freight carries a few different models but this one in particular is 10 feet wide by 12 feet long the greenhouse comes with a steel base for mounting but it’s not really that sturdy so we decided to pour a little curb of concrete and bolt the aluminum straight to the concrete that way this thing doesn’t blow away at all there’s one more little stability issue that’s common with these greenhouses that’s these panels they often unclip these panels can blow away with a good gust so we put a simple little number 10 tech screw in each panel and that’s fine the construction of this thing is pretty basic you get your frame all set up and then from there you put your panels on pretty straightforward for roof vents are included but we added these attachments that open and close based on the temperature outside right now they are mostly open but as it cools off at night these are closed up to slightly regulate the temperature inside the greenhouse we use some simple rocks from Home Depot for the flooring for shelving we took cinder blocks stack three of them up and use some lumber to make a little platform we did this around the perimeter and we did one in the middle for the hydroponics we simply use some perlite the middle which goes all the way down the bucket we have a line in each bucket that pumps water in we have this line out the rubber seal flows water out connected to each one so when you do this this is pretty high up the highest point of this PVC pipe so the water will flow all the way down then the lowest point of this PVC pipe is over here that way all the water flows completely through and dumps back into this tank we have a float in the rear for water regulation as well as a pump right here which goes up and each line for each bucket the pump is electronically controlled using the simple electronic timer every 15 minutes the water will run for 60 seconds and then it repeats and we are feeding our plants these organic nutrients we mocked up some misters and we will utilize a timer each plant we have is organic we have blueberries Ozark Beauty strawberries Sequoia strawberries super- sweet 100 Tomatoes husky cherry red tomatoes Juliet tomatoes roma tomatoes red beefsteak tomatoes eggplant Japanese cucumber plus cucumber cucumber variety crookneck squash zucchini squash purple bell pepper green bell pepper orange bell pepper yellow bell pepper red bell pepper lastly sweet pepper the Harbor Freight greenhouse or any greenhouse for that matter to be done very simply the hydroponic setup does have quite a few benefits we could have simply propped up the greenhouse and buried plants in the ground but our add-ons certainly enhance her to grow fruits and veggies we will make an update video when harvest season comes around thanks for watching good eye welcome to do things differently this is our slice of paradise 250 mature olive trees and a big white house up here on the hill and a high tech Fab Lab down in the town we run a small IT business through alcohol press olives teach young geeks grow fruit and veg hunt farm chickens and experiment but today we’re doing hydroponics down on Kiko fun hydroponics it’s a hot topic around here usually with connotations of frog D plants and smiling glazy I young farmers but for us it’s a source of fresh food all the year round we’ve been doing it for about twenty years so we’ve got a fair amount of experience and spare parts but we’re going to cover it now because we’ve moved in we’re starting up a new system and it’s a good time to show people how it’s done hydroponics work well outdoors but wind is a killer that will Bend break and even blow your plants right out so we use a greenhouse keep the plants warm but to keep the weather off high winds here will show blown branches straight through a poly tunnel so we need the rigid frame and polycarbonate panels of our greenhouse weave concreted well in and it’s a Titan 904 greenhouse with some extensions which we got from honking garden products it’s seven meters by two point seven meters huge and it cost us about three and a half thousand New Zealand dollars so our hydroponic system does away with soil and pumps just the right amount of water around the system not too much or the plants drown not too little half of the plants dry out periodically though we do that all the water drain away it stops the roots from rotting and it saves us visit electricity I think during the entire system first which is the drain tap on your holding tank the pump connects it roughly the same level maybe a little higher up to let the crap settle to the bottom of the tank once the pumps pump the water around the system it needs to drain freely into the tank otherwise you run some backup and flood make sure that the ends of the hoses aren’t actually in water the ballcock valve collects the water in topping up what the plants use the pump is 100 water mains pump capable of pumping 6 litres a minute I put to knee to head as the pipes have frictional losses you need more head than you think thicker piping has less loss so as we expand our system we’ll swap to this thicker 20 millimeter Pike throughout the pump water goes through the thinner feeders that point into our troughs these go down one important slope to the drain the troughs always have flat bottoms with the roots spreading out over a thin film of water which oxygen can get through the round bottom troughs drown the root systems so don’t use them the plants sit in little flags and baskets of clay beads to support the roots sometimes we use the mixer light which is basically like a platform we print small pots and we buy the big ones because they’re not worth printing so that’s our hydroponic system later we’ll cover how you add nutrients to it and we’ll take a look at what plants do and don’t like hydroponic systems but for now let’s see a lot on the Kiko farm hi this is a quick rundown on how to set up our most basic kit we call it the desktop model as you can see you get some very basic brackets you get some random reading material which you don’t really have to keep you get two hoses it’s part one of the two-part nutrient solution some packing foam to go around your seedlings and of course part two of the nutrient solution we suggest to you use the shorter hose for an overflow if you don’t link multiple tubes together you have to worry about that hose again and use the longer hose as a drain hose we recommend at least fortnightly you drain out and replenish the new champ or weekly for heavier feeders now you can insert the brackets into the appropriate holes and your plant is ready to be used cut your phone packing into strips around 20 mil or three quarters of an inch wide now you can add a couple of litres of water to your planter in concentrated form calcium and phosphate tends to form a nasty brown sludge which plants can’t use so it’s always best to mix the two parts separately into water for the first two weeks all you’ll need is five mil of each part that’s more than enough for seedlings and about all lettuce will ever need it’s a very light feeder so the next 14 days all you have to do is top up the planter with fresh water and then at the end of the 14 days you can drain it out and put in more nutrient the planter only needs to be filled up to the level of the overflow hose if you’ve raised your own seedlings and very porous mix you only have to wash the seedlings in a bucket of water wrap the foam around the seedling and stick it in the hole if you’ve bought punnets they may be rootbound in which case you might find a hard spray with a hose nozzle might be more effective in cleaning the roots these were put down on September the 18th and about three weeks later we could start harvesting leaves cool right click the link in the description for pricing ratings and .