Como Dibujar a Sanji de One Piece Paso a Paso Facil y Rapido | Tutorial Bien Explicado

Dec 29, 2020 21:00 · 1210 words · 6 minute read erase center brand easy steps

Before starting with the video tutorial kids, I wanted to tell you that there is a surprise when I am commenting on the video, it is something that a lot of people have been asking for for a long time and well… I am not responsible if you stay until the end. If you waste time, if you stay until the end then you see something that does not interest you because there are people who are not interested and people who do, so do not blame me later, and well before starting I wanted to send greetings to people who They had asked me in the last video, a greeting for Santiago Rivera, another greeting for smr451, a greeting for Paula Saldaña, for Óscar Arellano, for zin val, for my brother mohamed anouar maiouan , for say dan and finally for giacomo Paula Muñoz, if you want a greeting in the next video, leave me the comments saying say hello and you will be greeted and in this video I will draw Sanji from One Piece, who had more votes in my last publication, be attentive to the publications because I put characters there and you choose what you want me to draw and we are going to start with the Tutorial. To start drawing Sanji from One Piece we will need a normal sheet, which is sold in any store, A4, I will leave you all the measurements on the screen, as you can see we have made a square that will help us to know where each part of his face will be , and the materials that I am going to use are very normal, the typical ones that are sold in any store and an HB pencil, an eyeliner to outline, an eraser obviously because I am also going to erase a lot of things and if you are going to follow me you will have to erase too And the materials that I’m going to use the usual ones, this to color the skin you can use any brand, I’ll use yellow markers to paint Sanji’s hair and gray colors, wait a moment please, this is okay, this for his suit that was all , the drawing is very easy to follow me if you want, I hope you are inspired to draw it even if you don’t know why it will surely turn out very well I will try to explain it as well as possible, and if you liked the video and give it the ike share it with your friends to reach more people and thus help me grow, so you will do something on your part because it is also difficult for me to edit the videos and upload them etc… if you are not subscribed to the channel and you are new, I invite you to that you subscribe, click the red button, it is totally free next to it you have the bell to activate it so that notifications will arrive when you upload a new video, having said all this we are going to start with the tutorial..

02:53 - to draw sanji, we would start in the center in the last line drawing the chin in the form of curves, we would go up to the cheek that would come out of the square, we went to the eyes and eyebrows that will be in the second line starting at the top, his eyebrows are in the shape of a snail I erased it because it did not convince me Since in the anime it is longer, I have passed to the hair of our character that as most have it in the form of spikes, the nose will be in the center between the two lines in the middle that will be a little long, I have decided erase the eyes Yes, since they did not convince me, so I will have space for the other eye and it is not disproportionate, so the rubber is important to have it guys, we will draw the mouth on the third line as a curve, very easy, and the beard, I will finish the hair that covers the face, then in the imaginary line that I made crossing the nose, we would draw what the ears would be, which start from that line and end next to the eyes, the left eye would be covered by hair, So don’t worry about it, we will draw the people’s neck, which this time is not long, but if it is wide, it begins next to the cheek and ends at the end of the square, we add the details that are missing to the face, the mustache, I will finish the hair, you can make that imaginary circle so it will help you draw the entire hair without making mistakes, and to finish the sketch we would go to the suit, which is also very easy kids, just pay attention and follow my steps and surely you will have a good result, and n Or I say it in order to believe I am a professional in drawing because I am not, we add the details to the neck and we will draw the pectorals, once this is done we can start to outline: D, I take advantage of the fact that we have come this far to tell you what I told you First, I wanted to tell you that there will be a gallery of subscribers. To participate, all you have to do is be subscribed to the channel, like the drawing if you like it, comment: I participate, and when you do, you can go to my comment posted to know how to send me the drawing so I look forward to your drawings : D, to start with the coloring, first of all I wanted to tell you, that at the end of the outlined, erase the pencil that was left below so that the sheet is cleaner, now we would start coloring the skin with a skin color of any brand You already know that it does not matter, and when I finish that to do the shading we will go over or a darker skin color or that this time I will use the brown color, and this is the most important thing about coloring, follow what I do, and do the same in the hair and the suit, the trick of the shadow is only to pass over a darker color in the parts where you want it to be noticed: D and with this the drawing would be almost finished my people, I think it is the easiest tutorial from my channel, e I hope it has served you, if you have followed the tutorial do not forget to send me your drawings on my social networks that will be in the description and I will say it again, if you are not subscribed to the channel and you like the content subscribe to help me grow it does not cost anything , hit the bell next to it so that you receive notifications when you upload a new video, and having said that, we’ll see you next time, bye… .