The Training Revolution

Jan 28, 2020 16:05 · 532 words · 3 minute read vietnam war fight future today

  • [Man1] Yes, c’mon! - [Man2] Hell ya! - The word brachiated or brachiation is the act of locomotion a primate uses to swing from vine to vine or bar to bar. Ya know, monkey bars, Tarzan on a vine. Because, if you’re swinging to the future, right. And you grab that vine of the future and you don’t let go of legacy what a happens? You stop moving. And so, this is the strange point we find ourselves in. And this is why I’m excited for this industry is the future is here.

00:23 - The way of changing and the revolution is here. But, we gotta let go a some of the ways we’ve been doin business in the past. - Okay, both these appear to be coming, checking.. - After the Vietnam war, we created Red Flag, Top Gun, those types of environments. To create large ranges with dissimilar platforms to do real air to air training. The problem we have today is our enemies have got the same technology that we have. And our ranges really don’t provide the same experience they used to. You’re never going to get rid of creating that real environment to go out there and drop weapons, fire air to air missies, really practice generating and pushing your aircraft to the limits. Their not large enough with air space. We don’t wanna give away all our capabilities by radiating in free space. So, it’s driving us more and more to how do we go into a virtualized, synthetic environment to allow us to do that training that we think we’ll see in combat.

01:18 - - Orlando is, kinda the epicenter for modeling, simulation, and training. And, so that helps shape all the technology that’s here in Orlando for Team Orlando. - So, we’ve all grown up playing video games. And, learning particular skills. This is all ingrained in our culture. We sit here within partnership buildings. These partnership buildings house both military and University of Central Florida researchers academics. And, we’re all part of this concept called Team Orlando.

01:52 - And, Team Orlando is bringing together all the services with the academics and with some of our industry partners. All working together to improve modeling simulation. - My kids grew up with the iPads and the iPhones. It’s a digital age. VR is not uncommon. Rapid change the norm right now. So, yes, VR AR technologies huge importance in the way we innovate moving on. Because, that’s what this generation is used to. You know, technology’s catching up, we cannot slow down. That is important for us to keep innovating keep advancing ‘cause it’s a complex environment. - It’s critical It’s critical that we work for the 2030 fight. Everything that we’re doing today is creating the realism necessary to fight the future fights and the expandability to incorporate the threats that will be coming versus dealing with yesterdays’ fight. Tends to be a history lesson we learn the hard way over time.

02:53 - But, you have to be ready for what’s coming next. And, that’s what the simulated environments we’re trying to create are going to drive us to. .