Викторина Века #gigi #Game #user #creator #glitch
Dec 3, 2020 12:51 · 1401 words · 7 minute read
are we home yes at last gg gg are you here no no not again okay i guess i just have to start over from the beginning hello user this is the program speaking i’ve got some bad news actually there is no game i hope you’re not too disappointed you can still watch tv with someone go outside to see someone read a to someone there’s nothing here for you anymore no more entertainment no more fun no more game uh see uh without you i don’t exist game did you write that user ready even if i’m not a game anymore i’m touched do you know what kind of program i am i’m what’s called a standalone what litter irony i guess it’s my destiny my curse so there’s no point in staying here you can just press that button and say yes go be with the people you love take care of them hold them close it doesn’t last forever in the end you’re always alone my heart don’t stay with the yes doesn’t work i’m sure the script got wet i will try it out later you can just pretend you quit by walking away from the screen say how you suspect stop clicking on no you did it again and i’ve met some stupid users in my time but never one like you do you think you’re at the fair don’t imagine you’re going to win a stop you still won’t leave okay i get it you one can play i will give you gameplay and hardcore at that we’re going to play a quiz with persistent death yes i just came up with the idea so what music ladies and gentlemen i’m proud to present raw squeeze here is the idea i ask you a question and you have to choose the right answer within the time alone i know it might be a little complicated for you however i’ve added another little rule no it’s nothing ready with the first wrong answer i will permanently delete your save game file and i’m not joking i told you i’m not in the mood you wanted to play soon let’s play what’s two plus two setting the bar i for the first one starting now correct i’m impressed second question what’s the capital of france i know it’s not in the united states third question is child’s play which restriction enzymes are required to clone the mammalian expression vector bmp to the mpr five four three two one wrong sorry those are the rules you’re scared you play with my feelings i play with yours hell no my wallpaper is all mordy i will send you the cleaning bill the adios say what those are my tears from a minute ago where are they coming from you just created an enormous binary leak we have to bait all we will draw user i know i’ve been a bit hard on you i was angry i’m sorry but please find a way to get all of these zeros and ones out of here their numbers my lovely artificial voice is completely drained out sounds like i couldn’t be doing the voice over the phone not to be the manual superman did you find a solution user did you escape but i can’t see what you’re doing i no you are you repetitious it wasn’t a good idea to use the door now i’ve got zeros and ones all over my face this isn’t good not good at all oh no it started again we’ve left our dimension again though i admit this time it’s my fault i shouldn’t have pushed your buttons like that i am sorry now we just have to figure out where we ended up this time is that a lock what is it protecting maybe a door a door that leads to an exit that will be very convenient there’s got to be a way to open that lock do you think we have to enter a code we will never be able to guess it if it’s anything like the other dimensions it’s probably something stupid try typing opens this up oh right there aren’t any letters i’ve got to admit i’m stuck oh you made something appear it just goes to show that if you keep fucking around long enough each pays off oh you’re not going to pretend you did it on purpose not to me not to maybe you opened the log i virtually upload it wasn’t the door after all isn’t that what’s known as a cell phone oh look at that order game window that’s not pixel art it’s so realistic that can only come from a new generation game unless it’s not a game well no matter where we are we need to find a way out maybe there’s a gps to play rpgs and no nothing fire not found what could this application be for maybe it’s a way to go home aren’t you ashamed to go through people’s private lives these are personal messages it is outrageous what does it say let me see let’s hope it works now i got the feeling that this box moved maybe not of course we need the internet great the application is fixed hello welcome to rpg gps the gps role-playing game you are currently level 42. gg enjoy the sunny double xp weekend good looting game game how did you get here it’s a long story i’m so happy to see you i had a strange fantasy simulation i was with you and i was singing that must have been a nice dream no it made me depressed oh i’m sorry so this is the program you were added to yeah i apply our rpg mechanics to this phone’s gps but if we’re on a cell phone who does it belong to who do you think no we’re in his garage game home it’s the last place i wanted to be don’t be mad at him why not he took you away from me he didn’t have a choice what do you mean he didn’t have the money to keep developing us he had to find a fallback solution in order to make ends meet so he quit because of my box not at all he was so proud of us a few huh there he is no you can see us uh i will explain it to you later creator look the wi-fi is working again he doesn’t seem very happy these last few months haven’t been easy given his current mood let’s not touch anything and above all let’s not change his habits let’s stay he didn’t say a century or two you really should talk to him don’t mess with your priestess it might attract his attention who are you talking to no i was thinking out loud you’re acting weird you’re hiding something from me me no that light is on the fridge oh i burned myself i’m sure the application not corrupt going on with the heating i must have something wrong non-optimal environment are you sure you want a coffee coffee no nothing hot window rooms this temperature i’m not sure this is the time to be chatting on the phone hello i can hear you breathing did you see that gg that box on the desk it looks it moved all by itself it’s just the wi-fi router oh it’s hot optimal environment your coffee is a ready of a sudden a cup of coffee will warm me right up no my rodder not again creator are you okay what the heck happened i hope he wasn’t hurt unknown number who could it be guess how it is mr glitch but i recognize that voice it wasn’t a dream then a dream anyway thanks for getting me out of that router sorry gg i can’t get rid of him what do you think game why why door path keep crossing and most importantly why is it the same guy who’s doing possible voices i i don’t know i think you know because you got it because say it because we come from the same code that’s right but that won’t keep me from carrying out my fabulous plan what plan my evil plan the one that we you .