Der KLEINE auf der GROSSEN FLÄCHE - der RASENFREAK mäht einen SPORTPLATZ mit seinem KUBOTA Z122R

Sep 12, 2020 06:00 · 439 words · 3 minute read please subscribe difficult angled go

Good morning dear lawn freaks. Welcome to a new video from Lawnfreak Andreas Krauss. We are here on our sports field in our little village. And I’m actually allowed to mow the sports field here with my Kubota Z-Turn mower. That’s a cool thing. So today mow on the sports field with the Kubota. Have lots of fun with it. [Music] A shockingly large area 😳. I put my Kubota on a soccer field here. And the area is so big and this mower looks so small on the area.

01:31 - Now I’m curious how quickly we can mow such an area here. The grass didn’t grow very well. It’s just still very dry. It’s nice in the middle, you’ll see something there. It is still a bit dry outside. But should be fun. Let’s go over here back and forth and I’ll try to mow a few straight strips. And let’s see how mowers have proven themselves in this area. I am very excited. Here we go, have fun. [Music] So dear lawn freaks, it was really fun.

03:34 - We’re not finished yet, but now a little interim balance. That works in no time with the Kubota, with the mulching mower. However, Kubota recommends not to mulch in such large areas, but to use the side discharge. I will try that again in another area. I still have an area for you to mow. And here we do with side discharge compared to the mulching mower. Mulching works very well, at least at this cutting height. The lawn didn’t grow out that much, that’s why it’s really great. You can go really fast. I think that’s amazing at what speed you can mow over here. Cool thing! Z-turn lawn mower on a sports field. The device is actually intended for very angled properties with lots of trees and corners. And not for completely straight surfaces. That is precisely the strength of this lawnmower. Through this bracket, through this drive forward and backward, the mower is actually suitable for very difficult angled and even angular plots, and not for such a large area.

04:45 - But that’s also possible here, mega cool 😁. [Music] Still cool 😊. [Music] The next time the Lawnfreak head comes into the lawn, the next time. I have to practice a little. I have to keep mowing now. Thank you for watching. And hopefully we’ll see you in the next video. Please subscribe to me. Then you always have the information immediately when I have released a new video. I’m looking forward to! Your Law freak will now keep mowing. [Music] .