Download & Install Windows 10 May 2020 Update Version 2004 [20h1]
May 15, 2020 11:22 · 285 words · 2 minute read
Hi people in this video i will show you how to Download & Install Windows 10 2004 May update 2020 go to this web this is agood web this web it name you can find any builds of windows 10 this is a home of this web you can go to downloads and you can find alot of builds of windows 10 1824 builds this is the last build we can go down and see alots of build the first build or the oldest build it is 15019 ok now we can go to the last build we can find x64 bit or x 86 bit now we go back to see the system go to this PC right click choose properties my system type is 64 bit ok now go back and you can choose The language this is alot of language ok now click next this windows 10 Home windows 10 Home N windows 10 Pro windows 10 Pro N click next and chosse create iso open it and click wazrd and click finish now chosse this when download finised you can find iso file here and open it chosse open with winrar now we can find this file here Now you can burn the ISO file in flash or a CD You will find the website link below the video restart your PC okay so the display setting is not proper so I will change the display set settings I will select the resolution 1920 by 1080 I will keep the changes you can adjust the display setting by right-clicking on the desktop and display settings and then choose display resolution accordingly there are multiple settings you can adjust accordingly .