How DNS works, Node.js 2020, and Dark Theme: FrontEnd news (8 Jan20)

Jan 8, 2020 07:00 · 593 words · 3 minute read might customizing form inputs better

Hi! Let’s talk today about How DNS works, Node.js 2020, and Dark Theme. If this is your first time here and you want to learn Frontend and JavaScript, start right now by subscribing, and don’t forget to turn on the subtitles. [Music playing] “Elegant Error Handling with the JavaScript Either Monad” by James Sinclair is a detailed guide regarding dealing with exceptions in JavaScript. It might even help you finally get your head around monads. In the article “Are Long JavaScript Tasks Delaying Your Time to Interactive?” Addy Osmani explains how Chrome DevTools can visualize “Long Tasks” (code that causes the main thread to freeze), making it easier to debug and optimize away any problems.

01:02 - “Building offline-first web and mobile apps using event-sourcing” is an interactive blog post by Andrey Salomatin about an alternative approach for the client-server CRUD architecture. Maybe it’s your case. In 2019, Node.js turned ten years old. It continues to grow at a rapid pace. In the article “What’s New for Node.js in 2020,” you can read about upcoming features around the corner. You might have heard that reviewing open source code might help improve your programming skills. In this article, Carl Mungazi shares how he began reading source code and became a better programmer. He uses Redux to demonstrate how he approaches decomposing a library.

02:04 - [Music playing] In this talk, you’ll see practical ways to reduce the amount of JavaScript we’re sending to the client, useful techniques, and tools for that. “CSS Line Layout and Vertical Rhythm” goes over upcoming features to improve CSS’s line box model, to control half-leading, and to maintain vertical rhythm. In the article “The Smallest Difference,” Robin Rendle demonstrates how one single CSS property can dramatically improve User Experience of reading tables with numbers. The very next point in my list is the article “The two-value syntax of the CSS Display property” by Rachel Andrew. The author reveals the causes of the specification’s refactoring and writes about new property’s values.

03:01 - You can read this article at Mozilla Hacks. Another curious resource is “How DNS works.” This webpage teaches you how DNS works using a comics story! Great for learning and explains what happens when you type a URL in your browser. [Music playing] In the tutorial “Playing Sounds with CSS,” Alvaro Montoro shares a method that makes it possible to play an audio file once a pseudo-class of an interactive element has been changed. That’s quite interesting, at least. Julie Grundy, in her turn, posted a fantastic article, “Making a Better Custom Select Element.

” 03:57 - She digs deep into the thorny issue of customizing form inputs while keeping them accessible. “Understanding grid placement through building an HTML periodical table” has a ton of details, and the author did a great job explaining things. Even if you already know Grids, this article is worth reading. In the post “Time to First Byte: What It Is and Why It Matters” Harry Roberts explains in detail how it might be useful for you and for improving the user experience of your web pages. Nick Babich in his turn posted an article titled “8 Tips for Dark Theme Design.

” 04:52 - In this article, you can find a list of highly practical tips for using color for Dark Theme Design. You can read more at UX Planet. [Music playing] If you like this video, give it “thumbs up,” share it with your friends, subscribe to the channel and watch other episodes. Thanks for watching and stay curious. .