the neighbors full movie in eng sub | korean crime thriller full movie

Dec 14, 2020 02:19 · 4329 words · 21 minute read spot move ?. took tone

LOTTE ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS Subtitles by Satadru Rej Hello? Why? Okay… SCHOOL ZONE Directed by KIM Khan THE NEIGHBORS I’m home… MY DEAD DAUGHTER HAS BEEN COMING HOME FOR A WEEK A missing woman has been found dead in Gyeonggi-do again. Residents in the neighborhood are engulfed in fear as a mutilated corpse was found just Iast year. The 14-year-old girl WON Yeo-sun was found dead today at 10 am 10 days after she went missing… TEN DAYS AGO That one. You got good taste. I’ll give it to you for $130. Sir?. Can you endorse this check?. Sorry.

07:11 - Thank you! Come again! What a rude bastard! Geez! I’ll take this one and a coke. - That’s $10. - Okay. Go ahead. Sorry. AHN SANG-YOON AHN SANG-YOON I’m off! Don’t Iisten to music when you’re driving! Okay! Pizza delivery. One combination and a coke. $10 please. I think something fell. Thank you. Please sign the coupon. You’ve ordered 3 times this month! If you order once more. you get the 4th pizza for free. I guess you order them on certain dates. - Go. - Sorry?. Oh. Enjoy your pizza. sir. What a nasty guy. Please. Let me go. Yikes! - Are you okay?. - I’m all wet! I’m sorry. You live in unit 201 right?. I’ll give you more toppings next time you order. It’s not unit 201. No?. I live in unit 302. Don’t forget those extra toppings! They look so alike. The check’s okay. sir. Really?.

What a relief! 11:00 - - Would you like to deposit that?. - Yes. Yeah?. Hello. This is the Women’s Society. Uh-huh?. We’re having the monthly meeting tomorrow. PIease attend this time. We need to get your sign for redevelopment… I’m moving. What an asshole. What are you doing here. mom?. What are you doing here?. We had a lunch event at the welfare center today. I got one for Mr. HWANG and Mr. PYO. Focus on your studies! You’ll be in high school soon! That hurt! Where’s Mr. HWANG?. Dunno. He’s never here. We should just get him to quit. Compose yourself. ma’am! Can’t do this anymore. It’s so frustrating. Sir. Please let me go home.

12:42 - I won’t say anything if you let me go home. I swear I won’t say anything. Go home then. Who says you can’t?. - Let’s go home! - Please! Don’t hurt me! Please! - Help me! - You’re going home! The police suspects that the victim died of blows to the head. 112 What’s wrong?. I think that’s the suitcase that I sold some time ago. Don’t you say things like that! I’m sure it’s the one. Even if it is. don’t say anything. We’d lose all our customers and the police won’t leave you alone. Keep your mouth shut. okay?. Fine. You’re right.

I’m not the only one 14:44 - who sells that suitcase. right?. Murders in Sunae-dong. Jeongja-dong and now Gangsan-dong?. That’s our neighborhood! Murder took place in 1 0-day intervals. Ten days?. 2nd. 1 2th. 22nd… That’s every 1 0 days. What are you muttering about?. Nothing. This jerk orders pizza every 1 0 days. Enough nonsense. You got delivery. Okay. We should thank him for ordering at all. I have to go back to work. Get me some extra clothes. I don’t want to be here alone anymore. I’m behind work because of Yeo-sun’s funeral. She came today! Yeo-sun came home again. - That’s enough! - I saw her. So what were you gonna do with that cross?. I’m so scared. honey.

16:43 - You were gonna scare away your dead daughter?. Only if I had kept my promise that day… Drop this already! When will you stop?. Look! You said she came home. Where is she?. How can a mom be scared of her own daughter?. I’d do anything to see her again even if in my dream. I guess you’ve never considered her your own daughter. Here. Excuse me. Yes. Yeo-sun?. Can I have some more soup?. Sure. What do you mean “Excuse me”?. Call her ‘ mom’. If that’s hard. call her ‘step mom’. Don’t make her feel uncomfortable. That’s okay. We’ll take it slow. Long time no see. What now?. - Come with us. - Why! Won’t take long. Thugs like him shouldn’t live here! We really gotta bulldoze this dump - and kick out losers like him.

- Exactly! 19:45 - This ghetto is attracting too many of those people. Look how nasty he looks. Don’t smudge it! I’m dragged here every time something happens just cuz I got one record?. One?. You mean seven. Consider it lucky you have an alibi. I don’t have time for this. You nuts! I’m off. okay?. Hey! Stay out of trouble. Now that we got your DNA on file. you better be good. DNA. my ass! That little… Mr. HWANG! You saw the warning we got about the food waste. right?. I can’t take care of everything. Maintenance is a lot of work. You’re never even in your post. What do you mean. a lot of work?. Don’t you know how scared everyone is because of that dead girl in unit 201?. I heard her mother’s gone crazy. Just do your job. What mother wouldn’t go crazy after what happened. Yes ma’am. I’ll do whatever you say.

21:41 - Watch out! - I’ll guard the food waste - Hey! and maintain this place like I’m mad until my old bones crumble. Are you drunk or something?. Geez! I told you I’d kill you if you don’t pay back by morning. You fucking with me or something. Mr. KlM?. Please give me more time. It’s been six months. Go and sell your organs or something! I’m your uncle. boy. I’m your mother’s brother! Fuck you. My uncle?. You’re my uncle when you need something. Did I see you visit me when I was in the hole?. When my mother died. damn it! Did you even show up when she died?. So go to hell.

uncle! 23:09 - Hyuck-mo! You use your own blood for money. huh?. - You’re dead this time. - Hyuck-mo! Hey! Hey! Is that your car on the handicap spot?. Yeah. How dare you park your fucking car in my spot?. What the fuck! I’ll move the car. You! Is that your spit on my car?. You?. You yourself. asshole! There. Now what?. I’ll rip your fucking cheeks apart. Scars. huh?. Are you in high school?.

25:15 - Move this fucking car! Don’t you get hot water?. Take a shower. you smelly asshole. What a horrible smell! Let’s see who did this. I got you good. I’m getting a free drink today! I know this is yours. You can’t trash food like this. Stop annoying me! Come one. young man. Just offer me a drink or something and we call it even. Do I have to show you what’s in here?. That’s a tight knot! Wait! Fuck! What the hell?.

27:39 - WON YEO-SUN Is this the realtor?. This is Gangsan Complex Block 1 1. Unit 1 02. I can’t rent the house right now. I’m going to move later. There are problems with the house. I’ll call back when it’s fixed. PIease Ieave a message after the tone. Why isn’t he picking up?. Did he go home?. Is HWANG not picking up?. Thank you for the ride. No prob. We’re neighbors. One second. Can you hold onto this box?. I have to open the door. Can you not look?. That’s okay! That’s okay. It’s okay. Be good. Mom! Mom! Feeling better?. I think so… This is the best when you can’t digest. That was so cool! This is information about a donation event from a welfare center. Can I pass them out in the neighborhood?. Donation event?. You can sign up too! You live alone. right?. That’s okay. You can pass them around. though. Thank you. I’ll sign you up. too. Okay. Thanks. It’s late! You should go home. Good-bye. - Get home safe. - Okay. Miss your daughter?. Pizza delivery. Here’s your coke. That’s $1 0. Your house is so bright. It hasn’t been 1 0 days yet. Enjoy your pizza. You shouldn’t have been so nosey. Did you go and check?. Nothing much there. Just Junk. Hello. Hello! It’s you…again. Gimme two of those. These are very strong with a hard shell and a lock pad. I’ll give you two for $200. Let me dust them off. Someone’s calling me. Hello?. Sang-yoon?. AHN Sang-yoon?. Nice to hear from you! The lines must be confused! Mister. Yes?. Aren’t you gonna count?. I think you gave me the right amount. You did. right?. Still haven’t heard from him?. He’s not picking up his phone. Shoot. He didn’t quit cuz of what I said yesterday. right?. I’m not sure.

38:12 - Could you fill in for him until he shows up?. Okay. These units got a high water bill. Could you check for problems in their water pipes?. Sure. Thank you so much. You never work during the daytime. What are you gonna do?. What if someone recognizes you?. Just shut up! NOVICE DRIVER We fixed it a long time ago. We called you several times. I’m sorry. Something happened. This was in the car. Excuse me… Mom?. What is it?. Mom… Have you seen my head band by any chance?. What head band?. The one that I wear everyday. It’s metal with coils. I haven’t seen it. It was my favorite one. Mommy… Mommy will buy you a new one. Honey. Yeo-sun doesn’t know I bought a car. I told her to wait so that I can surprise her. This weekend?. I’ll ask Yeo-sun if she can come with me. Okay. Hello?. This is the security guard. - Hello?. - And?. Your water bill is high. I’m wondering if you have a leakage. Mister! Are you home?. I’m from the Women’s Society. And?.

42:12 - I told you about the meeting on the phone. Let’s talk inside. Just do it here. I don’t want that unit to hear this. You know what happened to their daughter. right?. It’s unsafe around here so we have to put a surveillance camera in the front. We also need you to sign the redevelopment petition. This meeting is very important. I told you I’m moving. What’s with all your excuses. young man?. I know you just moved in. I rented this place for just three months. Look over there! I see. What’s with all these bright lights?. What the! This house was so nice before you came in. How can this place be ruined so fast?.

43:35 - It’s like a haunted house! Open the curtains. geez! Hi! I’m in unit 1 02. I’ll be up soon. Oh my God! I bought this when I was travelling. I’ll give it to you as a present. Hold on. My daughter will like it. Hold on. Unit 102 is moving away. We lost one vote. No. no. I’ll be right there. Take care. Call if you need anything. Bye. Wait for me. I’ll be there. Who the hell parked like this?. You have room on the left! Back up! Back up! - Turn the handle to your left. - What the?. Come on. back up. Alright. alright! Just a bit more. mister! Alright. alright! A bit more. Okay! Can I touch it?. Cool! You know me?. You live in unit 202. - What are you?. - I live on Block 1 0. Here. read this. It’s about the block meeting. - You a middle school student?. - Yes. Read this then. Call if you need help. IMMEDIATE LOAN I wonder whose they are. Are you okay?. YOO SOO-YEON You can Iean on me. I’m okay. Be careful. - Can we go in and talk?. - Sure. You look so much like her. We all do in school uniforms. I’m sorry. anyway. It’s okay. I’m sorry. Did you know my daughter well?. No. She was in a different class and she was a new student. She always seemed alone. I’ve done nothing for her as a mother. My mom doesn’t do anything for me either. Mom is a mom just by being there. Bye. Yikes! Oh.

it’s you! You scared me! 50:23 - I thought you were Mr. HWANG. This is for you. You brought your snack for me again?. Eat it when you’re hungry. Why are you here?. Where’s Mr. HWANG?. It worked out that way. I see. I have to eat and go to study academy. Okay. Be careful walking home at night. My mom’s coming to get me. Bye! You can’t eat bread cuz of your allergies! Mr. PYO! What’s up?. Here. Where did you get them?. I found them in front of Block 1 1. - Block 1 1?. - Yes. - Bye. - Okay. Aren’t they Mr. HWANG’s?. What?. I called before. I have to check your pipes. There’s no leakage. Then how come your water bill is so high?. What’s so suspicious about that?. It’s not suspicious. It’s just strange. - Won’t take long. - I’m moving soon. If you’re moving. it really needs the inspection. I’ll be back with technicians this evening. Hold on! You won’t be long. right?. Everything seems okay. You have a bathroom in the basement. right?. I should check there. too. Do you really have to?. Yes. You can go first. Finished. - Where did you get these?. - In front of BIock 11. BIock 11?. Are you okay?. What’s wrong?. Just shut up. What’s that retard doing there?. The fucking asshole! Come here. you fucker. Come here. asshole! I told you not to park in my spot. Did I not. you piece of shit?. Fuck you. What the fuck you gonna do. huh?. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Sorry?.

58:07 - Don’t park your fucking car in my spot if you’re sorry. Get it out! Keep your eyes down or I’ll kill you. I’ll kill all of you! Sorry. Were you studying?. No. Why?. Do you want to go pick persimmons?. I love persimmons. We should just leave them. It’s okay. People pick them all the time. I mean… we should leave some for the magpies. That’s true. Magpies have to eat. too. Oh. I forgot. I have to do the laundry. See you. I’m home. Hi. Go wash your hands. Dad’s coming home late. Okay. Umm… What is it?. Nothing. I’ll go wash my hands. Sorry. magpies. MOM’S BIRTHDAY STEP MOM’S BIRTHDAY URGENT:. CREW WANTED DAEDONG leaves in two days. But it pays less than SAECHANG. Is that okay?. Doesn’t matter. Put me down. Alright. Since you’re not a rookie. I’ll change your schedule. Stamp. You leave in two days. - Your number’s the same?. - Yeah. What the hell is the pin number! Fuck! The fucking bitch! Let’s just kill and leave. I have to open the suitcase. The pin number is set to 000 by default. I didn’t touch it so it should be 000. Where are you?. Don’t you have a key for the suitcase?. No. There’s only a number pad for a lock. Huh. - Let me use your phone. - Sorry?. My batteries ran out. Do you like pizza?. Yes. I like pizza. What the hell’s wrong with that bastard?. Hello?. Someone called you from my phone. Who?. - I’m not sure. - What?. Someone from my shop… What the fuck?. Hello?.

06:03 - What a jerk! What’s wrong with people today?. Fucking assholes. I’m home. Hi. hon. You must be hungry. Let’s eat. I’m so sorry. Mommy didn’t go out to get you. You must’ve been so scared. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Mom… - Sorry I’m late. - That’s okay. Mister! Who is it?. You know my name. AHN Sang-yoon! Pizza delivery. Pizza, sir. What the hell’s this?. What are you doing in the middle of the night?. That man ordered pizza and gave me this bill. It has blood on it. He could’ve hurt his hand. Maybe. but it’s so strange. But you shouldn’t loiter like that at night. Shouldn’t we report him?. What did you say?. Do you wanna be arrested for false accusation?. - False accusation?. - Don’t stir trouble. Residents here are scared enough already. It’s late. Go! Okay… Why did you do that?. You know he killed HWANG. Shut up.

13:34 - I see you wanna stay low cuz you only have 5 months left After hiding for 1 5 years… and now call the cops?. No way. I said shut up! What a strange country. You can kill someone and be innocent if you hide for 1 5 years. Shut up! Just shut up! Stop following me. Get this straight. You’ve been dragging me. Shackled up in guilt. You stole my thesis and then took my Iife. For 15 years you have never apologized to me or my family. What will you do now?. Yeah?. Move your fucking car! What the fuck?. Which fucking car is it?. The fucking asshole. You! Move your fucking car. You fucking crazy?. You pickin’ a fight with me?. Fight?. Perhaps. You wanna die. you piece of shit?. You trying to make me laugh here?. Kill me then. Have you ever killed a man?. You’re all talk. Me?. I just kill if I want to. Come here. you motherfucking asshole. You little piece of shit! Let go. asshole! I’ll beat some sense into you. Come here. you. Say that again. I’ll kick your ass tonight. I never liked you from the start. Wait. Wait! - What the fuck?. - I apologize. You retarded?. I’ll never bother you again. Please stop. What a pathetic bastard! You mess with me again. you’re gone without a trace. Stop fucking around and stay out of my way. God damn it.

17:46 - Fucking asshole! Spitting like a dog. If you don’t wanna end up like this tell me the pin number. I need my cell phone. We’re almost done. Is this washed?. I said yes many times. - It’s being tossed on the floor. - Really?. I wonder why. Whatever. I’ll just wear it. - I’m off. mom. - Okay. Call me and I’II go out to get you. - See you later! - Be careful! Don’t be so clumsy! Hello, Mr. PYO! Wait! Do you walk home alone at night?. Of course not. My mom picks me up. Never walk home alone at night. Take care of yourself. Okay. Bye. Yes?. Police Station?. You’re really leaving?. But he might do something to Soo-yeon. He’s been following her these days. Her mom picks her up every day. What if she can’t come?. Mrs. YOO reported HWANG missing. The police are gonna storm in soon. I just have 5 months left. There is one way… Keeping him away from Soo-yeon without getting the cops involved. She’s like your daughter. You can’t leave her in danger. Make him stay away from her. Forever. You know what I’m saying. You’ve done it once already. He’s different from me. The freak kills for fun. We finished our inspection. You can take it back now. - Hello?. - This is unit 102. How’ve you been?.

22:44 - You know the suspect has been arrested just now?. The cops just got that bully who Iives in our block. I guess it really was him! This doesn’t matter cuz I’m moving soon but what if rumors got out that a murderer Iived on our block?. It would be bad! The real estate value will plunge! Let’s have the meeting a day earlier so that I can come. I’ll also sign the petition then. That’s a good idea. What time do kids come home?. Around 10 pm. Why do you ask?. Let’s do it then. We should warn the kids too. The prime suspect involved in the serial murder in Gyeonggi-do was arrested this afternoon.

23:45 - According to the police investigation, the prime suspect is Mr. AHN, a man who Iived in the same building as WON, the Iast victim. The police will start the investigation with AHN. AHN?. Who the fuck is this guy KlM Sang-young?. KlM called you on his cell. Don’t gimme shit! I don’t know him. He probably dialed the wrong number! That’s not my problem. I’m back. Who’s that?. She’s crying. The wife of the bag shop owner. The owner’s gone missing. - Owner of the bag shop?. - Yeah. Sir. he’s here. Sit here. please. Let’s be quick. You know this man?.

25:02 - He says you were with him at 1 0 last night. Is that right?. Yes… We had tea and left work at around 1 0 pm. PIease record your message after the tone. Low batteries. Low batteries. Yeah?. A suitcase with severed torso was found near Gangsan Complex. It’ll take some time for forensic results. And?. They found a shovel and cell phone in it. The cell phone belongs to the missing security guard. According to call history. a call was made to AHN Hyuck-mo. - Are you sure?. - Yes. sir. Where are the evidence?. Why did you say we were together?. I would’ve been jailed if you didn’t. Then you wouldn’t have to pay back. I’ll get the money. Don’t worry. You’re all talk. Why are you pretending to be on my side?. I’m your uncle. Your mother’s brother. Enough with the uncle shit. I know you lent me money on purpose. So that you can track me down. Hyuck-mo… When your mother passed away. I was on the run for bankruptcy. I couldn’t go to her funeral. Damn it! Is it raining out?. You’ve been inside all day?. It’s pouring all of a sudden. You know what this is?. Where’s KlM Sang-young?. I don’t know who KlM Sang-young is. Wait! This is… Shit. it was unit 1 02. Fucking asshole! Shut it! This belongs to someone else! We’ll see when we get the fingerprint results. Fucking asshole! Low Batteries. Low Batteries. Help me! Help?. Help who?. Building 1 1 Unit 1 02. Help! What are you doing here?. Are you going home?. You’re getting wet! This is great! I couldn’t call my mom cuz I lost my cell. Thank you. Why the hell’s she here?. There’s a dent in this umbrella. It was Yeo-sun’s favorite umbrella. It would undo all our efforts. - What’s going on?. - Is it a blackout?. Gangsan Complex Block 1 1. Unit 1 02. I think someone’s been kidnapped. Let me out! You didn’t do it. right?. Reporters are going nuts. Don’t let them know AHN’s involved. Yes. sir. You’re dead. asshole. I guess there’s a black-out. It’s so dark. I guess so. What’s wrong?. Listen carefully. From now on. don’t look back. Stick close to me. Ma’am… Hold on very tight. What a bad timing! Let’s just meet later. - Soo-yeon! - Mr. PYO?. Soo-yeon! - Hello. - Is Soo-yeon home?. - What’s the matter?. - Is Soo-yeon home?. What’s the matter?. Call her. Call her right now! She left her cell phone at home… What’s wrong with Soo-yeon?. Is something wrong?.

34:42 - What happened to my daughter! Soo-yeon! Are you okay?. Are you crazy?. You wanna get killed?. Get off the road! Move! Please find my daughter! Please! You asshole! Damn it! You piece of shit! Fuck! Mr. PYO! This is because of that bitch. I have your free pizza. You got all the stamps… Come in. Can you check the pizza?. Get down! You all barge in here like a flock of fucking dogs. You’re dead! You’re all dead! You! You piece of shit! What are you doing here?. You fucking asshole. Where the fuck is your car today?. I’ll kill you. Is that a knife?. So you really do kill people! You asshole! Trying to fuck me over?. Hey! Sir! - He’s stabbed. - Sir! Get the fuck up. you crazy asshole.

39:12 - We need an ambulance at Gangsan Complex Block 1 1. Unit 1 02. Hurry! Piece of shit. This psycho was my neighbor?. Where is Soo-yeon?. Where is Soo-yeon?. I don’t know if I really killed her. Or if she’s still alive. I’m confused too. You’re bleeding a lot. man. That asshole’s fucking crazy. Mister! There is one way. You know what it is. You’ve done it once already. I’ll be okay. right?. You’ll be okay. Ambulance’s here. - Will I live?. - I’m sure you’ll live a long time. Nothing to watch here! Get back in! Just calm down. Hey! You! - Where’s my daughter?. - Who are you?. - You’re with that man from unit 1 02. right?. - Just let go. Bring me my daughter! Bring her! Where’s my daughter?. Come on. Iady. Damn it! Please bring my daughter. Mom! There’s your daughter! - Soo-yeon! Soo-yeon! - Geez.

43:08 - Soo-yeon! Soo-yeon! - Soo-yeon! - Mom! - Thank God. - What’s going on?. Thank you God. Go ahead. Get out of the way. There’s AHN! AHN, you Iittle! Don’t mind me. Go check out unit 102. Take him back. - Come with us. - Let go! The killer’s in there, dead. Let me go. We have evidence you’re the killer. That asshole set me up! Let me go. I’m innocent. Fuck! ONE MONTH LATER Are you sure we don’t have to move?. I miss our daughter. How much?. $1 80. No checks. though. I’ll pay cash. What’s your name?. - Sorry?. - Your name. Why do you ask?. I just wanna know. Sang-young! So strange. What?. - I can’t figure it out. - What?. Why he didn’t kill me right away and kept me alive. Don’t start on that again. When he came home.

he would stay 45:47 - near me and even sleep next to me. Like he was terrified… THE GIRL I KILLED HAS BEEN GOING HOME FOR A WEEK. .