Red Dead Redemption 2 [2018] [Episode 19] [Lang: En - Sub: En/Ar]
Nov 24, 2020 12:00 · 8684 words · 41 minute read
Hey, who are you? Arthur, you dumbass. Good, you’re welcome. William. It ain’t William… Bill comes from Williamson. That so? Sure. So your first name comes from your surname… ain’t that odd. So your first name comes from your surname… ain’t that odd. Well, at least you ain’t run off. So your first name comes from your surname… ain’t that odd. What you talking about? Pearson left… old Uncle… the traitors. Both gone…
01:42 - They said to young Tilly they were running to save themselves. I think Mary-Beth left as well. So it goes. They are goddamn cowards, Arthur. Cowards. Of all the time we spent, to run off… Well, I guess they don’t wanna die, Dutch. Ain’t nobody gonna This is a tough time… and you ain’t, you ain’t doing too well, but We… our community… we will survive. They will not crush us. I hope so… but… if we let Jack, and the women free… - well, then maybe we can… - There ain’t no freedom… for no one in this country no more, Arthur.
02:27 - One more big score, we got enough money to leave. All this turmoil has the army and Pinkertons spinning. We take a boat and slip away. I don’t know what you’re saying, Dutch… but it seems like I’ve heard it all before. Just one more train. And there’s always a goddamn train. Arthur! This is different. We know this is full of cash. Army payroll. Money and supplies to repair the bridge that you blew. This is all going to plan. We rob Uncle Sam, and we leave. The poetry of it all. What do you think? It sounds wonderful.
03:11 - Hell, yeah, I ain’t got much to lose, but… you know the women and the children… a-and John a-a-and his family… I’m afraid I have to insist. I mean, we gotta let ‘em go. ‘Cause if the Pinkertons come through again… they will kill everyone. John? Insist? Yeah. Insist. Of course, pal… whatever you think is best. I will see to it. Now, we gonna rob a train? Sure. We will survive. We will flourish. We have work to do my friends, let’s go. Come on, we are gonna borrow a little money… from Old Uncle Sam… and be out of his hair, once and for all. He insists upon it. Insists… Let’s ride out gentlemen! Let’s go! Okay, let’s pick up the pace, train is due in Saint Denis in an hour. We’re robbing a train in the middle of a city? No… it’s going to stop there… take on mail and water…
04:59 - let off some boys heading home on leave and then it heads out. They know the bridge is gone, Black Lung. There’ll be a patrol past Annesburg… waiting down by the river to collect the money. We sneak on quietly and then we got a short time to stop the train… before it reaches the patrol. John, you go get that dynamite, we’ll meet back up outside of Saint Denis. I’ll go with him. As you wish. Come on, it’s this way. I hid the wagon down here after we blew the bridge.
05:38 - This is one big goddamn group of us to be riding back into Saint Denis. Yeah, and I heard the Pinkertons have pretty much taken over Van Horn, moved a whole heap of men in there. Things are closing in fast. Shit. Should be just through these trees. There it is. I’ll get the dynamite. No, I can do it. You sure? I’m fine. Okay, it’s in the back. Got it. Alright, let’s get this done. So, listen… Abigail just told me… the money… it’s hidden in the caves at Beaver Hollow. What? Yeah, so much for never hiding it near camp. Dutch was getting even sloppier than we thought.
06:58 - Are Abigail and Jack ready to leave? I think so. Okay… Whatever happens with this job today… wherever Dutch and them go next, we’re getting you the hell outta here. We’re gonna get you the money you need. Knowing the three of you got out, well… maybe all this’ll still mean something. Tilly and Susan too. I’ll do whatever it takes. You’ve always had my back, Arthur. Perhaps not always. Anyway, here we go… one last train, Arthur. One last train… Ah, there you are… got everything? Then off we go. Off we go indeed. One last time, gentlemen. I’ve got us a river boat. We’ll head up to New York or Chicago, and get a real boat from there out to the tropics. So long as it isn’t Guarma. Oh, it’ll be paradise, son. It’s all coming together, Dutch. Just like we planned. Is that okay with you, John? Arthur? Or do you “insist” on something different? Sounds about as good now as every time I heard it before. Oh, Abigail must be real excited, all packed up like she is.
08:58 - I can just see her in a little grass skirt… Don’t talk to me, you son of a bitch Boys, boys, okay now, let’s keep it down. We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves going through here. Nice and easy through town, fellers. Ah, Saint Denis… it’s good to be back. Happy memories, huh, John? Will you shut up, Micah? That’s enough. Quiet, all of you. Not much further now. Alright.. Cleet, Sadie… you board half way along. John, you and Arthur are gonna board at the back. Rest of you…
10:25 - follow Micah and I, and join once they stop the train. Here she comes. Should I just… sneak on now? Goddammit… Well… everybody mount up! We still going through with this? Of course we are. Come on, Arthur, we gotta get on that train. We can jump on at the side. Arthur, come on! we gotta push forwards quickly before we run out of track. Push up on them. How are you doing there, Arthur? I’m okay. Let’s keep moving. Look out! There’s some on the roof. So much for sneaking on here.
13:02 - You feel like ditching? Of course not. Let’s go. Arthur. Keep pushing forwards. Where are Dutch and Micah? I don’t see ‘em. Who knows if this was their goddamn plan all along? Let’s get to the front, come on. Damn you! Just like the old days, huh? This don’t feel nothing like the old days. Come on! Let’s get to the next carriage. Train’s on fire! Come on… we can’t get through the smoke! Come on, lets go! John, j-jump! Get going, Bill.
15:02 - Jump back on! Uncouple that carriage, before it blows us all up. I’m on it. The train’s being robbed! Man the gun, Arthur. Sure. Well done Now, get on. John! I’ll get john… you protect that money. Man the gun, Arthur… I’ll go stop the train. Stop the train? Whatever you do… do not stop the train… you secure up ahead… but keep us moving… I’ll deal with that patrol when they come through. Shit, we got a lot of riders on our tail, Arthur. I see ‘em Watch the right! You sure you can handle that gun? ‘Cause I can take over if you want. just shut the hell up.
16:25 - Hey! We all gotta work together on this, Look left! Look out, on the right! How the hell did I get saddled with you, little lady? Watch your goddamn mouth! Look out on the left! On the right! Look out on the left! More on the right! Will you shoot ‘em for chrissakes? What the hell do you think I’m doing? Missing! I don’t take orders from you! Okay, get off the gun! We need to go for the money. Come on! The money should be in the front carriage. Okay, quick, let’s blow a hole in it. Let’s go! The money’s in that carriage. Alright, guess I better blow this thing. Here we go. We got something… we got something! Catch. Yeah! Wait, there’s more. Morgan! The driver’s dead. This thing ain’t stopping, we got to get off. Okay then, let’s go. Dammit! Shit! we’re alive. Yeah, just about. Well, let’s move. Yeah. Where’s John? I tried… I tried. He didn’t make it. That patrol killed him. We had to run. Come on, let’s go. Before another patrol turns up. They came and took Abigail. I saved Jack… we hid, but they took Abigail. Who did? Agent Milton and his men… took her to Van Horn… to be put on a boat and tried for murder. I am sorry to hear that. We gotta let her go. john’s a… well… sorry, son. Without John, she’s just bait… got a bunch of money, Dutch. She’s just a girl… they won’t do nothing to her. But, me and the boys know… we need to keep riding on this one, Dutch… you know it… every man here knows it.
20:53 - So we just gonna let the boy be made an orphan? It-it ain’t like that! What is it like? I wanna live, cowpoke… I still got the choice. Dutch, it’s just a girl… You’re right. Dutch… Micah… it pains me to say it, Arthur… but he is right. Dutch! Come on boys. Well I guess that’s that then… all them goddamn years… Come on, Arthur… let’s go get her. You and me is all we need. Miss Tilly… here… take this. You take this money too. Take Jack… and you wait at Copperhead Landing… for Abigail and Mrs. Adler. Thank you, Arthur. You’re a good girl… you live a good life now, you hear? Alright, Arthur I’ll… I’ll miss… Me too, sweetheart… me too… Jack, come here… be brave, son… I’m gonna go get your momma. Mrs. Adler… ride with me! If they’re putting her on a boat, they’ll probably dock at the north end of town, so I reckon we should go in the other way. Sure, I guess. I don’t know. Those goddamn bastards… Look, just follow me, okay? We’re gonna get this done, Arthur. Now he don’t care if he orphans his friend’s child so long as he gets rich? All his goddamn talk all them years. Seems like it was always a lie. Or he went crazy… what a mess. Sure…
guess he began to believe he was God, or something. I don’t know. I’m sorry you got dragged into this… into… us. Listen, if you hadn’t shown up at my house that night, I’d be dead. And even this bullshit beats dead. I thought I could find a way to get John, Abigail and Jack out of this mess. To give them… a life. Seems I left it too late. If we can still get Abigail… maybe her and Jack will be okay. John, Hosea, Mac, Davey, Jenny, Sean, Lenny… Okay, here we are. Let’s ditch the horses and come up with a plan. Go on, get outta here. How you feeling? I’m okay. I think you should cover me and I’ll go in there and get her. ‘Cause you’re the better shot, I mean. That ain’t what you mean.
24:58 - I can still fight! I know, Arthur. But, just… do it my way, honey. It’s for the best. Get up some place high, like… the lighthouse or something… and cover me. Please. Okay. Get. Okay, Mr. Milton. Where are you? There you are, you bastard. Where’s Sadie? Up there! in the lighthouse! Goddamn bastards. Go on, Sadie, keep moving. Yeah, I got you. That’s it, keep moving. Move, Sadie, move. Shit. Okay, Mr. Milton I guess we’re gonna have to talk this out like gentlemen. Okay ladies, let’s get out of here. Calm down, Mr. Morgan. That’s quite a cough. Sure. Tuberculosis. I’ll be dead soon… and you with me, Mr. Milton. You’ll be dead, sure… but I’m gonna be just fine. We offered you a deal, Mr. Morgan… you should have taken it. I’m a fool, Mr. Milton. Not all you boys have quite so many scruples. Old Micah Bell…
32:28 - Micah? You mean Molly? Molly O’Shea? We sweated her a couple of times… never talked a word, had to let her go. Micah Bell… we picked him up… when you boys came back from the Caribbean… and he’s been a good boy ever since. Okay… okay… You’re losing your strength, Mr. Morgan. You’re still a yapping dog, Mr. Milton… Horrible man. Now come on… both of you. Find the horses, we need to get the hell out of here. What happened to Jack? Where is he? He’s fine… Tilly’s got him. Oh, thank God. Abigail, you ride mine. What are you doing? Get on, Arthur. Get on, Arthur, get on. You’ll be okay. More coming in ahead on the left! Bastards, all of you! On the railroad to the right! You alright, Abigail? I think so.
34:36 - Shit, more on the right! Goddamn it, more of them, go left! Call yourself men? You pathetic sons of bitches. You still okay there, Abigail? I’m good. I’m good. Shoot the horses! Shoot the horses! The bastards grabbed me outside camp… I was with Tilly and Jack… it happened so fast, I couldn’t do anything. Ladies… la… ladies… I-I’m fine… Hold up a moment. Arthur, there’s no time. There’s time. What happened to John? Where’s John? I-I don’t… I think… Arthur… He…
35:58 - What? - He got killed, or he got captured. - No. - I’m really sorry, Abigail, I’m… - No. I was on the train and I didn’t see it. No. Listen… we got Jack, he’s safe. Mrs. Adler will take you to him, but… John… I want you to know this… he loved you. He loved you and Jack, he did. He wasn’t perfect, but he did. Now… you gotta go get that boy. Go on, get outta here. Arthur, what are you doing? I got to go have a little chat… before I get much sicker. Oh, Arthur… Don’t you ‘oh, Arthur’ me… neither of you two, not now. You both know. You’re good women… good people. The best. You go get that boy… there’ll be time for sorrow later. If you’re headed back there, Arthur. Take this… I don’t need it anymore. What’s that? There’s a chest in them caves. In the back to the left. Hidden under a wagon. Dutch’s chest. With all our money. I know John told you I knew where it was. Abigail Roberts… I always was a good thief. That you was. Go on, get outta here. ♪ The many miles we walked ♪ ♪ The many things we learned ♪ ♪ The building of a shrine ♪ ♪ Only just to burn ♪ ♪ That’s the way it is ♪ ♪ That’s the way it is ♪ Why, you’re a good man. I just wish you’d done it before he worked hisself into the grave.
38:43 - I’m really sorry for you, son, it’s a hell of a thing. And all you can do now is decide the man you wanna be, for the time you have left. ♪ May the wind be at your back ♪ ♪ Good fortune touch your hand ♪ ♪ May the cards lay out a straight ♪ ♪ All from your command ♪ ♪ That’s the way it is ♪ ♪ That’s the way it is ♪ You saved my life… You’re a good man. Thank you, feller. You know, there ain’t enough kindness in this world, that’s for sure. Maybe it’s a sign, Arthur… try… try to do the good thing. Maybe it’s a sign, Arthur… try… try to do the good thing. ♪ Shine light into darkness ♪ ♪ Shine light into darkness ♪ ♪ Shine light into darkness ♪ Get them bags packed up quick, Miss Grimshaw. Come on… all of you. Well, we’re doing our best. Hurry, we ain’t got long… hurry. We just got plenty of time, Micah. We all need to have a little chat. Black Lung, you’re back. Hooray. I just saw Agent Milton, Dutch. Abigail shot him. She’s okay… not that you care too much about that. You rats… all of you.
41:22 - Seems old Micah was pretty close with Milton. What the hell are you talking about, cowpoke? You talked. That’s a goddamn lie. Dutch… think of the future. Milton told me. And you believe him, Black Lung? You believe him? It all makes sense now. No… it damn well doesn’t. Dutch… think! Dutch… be practical now. Dutch! John… You left me… you left me to die! My boy… I didn’t have a choice. John I didn’t… You… I didn’t have a choice. Left me! All of you… you pick your side now, because this is over. All them years, Dutch… for this snake? Oh, be quiet, cowpoke. Be quiet. You live in the clouds. No. You be quiet, Mr. Bell…
- Bell is Micah’s last name * 42:34 - and put down your gun. There’s Pinkertons coming, fast. Now! Who amongst you… is with me… and who, is betraying me? Bill, Javier… think, think for yourselves. He’s lying… he’s lying. Put your guns down. Goddamn it! Move! You ready, John? Yeah. Everyone get down! This is Agent Ross with the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Put your guns down. Lay down your weapons now. We have you surrounded. Dutch, we gotta go. Come on! They’re all yours, Morgan. All of you, hold it right there! They’re escaping into the woods. Come on, Arthur! Into the caves.
Quick! 44:00 - Come on, Arthur! They’re running into the caves. Chase them down. Go, go. After them. They have no way out of there. Find them and kill them. Mr Morgan, Mr Marston. You’re trapped. Surrender and we will take you alive. Stay with me, Arthur! Those bastards left me for dead. Seems that’s what they do now. Keep going! Micah was the rat, John. Milton told me. We should’ve killed him months ago. Come on Arthur, with me! Are you alright, Arthur? I’m with you. Keep going. Arthur, you go up first. I want them out of there now, dead or alive. Do you understand me? Abigail… Abigail’s safe… so’s Jack.
45:30 - Where are they? They’re with Sadie… at Copperhead Landing. Thank you… brother. I want you… to not look back… like I said. H’ya! You’re both dead men! Arthur, we gotta go. Come on. Ride! Pinkertons coming through the trees, watch out. Come on, Arthur! This way is blocked, come on! Ride, Arthur, ride! Pinkertons on the left, they’ll keep the others busy! There’s Pinkertons everywhere. We gotta move! There’s army of these sons of bitches.
46:55 - Get that asshole! Come on, brother… let’s go. Gimme a second. Come on… push, Arthur. Yeah… Whoa… Well… Arthur. Thank you. Arthur. Arthur! Come on, Arthur. Let’s go. Well, what about the money? Abigail gave me the key. I head down there, I’m dead in five minutes. I got a family, that’s more important. Ah, maybe you’re right but… You want the money? You head down. I gotta go to my family. Arthur, just make the call. I’m coming with you. I’m gonna get you out of this bullshit… if it’s the last goddamn thing I do. Thank you. Ah shit, let’s go. We need to find higher ground. Don’t worry about them, they’ll just be going back for the money. We need to get the hell out of here. Shit… let’s get up this cliff. You go… Come on, Arthur… keep pushing. Hey! Lookout! Get behind a rock. Goddamn it! They’re everywhere, get down.
49:21 - Come on, we need to get going! We need to get outta here. Let’s go! Let’s go, come on! Alright, Arthur, come on, let’s go. You go… Keep pushing, Arthur. No… no… I think I’ve pushed all I can. Come on. You go. We ain’t got time for this, not now. We ain’t both gonna make it. Go… now. I’ll hold them off. It would mean a lot to me… please. There ain’t no more time for talk. Go. Arthur… Go to your family. Arthur! Get the hell out of here and be a goddamn man. You’re my brother… I know… I know. Goddamn you bastards. I got ya now, Black Lung. You rat. You rat! I’m a… survivor, Black Lung… a survivor. That’s all there is… living and dying. Oh Black Lung, Oh Black Lung, you don’t know how much I’ve longed to do this. Hope you’re ready for hell. Milton told me. You weak fool. Die! Still got a little fight in you, have you, boy? You ain’t no man. You’re pathetic. You’re scum, Micah. All there is… winning… and losing… Oh, Black Lung… you ain’t gonna reach that gun. You ain’t. You lost, my sick friend. You lost. In the end, Micah… despite my best efforts to the contrary… it turns out I’ve won. Goddamn you. It is over now… Arthur. It’s over. Oh, Dutch… he’s a rat. You know it and I know it. He’s sick… he’s dying… he’s talking crazy.
55:53 - There! Up there on the ridge! I gave you all I had… I did. I… I… Come on. Dutch… let’s go, buddy. We made it. We won. Come on. John made it. He’s the only one. Rest of us… no. But… I tried. In the end… I did. Come on… let’s go. We can make it. Come on, Dutch… come on! ♪ May I stand unshaken ♪ ♪ Amidst, amidst a crash of worlds ♪ ♪ May I stand unshaken ♪ ♪ Amidst, amidst a crash of worlds ♪ ♪ May I stand unshaken ♪ ♪ Amidst, amidst a crash of worlds ♪ ♪ May I stand unshaken ♪ ♪ Amidst, amidst a crash of worlds ♪ ♪ May I stand unshaken ♪ ♪ Amidst, amidst a crash of worlds ♪ Some years later… That was close… too close. We brought that trouble on ourselves. By we, you mean me… It wasn’t me who went and shot him. Seemed like he deserved shooting. I’m sure he did but I been thinking… ain’t it about time you stopped being… the man making them decisions? I’m trying. Are you? I think so. We gotta find some place to lay low… keep quiet. Maybe Dutch was right… maybe we should just gone to Tahiti. Is that it with you? Tahiti or killing? Come on, John… please, try. Try what? We gotta live somewhere for more than just a few weeks. Okay. Let’s see what we can find in… in Strawberry.
00:10 - What do you know about Strawberry? I know they like good, honest, hard working men… a whole lot more than angry killers. So make yourself good and honest. I am always honest… maybe not always good… but I’m always honest. My whole life I’ve been surrounded by fools with moral codes. Here’s a moral code… look out for folks. Stop trying to act like some hero in a book. What do you know about heroes in books? My reading’s getting pretty good. Well read different books then. The book is Jack’s… and, well… maybe he’s doing most of the reading, but still. You’re a bad influence on your mother, boy. Boy? Sorry, sir.
What was that? 00:57 - I said you’re a bad influence… on your mother… with your books. Which books was that? You know, that dime novel, Boy Calloway and the Men from the Moon, or whatever it was. * Boy Calloway 🤦♂️* I’ll do my best to find better reading material, Pa. That what you like then… Western tales? Boy? What’s that, sir? Do you enjoy tales of the Wild West? Not so much… any more… I been reading about Knights… you know, of the round table… The king… what’s his name? There’s King Arthur, and there’s Sir Lancelot, and the Lady Guinevere, and a whole lot of others. Those names… I kind of like ‘em. You know what, so do I.
01:57 - I bet that sign says ‘Strawberry’, don’t it? I got a good feeling about this place. Been a long time. Why don’t you pull up just here? I’m gonna go see what kinda good, honest work I can find… Grave digging or… polishing some rich fellers boots or some such. Me too… see if me and the boy can find some laundry work or something. Hello. Help you, son? I’m hoping I can help you. I saw the help wanted sign outside. Sure, but, uh… you’re a bit old to be stacking groceries…
02:56 - and running errands ain’t you, son? Well… uh… I ain’t too proud to do nothing. As long as it’s honest, and it pays. Times hard, Mr… Milton. Jim Milton. Yeah. My wife and I, and our boy… we was robbed a few days ago. Lucky to get out with our lives we was. well, we need money. There’s bad folk out there. Yeah, tell me about it. Got a wagon by any chance? Sure. Well, then maybe you could run some goods… up to Pronghorn Ranch for me. You know head west past Owanjila, then follow the road north. Lead you right there. I… I don’t know where that is, but I’m sure I can find it. I can leave right now, if you’d like. It’s the Geddes’ place. Fine feller. Where’s the wagon? It’s just outside. You know, I should go tell my wife… and then, I can come back and get loaded.
03:53 - My boys can load you up while you go find your wife. Okay. Thank you, doctor. Hey! How you getting on? I found some work. Me too. Delivering goods out to some ranch. Cleaning a doctor’s surgery. Fine living. It is, John, oh it is. This is the way to it. I’ll take your word on that. Well, what do you suggest now? I’ll stay here, and get on with the work. You deliver them goods and then collect me. Okay. And, John… I love you. Don’t you forget that… not ever now. I won’t. We loaded her up pretty good, Milton. Good. Now you ride slow now. Geddes don’t want his goods damaged. Of course. West past Owanjila, then follow the road north. Okay. This must be it. You Mr. Geddes? No, sir. I’m Mr. Dickens, his overseer. Jim Milton.
06:33 - I’m delivering some supplies from the store in Strawberry. Okay. This is quite a place. Yes, it’s beautiful. They send everything? Yeah, I think so. So, partner… your boss… he looking for hands? Why? You looking for work? Yeah. My wife… we was in business with her family, and… turned sour. It’s a long story. Yeah, I don’t know. Married hands… it’s a lot of trouble. I’m a good worker. My wife Agatha… even our boy Lancelot… we’ll all work. Big man around, boy? Get the hell outta here. Now… that ain’t very neighborly. And threatening us is neighborly? Hey, mind if I enjoy one of these apples? Put that down. Delicious.
07:33 - When’s the boss man gonna sell this place, boy? I don’t think there’s any plans for that. You boys want a drink? It’s some fine Scotch whiskey. Put that down. “Put that down.” These supplies for the season? Get off the farm. Come on, we know when we’re not wanted. Get down from there! Bye, partner. You come back here! Take that horse if you need it. Go easy on them! We can’t have trouble here. That’s my damn wagon! Hey! Hey! We got someone after us… This one’s got a stone in his boat! Hey. Thank you. Milton, isn’t it? Those boys are out of Laramie… work for Mr. Abel. Thank you. Don’t mention it. Listen… I ain’t looking for no charity or nothing, but… I was serious. You got work, we’ll work. I can do anything. We got… we got robbed ourselves a few days back. We ain’t got married hands here… you’re married. We’ll work harder than any one of them. I’m real honest… and my wife… even though she’s got fancy thoughts… she’ll work. You seem kinda desperate.
09:33 - What trouble you in? No trouble, sir… aside from her brother. He… tricked us and robbed her of her inheritance. We’re good people. We’ll work, even Lancelot. What does Mr. Geddes need with a boy? It’s just another mouth to feed. Just… please give us a chance. I can handle myself okay, you know that already. Yeah… makes me wonder just who would have robbed you. But, we’ll give you a chance. I’ll let Mr. Geddes know when him and his wife return tomorrow. Thank you, Mr. Dickens. I’ll go get my wife. Nah, no, you stay here. It’s getting late. We’ll go get her in Strawberry… and we’ll bring her here tomorrow.
10:14 - We need you around in case any more of them Laramie boys turns up. There’s a… a little cabin out yonder past the ranch house. Things work out, y’all can stay there. Thank you. You’ll not regret this. Yep. Go get yourself settled. We’ll have work for you tomorrow when Mr. Geddes returns. Epilogue: Part 1 Pronghorn Ranch Damn thing… Milton. get over here. Mr. Geddes, this is the new ranch hand I told you about. Oh, I heard you had some trouble with your welcome, but you kept your nerve and protected my property. Nah, it was nothing, sir. I’m David Geddes, pleased to meet you. John, Jim… Milton. Thank you for the opportunity, sir. You and Mr. Dickens. You work hard… you be honest, you’ll get your keep. I promise you that. Boy has a family. Lucky man. Then you better work extra hard. - Good day, gentlemen. - Howdy, sir. Sir. You hear that, John Jim… extra hard. Abe. Abe! Get over here. Mr. Dickens.
12:22 - Go find old Jim Milton here something to do… make sure he works extra hard. Sure, Mr. Dickens. Come on this way. I was on my chores, anyhow. Say, is that your family getting in… the wagon up there? Ah, I believe it is. Mind if we go welcome ‘em? Not at all. Hey, is it true what they said about you when you arrived? That-that you ran off those hired guns? Look, can we, uh… not discuss this in front of my wife? Oh no, sure…. yeah, of course, mister I don’t wanna worry her. Oh yeah… I hear that. Mrs. Milton! Jim Milton… how fine you seem. This kind man just collected as. Thank you, sir. I think we can be okay here. It’s ranching work. This place is kinda… It’s fine… but I hear you began your career in ranching… by throwing your weight around. Real wise, Jim.
13:44 - What was I supposed to do? The place was getting robbed. So you show everyone who’s boss? Real fine. I didn’t have much of a choice. I gotta go. Jack, when you’re done in here… come on out and lend a hand. I was gonna milk the cows. Come on, I’ll do it. You… are gonna milk the cows? Sure, why not? Oh, I don’t know… I thought you was, uh… I’m a ranch hand. A new one, at that. When you got here… them hired guns? I was just getting my wagon back, that’s all. Weren’t nothing. Oh, it “weren’t nothing”. It’s about time someone stood up to them fellers.
14:38 - Where you from anyway, partner? Around, you know… up north, mostly. Been in these parts before, but that was years ago. It’s changed Rich fellers are coming in and buying everything… the ranches… but… well, it ain’t as wild as it once were, at least. There is that. Say, if it ain’t too personal a question, are you a gunslinger, mister? Good lord, no… nothing like that. Oh, just a ranch hand, then? just a ranch hand. Failed at a bunch of things, like most men. Well, I feel a whole heap better having a ranch hand like you, around, that is for sure. Let’s see how you feel once you’ve seen me work. Alright then, here’s the cows. Yeah, we used to have a bunch of women here… did most of the milking. Yeah, but most of them drifted off. Okay. You fine with milking? You know… I ain’t really done much of it. Could never…
16:03 - never really get the hang of it Are you serious, mister? Sure… and it’s Jim. Jim Milton. Abe. Sit down, I’ll show you how. Approach her calm now. She don’t take too kindly to surprises. It’s easy, right? Almost got a pail full. Hey Pa. Is that your boy? Sure. Abe, Lancelot. Hey, Lancelot. Hey. We’re gonna make a dairy maid of your pa yet. I never thought I’d see the day. Watch and learn, partner. We all gotta earn our keep. That’s enough, Jim. Now, come on. How about you and the boy, uh, help me clean out stables? Sure… Come on, son. How old are you now, Lancelot? Twelve, sir. Ain’t that grand. And such a fine name. I… like it. I got… I got imaginative parents, sir. I can tell.
17:30 - Now, it ain’t pleasant work, but it’s got to be done. Mister Dickens said… I know what he said. We’ll do it. Won’t we, boy? Okay. Well, you get them stalls cleaned out and I’ll see you later. Bye. Okay, Jack, let’s just… try and take some pride in this work… hard as it may be. Boy, bring that wheelbarrow over here and keep it close to me. Yes, sir. Moving up. You’re a long way from Angelo Bronte’s mansion now. Sorry, sir? Nothing. That stinks. Hold on a moment. Look at this horse shit… You almost got me. Coming. This is a dog’s work… Ugh. I reckon even your mother would say we were almost done here.
19:23 - You finish things up, I’ll go check on her. Okay… Lancelot. Hey. Hey. Where’s Jack? Shovelling shit… in pursuit of the better life you want. Same as I’ve been. Won’t do him no harm. I know. Guess maybe we can last here… survive. Do a little better than survive, for once. I’m tired of fleeing, John. So… Well, you know. Me too. I’ll put some coffee on Where are my other hands? I said, Abe… Yes sir? Where are the other hands? I-I thought I said I don’t rightly know, Mr. Geddes, sir… Well, what good is that to me? We got three horses lost, possibly more, a mare about to foal… Sir. And no hands to help with any of it.
21:54 - I’m supposed to be heading into town, this place is chaos. Hey Pa! Can I get some help? Pa! Milton, Milton, you good with horses? I’m okay. I’ll do whatever needs doing, sir. Good man. Can you help my boy, my youngest, Duncan? He will insist on riding Jeremiah… a horse that is far too strong for him… and my wife will need help with this mare. Abe. Sir. You and Dickens better not make any more mistakes…
22:19 - like you did today, you hear? No, sir. Thank you. Both of you. C’mon, he’s over here. I’m good. You get on, go find them horses. No, no, no, I’ll show you. Since you showed up, runaway horses been the sum of our problems, and I am thankful for that. I ain’t done too much… I ain’t much of a rancher. Aw heck. Hey, maybe them Laramie boys weren’t so tough after all, hm? Maybe I could’a handled ‘em. Of course you could. They’re just loud mouths. So, uh… is that what the boss is doing in town? Some… business with them boys, or something? When Mr. Geddes goes into town… well, it ain’t exactly for… business. Oh. Uh. Okay then. Alright, he’ll be just at the end there. Well, I better get to. Thanks, kid. You Duncan? I’m Jim… Jim Milton. Hey.
23:38 - Need a hand with that horse? You sure about that? Okay, yes… yes, I do. Pretty big one… That’s Jeremiah. Okay, Jeremiah. There boy. Come on… easy boy… Someone put some onions on their oats, didn’t they, boy? Calm down… He likes you. I ain’t sure he likes any of us, but… I’ll make him respect me, and behave. Can’t you teach me how to make him behave, same way as he does for you? I’m supposed to go help your mother… she’s got a horse in foal. That’ll take hours. Well, training a horse can take hours. Just give me a quick lesson, sir. Please. Okay. Let me ride him a bit first… get some of the spunk out of him. I’ll be in the corral then. Okay. You got some energy? Show me then! Everything you got, come on! Let’s get a lather up! Come on, where’s that big mean horse? Alright… good boy. You ain’t gonna give us no trouble now. Alright. He’s ready for you. Okay! Get on up there and, go nice and slow Stay calm. Me? The horse. You’re calm. My heart’s beating a little.
26:28 - Keep your voice calm and your legs strong… don’t let old Jeremiah sense fear. I won’t. You’re doing fine… real nice. Not that I’m saying you need one, but… you sure there isn’t another horse… you ride around here? I had a pony, but I’m too grown for him now. Yeah? You think my son could borrow him? Lancelot? Yeah. Sure, I’ll get it hitched by your cabin there. Alright. Thank you, son. Can I ask? Are we in trouble from all these Laramie boys? They say Mr.
Abel’s real rich, way richer than Pa, 27:13 - and he’s got all these hired guns… out of Laramie, and if Pa doesn’t sell, well… they’ll come here and they’ll… Easy there… you don’t have to worry about all that. You just worry about jeremiah there. Yeah, but… but… Just worry about the horse. Yeah? Yes, sir. I think you two might be ready to go out without a chaperone. Oh, I’m not sure about that. You’re good. Nice and easy now. Both of you. You Mr. Milton? I thought you were gonna help me? I am. I… was. I’m sorry. Come on. I need a man’s help. Duncan, what have I told you about distracting the hands? I’m sorry, Ma.
28:14 - Well, I hope you’ll listen to me better than my husband. Thanks, Jim. You’re doing fine, kid. Give him a carrot when you put him down. It’s over here. In here. So, you know much about birthing a foal, Milton? Not too much. My God. Where does my husband find men like you? Still, we all know where he goes in town… and it ain’t hunting for hands. It’s not too hard, you just… stick a hand in there and get a feeling for where the legs are. Go on. Whatever you say, ma’am. I got ‘em. Okay, now hold on. And pull. Hold them, Milton. Oh. Okay, well I think she’s… Well we’re not out of the woods, but… I think she may be okay. Great. We’ll make a proper hand of you yet, Mr. Milton. I hope so Thank you. Oh, and Mr. Milton… feel free to make a call at the house sometime.
29:32 - Perhaps even now? A drink to toast our new arrival. I’d like that, but… my wife is expecting me back. Oh, you’re married? I didn’t know we had any married hands. Yeah, we… we have a boy. Maybe you’ve seen him around? Oh, uh… I’m, I’m busy… t-too busy for social calls. Of course. Good day, Mr. Milton. Hey, John. Jim. Sorry. So, this is what you wanted? Fake names… which, by the way… Dickens sees clean through… John… Us on the run… John, this is our chance… to make something new. Come on, please. For me. For him. How’s he been? He’s… been kinda withdrawn. Quiet… you know? Sure. Take him out, please? Come on, boy… let’s go for a walk. Come on.
31:32 - Round to the left, what do you see? The pony? Get on him, we’re taking a ride. Duncan, Mr. Geddes’ boy, leant it to you Let’s go. How you doing? Fine… can we go home? No… you’re… stay calm… Where would you like to go riding? Aside from home. I don’t know… maybe that stream? Good idea… you know all this. Get him going. Come on. You know. The horse can feel your fear… just act… confident. Okay? Confident. Yep. Don’t pull on the reins, you’ll yank his bit out. Use your legs There you are. Now, let’s go. Jack. A little kick and a… See, you can do it. How about you speed up a mite. Okay. Whoa! You know, this ain’t so bad, sir. Good. Amazing what the right horse and a little confidence can do. Even faster, come on.
33:28 - Faster? How do I look? Better than before. Keep at it. We can go even quicker. If you say so, sir. Okay. Let’s go across to the stream. Yes, sir. Here we are. Yup. We should get back. You think you’re ready for a little race? I guess… Alright. We go back to the path, and up to the ranch. Okay, on my go. Go! Hey, come back here! You’ll have to catch me. Your horse is much bigger! And you’re much smaller! Like a jockey. Let’s catch him, boy! Last straight! Come on! Well ridden, Son. You won. This time… but… we both rode hard… and your riding… has got a lot better. Thanks. Hey… you keep practicing your riding. Sure. Hey. I’ll get the coffee on. Thank you. I’m headed to work today myself, Jack. Huh? So you stay outta trouble.
36:55 - Where are you working? I told you… cleaning at the doctor’s office. Bye. Bye. Give the place a tidy. Okay, Pa. I’ll see you later. Hey Milton, can you give me a hand with this fence? Sure. Know much about fence building? Not really. Can’t build a fence, can’t milk a cow… ain’t used to shoveling shits… but took on a gang of robbers single handed. Guess we all got our peculiarities, Mr. Dickens. What was you doing before you came here? I told ya… wife got cheated out of inheritance… we was in a legal dispute. It was a bad time. Sounds awful… but I guess I don’t believe a word of it. I was raised to take a man at his word…
38:36 - and also to believe this is a free country… so free that I can’t tell you what to think. So I guess it don’t much matter what you believe. But I will work hard… and I learn fast. Okay… gimme a hand with this fence. Well, there’s plenty more to do. Pound it in there, we don’t want it coining down. Good, now grab a rail, line it up with a notch, and place it in. Now lift up the other side. They got to line up, see. Now the next rail. That’s it. Fine. Good. That looks okay. Go to the next post, and pound that in. I hope you’ve grasped the basics… I got other matters to attend to, but…
40:09 - there’s more than a day’s work here for you. Alright. So long. I’ll be counting sections when you’re done. Okay Jim Milton, over here! Put that fence down and get over here, boy! Come on, son. Quick as you can. Milton, get over here. Come on, give us a hand. Know much about bulls, Milton? just the basics, don’t make ‘em mad. Angus Geddes, this is Jim Milton. Mr. Milton. Nice to meet you. Now let’s try and move this great hunk of chuck. Come on, move. Shit… I’ll get him… Just keep on him, Milton. And try and calm him down. No, uh… don’t. I gotta build that. No, no. You alright, Angus? S-stop! Anything broke? I… I don’t think so.
41:47 - You gonna be okay then? Yeah, I’ll just… walk it off, okay? Just don’t… walk into any more bulls, alright? Not the fence. We got a stray on the ranch! No you don’t. Bad bull. Shoo! Shoo! You need to calm down. How am I gonna calm this thing down? You don’t look like you’re gonna wind down… but I’ll try. It ain’t so bad. Nice and easy now, boy. Whoa there. Whoa there. Easy. Easy. There, there. There, there. All better? Okay. Now, come on, you hunk of chuck. Don’t get no ideas. Got him, Mr. Dickens. Ah, good.
43:19 - How you doing, son? A bit sore, but I’ll be okay. Thank you, Mr. Milton. My pleasure. And you, mister? Fine. He just got my head. Good. There he is. See you later, Jim Milton. We’ll make a rancher of you yet. This is private property. Mr. Geddes don’t like trespassers. That so? Yes. Whoa. You wanna watch your mouth, boy. You will be the first one we kill. Leave him alone. Oh, careful boys… careful. Look at this tough guy. Get outta here. Oh, fancy pants Geddes paying you… to be tough for him, huh? No, he’s paying me to keep the place clean. Said he had some problems… with vermin. Oh, listen to this… real funny. Alright boss, are you gonna get him now? Come on, get him. Oh, kick his head in, boss! I’m gonna smell like cow dung, boys. Knock his goddamn brains out! Yeah? Geddes spends on women, saves on hands. Oh he’s licking you, boss. Oh. boy. Mr. Milton… Boss…
boss, you need help? 45:00 - You couldn’t clean my boots. That boy can punch! Jim Milton, get off that man. Get off him. He hit me first. Oh, you can fight boy. I’ll give you that. Well, how’s your wife in a brawl? Leave my wife alone. Oh, she’s real pretty. Get outta here. Quite a temper you got. Imagine you’re, you’re frustrated with your lot in life… married to a shit shoveling farm hand. Well what you do wrong to end up here? Leave my wife alone. Welcome to Big Valley, Jim Milton. Pleasure to meet you both. We’ll see you again. And you, boy… tell Mr. Geddes we called. We’ll be back. Thank you, Mr. Milton. Thank you. Don’t worry about it.
46:05 - You stop acting like a goddamn storybook hero, will you? What choice did I have? Plenty, you moron. Plenty. We all get caught eventually, John, I guess the trick is to decide by who. Now, dear I won’t hear any more of it… You won’t hear any of it… Not in front of the men… You toad… Alright, smile… smile. Do not embarrass me… Mr. Milton. Mr. Geddes? Hey, I heard we had another incident… with the Laramie boys? Yeah, there was an incident. Well, they mean to scare me. And are you scared? A little… I’ve got a lot invested in this place… and-and not just the land, but… but my family. It’s, uh… It’s hard to explain. I understand. I’ll do my best to keep you safe, sir. I know you will. So how’s your family? Just fine. I should probably head back. Yeah, I know how it is. How’d you get on? Okay, I guess. Better? Sure, I’m just tired. I know. Anybody want some more? - No, I’m good. - No, thank you. I miss Mr. Pearson. John Marston, you are such a pig. Alright, it’s getting late… let’s get some rest. Goodnight, Jack. Goodnight, Momma. Goodnight, Jack. Goodnight, Pa. The hell was that? What are… what are you doing? My job, Abigail. Lock this door behind me… don’t open it unless you know it’s me. Jim, you got to do something. Two of them. By the stalls. They got Tom.
49:09 - it’s over, this rich man’s folly, you boys are over, the cattle are ours… Take ‘em back to Hanging Dog! Who’s this? New hand… Oh, you’re that tough guy they just took on? I heard about you. I-I lost my wind. They’ve killed Mr. Tolbert… and they’ve stolen my goddamn cattle! You men okay? I think so. Jim Milton saved my life… It’s Mr. Abel… Of course it’s Mr. Abel… I can’t believe he thinks he can scare me out of here.
49:53 - Then I guess we’re getting the cattle back, sir. I guess we are… Can you go too, Tom? Of course, sir. Alright, Jim, I know you can handle yourself… A little… Go get your guns and head out. Guns? Oh, don’t play coy with me, son… we need your help. I don’t care what you used to do… or what you… your name is… this is the land of second chances. Understood. Okay. Let me in, it’s me. What was it? Mr. Geddes’ cattle was taken. God, I’m sorry to hear that. What’re you doing in that thing? Mr. Geddes’ been real good to us… We… I…
50:29 - What are you doing? My job, Abigail… my goddamn job. I’ll lead the way. This is gonna be the last we hear outta them. Heya! Heya! Ride! Off your horses here. We’ll be better on foot. Okay. If you say so. That’s the place up ahead. There’s our cows. A couple guards out front… a couple more round the side, I imagine. Let’s get a closer look… let’s go. Yeah, there’s plenty of guards… I’m gonna head straight in. Tom, you head up there and try and give us some cover. Abe, you’re gonna try and flank the place… and come in from the back. I’ll give you a minute or two, then I’m heading in. - Yes, sir. - Okay. Hey! Hey! Hell, Jim. You can shoot. I ain’t got time to look after you, kid. I’m okay. That’s a bad business, Jim. Jim Milton. Look out, Tom. Let me deal with this. Hey, look, they’re in the barn. Bad, bad business. Good shot.
53:21 - There’s more coming! Jim Milton! Jim Milton, you son of a bitch! I see you, Milton! You’re gonna be sorry for what you done. You’re gonna pay alright. You and your wife. That’s the feller who shot my feet up. I got this. You boys take the cattle. See you back there, son. You’re the feller that said something about my wife. Piss stinking… Shit shoveling… Backwoods… Sack of… No good… Trash… You know that woman of yours got… The look of a woman that ain’t had a real ride in her life. She’s gotta make do with some piss-poor stinking farmhand. Hey, hey, tell her I’ll let her in my sheets… Long as she bathes first… in sheep dip. Get the stink of you offa her. Farmhand! Shit… Hey, you’re back. You did real well, Mr. Milton. This man can really fight… saved the whole place. Ah… that weren’t nothing. Well… You… You… You saved my… No need to say nothing, sir. Just doing my job.
56:30 - Now, I don’t think they’ll be back tonight, but… how about, Abe, just in case, you stay up. Yep. See anything or hear anything… you fire that rifle three times. Three times. We’ll all come running. Will do. Well said, and thank you, Mr. Milton. Truly. Just glad to be of service, sir. I understand. You get some rest. Thank you, Mr. Geddes. What? What? What choice did I have? Just answer me that. What was I supposed to do? Look, just do one thing or another… not be two people at once. That’s all I’m saying. Journal Next Episode You need to do exactly as I say, boy. Here. Now! Come on, quick, down. Ok, Son, you wait here.
18:43 - You don’t move or say nothing until I speak to you… you hear? Yes, sir. Head down. Okay, gentlemen… let’s see what you come calling about. .