Tutorial exercise: Styles in Writer - LibreOffice 6.4

Feb 20, 2020 09:51 · 454 words · 3 minute read ok ", protocol 15 01

Exercise styles in Writer - LibreOffice version 6.4. For the task “format with styles” an already written “Protocol model school” is used. To do this, you create, change and assign styles. With the help of styles, it is shown how the protocol can be quickly formatted in order to look good. Now open the file “Protocol model school”. In the protocol you can see that the “Default Style” is displayed in the “Formatting” toolbar. This means that the existing text has the “Default Style”. You will change that now and create the new styles. First remove all hard line breaks and delete the direct formatting. Remove all direct or hard line breaks, they are unnecessary as blank lines between paragraphs, since the spaces between the paragraphs are specified by the styles.

01:08 - Then click on “Edit>Select All” in the menu. Then click in the “Format>Clear Direct Formatting” menu or press the “Ctrl”+“M” keys. Create style “P-Header”. Right-click on the style ″Heading″. Click then on “New…”, then on tab ″Organiser″ and enter name “P-Header”. Enter the properties that the protocol header should receive in the new style: Font: “Arial”; Fontsize: “14 pt”; Fontstyle: “bold”; Font colour: “black”; Spacing: Above paragraph “0,0 cm” and Below paragraph “0,3 cm”. Options: “Centre” Now click on “OK”.

02:15 - Assign the format of the “P_Header” to the heading. Mark the header. Double-click on the template ″P_Header″. Create style “P-IA” Right-click on ″Heading″, then on “New…”, then on tab ″Organiser″ and enter name “P-IA”. In the “Paragraph Template” dialog box, enter the properties that are to be determined for the agenda items: Font: “Arial”; Fontsize: “14 pt”; Fontstyle: “regular”; Font colour: “black”; Spacing: Above paragraph “0,4 cm” and Below paragraph “0,2 cm”. Now click on “OK”. Assign the “P_IA” style to the agenda items. Mark each items of the agenda. Double-click on the style ″P_IA″. Create style “P-Text”.

03:33 - Click on “Text Body” with the right mouse button and choose “New…”. Then on tab ″Organiser″ and enter name “P-Text”. Font: “Arial”; Fontsize: “11 pt”; Fontstyle: “regular”; Font colour: “black”; a) Spacing: Above paragraph “0.0 cm” and Below paragraph “0.2 cm”. Click on “OK”. Assign the “P_Text” style to the text. Mark each text. Double-click on the template ″P_Text″. Modify style “P-IA”. The style “P-IA” should now be provided with numbers and the font changed to “Light Blue 2”. Right-click on the style “P-IA”. Then select “Modify…”. Then in the Dialog box ″Paragraph Style: P_IA″ choose the tab “Outline & Numbering”.

04:50 - Select the “Numbering 123” under “Enumeration/Numbering / List template”. In the “Font Effects” tab, select “Light Blue 2”. As soon as you click “OK”, all agenda items are numbered and the font is light blue. .