Maglioncino Lux
Nov 9, 2020 13:00 · 4305 words · 21 minute read
Hello everyone in this new video tutorial I will show how to make this cute sweater that I decided to call lux sweater.. as regards the yarn I used that of the miss tricot yarn mohair lux color line that if you remember I have already used to create the coocon butterfly this time however I opted for the light blue color that or light blue to dark blue that the 0 4 each ball is 50 grams 175 meters and as you can see the color I chose goes from a dark blue gradient to a dark blue gradient to lighter and has its interior and golden blades as always in the description I will leave you the link of the site crocheting with the yarns from which you can buy the same yarn in other colors in addition to this in addition to the one I used for the cocoon which is one shades of purple there is also a shade of orange a shade of gray and a shade it seems to me of the dove always with the lament given inside to make this shirt this sweater which is a size s I used 300 yarn fields working with a center in number 4 I recommend if you are a size m according to me documenting to learn at least 100 grams more then 400 grams for a size and 500 grams for a size xl 600 grams working as I told you with the crochet number 4 the processing a little different from the usual but it is one that you know because I often use to make sweaters is the one where you start from the realization of the sleeves that is to say you make rectangles then 12 hibernation forward one behind to have the same processing the same direction of processing that goes from the fads that here to the other sleeve then these two rectangles are made forward one behind that pay out together precisely because the sleeves and then go to work in the lower part now a that is the body is always used the same point which is achieved by repeating three very simple turns which are alternating which do alternate are the stripes these species vertically of t-shirts with the peanut stitch then once this process is done I went to continue the arms so I did not make the sleeves with the same stitch but to see here above and perforated while here I made strips of the firefighters of high sweaters that I also used to go and tighten a little from the processing of course those who have a size larger than me the balloon will notice much more if you want the announcement effect but you can also not create it I say that I do not I really like the balloon effect when it is so low that’s why I chose the sleeve a little but not a lot right because I wanted it to be warm to you anyway if it is very warm compared to the top of course I at this moment are not with a fight but it is perfect towards worn also with under the chest and therefore it will also cover the holes that we have here but for this period and above all with the fact that after 6 a in many areas it can come out is perfect to be worn anyway in the afternoon series with underneath only a simple tank top having said that I hope you like this very simple shirt to make and if you want to make it please send me your photos or on my facebook page crocheting with elsa or on facebook group the freedom to crochet and knit or you can tag me on instagram where you will find me as elsa do or on crochet with yarns if you bought the same yarn at the link I left you in the description or at the coleti haberdashery it’s us as always there see the next video tutorial… to make our sweater I decided to use the yarn of the miss tricot line yarns mohair lux color the color I chose and this blue that goes from a light blue to a dark blue and inside in golden lamé I will work with the crochet hook of number 4 and in this moment I will show you the sample where I mounted 29 small chains remember that the shirt we are going to make we will first make the two rectangles that are used to make the sleeves and let’s say the shoulders behind and the forward part every two tables we need to create the sleeves and then we will go to make the body of the shirt so I here I have assembled 29 chains to show you the motif but in the two real rectangles I will go to amount 157 chains to each the demoralizing motif is obtained on a multiple of eight plus 5 chains that serve to have the beginning equal to the end so here I am I have mounted among the motifs plus 5 chains instead in my rectangles I will create 19 motifs plus 5 chains at the end of the motifs will be 20 but keep in mind that these 257 chains make me have rectangles about 95 cm long that we have just to get from a half hug to the half arm on the other side so if you want it will make it longer or shorter or shorter you have to go increase the reasons keeping in mind the multiple of eight plus these 5 chains having said that we can go and make our first round and let’s make two chains that are the first treble crochet then one 2 I take the yarn jump the first of my 29 chains entered the second and I’m going to do another high mesh take the thread entered the next chain and realizes a third knitted high take the thread entered the next chain and a fourth mesh realizable high take the thread entered the next chain and realizes a fifth mesh high ops 3 ch a two three I jump 3 basic chains I start all over again and I’m not going to make the jump so I take the thread I jump the 3 basic chains I enter the fourth and I go to make 5 double crochets then one two three 4 and anyone 3 chains one two three jump 3 basic chain stitches and again it goes 5 double crochets then one two three 4 and 5 3 chain stitches one two three jump 3 basic chain stitches I start over so this is what we have to do for everything we will finish our round and skipping the 3 chains in the maps we enter the fourth I have to do the last five double crochets then a subsequent chain 2 ch and in the next 3 ch and in the next 4 ch and in the next 5 we have thus finished our first round second round I turn with the knitting pulls me a bit of yarn and we want to make an equal round so second round is the same as the first we go to make 3 chain stitches that are the first double crochet a shirt over each double crochet then second double crochet within and never high next third treble crochet next maiata fourth treble crochet next shirt fifth treble crochet 3 chain stitches one two three and linosa high I go to the second group of five double crochets again to do 5 double crochets then one two three four 51 5 chain stitches 3 chain stitches one two three I go to the next group again to make 5 double crochets then one two three four and five 3 chain stitches one two three jump and quest or that’s what we will do for our whole second round we finish going to make the last five treble crochets then one two three four the five we finished so also our second round I turn with the processing what do you do the third and last round and to analyze always 3 chain stitches that are the first double crochet then one two three a double crochet are each double crochet so it goes from a subsequent double crochet I make the second shirt third double crochet fourth double crochet fifth double crochet separation chain I take the yarn and now I go to make me precisely peanut then I enter if I exceed your two arches by 3 chains then 12 I enter this hole then I jump 1 and 2 I enter the first hole that was created I take the thread I pull and go out again opening the thread I return I take the thread Avesco still take the thread entered the hole take wire and go I have done this for three times take the wire and close all the wires that I sull’uncinetto separation chain ricomi start again then a double crochet over each double crochet one two three four five separating chain I take the yarn I go jump 10 pm and tailor the two chains the two excuse me jump the two holes entered the presalto first entered the second takes a yarn and go out again I take the yarn I go back I take the yarn and I go out again by opening the yarn and I can do this three times I take the yarn and I go out from all the children on the crochet separation chain start all over again then a double crochet over each shirt a 2 345 chain of separation I take the thread and again I enter the first hole I have at the bottom then I skip the first one we introduce the first one from the bottom but it would be the second you just have to skip these strips of chains and let’s go to make the hazel stitch then take a desco thread again I take the draw thread again opening the thread and go out a total of three times take the draw thread from all threads on the separation chain crochet and this is what I will have to emmo do for all of our third round we are going to finish by doing a double crochet over each shirt then one two three four and 5 we have finished our third round and now we have to go and redo the first round which I will show you quickly why we are going to make 3 chain stitches which are moved first double crochet then one two three a double crochet over the next double crochets for a total of five double crochets 3 4 and 5 3 chain stitches one two three you skip the hazel stitch yes I go directly we have to T-shirts you go to make the five suitable stitches so these are the three laps that we will always repeat for the entire length on used for the entire height of our rectangles I believe that I will do a maximum of four reasons because rectangles in any case must be lakes for the arms so you know how to fall very thin arms and therefore in my opinion 34 34 reasons are just fine of course I will let you know I remind you that you have to make two rectangles po i show you how to put the markers how to create the central part of the shirt c that is the body and then how to stretch the hands that finished my two rectangles and I made them high repeating the motif four times then repeated motif four times and now the eight proposed to put the markers then to overlap two video rectangles we must admit that the peanuts ban down because we will continue to work the same point and therefore it seemed bad to me that these here went upwards and then when we go to work the stroke of the shirt they must be placed at the bottom so I decided to bring the peanuts that all go down to do something a little different then to be able to put the markers as you know I find myself with 20 reasons why in the chains that I had assembled I would have found them I said teeth reasons and then as I did I put them 6 free and the seventh reason below entered the third chain of the group or of five stitches to you I put the marker naturally has me as multiples that is as motif 20 or in any case I mean the strips of high stitches so I left 6 free under and in the third chain of the group of five both forward and back of the vii group are I went to the marker and I did the same thing on this other side while above I left all seven of my groups free and I went admits the marker immediately after where or the chains because as I told you we have to go down so we here we have the initial chains I have done the same thing also on this other side now of course I have set six free while lying the marker in the seventh because the width suits me for my size but if you are a size me you have not increased those chain stitches but you made the same number as me so you also find yourself a size mo you go back to size s but you have a lot of breasts so you have to put more free motifs inside a Now you have to go you can do it this way put only six free motifs sorry five motifs books went mind the marker where the mind the sixth motif same thing on this other side of course depending on how far the center piece has to come off then put them in the remaining free motifs does nothing if the sleeve then becomes short because as I said then I intend once I went to sew the sleeves to continue the processing of having a little bit so now as I told you we have seen our markers and now I will continue to work with the same motif so I take my son and to show you immediately how to go from one side to the other I go directly to the group of double crochets where I have my motif I approach the camera so you can see better and go to do in this way I hooked the first of my 3 treble crochets of the third see marker then I hook myself with the thread and I go to make 3 chains ch and I’m my first double crochet I go to the next double crochet and I ’m going to make my second double crochet or here my marker now I read it I take the yarn entered the third double crochet that I have on the front and inside the third double crochet that I have on the back I take the thread and I’m going to make my high top so I go out of all the children from all and this way so I went to make my high top and see us then we will go and sew under here to create our sleeve but here I find myself the two alt stitches on this side the double crochet from this and now I proceed back then I go to work where or the last 2 double crochets then 2 double crochets one and go and next 3 and now being able to normally 3 chain stitches then start doing mine again first round and goes where now group of five treble crochets I make my five treble crochets then one two three four and 5 3 chain stitches one two three and continue knitting to continue working normally until you reach the marker next and it is no I will show you how to go from the back to the forward part I am about to arrive my second marker I made the 3 chains I go to make the first 2 treble crochets then one I go into the next chain 2 and I find myself again where I have the I take my marker off and go to do it in this way and take the yarn within the third treble crochet on the front and inside the third treble crochet in the back and go to make my treble crochet in this way so that I now find myself below my sleeve and now continues to work going back to the front then backhoe went to make 2 treble crochets in the last 2 treble crochets of the previous round then an eva from now never high next 2 3 chain stitches one two three and I start again jump a vase directly where the double crochet what my double crochet does so continue like this ending my first round then we will also finish the axis I will show you how the first round ends and then I will show you how the second starts naturally does we always row only our three our three laps as we did before only that we will work in the round instead of working in rounds and back but it is always the same because I always love to do a double crochet over each shirt and the 3 chains and where in the third round we have the 3 chains we will go to the tar is instead our peanut point so really simple does not change anything in this time in changing and agile to go and back to g in the round and I will tell you and how many times repeated the sky to get up to the desired length of my shirt and then I will show you the seam and sew hands that both above and below and survive the end if I stopped where I put the os marker or sewed a little more a little less and then I will see how to go to stretch the sleeve a bit because they don’t want the sleeve too short anyway so I would like to lengthen it I still have to decide how if I know and what point to use but I think they use simple mag points high tops alternating with low meshes I presume I don’t have to decide yet anyway for now we continue to work the body of our shirt they help me a little the camera so you can see better I will continue to work the body of my shirt I just want to show you once the first is finished round as the initial second and then you will continue on your own because as I told you nothing changes compared to before they are rounds in the round but the workmanship is the same nothing changes absolutely nothing here I am about to finish my first round once the 3 chains entered the third initial chain I go to make a very slip stitch and now I go to make 3 chain stitches that are the first double crochet now high above never high next a shirt over the shirt that joined the back part with the forward part and a double crochet over the others two high stitches 3 chain stitches 1 2 3 and you start all over again so normally now I will also finish second round then if anything I’ll show you and a moment the third round but in the end you will see that nothing changes we will always go to do so it is a bit useless I do it with five double crochets one above each double crochet and we will go to make our hazel stitch but for safety I am going to finish now anyway do my second round and I’ll show you how to make the third stop and finish the second round too I made chains entered the third initial chain stitch I’m going to make a slip stitch at this point let’s go for our third and last round and we make 3 chain stitches that are the first T-shirt a T-shirt over each high stitch 2 3 4 and 5 separation chain I go where you start groups the stitches excuse me the bows of 3 chains I take thread I go into the bow immediately after skipping the first two separation chains I take the thread and I go where or trauma here so I am better off I go down the bow after leon overcoming the two strips of 3 chains and I go to make me just hazel then take the thread I go out I take the fresh 2 I take the esko thread 3 I unite all the separation chain I start all over again from the high maize flour above each double crochet so you can see very simple these are the three rounds that we will always repeat are three civics we have also repeated to make the sleeves and me I will tell you at the end how many times I have repeated the motif before arriving to finish then we will go to sew the sleeves and we will see how to do to be able to stretch a little bit I repeated the 3 liters turns 15 times then from the scraps to get to the end I repeated the 15-door motifs and the length for the shirt is fine for me now as I said I want to go and lengthen the sleeve so now we will resume the knitting around the sleeve I will show you how simple it is because I intend to do all the treble stitches apart the first round we are going to do which will be a round of single crochets we will then work this round up to the height of the wrist so now v i show just how to do in order to start evaluating our hands that then to be able to work the lengthening of our malika I hope and has me cancerous under both from the seam under always with the thread is always using the crochet number 4 so I hook in this way I get up with a chain I go back inside and go to make a single crochet now I have to tighten the knitting a little so I will go to make a single crochet in each vertical double crochet excuse me horizontal so I go inside and go to make a single crochet I go to the next horizontal stitch I do a single crochet if you don’t have to tighten the knitting or you have to tighten it a little then alternate maybe go and make a single crochet where you have the horizontal stitch a single crochet of the forum of not a single crochet where you will have the shirt low horizontal the next hole is skipped if you don’t have to tighten a lot if instead you need to widen a tan instead Tino then go and make a sweater you just know where you have the horizontal sweater that in the hole I want to tighten the sweater instead so I go to make a single crochet in each horizontal high sweater in this way I will tell you at the end how many I made and then I will do see excuse me here I am I’ll show you the second round well I’m about to finish my first round I did the last single crochet in total 22 single crochets entered the initial single crochet I’m going to make a very low crochet and now I’m going to do the round that I will always repeat that very simple goes to analyze 3 chains that are the first shirt and I go to make a shirt over each single crochet in this way so this round that we always repeat because then we will go a shirt appears above each high image and of course also in this case I I will tell you how many treble crochets I did before going before getting to my wrist so the workmanship is very simple we’ll go to a single crochet over each but a double crochet over each single crochet in my case for a total of 20 2 double crochets then I will always continue to work the stitches or the round of double crochets until it reaches my wrist I repeated the round with the double crochets for a total of twenty-one times I did the same thing I went to do the round of single crochets to tighten the knitting and create this sort of balloon knock down high crochets by repeating them 21 times at the end or finished the neck with a round of single crochets and just to define it a bit and I made a single crochet over each high crochet and 3 single crochets to keep a bow of 3 chain stitches below instead I will leave my sweater as it is here too I will not go to further borders the only border I made it was here above the shirt so mine above the neckline so my shirt can be said to be finished .