Oct 14, 2020 07:24 · 930 words · 5 minute read
wow hello guys so yeah today i’m going to show you how to install brackets for html as last time i told you that we are going to start html so so please so type hashtag exam row because our exams are gonna over after two like two days then you just have to go to uh you just have to go to brackets i o i will give the link in the description so you can see my brackets release one is going to install so i’ll skip this part so please subscribe till then and yeah meet you after the video so as you can see my installations is like over so i’ll just click on it till then i can subscribe please so it’s preparing to install so i’ll just uh if you want change you can change the location where to install or you can just leave it like that but before you have to change you just have to go to the place where you want to change it then i’ll go to adief for me then you have to create a new folder or your brackets or it will be just like a jumble up as you can see on the screen right now so yeah so i’ll just name it brackets and enter it then i’ll minimize this then i’ll just change over here and just go to e volume then i don’t know where to go because i’m a little confused after a long time because they were again once again i’ll just should i close no close i’ll just change it then to e volume double click on adip when you double click on it then i’ll go to brackets as you can see over there then i’ll just do okay so it will just get installed and over here as you can see it’s like when i do the next it’s gonna be a black scene because like it will be your notifications or you should do yes you should do yes because something will happen when i don’t know you just have to do yes and it will just start doing so it can it depends on the computer which you have the loading and the downloading and all that stuff so i’ll just wait over here and i can subscribe guys please it will be a motivation for me please come on till then we’ll talk about the next video should i make the next video on like how to remove copyright or no copyright on your youtube videos or like for something related to windows settings and all or just uh just make a hashtag or copyright because because copyright is the main thing in the youtube so this will just happen again it will just make the progress let it do just wait so yeah what what i was talking about the video on copyright how to remove the copyright and like that stuff so make hashtag copyright or hashtag windows settings to change the question yeah i’ll change the cursor the color of the custom so should i make a video on that or on copyright please let me know in the comment and if you have any done regarding the brackets installing just please tell me in the comment i’ll just make sure i’ll answer in the 24 hours so i’ll just make it it takes a little bit of time actually depending on your cpu of the pc and just wait only a few minutes so it’s like copying new files over here so let’s see what happens oh you know just let it do all the stuff for you fast it depends on the cpu as i told you you can also subscribe my other gaming channels and my brother’s channel you can see on the top right and my channel on the left so you can just see it over there so guys so please like and subscribe because it takes a lot of so just now we just have to just finish it over there i just missed it use it we just have to finish our day sometimes it’s it’s just it just launches the bracket just launches uh just go to the type here to search brackets then you can i think so you can’t download this on mac os you just have to go to the youtube which is the best for html so yeah guys you could just type it over there so the practice is going to open over here now this will take a little bit of time and so just uh i’ve been like making product projects on this bracket so for me just then you have to just allow access if it’s like says so i’ll just open the folder which shows that the starting so i’ve already done this i’ve already used brackets so it’s showing me for like this so once again it takes a time over here yeah yeah it’s gonna happen it’s gonna load so i just click the html file over here so yeah guys it just looks like this and there will be two there will be screen shots getting started main css and oh yeah so it will be like this so yeah guys this is the process how to do this so please subscribe like and share the video and support me till then subscribe my other channels also so yeah guys bye and have a nice day ahead so bye guys you .