Sub)【흥분안했다면서,얼굴이 왜 빨개지냐?, 29금 러브젠가】_Are you shy now? 29Lovejenga

Dec 24, 2020 11:22 · 1207 words · 6 minute read trying start wait jun whenn

What? You want me to pull your pants down using my mouth? Is it because you want him to pull it down in front of you? Hyung, you can in front~ Make it easy Nah that’s too weak Then come up here Omg omg First of all you guys, it’s probably the first to meet these guests, right? Here’s Professor Snape Seaweed and Bin Never seen them That’s too much Oh, that? Yeah, the one you guys both filmed yesterday Well I told him that he could get into the bath wearing an underwear, but he said this is for real and he took off his underwear and right after he got into the bath If you see the video, there’s a kissing scene of them both But then he was like this, seriously tho… For real Like seriously The camera got everything, no lies You told me to do it for real Yeha good job No, you to me to I was told to do it. Good good I did it too I’m glad I didn’t go there. Almost got myself looking at some useless sh*t Some useless sh*t u say? A fan sent us his own story on our KakaoTalk account for the fans, and that if we’re ever gonna use that story we can refer to his Cannot. No I mean it’s No, cannot. I mean we could use his story Yeah I get it. but no. Geez, just let me talk first K go ahead I’m not doing it Fine Geez Hun, respect and be considerate Aww Seo-yoon ow did Sik saved the name on his cell phone? Oh I can tell you that.

It’s saved as ‘my good Gombo ♡’ 01:42 - and that’s him Our nice, moldy he hasn’t had s*x for too long and it got all moldy and so we call him Gombo in our house what? I think Juwan’s getting rough on our he speaks lately What? He says something like ‘fxcking eat’em all’ Yeah learnt it from Sik, I never knew how to curse before He’d suddenly curse in the room, I could heard that outside No no, Juwan’s trying to frame himself as an innocent person Wth you mean Juwan is? Whew nah don’t get me wrong. They’re framing me The only swear words I know is ‘You fool!’ that’s it Don’t think so Sxck 2 minutes on the waist Whaaat? what? Sxck 2 minutes on the waist I don’t think that’s it What’s wrong? It’s not like it’s your first time being on my streaming? Start Wait, that’s the side, that’s the side I said Don’t look at things like that, don’t Do * while hugging from the back How, would you like to do it? I don’t have to do it with my thingy right? indifference It is his penalty for reference. Do you do it like that hyung? Well I could Nah, ok ok then hyung, you’re going to do this Hun, that hyung is making things up, do you do * like this? I think you do, looking at your reaction. 10 seconds to touch the chest Let’s do it for 10 secs. Start Are you seriously feeling it? He’s getting red I’m getting red Found it Bite the other person’t butt Why is there so many dust Oh it’s our cats What what? Why did you do that fot? Is that your style? Yeah respect right, respect their styles Let’s do ‘melt the ice from mouth to mouth’ and the losing team drinks, k? Put it in your mouth, quick.

03:52 - Start Hun, you’re so bad at this. Back in your old days, you were so good at it Let me put smtg on my lips Hun, gimme that too Did you eat it? We’re done Doing it all day Should have told us if it’s over No, they’re the one that was so into kissing. Forget the ice, they were sucking each other and now they’re blaming us again. We let them be cuz they were enjoying it too much I like Xi-jun I like him or no YES Let’s see Kiss until a song ends It’s not about the strength, but I gotta quit smoking cuz it’s hard for me to breath It’s that skit, ‘Love and war’ Hyung, when are you getting divorced? How long do I have to wait? You told me that you don’t love her anymore, but why aren’t you getting divorced? I’ll go today. I’ll get a divorce today Well that was pretty cool He’s leaving his wife to live with his gf, and that gf is his wife’s sister.

huh? 06:08 - In reality, he’s a fxckin villain I wanna try that too Leave a kiss mark anywhere you’d like No no hun, I don’t wanna get it from you, it hurts We still have ‘hug the princess’ for 3 seconds Ah it hurts tho Kiss mark again Guys, I said it really hurts Hun you’re sxcking too strong, it really hurts It’s right next to it Hun, it doesn’t feel good, it hurts K, made it bigger this time That’s how I done it for today Pulling down the pants with my mouth? K I covered it up for you Now come on in the middle Is it because you want him to pull it down in front of you? Is that so? Hyung, it’s fine doing it infront Do as you like That’s too weak Come forward Omg omg Xi-jun whenn your last relationship last relationship? It’s today What’s the date today, your last relationship? A month ago What, why why Yeah it’s right Shattap, stop Kissing during a song Exciting for 1 minute K shall we count to one minute? Start Found it Found what? What’s are you looking for? Can you stay still if I go down there Drink a glass of clavicle wine Drink a shot on a clavicle K come now The timing should be right Argh it’s too cold, hurry up and drink it It’s there, there Hyung, what does it taste like? Taste like soju You’re a Busan guy That hyung is a real Busan guy Moan for 5 seconds looking forward Why do I get this so often? What is this Mimic the position you like the most Why are you taking out the tissue? You wanna show them how you wipe it off? That hyung got the tissue Oh, while hugging Oh, the usual position Melting ice in two What? It is not a still image Do a scaling with kissing Scaling? your teeth I’ll just have the penalty drink Yeah, that was cute So you want the opponent to stay still? Yeah stay still for 15 seconds Start How much are you going to leave for today Hun look, try to think of it. They kissed so much right? It’ll be so funny if you hit me in the back of my head alright There’s a lot left, show them, can you see? Kiss on the forehead, this is easy It’s a revenge. Try living with a third eye Hun, the way you’re sxcking…. Are you farting? Damn, I can’t leave the mark I can’t cuz I’m weak at sxcking .