What Will Happen If You Start Eating Lemon Every Day (Benefits and Harms of Lemon)

Dec 22, 2020 11:00 · 2237 words · 11 minute read allergies 20 minutes pregnant woman

Lemon, like its close relative, the orange, is not a unique plant species. It is a hybrid of other citrus species that originated in India and China and is known to a large number of civilization as a separate variety of fruit trees. To date, scientists cannot figure out exactly which fruits became the ancestors of this citrus, but they have well studied the benefits and harms of lemon. It is the beneficial properties of the lemon tree that have played a huge role in the fact that today this fruit is so famous in most countries of the world. Our body needs such products, but we need to know when to use them, not forgetting that if taken unwisely, they can have a negative effect on the human body.

00:36 - The benefits of lemon What are the beneficial properties of lemon? Yes, in almost everything, from the peel, the so-called lemon peel, and ending with lemon juice, which contain an abundance of biologically useful, active substances. Enhances the effectiveness of the treatment of colds. Always, when we are exposed to a cold, we remember this citrus. But lemon is useful not only during illness, because it is no less effective remedy for the prevention of colds and flu, especially in winter. For this purpose, it is recommended to take the fruit on its own fresh or add it to warm tea, since with this drink the body receives a much larger amount of vitamins A and C, which strengthen the immune system and activate reserve resources to accelerate the treatment of the disease.

In addition, lemon has a diaphoretic effect, so it is recommended to use it to 01:17 - lower the temperature; It has an anti-purulent, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect in the early stages of angina. If you notice the first signs of this unpleasant disease, it is recommended to eat citrus or gargle with citrus juice. You can also slowly chew the zest of raw lemon and after this procedure do not eat or drink anything for another hour. During this period, citric acid and essential oils interact with the inflamed mucous membranes of the throat. This procedure should be carried out every 3 hours; Contains high amounts of iron and potassium.

Iron is known to increase the number of red 01:52 - blood cells, and potassium in turn has a positive effect on blood vessels by strengthening their walls. As a result, these trace minerals make lemon an effective product for maintaining normal blood pressure and improving heart muscle function. Vitamin P also helps lemon in this; Eliminates digestive problems. The abundance of fiber characterizes the beneficial properties of lemon by its ability to relieve a person of regular constipation and improve appetite due to the penetration of citric acid into the digestive tract. Lemon - is a powerful antioxidant. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, the use of lemon not only strengthens the immune system and increases the protective functions of the body, but also helps to eliminate damaging free radicals, slows down the aging process, prevents the development of cancer, saturates the body with energy, breaks down harmful cholesterol and quickly removes its excess from the body; It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

It is difficult to overestimate 02:46 - the benefits of lemon, namely its essential oil, for acne, freckles, sunburn and other damage to the skin. As you know, the components that make up lemon are able to save a person even after being bitten by a scorpion. Lemon juice can be used for cosmetic purposes to give the skin a natural color, whiten it, rejuvenate it, prevent wrinkles, and treat age spots. It is also used for fungal skin lesions. Lemon peel is effective for rubbing corns. Shampoos, which include lemon juice, strengthen hair and accelerate its growth; It has an analgesic effect.

For headaches, lemon peel, free of white matter, can be applied 03:19 - with the wet side to the temple. This will cause a red spot that itches and bakes, but the pain symptoms will go away very soon. Lemon also helps to relieve stomach colic; Relieves convulsive seizures. In case of leg cramps, you can spread the soles of the soles in the morning and before bedtime with the juice of fresh lemon, without wiping off the juice. After two weeks, you will forget about cramps; The fruit has a powerful antiseptic effect.

Thanks to this, lemon juice is effectively 03:45 - used for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis, fever, atherosclerosis and hemorrhoids; Improves the functioning of the nervous system. Thanks to vitamin B and potassium, regular consumption of lemon fruit helps to strengthen sleep and the nervous system, relieving a person of stress and depression. Scientists have proven that the scent of lemon oil improves mood; Calcium, of which citrus is composed, strengthens bones, nails and teeth. And in combination with magnesium, this component improves the quality of blood, dilutes and purifies it, participates in the formation of albumin; The anti-toxic and cleansing properties of lemon are known. The use of the fruits of this citrus helps to eliminate toxic substances, toxins and uric acid from the body, an excessive amount of which is fraught with damage to internal organs and tissues; The potassium in lemon is beneficial for maintaining normal brain function; Lemon harm Like other citrus fruits, lemon has a number of contraindications for use.

04:39 - Citric acid irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. For a healthy person, this property of lemon can be dangerous only when overeating fruit, but for people suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, enteritis, acute nephritis, colitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, the intake of citrus should be strictly limited, so how it can cause heartburn, pain and cramps; Damages tooth enamel. Although lemon strengthens teeth due to its calcium content, stops bleeding gums, helps to remove plaque and whiten teeth, dentists recommend brushing your teeth after eating the fetus, since the juice of this citrus fruit negatively affects the state of tooth enamel; Irritates wounds and aggravates severe inflammation. This fruit has anti-inflammatory effects, but only in the initial stages of inflammatory processes. If the inflammation is already too strong, then the lemon will only increase irritation, exacerbate the pain and bleeding of wounds, and prolong the healing process; Prohibited for use by patients with pancreatitis.

Despite the fact that the use of citrus fruit 05:42 - stimulates the cleansing of the liver, it is contraindicated in the period of inflammatory processes of the pancreas; May cause allergic reactions. Excessive consumption of lemon leads to allergies because it is a powerful allergen. Also, side effects can be manifested by skin irritation in people with individual intolerance to the components of this product; Overeating lemons raises blood pressure. In this regard, the intake of this fruit should be approached with extreme caution in case of hypertension; Benefits for a woman’s body Any woman wants to look 100% and fresh healthy citrus turns out to be an indispensable assistant. The fair sex wants to become the owner of a slender figure and again the help of a healthy fruit is invaluable.

Citrus is used as masks 06:21 - for the face and hair, on its basis, diets for weight loss have been created, which allows the fair sex to keep themselves in shape. How is lemon useful for a pregnant woman’s body? Citrus juice supplies the mother and fetus with the necessary components and helps: relieve attacks of toxicosis; improve digestion; strengthen the immune system; prevent colds; bring the pressure back to normal. Pregnant women should consume healthy citrus in small quantities to prevent allergies in themselves and the unborn child and stop the development of heartburn. For men Citrus fruits increase masculine strength by increasing potency. With moderate consumption of the healthy fruit, sperm quality is significantly improved.

Lemon for men serves as a preventive measure against prostate cancer. How to store lemon? This should be done by choosing a cool, dark room, and it is better to use the refrigerator - its lower compartment. You can send the fruit to the freezer, but its taste will change from this, getting a bitterness. At room temperature, it will quickly disappear, and in order to avoid the loss of most of its nutrients, including vitamin C, it should not be stored by mixing it with sugar. Lemon in cosmetology Its juice, zest, pulp are added to ready-made skin and hair care products.

Compositions that you can prepare yourself at home will 07:35 - be no less effective. For example, thanks to the sour fruit, you can give the face freshness, radiance, and a healthy look: Combine 12 fruit juice with honey in the amount of 4 tbsp. l.; Warm up the composition, apply to the skin; After 5-7 minutes. rinse it off with warm water. To combat wrinkles, use the following home remedy: Combine 150 ml of high fat cream and 200 ml of milk; Heat the composition, but it should not boil; Place 12 citrus in it, after cutting it into slices, let the ingredients steep for several hours; Apply the resulting product for a third of an hour daily in the morning and evening, then rinse it off with warm water. You will soon be delighted with the result. Regular rubbing of the skin of the face with 12 citrus pulp will help eliminate age spots and acne.

08:20 - If you want to get rid of dandruff with it, use this composition: Combine equal amounts of olive oil, citrus juice, grated ginger root, water; Use this mixture to rub into the scalp; When it dries, use warm water to rinse it off; After a few of these procedures, you will see that the dandruff has receded. Lemon in cooking The fruit is added to baked goods, drinks, and even used as a seasoning. But, remembering its low calorie content, it is not surprising that lemons are used for weight loss. For this purpose, they drink such a drink: Chop the fruit to make 5 tbsp; Pour the product with warm water in the amount of 0.5 liters, let the mixture brew for 3-4 hours; Strain the liquid; Take the drink 4-5 times / day, dividing the received amount of the drink equally by the number of doses; The duration of the course should be maximum 2 months.

If desired, it can be repeated after 09:05 - 3 weeks. One of the most popular dishes in cooking is lemon Kurd, which will require the following products: Citrus - 3 pcs.; Eggs - 3 pcs.; Sugar - 170 g; Butter - 75 g. The cooking process is as follows: Boil water in a saucepan; you will need it to create a water bath; Next, you need the zest of ripe lemon, or rather, two of the harvested fruits; Squeeze out the juice from all three citrus fruits, combine it with the zest; In a deep container, preferably made of glass, melt the butter; Beat sugar and eggs with a whisk, or better - with a mixer; Pour the resulting mass into the oil; Stir the ingredients, stirring all the time, continue to cook the composition in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. It should thicken slightly as a result; Pour lemon juice mixed with zest into the mixture, mix the products; Continue heating the composition in a water bath for about a third of an hour. It should take on a thick consistency - like yogurt; Pour the mixture into a mold, let cool, place it in the refrigerator to thicken; Now you can enjoy a dish with tea or use it as a filling for toasts, cakes.

10:01 - You can use the zest in any baked goods to taste, and it is permissible for this to use frozen delicious lemon if you like a touch of bitterness in dishes. To prepare it correctly, peel off the yellow part of the peel surface with thin shavings, but so that the white part does not get into the mixture. It can also be frozen, mixed for cooking various dishes with salt, pepper, and other spices. Lemon in medicine Doctors do not deny the benefits of this fruit, but he found more of his fans among adherents of traditional methods of treatment. The most popular way to use it is to make regular tea with it.

This drink is used for colds, for their prevention, increasing immunity. Another commonly used recipe for preparing a remedy that has a beneficial effect on the body is as follows: Rinse well and then pour boiling water over ½ kg of citrus fruits; Cut them into slices without removing the skin; Cut the peeled ginger (100 g) into slices; Grind both ingredients into a gruel with a blender or meat grinder; Combine the mixture with honey, stir well, store in the refrigerator; The agent can be added to tea or consumed with a bit of drink. This wonderful citrus fruit has many advantages, being tasty, aromatic and healthy. But you cannot use it even for medicinal purposes if there are contraindications. That’s all we wanted to tell you today! Liked the video - like it, do not forget to subscribe to the channel and tell your friends about the video! See you soon! .