Кабель SATA 22(7+15)Pin. Обзор и подключение Zidoo Z10 и HDD Toshiba 3Tb!)
Jan 12, 2020 00:33 · 397 words · 2 minute read
good afternoon everyone today we have another unpacking, or rather unpacking took place namely came in gray package directly from the Middle Kingdom here is such a SATA cable and here you go out two more objects that were on my channel is directly media player Zidoo Z10 and a terabyte Toshiba hard drive by the way inside Zidoo he will also become 3 terabyte hard drive inside and why did you need this cable stone this I needed SATA 22Pin is 15 and 7Pin in order connect another hard drive besides the fact that there is a USB connectors for connecting 2 versions and 3 versions return part of the money for purchases in aliexpress with letishops cashback service this is real money that you can withdraw to a bank card or top up your phone balance be in trend buy with cashback from letishops link in description external connector for direct connection of SATA 22 (7 + 15) Pin ordinary cable came in this version Yes, I want to say that directly in the kit this cable was not Zidoo Z10 unity it came with Zidoo Z9S consoles given cable attended buy it direct to the official store who sells Zidoo media player quite expensive it costs somewhere 12 15 dollars given cable but for a while that is, I waited and I found the exact same cable, only it’s for sale for 2-3 dollars there are 5-6 times less than what the manufacturer asks directly the console is a regular cable about twenty-nine 30 centimeters around from edge to edge and here are two SATA connectors one connector directly connected to the console can now see here it is the connector and connect to the console is better included here in the console and the second part directly the hard drive also has this connector and this cable is also connected to it in this version, all this business with us works you can see and see now let’s connect it directly to the playback source, i.e. inside and now I’ll show you there is hard drive 1 and hard drive 2 we will connect directly via SATA in our system there will be two hard drive let’s connect and watch thank you all for your attention to whom it was useful to all successful unboxing purchases until the next video and bye .