How to uncover your limiting beliefs - Motivational speech - Anthony Robbins - Monday Motivation

Nov 2, 2020 15:31 · 2274 words · 11 minute read make sense limit gonna sleep

I know that’s what I really want to get results because guess what happens as soon as you come up with a plan opponents show up don’t they yes there’s 3 kinds of opponents if you read any good story watching a good movie as soon as the main protagonist has this desire to get excited about to come up with a plan that sure enough opponents come to oppose it that’s what creates drama in your life and there’s 3 opponents number one is the external opponents of can be all the other people are going to call you in the morning or by the way you want to do this in the evening obviously you can do this evening are your lunch break you can do this our power whatever time works for your schedule for your body but the ideal time again in the morning but the point is the minute you try to do this the opponent show up the phone starts ringing first thing in the morning there’s only the projects all these are the demands but all want your time and attention instead of giving it to yourself when you come up with a plan the same thing happens all kinds of resistance will show up and if it’s not from the external opponents it’ll be from the intimate opponents the people close to you who love you dearly but they don’t understand you gotta have time for yourself your kids want this and want that but you don’t take time for yourself is not as much of you to give them is there same thing for your spouse you know the people around your friends who don’t understand why you can’t talk to right now take those friends on the line with you on a walk with you get them to the our power I love to do this my lady it’s one of the great things we share together we do it side by side no after and we share our celebration but also there’s the internal opponents you know the parts inside either conflicted saying I really want to do this but I also want to do that you’ve got to put the opponents at bay and the only way to do that is discover one of the beliefs which is gonna be our next step what are the beliefs that are conflicting what are the beliefs that are stopping you see whenever you’re upset about something it’s because the beliefs you have beliefs control behavior whatever you do you do it because of your beliefs and you may not know what those beliefs are because often they’re unconscious so we’re gonna discover the beliefs that may be holding you back in the belief that a move you forward but I have to say this to you even extraordinary you listen to me babbling dumped all load on your incredibly. Intense pace something that most people go to a seminar for you been doing this results workshops I want to give you a chance to have a victory right now if you want to limit your time today so if you want to stop now just for today and start tomorrow with believes you’re welcome to do so but let’s remind you here’s what you’ve done today you’ve gotten clear you’ve gotta get disturb you can’t accept things you can’t make it it’s okay you got to say never again this is done not even a minute of the day this is changing step 2 you gotta make a decision about what you do what you don’t just be upset you want to be sure what you’re after something will get to stay up late get up early and really go for it something that drives you and thirdly gotta come up with your initial plan that massive action plan we don’t get excited we don’t change things by little action here they’re trying something we do it by just going full force at something and taking some massive action right now so today if you want to take some action right now review what you’ve done in your journal taking action today turn the CD off or if you’re one of those people that just can’t stop that once they complete this workshop all right now that is the same crazy about him and continue to listen to the C. D. Howe go step number 4 and that is you’ve got to change your limiting beliefs. First of all what is the belief you know we think of a believer the thing what I believe is really a feeling what a belief is is the feeling of absolute certainty about what something means if you believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I invite you to walk across fire you’re gonna burn there’s no way you’re gonna get yourself to do it but if you’re familiar with my only see the power within weekends then you know for a fact that we have literally 3 quarters of 1000000 people from every age from 7 years old to 87 year olds that have crossed this fire is the only thing stopping us is the belief see if you believe you can ever get yourself at 6:00 AM you’re never going to if you believe you have to have 8 or 9 or sleep you’re gonna make sure you get it because you don’t leave your function without it as you believe so was a diamond you sound familiar what do you believe you can we believe you can’t you’re right because when you feel certain about something you’re gonna find you’re gonna make it happen if you’re certain that you can’t succeed you’re gonna look for all the reasons why you should even start because who wants to fail believes control our behavior sometimes the believe is unconscious like it even taught your whole life look before you leap but you’re also.Hugh hesitates is lost figure that one out very often we have conflicting beliefs but I can tell you this what ever you’re feeling and whatever you’re doing is usually based on a belief in you may not be conscious of it if you start to feel really angry or really frustrate a really sad I’ll give you a little question ask yourself it’ll probably talk about this a couple times the question simply this.

What 04:44 - would I have to believe to feel this way. What what I have to believe in order to feel this way. For me to be angry about this I have to believe that this person has control of me I can do nothing about it when you start to realize what you have to believe to feel a certain way you start say one second I can’t do something about that isn’t true and it breaks the hypnosis that the believe how’s it takes away the certainty that you’re at the effective things and gives you the opportunity to take control does that make sense. The same thing happen if you’re feeling really sad Y. my feeling sad wonderful fab right now what what I have to believe.

I have to believe 05:18 - that nothing could ever get better that I’m overwhelmed and I can’t change anything that you know I’m at the effective at all you know what we all know that’s B. S. belief systems right but see what we tell ourselves something over and over and over again with enough emotional intensity we start believing it becomes an incantation most of our beliefs are things that we heard or saw we have a lot of emotion about and then we repeated to ourselves again and again unconsciously or consciously until we felt certain it certainly is such a great asset when you get yourself certain about what you can achieve what you can do what you can change what you can make happen who you gonna love what you can connect with what you can create. But when you’re certain about your limitations got a real challenge you know what most people know more about their limitations and their assets the fall home port in this is psychology is everything you know you gotta get disturbed you gotta get clear on making yourself a decision about what you’re committed to what’s that result in why you gotta get a plant a real plan and yet a schedule that plan and you gotta make sure you got a set of beliefs in place that you’ve decided to live by that will get you to follow through on a constant and consistent basis only so it’s great as soon as you start to get any results at all you get momentum and with that momentum you’ll develop new beliefs so if you just get yourself in gear you’re gonna get the kind of results you want so here’s what I want to do now I want to write down in the past what are all the beliefs you have that have kept you from following through on the school so he said well I’ve been 1 write songs but I haven’t done it now be honest with yourself in order to not follow through what did I have to say to myself what I have to rationalize what were my beliefs well I don’t have time for this you said some of them before but you’re right on the specific beliefs and the right down what are the beliefs you’re gonna live by now that’ll get you to follow through so if you’re opening is workouts equal pain the new 1 is not working out as the ultimate pain because being disappointed with myself is the worst emotional earth plus working out secondly it is easy and fun because I can do I can schedule it into my schedule and I do it every day it’ll get easier every down joint more right down first the belief that kept you from taking action and right now now the police or power you come up with at least 3 believes the use the limit you ideally 5 or 6 and at least 4 believes ideally 56 or 7 that are new beliefs will get you to follow through on your new plan go for it now please take the time for this is very important. Okay I really hope because I can’t see in this moment are you really taking this seriously taking the time to do it and if you’re driving and you feel like you really couldn’t pull over I want you to still do this in your head so assuming you did it let’s go through this for a second here couple examples from people around here one of the people here the person was having difficulty losing weight the young lady said that she realized her limiting belief was if I’m successful people might not like me now we all need to feel loved that’s a word that come from she said when I was growing up and she said I got around the successful girls the girls that were popular she said one night they realized it was really smart they classified me as a nerd because I was successful in school and they wouldn’t spend time with me she said I started believing that if you’re released to smarter you’re too beautiful than people might not like you that’s what you believe she said people won’t like me unless I love myself he’s not fantastic because it’s the truth. Their second believe was other things are more important working out than a new belief is nothing is more important to making sure that every day I’m making myself more healthy more vital.

The thirdly she have a 08:50 - kept her from taking action was was not that bad the new believe it’s it’s terrible listen to the language used here because this is why she’s really motivated change and say all right really isn’t very good she said it’s terrible every pound gain is eroding who I am as a woman. So that kind of belief system that new believe will move her to action to follow so few people ever allowed himself to be a sterling to do anything about it and they get disturbing Inslee wanna get rid of that pain let’s do that right now instantaneously to feel good so I don’t have any drive or motivation you don’t kill them then the few people to keep that usually just stay there in the pain and don’t do anything to beat themselves up yeah you’re hearing let me tell you what else I’m screwed up on as opposed to those that say okay this is not good enough not in the day none of the minute I am changing this now and they will not move the bin get focused on the results they don’t focus on the past they focus on the future they’re gonna create now and they focus on why so they find that Dr so few people do that it’s a job that’s why so few people ever achieve and the few that might do something like that really come up with a real player I mean if you get to that level usually most people never get any results because then the old believes they go over to wipe out the plan do you still want to take the time to do this now it’s so important. .