13) Cratere Terra e i pianeti fantasma - SOTTOTITOLI-SUBTITLES
Nov 6, 2020 18:00 · 1256 words · 6 minute read
today I will answer a frequently asked question if the moon is the reflection of the beggar Earth how is it possible that the orbit of the stars and the planets go in opposite direction to answer that first let’s take a look at the different spheres surrounding Earth and let’s presume that every layer is reflective misses legs is standing in the room in front of three mirrors the outer mirror is reflecting her whole body the other two mirrors only reflect a part of her body let’s put mrs. legs into a three layered reflective ball she will see herself three times but at three different speeds because of time dilation the three reflections will slow down the outer image will be the slowest the closest image will be near-real-time so now I have made a time frame that is taking one minute it is showing three reflections at three different speeds the smallest reflection is making one rotation in one minute the closest image is near-real-time and is making 30 rotations the middle image is taking four rotations in one minute that would represent a day a week and the mouth so the smallest image is representing the moon every month you will see a rotation of the outer reflection next let’s put the three reflections on top of each other okay let’s enlarge the second reflection and put it in front of the moon let’s wait a bit there you see the movement of the second layer in front of the moon now let’s take the closest reflection a large it even bigger they night and then you see the second layer behind it and you get two different movements the closest would be the Stars and the second layer would be the planets and the star systems there you see it again and in the back you see the moon now you see how planets and stars could move in a separate direction so as I was making this video I thought hey the planets will be situated on a small piece of the moon so it would be fairly easy to find all the planets I used to think that the planets would be all over the moon so now I know where to look let’s zoom in to the place where I already found two planets the planet Mars Hadley sea and the planet Saturn Lily so let’s take a look at the planets between Saturn and Mars there is Jupiter and the asteroid belt so it was fairly easy to find Jupiter it was called joy what a joy to find Jupiter let’s look at some NASA painting the omelet and on the omelet you see this strange pattern repeated in the crater so I thought yeah this must be it so now we will look for the asteroid belts let’s zoom in on Mars hadley see look what we found there some mountains sure asteroid belt of course some mountains reflecting in the light could be mistakenly seen as rocks flying in space okay so we found the asteroid belt let’s move to the right from Saturn and we get to Uranus nice picture of NASA and we see Uranus and it’s six largest moons very obvious so we got Uranus let’s move to the right again to Banting Neptune let’s take another NASA painting the spot in the middle but the main reason I think this is Neptune is because of Triton when you look at this moon you see the two lines for people who are interested in the moons of Neptune the biggest one is Triton now that they are produce and larysa you wonder who invented all these names to planets to go Mercury and Venus Mercury and Venus are the only planets that have no moon left from Mars there is a place with lower contrasts that is probably the reason you see no moons as there are only two planets with the name in that area it seems obvious [Music] here they are all the planets but there was a little surprise at the end because when you move to the right what do you see at the edge of the universe the copper belt objects and as I know that the asteroid belt is a rock formation well I was pretty sure that the Kuiper belt objects would be a rock formation too so let’s check it out well well well what have we got here a rock formation formed in a circle well let’s take a look at Wikipedia that is a match if I’m not mistaking but there are planets moving in the middle of the Kuiper belt that’s impossible no well let me show it to you let’s create two layers Saturn Uranus and Neptune on one layer and the Kuiper belt on the other layer let’s move one layer [Music] now we move to layers at the same time in elliptical form one faster than the other one but there was another surprise because when you look in the middle of the Kuiper belt you have three moons makeymakey Haumea and Pluto but what is this big crater in the center so when you look at the explanation on wiki this big circle is a Sun so the reflection in this crater is mistakenly seen as the Sun oh my god well you want the Sun you got one here it is and by the way [Music] [Music] let’s listen to another criminal for example Mars has the highest volcano in the world in the known in solar system the highest volcano in the world in the known in solar system the highest volcano in the world yeah well as we know now the Germans first discovered that we live on a bigger world so werner from brown knows we are living on a bigger bowl so when he is talking about the world he is talking about the bigger ball and everybody loves haha but those big scientists are laughing with their own stupidity for example mars has the highest volcano in the world in the known in solar system which mapped the maar of the planet Mars thoroughly Lamarr as a planet Mars Lamarr of the planet Mars thoroughly I think he wanted to say the Mars crater or the Mars area but then he thought hey I’m making a mistake and he corrects himself which mapped Lamarr as a planet Mars thoroughly for example Mars has the highest volcano in the world in the known in solar system that volcano is 16 miles high and has about a total volume twice as much as the largest volcano on earth which is the Big Island of Hawaii which when measured from the bottom of the ocean is I believe only 11 miles high so this is twice as big twice as four luminous and also there’s every indication that it was active in relatively recent geological period just judging from the very few meteoric impacts on the crater rim [Music] [Music] The Washington Post reports and NASA has confirmed a so-called city killer asteroid narrowly missed hitting earth what’s more alarming scientists say they had no idea it was coming that is alarming they’re supposed to know whoops the asteroid about the size of a huge boulder was about 45 thousand miles from Earth on Thursday well next time an asteroid misses the earth don’t worry it’s just a reflection by you [Music] .