Learn Data Science for FREE!
Jan 2, 2020 14:00 · 230 words · 2 minute read
Hi. I’m Matthew Renze, data science consultant, author, and public speaker. To kick off the New Year, I’m releasing a free introductory course on data science. I’m doing this because I want to give everyone the opportunity to learn the basics of data science without having any barriers to their success. So, I’ve made my new online course: “Intro to Data for Data Science” freely available on my website as of Jan 1st, 2020. There are no fees, no restrictions, no registration, and no commitment required.
00:28 - This course is my gift to you in the hope that it will inspire you to learn more about data science and make a positive impact on our world. Whether you’re planning a career change, wanting to improve your existing tech skills, or just looking for something new and interesting to learn - this course is right for you. The course was designed for absolute beginners. Everything is short, simple, and easy to understand for both a technical and non-technical audience. It’s the perfect place to begin your data-science journey. To get started, just click the link in the description. To show your support please be sure to like, share, and subscribe. Thank you for everything you’ve done to support me and my mission to teach data science to the world. I wish you all the best in 2020 and beyond! .