Republican: We cant sell our souls to the devil

Oct 29, 2020 19:28 · 748 words · 4 minute read president clinton vote becoming hypocrites

Hi, my name is Matt. I’m from Northwest Indiana and I’d like to tell you about why I cannot support Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Most of it comes down to who I am and what’s important to me. I’m a Christian and that is very crucial to my values. I look at Jesus as my example in life and he’s the standard that I look to. Back in the nineties, you know, I’ve voted in Republican my entire life.

00:41 - It was very clear when I was growing up what Republicans stood for, the principles, the values that they held up in the nineties. The mess with President Clinton. We saw that. I remember those days. I remember that we, as conservatives, as Christians, as Republicans stood out and we stood up against that and we said, no, this isn’t appropriate. We have higher standards for leaders in both in their public and their private lives. This is not acceptable. And we hold President Clinton accountable for his actions, for what he did, for his affair, for his lies. And we said, no, this is not what we want in our leadership as a nation.

01:31 - Fast forward to today and we have somebody who has done so much more, just blatantly. I don’t know specifically if he’s done what President Clinton did, but he has done so much. He has not just had affairs, but he has bragged about the things that he has done with women. I don’t need to repeat the lines. I know you’ve heard them before. This is a person who I wouldn’t trust with my kids. I don’t think you would trust them with yours, knowing the things that he has done and the things that he has said. This is not a person of high character.

02:19 - It’s obvious in every debate, in every Twitter posts that he does. He is a bully. He’s a narcissist. He is a womanizer. He is not a good person and it doesn’t matter if he is a bad guy on our side, he’s a bad guy and we don’t want him on our side. This is not someone we want to associate with. Excuse me, if I’m going to preach for just a minute. The Bible has very clear standards when it comes to character, when it comes to leadership, when it comes to people that we should hold up in esteem and try to emulate.

03:03 - In Matthew, it says a good tree can not produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Some people look at his policies and they think this is good. This is worth it. You know, we may have sold our soul to the devil, but at least we got a few judges out of it. I don’t know. I don’t think that the price of selling out our character, of becoming hypocrites to defend the indefensible is right. I don’t think it’s the high moral ground by any means.

03:44 - And I don’t think that it is a good strategic decision because the world is looking at us. The world is looking at Christians. The world is looking at conservatives and it sees hypocrisy and I can’t argue with it. It’s there. The world is seeing us, our children are seeing us. They’re looking at the decisions that we’re making and they’re saying, “is it is it worth doing the wrong thing for the right reason?” Do the ends justify the means? Are those the lessons we want to teach our children? That’s not the lessons I want to teach my children. I want to teach them that character matters, always.

04:33 - That doing the right thing is always the right thing. That standing up against corruption, against narcissism against womanizing, is rights, even if it’s somebody on our side doing it. I want to teach my children that these values that we hold aren’t just things that we talk about and then neglect, you know, as soon as we’re the guys in charge. It’s not an easy road to take, but it’s the right thing to do. And I think you know it is too. I hope that you’ll join me. I planned this year, for the first time in my life, to vote for a Democrat for president and I plan to support Joe Biden. I hope you do as well. Thank you. .