Dutch Sheets: Hide Me Under the Shadow of Your Wings (Psalm 17:8)
Jan 12, 2021 12:30 · 2047 words · 10 minute read
- I tell you there’s a movement coming in this nation that is not gonna be satisfied with anything but His presence.
00:08 - And we’re gonna crawl up under the Ark of His presence just so we can be under the glory not just to represent it, not just to see Him work, but just to be there with Him, to say, “Let Your glory come, and we can just get in a room and feel the weight of Your presence.
00:25 - We’ll be satisfied. “ (congregation clapping) (congregation screaming) - [Congregant] Amen.
00:29 - - He’s waiting for people that will humble themselves and say, “It’s all about You, we want You, and we’re gonna do this the right way. ” I also wanna say this is my third point quickly.
00:51 - Now, I’ve already alluded to this but I want you to make sure you get it.
00:53 - I’m gonna say it directly. The same glory that brings blessing and breakthrough brings judgment.
01:02 - - [Congregant] Right. - And it happened to the Philistines, it happened to Uzzah, who’s bringing back the Ark and reaches out and touches it when they presumptuously decide to do it their way.
01:17 - That’s another thing, by the way that’s encouraged me, not the judgment but the fact that as I’ve traveled this nation, and I don’t only travel with Chuck, he and I both travel a lot, on our own.
01:34 - And I was in almost 80 cities last year in America, and I’m on a pace to match it this year.
01:42 - Trying to forerun in this nation to stir people to pray and to believe and to keep the hope alive for this Third Great Awakening.
01:55 - But I’m finding people everywhere I go, everywhere I go.
02:04 - Everywhere I go, that are crying out for this.
02:10 - - [Congregant] Yes. (air whooshes) - And there comes a point when even though we did it wrong for a season as a nation, maybe even prostituted the glory.
02:26 - (congregation murmurs) there comes a point when there’s a remnant that’s crying out loudly enough to say, “We wanna do it right. ” (congregant claps) - [Congregation] Yes.
02:44 - - “And if it means we carry it instead of the ox, if it means splinters on our shoulders, because we’re carrying this thing for 20, 30, 40 miles on our shoulders with poles, then so be it bring on the blisters and the blood and the splinters, because whatever it takes to get this, we’re gonna have it. ” - Yeah. - Certainly.
03:19 - - And I would just say this to you on this point of judgment.
03:28 - As the Lord exalts Himself, He’s gonna bring down that which has opposed Him.
03:35 - - [Congregation] Yes. - And we’re not to be alarmed at the feverish, (congregant coughs) resistance in this nation right now, to what He is doing.
03:51 - The warfare is intense, the demons are manifesting and they manifest in a lot of ways, including violence.
04:01 - But do not be discouraged, the glory is returning.
04:07 - (congregation clapping) - [Congregant] Amen.
04:11 - - And those who have opposed Him will be dealt with, and those who are welcoming Him in the right way will be exalted.
04:19 - (congregant claps) - [Congregation] Amen. - The fourth thing I wanna say is the glory returned to a remnant before returns to many.
04:29 - - [Congregation] Yes. - First He comes to those who know how to host His presence appropriately.
04:40 - David, wanted the glory, he wanted the arch next to throne in Jerusalem.
04:51 - but he still had just a little bit of this glitz thing on him, you know.
04:54 - “As King, I’m gonna make sure that we do this right and get a fancy new cart and, come up with a really great new idea on how to get it.
05:07 - And the Lord said, “I don’t want fancy carts and oxen.
05:10 - I want row shoulders. And I want this carried by the priests, I don’t want it carried by animals.
05:19 - I want it carried by people. I want them to carry my glory.
05:25 - That’s always been my heart, is to have it with people, humans.
05:31 - So don’t bring me a bunch of oxen and new carts, get it as close to your heart as you can and carry it for me, David. “ (air whooshes) And when they messed up, he had to put it nobody Obed-edom’s house for 90 days, didn’t he? And then, we here in this city we understand the 90 days of Obed-edom.
05:54 - - [Congregant] Yeah. - We were privileged to host the Lord’s presence in 90 days of worship and we talked a lot about Obed-edom.
06:02 - And I think what God showed me more than anything through that season, were for those of you that aren’t familiar with this story.
06:09 - David, when they brought it back in appropriately and the cart shifted and the Ark was about to fall and Uzzah reached out to catch it, God killed him.
06:21 - And said, “You’re not supposed to have it on an Ark, or on a cart, you’re supposed to have it on your shoulders. ” So David was afraid and took it over to the house of Obed-edom, and another small town with another small home hosted the Ark for 90 days before the majority could get on board with the right protocol.
06:50 - (air whooshes) It doesn’t need the fanfare and the outward sensation.
07:05 - He’s really only looking for one thing, and that’s the heart.
07:08 - - [Congregant] Yes. - He’s really not in the worship, does that surprise you? - [Congregant] No.
07:14 - - God doesn’t seek worship. Nowhere in scripture that say He does, it says, “He seeks worshipers. ” It’s not the song that excites Him, it’s the singer.
07:27 - - Yes. - Yes, it’s true. - He’d rather have a glance from a loving, countenance than a song sang by the greatest singer in the world that did not come from the heart because He’s into heart issue, and I’m getting off my subject little, so let me get back.
07:54 - He is finding a people all across this nation, that have come back to basics.
08:02 - - Yeah. - Amen. - And they don’t care about the fluff, - Amen. - they don’t care about, big names and sensation, they don’t care how big the building is, or how small it is, they don’t care if it’s a basement.
08:16 - They’d really don’t care if it’s a storefront, they don’t care what name is, they’re hungry for the presence of the Lord.
08:25 - - [Congregation] Amen. - And this remnant is now experiencing this, and this remnant is about to experience it in a much greater way than what they’ve experienced in the past.
08:36 - - Yeah. - Because He’s looking, for places He can park the Ark.
08:41 - - [Congregation] Yeah. (congregation clapping) - He is looking for places that will welcome Him.
08:49 - Not all of the blessings that comes with it but just say, “I want you.
08:54 - You are the one I want. “ - Amen. - And He’s looking for not a king that the world would exalt but He’s looking for someone after His heart.
09:09 - - [Congregant] Mm-hmm. - And this remnant that He has found is passionate, this remnant that He has found is very hungry.
09:18 - This remnant that has shaken off the religion, (congregation screams) (congregation clapping) and all of the all of the things that we’ve added to this process, and they’re saying, “We don’t care about all that, we’re after a meeting with a man. ” - [Congregation] Amen. (congregation clapping) - Yes. - Yes.
09:37 - - “We want Him. ” - [Congregant] That’s right.
09:41 - - And He’s coming to this remnant. And when this has happened, He’s gonna open it up to, - Yeah. - the rest of, the body of Christ.
09:51 - They’re gonna get in on this as well, because what we’re doing is we’re preparing the way for Him to come to all.
09:58 - (Congregation claps) cause it’s not just about Him or us either, it’s about Him, it’s about the body.
10:03 - There is coming a move of the Holy Spirit, that’s gonna wreck not only us, it’s gonna wreck denominations, it’s gonna wreck leaders, - Amen.
10:12 - - that there are places where He really hasn’t been welcome - Yeah. - and He’s gonna come in, and they’re gonna taste Him one time.
10:20 - - Amen. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And once they taste and see what is really all about to meet a person, not have a service.
10:29 - - [Congregation] Yeah. - To enjoy Him not just the music or the production, they’re gonna taste something, and once you taste and see how good He is, you never go back to the other.
10:40 - (congregation clapping) - [Congregant] Right.
10:47 - (air whooshes) - Two more things quickly.
10:52 - - [Congregant] Yeah. - When the art gets to Jerusalem, (air whooshes) it brings a wholeness, a healing.
11:07 - David wanted it in Jerusalem. Jerusalem means the city of wholeness.
11:13 - Shalayim, Yerushalayim, not just peace, but wholeness.
11:18 - There is a completion that comes when the Ark gets there.
11:22 - And David said, “I will not be complete. This my journey will not be complete just because I’m on the throne of Israel.
11:29 - My journey will not be complete until there’s a tent set up next door, (congregant claps) and the Ark of His presence is there so I can drift over on a daily basis and crawl into that Ark and just sit there in His presence.
11:42 - In fact, I’m gonna have full time worshipers, and I’m gonna have full-time instruments, and that’s never gonna stop, this worship of Yahweh way around the Ark is never gonna stop. “ In fact, David had the audacity to break all the rules, all the religious rules, you weren’t supposed to be able to go in where that Ark was and worship.
12:00 - It was supposed to be back in a Holy of Holies and only the high priest could get there once a year.
12:04 - You weren’t supposed to get that close to the presence but he had such a revelation of God’s heart that God wanted His glory among the people, that God went ahead and let him break the rules under the old covenant.
12:16 - (congregation screams) (congregation clapping) (preacher panting) And historians scholars say that David, when he put the Ark of the Covenant in that tent, representing the glory and the presence that he, put it up high enough on the table that he could crawl under it.
12:38 - - [Congregation] Yeah. - And they say that that’s where David wrote many of the psalms and wrote things cause it, the wings of the cherubim he could see out off the side of, sticking past the table on either side, and he wrote songs like, “Keep me under the shadow of your wings. ” - Wow. - Wow.
12:59 - (Preacher panting) - I tell you there’s a movement coming in this nation that is not gonna be satisfied with anything but His presence.
13:11 - And we’re gonna crawl up under the Ark of His presence, just so we can be under the glory.
13:16 - Not just to represent it, not just to see Him work, but just to be there with Him, to say, “Let Your glory come and we can just get in a room and feel the weight of Your presence, will be satisfied. ” (congregation claps) - [Congregant] Amen. .