WETER "Electronic digital key"

Jan 18, 2020 11:58 · 200 words · 1 minute read person scanner relevant information video

Friends, I greet you. In this video, I will tell you about a document called the Electronic DIgital Key. This document provides information about the volume of the package you invested, the date and time of the first key formation after you verified your personal account, your name, surname, passport and contact data. Here you can find the date of the last electronic key formation since with each payment this key will be updated and immediately sent to your e-mail. The last line is the four digits of your card with which you made this payment. There is such a thing as an electronic digital signature.

01:05 - If you’ve never heard of it, then just Google it. Well, I will say that this is a complete analog of the real signature of a person. This electronic digital signature is verified as follows: Open the QR-Scanner and follow the specified link, a service called CRYPTOPRO opens there, select a file for verification. It should be a file, not a photo. Download this file and click the check button. Here you can see the relevant information, such as the verification result, and you can see that the signature is valid. .