L5 (2012)

May 9, 2020 00:42 · 2039 words · 10 minute read greet earth kind _had rod

Life on earth was beyond repair. The planet’s resources spent, its capacity for life diminished. Mankind was within mere generations from extinction. Humanity, not known to succumbing to fate, united and launch the most ambitious mission undertaking in its history. It fell to world-renowned physicist Dr. Richard Adams to command an international team of the best and the brightest to crew the Argo, the largest space-going vessel ever constructed by man. They were accompanied by Clarke, an AI being of remarkable intellect.

01:16 - Their destination, Bernard-D, a world that has shown promise of harboring life. and, perhaps, a second home for the people of our dying biosphere. The mission would take two decades, the crew sacrifices would be enormous. But they would bound by a single goal– to find a new home. Yet, upon their arrival, the crew found their dreaming to be in vain. Bernard-D was no eden. But as volatile and inhospitable as the planet they were trying to replace. Upon their return, the Argo’s 40 men and women would reluctantly emerge from a deep sleep to greet Earth with devastating news. Yet, the world they left is not the world they’re returning to. “L5” - Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot - See? No lights. - Yeah, none, huh. - You say it was +42? - It’s +50. All right. I have it. Thanks. - How big you said those things were? - One colony can hold 3 million.

02:39 - Three million people, and not a single light? What d’you think about that? - I honestly don’t know. - Checked Tony? No. He should be just waken up. Morning, Clarke. So how long I’ve been out? - The joke never gets old? - Dammit! - Updates? - Two. - What happened? - Small amount of interstellar meteor penetrated the ship and resulted on a brief power outage wich affected Layla ’s ??? line, causing ??? in all her vital organs, including the brain, resulting in a coma. - Who is taking care of her? - Dr. Lewis. - And? - Dr. Anthony Baker suffered a severe upper respiratory infection and died. Most likely due to sepsis. My available antibiotics were insufficient to defend him from the infection. - Yeah, poor Tony. - _I still researching and quarantined the body.

_ 04:30 - Make sure we set up some kind of memorial for him. Rich, there’s a problem. Two hundred years. How is that posible? No clue. I ran every vector against the figures I say before you went under. The same. Same Delta-V, {google translation+} same goal. Adjustments must have been made ​​while we were asleep. All right. Clarke, do you know anything about this? - Rich, I have to tell you something. - Rich… We tried ???, microwave, everything.

05:03 - We haven’t got any single response, from anyone. I see. No signal. No contact. And we’re 200 years late… {google translation} You may like to review the systems. We have already done. I don’t think it’s that simple. Okay, stay at it. Everyone stays quiet till we’ve got some anwers, understood? All right. Well, people, you heard it. Get back to work. - Hey, Rich! - Charlie. Are you all right? I just woke up. My legs are still pretty stiff. - Yeah, mines too. - So, you know when we’ll be docking? Soon. We just got to sort a few things and… Soon. It’s wild, you know? When I left, my son was, was like…

06:08 - But now he is just as tall as me or taller. He probably even has his own kid. I guess I’ll have to skip the parenting and go straight to grandparenting. That’s the best of both worlds. {google translation} Talk to Dr. Lewis. Make sure you feel okay. All right. Thanks, Charlie. No answer. - This doesn’t make any sense. - Rich, I have to tell you something. - What is it, Clarke? - I delayed our return. I received a signal. It was faint. But I recognized its origin. There isn ’t an easy way to translate it into English, but suffice to say it ??? my worst suspicions. - Was it from Earth? - Yes. - When, while I were on hypersleep? - _Yes.

_ 07:19 - Yes, I made an executive decision and felt the best to delay our return. - What do you think it means? - I can ’t say for sure. - But I have some theories. - Yeah, well, me too. - Are yours good? - No. - Yeah, me neither. - Should I notify the crew? - No! Is anything natural we can blame this on or something… unrelated? - You mean lie? Is that necessary? - I think we need time. Time to cope. Time to make sense about this. I don ’t think lying is in any way beneficial. _They will discover all in time.

It will seem like you were keeping something from them._ I would rather ??? our face. than confirm their worst fears. - I don ’t think it’s a good advice. - It would be a good advice until 40 fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, that they were delayed 2 centuries on a hunch. It is the truth. That’s the last thing we need now, the truth. - It doesn’t make more sense, huh? - No, Rich… I understand perfectly. Layla is dead. Organ failure. I put her back in her cryotube. Seemed the best thing to do for the time being. You want to say something? About this mass memorial. It’s what everybody’s talking about.

08:50 - They all want to know what Commander Richard Adams is going to do. - Hey, Clarke, patch me, will you? - Of course, Rich. Everyone, if I can have your attention, please. I understand you all have a lot of questions. But first, the facts. There was no miscalculation. We are indeed 198 years ahead in future. One hundred and seventy three years past our projected return date. The cause is, as far as I know, a communications blackout or a problem with Space Station VOLL 5. As you know, the blackout extends to Earth. {google translation} To create communication will probably take some time. {google translation} All technological equipment is examined in the whole vessel. So, now is the time– {google translation} Are there any updates on what caused this? - Clarke? - I admit that the decision _to return at a later date was mine alone.

_ 10:38 - There wasn ’t a safe return scenario at that time. Local galactic weather conditions were not permitting a direct approach. - There is something we missed? - By 200 years! I can clarify that a little. {google translation} The scenario was not clear enough until renewable. _The best approach was to accelerate and increase time dilation. _ {google translation} As a result of this the vessel was bombarded by gamma rays. {google translation} Which device was intended to be able to withstand. - So what about the skiff? - Glad you asked, Rod. Suit up. Rich, have we had any contact with anyone. Other bases, ships… - I guess we’re calling ‘em colonies now? - There is some garble - stuff floating around out there {google translation} that we can not see what is now. - So… - So no. I know this is difficult. But we’ll get to the bottom of it, I promise. So let’s get back to work. That was all. {google translation} I’d better be ready. We have some problems. {google translation} We’ll get through. I’ll handle it. - This is as good place as any. - It will be okay. {google translation} - Rotate it. - It’s on auto pilot. _It is out of position.

_ 13:24 - Dammit! [ROD:] Damn, it sank like a stone. Sorry, Richard, I just lost it. [RICH:] It ’s all right. We’re going to take a look. Stand by. - Gamma-ray burst. - No! That would explain the communications blackout, as well… Look at the window, Sam. I can see foliage from here. A burst that size, there wouldn’t be a trace of life. I’d be a wasteland. I tell you, it was a solar storm. Or an impact of some kind. Asteroid or comet. Where’s the evidence, Carl? A storm or an impact that size would have left a pretty big mark. Could have hit the ocean and disperse. We were prepared for something of that size. We would have gotten out. Jon, back me up here. Gamma-ray burst. You’re both wrong. It wasn’t external, but internal. An agressive and virulent virus.

14:30 - {to be corrected} It was a human error or ecological disaster. {to be corrected} Either way, it came from Earth. {to be corrected} What. It happened in a day? Nobody would have heard something? {to be corrected} Pre-industrial, means that it has not killed everyone. {to be corrected} There will be survivors and forms of contact. {to be corrected} I find it hard to believe that the virus kills the radio antennas. You asked for my opinion, I gave it to you. What about aliens? What if we iniciated first contact, and then they wiped us out? You know, like inquisitors and Aztecs? Or… or whatever the equivalent of small pods it was? So a race of aliens showed up… {to be corrected} And distributed diseases, killing everyone. And then just left? - It’s posible. - You are no longer allowed to speak. Enough.

Any of you’ve got a pen? 16:06 - Rich? You gotta see this. - Where is everybody? - I don’t know. {to be corrected} Lewis! I come now. {to be corrected} Get it off me. {google translation} Wait, there ’s a hole in your costume! {to be corrected} - Listen, I come back after you. - It does not matter. {to be corrected} I ’ve already lost 20% of my oxygen. {to be corrected} APU is not working. I have an electric barometer at the core. {google translation} - Wait, I have it. - I ’m watching my costume. {to be corrected} _Damn, I ’m sitting tight.

_ 19:02 - Hang on! {to be corrected} At my signal. 1, 2, 3.. Rich? Rich! Rich! {to be corrected} Do not forget. Obvious signs of plant life. All right. Given everything we know the signs point to some sort of coronal mass ejection. And, if large enough, the radiation could have a devastating effect on the population. Not bad. If that’s the case, where’s everybody? I mean, it would have been survivors.

Right? 21:44 - {to be corrected} Hey, thought I ’d lost you, boss. {to be corrected} How are you? - A little hot. - Funny. {to be corrected} Your radiator fluid is overheated. It is my well. {to be corrected} Had to reset both. They are stable enough. {to be corrected} Let ’s get you up. {to be corrected} - Let ’s get you back to the vessel. - No, let ’s look around. {to be corrected} I do not know, Rich. You were hit hard. {to be corrected} _If I have the way back, it is not easy.

_ 22:35 - {to be corrected} Here! {to be corrected} - How do you think it happened? - I do not know. but I’m gonna find out. {to be corrected} About 8 km. 8 hr of oxygen left. You’ve got 8. I’ve got 6. {to be corrected} The best thing would be to start at the manifold. {to be corrected} And see if we can join it. {to be corrected} It sounds like an excuse for you to explore more. {to be corrected} We should continue. We stop when we find something. {to be translated} Yes, of course. We run out of oxygen? {to be corrected} _Or we can fall and break a leg.

_ 23:30 - {to be corrected} Or if we ’re lucky, we fall from exhaustion. Come on. {to be corrected} At least we can explain why we lost touch. Don’t say anything, Rod. - Time Codes By: Monteque - - Translated to Danish By: Monteque - - Thanks to IceDuck for help - Subtitles by the Amara.org community .