고백을 카톡으로 한다고요? - 사계절 소개팅 [룩앤미 시즌 2] 4화
Dec 23, 2020 14:06 · 1660 words · 8 minute read
[Men and women infer each other] [from their 4 different styles in four seasons] [ LOOK&ME Vol2, the blind date that they get to know each other based on styling] [LOOK 1 the first day of classes] Hello. Nice to meet you. Hi, how are you? That coat looks good on you. [Man → Woman, the likeability of the first impression 70%] Oh, thanks. [Woman → Man, the likeability of the first impression 70%] What made you choose that outfit for the first day of classes? I sort of enjoy standing out from others so I liked this outfit. Shall we start asking questions? Sounds good. [Q.
Your name is __, you’re , and your job is] 00:36 - Your name is Song Ra-hee, you are 22 years old, and you’re a college student. Do I look like a 22-year-old? Yeah. Okay.. Ah, maybe not..? My name is Oh Young-seo, I’m 21 years old.. and you were right, I’m a college student. My guesses were almost right. Yes, wait what? Uh, yeah.. Your name is Kim Yeon-joon, You are 22 years old, and you’re a college student. My name is Yeon Se-lyeon, I’m 22 years old, and I’m a college student. Oh, 2 guesses were correct. What is your major? I major in hotel service. Oh, it suits you.. Early childhood education.. My major is actually quite famous.. Taekwondo? Sorry? It’s practical music.. You must sing well. Not really.. - I think good singers are really cool. - Oh, is that right? Then I guess I’m pretty good at it. [Q. If we had to talk down to break the ice, you would like me to call you __] If we could talk down to become closer to one another, you’d like me to call you by your name.
01:50 - Why is that? It might sound like a boomer if I call you a younger friend. I hope you call me by my two-letter name. What’s my name? Uh, Miss Young-seo. - Miss Young-seo? - Not Miss Young-seo, Young-seo.. Young-seo! Why would you call my name like that? Ah well, it’s difficult. If we could talk down to become closer to one another, you’d like me to call you oppa. In fact, I’d like to be called oppa. Oppa. Good. Seems like it’s become more awkward.
02:35 - Would you like to see the next outfit? [LOOK 2 School MT] Hello again. [Q. If you have a talent show at an MT, you’ll be doing __. And you can/can’t show it now] If oppa has a talent show at an MT, he’ll be dancing. And he can show it to me now! Yes, he can. That’s my wish. If I you have a talent show at an MT, I’d rather sing. And I can’t show you that now. No fun. If Young-seo has a talent show at an MT, she’ll be singing. And I think she can do it now. That’s actually my wish.. I guess I’d be dancing. And I can’t show you that. Have you ever got on the stage of the talent show at the MT? Oh no, I haven’t. I believe I’ve been on most stages. Have you always won the first prize by any chance? Oh, well… yeah. Then It’s not like you can’t show me your singing, right? What? Since I’m wearing this outfit for an MT, maybe just one line.. Ah, the 4th place? Let me ask you a question. [Q.
You can drink __ and your drinking habit is __] 04:07 - Oppa could drink up to 3 bottles and his drinking habit would be becoming winsome. I can drink up to 1 bottle and my drinking habit is falling asleep, and I kinda become winsome like you said. Can I see your drinking habit then..? I tend to confess my love to friends or people around me when I’m drunk. Like how? I’d be like, ‘You’re so precious to me’. - Is that your charm? - I make it slightly different. ‘I can’t live without you’ like this.. You could drink up to 1.
5 bottles and 04:49 - your drinking habits would be crying and being winsome. Wrong. They’re wrong. Ah, okay. Can drink up to 3 bottles.. 3 bottles?! Yeah… I laugh a lot when I get drunk. Why did you say I’d cry? I have a lot of people who sing when they get drunk - Because I’m sensitive? - Yeah a little and I thought you’d cry while you sing. Isn’t that the worst? How many times do you drink in a week? I can’t because of covid 19 but I guess 2 times a week. Then before covid 19, was it 7 times a week? Almost. Shall change now? Yeah. [LOOK3 asking out] Hello. Oh, our colors match. - They’re so similar! - I know. I didn’t think much of the look before but this look really looks good on you. Really? Thank you. It’s simple and pretty. You look good. Thank you. I also like your necklace. I had this on earlier… Sorry. [Q.
Where and how would you ask someone out?] 06:22 - If you were to ask someone out I think you’ll put their name in while you’re singing karaoke. Ew. - Do I look like that? - I meant like something cute. I thought of you kind of doing a gesture when the lyrics are about liking someone. I guess that’s okay. - I thought you were imagining me singing something serious… - Not at all. I think you’ll talk seriously when we’re having a drink together. That’s good. They’re all good.
06:56 - I would ask someone out at a park or a lakeside where there aren’t many people. I don’t think you’ve asked a lot of people out before. I used to ask someone out by texting them… - Texting? - Yeah. - Oh… - Isn’t that normal? Let’s move on. I think this should be edited. [Q. In the past relationship, the most hurtful situations and words were] I think yours will be calling your ex when you’re drunk and being told not to obsessed. Mine is when I kept holding on when the other wanted to break up.
07:50 - And the most hurtful words were I don’t like you but I’m still seeing you. - Are you okay now? - Yeah. I think yours might be When you held on to someone who wanted a breakup and the most hurtful words are ‘let’s stop, it’s too exhausting’. Close. I held on to someone who didn’t have feelings for me. That’s really sad. Yeah. And the hurtful words were You aren’t yourself. When I see someone and like them I tend to adjust everything to them.
08:31 - So when they say let’s eat something I just eat what they want and do what they do I was doing it to make them feel happy but I guess they got tired of it. It’s the same with me too. I adjust to the person I like It should be a burden for the other person though… - Right? - I guess it was for them. Yeah. But that’s being kind, right? Of course! I was being kind… That must’ve hurt. Yeah. The vibes right now… I thought I was in a therapy session. Shall we move on? Yeah. [LOOK 4 breaking up] When you came out It kind of feels like you’re going to break up with someone. I think you wear dark colors overall but well dressed.
09:35 - I’m not sure if your look looks like a breakup look I wear this every day. Because I think they’d be too sad if I try too hard. [Q. The average time you were with someone was __ and the point yu lose feelings is __] I think your average time with someone is 200 days and the point you lose feelings is when someone talks differently than they used to. you’ll do. Yes, totally. I think I don’t easily lose feelings for someone but I’m not sure if it’s because I’m still young, but I never met someone for that long. But I do want to try. I think your average time with someone is a year and the point you lose feelings is when you’ve done all you can do.
10:24 - My average time is a little more than a year sometimes shorter. And the point I lose feelings is when… they drink… Just drinking is okay but when they start making mistakes… or when they say they have to go when they don’t really need to, I don’t like that. I like drinking but before I always go I think it’s important to gain the other’s trust first. Like who’s going to be there and tell them how the vibe is by continuous contacting while you’re there.
11:10 - [change into the next look] [LOOK 5 matching looks] Would you like to wear matching looks like this? Yeah, I like the Amekaji look. With overalls. Yeah! I want the guy to wear overalls. With similar colors something cute. I’d like to wear crewnecks or hoodies that match. I like it. Thank you. [Q, If we were to go out what will we be good at and what will we break up about?] I think our personalities will go well together and I think it’d be because of drinking problems when we break up. I wrote the same thing. Because I like to drink and sometimes I drink often I thought there could be a misunderstanding.
12:18 - Because there might be times where you aren’t able to contact the other. - Right. - So there could be misunderstandings. Yeah. [final choice] Shall we? Yeah. [first impressions 70% / 70%] [final impression s 80% / 85%] Are we done? I think so. Do you want to exchange Insta IDs? Yeah. Okay. My ID… .