📈✏️How to script YouTube videos for high engagement
Nov 9, 2020 15:00 · 2586 words · 13 minute read
How to script YouTube videos for high engagement. So you’re doing YouTube videos and you want engagement, right? Or do you, of course you do. Here’s why, because in YouTube engagement means your videos are good. People are watching them. And if YouTube sees that they’re going to send more traffic your way. If they send more traffic your way, you’re gonna get more subscribers, you’re gonna get more likes.
And why is that important? Because if you 00:25 - get more traffic, more likes and more subscribers, they’re going to send even more traffic and they send you more traffic. If they send you more traffic, you get monetized. If you get monetized, you make money. That’s what it’s all about. I know it is. People will say, well, I just like making videos. I’m sure you do, but you’re like money too. Right? Everybody likes money. So in this video, I want to walk you through all the steps. I’m actually going to do some of these steps too, along with you. So you know what to do, and don’t forget to subscribe right now. Do that hit the button. Don’t forget to ring the bell.
Okay? Turn on all bell notification so I could let you know every single time 00:55 - I do a live now, step one. And I’ve got it written down here. I’m on glanced out my screen for a second is the hot intro. It’s called a hot intro, right? It’s a hook. It’s an outcome. And it’s a testimonial hot H O T. Okay. So the hook is something that is going to get viewers attention right off the bat. Now, if you notice in the beginning of this video, I said to you, I’m going to go through some of these and I’m going to show them to you. So that was the hook. Okay. If you stick with me, I’m going to show you these things. So you could use them too. So there’s my hook.
Uh, it’s something to get them tuned in, right off the bat. Something to get them interested right off the bat. You clicked on this video because you wanted to get engagement. And I told you right up front, that’s what I’m going to do. Now, the outcome is telling them exactly what they’re going to get out of the video. And I told you what the outcome was. Didn’t I, the outcome was, if you do these things, you’re going to get more subscribers on your channel. I also added that you’d get more likes, you’d get more subscribers. You can get monetized and you could make money, which we all want to do. If you notice I did that now, testimonial, I haven’t gotten to yet. Let’s do that real quick. There’s still millions of dollars of products online, both digital and physical.
I’ve been doing this for over 10 years now and that’s my testimonial. I’ve done it. Okay. So if you want to get the same results, the ideal thing to do is to learn from somebody who knows it already, right? We go to school and we learn math from a math teacher. We learn English from an English teacher, right? Um, when we learned, we learned history from a history teacher, we learn from people who already have that knowledge. It’s it’s it amazes me that people in today’s age, especially since knowledge is so readily available, that they go out and try to learn it on their own. Like what was already people have done it.
Why not just learn from them? You know, why try to figure out all this stuff. I mean, I have course, as a matter of fact, I have a course below it’s a $97 course, but I’m giving it away for free. For a limited time, you can grab that course. It’s a free course. I mean, why not grab that? Um, and learn from people who know how to do these things. Okay. Uh, I don’t have the biggest channel on YouTube by far, but it’s growing pretty fast at this point, because I figured out a few things. I learned a few things, guess who? I learned it from people who already knew what to do. Okay. So that’s what you’re doing right here. Right now. Step two in writing your script. And I call it a script. I use more bullet points.
Some people do it word for word, and God bless them. If they want to write it out, word for word, I don’t do that. Um, I, I do better by speaking extemporaneously because I get ideas as I’m thinking. Okay. And I can’t always write down all those ideas. However, when you’re thinking about your script, there are certain things that you want to include in there. So you need to ask for what you want. Um, I want subscribers and I want likes, I want comments. And I’ll ask you to comment below now, too. Okay. About this video, any question, and you may have, but you need to ask for it. Okay. You, you know? Yeah. Like I, I use YouTube every day. My wife uses it. I use Facebook every day. My wife uses that. And I think sometimes we tend to forget that everybody does not. Okay. Maybe somebody only comes to YouTube once a week or once a month.
And if they’re only coming on an infrequent basis, they may not know what to 04:04 - do. They may not know that they need to subscribe. They may not understand that. Just subscribing. Doesn’t let them know. When I do a video, they have to ring the bell. Okay. They’re going to turn on bell notifications. If they do that, then they get notified when I do a new video. But if I don’t tell them that, if I don’t share that information with them, how in the world can I expect them to do that? Don’t assume that everybody’s got the same knowledge. You do assume they don’t have any knowledge.
Okay? Assume they don’t know anything 04:31 - and let them know these things. You’re not going to offend somebody if they already, you know, but you will miss out on some stuff, drivers and likes and comments. If you don’t say it now, step number three is the meat of the video. Do what you say you’re going to do. Now. I’m doing that in this video right now. I’m giving you the steps I told you in the beginning, I would give you the steps, but make sure the middle of your video is the meat. It’s where they actually watch the video. They learn the things that came to learn. They get educated about the things they get educated about.
And that way they’re going 05:03 - to feel satisfied because they’ve gotten what they came there for. Don’t cheat them. Don’t say, you’re going to give him something and never give it to them and tell them, they’ve got to click at the end to go buy something from you. That’s not the way to go about it. If you give people really good value for free in their mind, they’re going to say my God, I got this, this content for free. And it was really valuable. I can’t imagine what that person’s paid. Stuff is like, that’s what you’ll be setting up. So you want to give them away really good information.
So many people are afraid to give up good information. They’re like, no, I got to sell them the good stuff. I can’t give them the good stuff. Well, they’re never going to buy the good stuff because you didn’t give them the good stuff to see that you’re any good. Does that make sense? I think it does. It’s weird how I said that, but basically that, yeah, it is the area where you’re going to teach in that middle part of your script. Now step number four is middle engagement. What’s middle engagement.
That’s where you 05:55 - get people to actually engage in your video. So in the middle of the video, Oh, here, I may say something like, is scripting a video making sense to you? If it is comment below, it makes sense or boss or great or something to that effect that I know it makes sense. Or you could even put down there. It makes sense. If you could put that in the comments below, I would really appreciate it. And what I’m asking you to do is actually get engaged with this video, by doing this, I’m going to have more comments on my video than if I don’t tell you what to put below. If I just say, Hey, comment below. You’re like, well, I don’t have any comments. I don’t have nothing to say.
You know, you’re not going to know 06:30 - what to do. But if I specifically say, if you’re getting this, if this makes sense to you put below, it makes sense and type that in the comments. I want you to do that type in the comments below there. Let’s see how many people we can get doing that. It makes sense. Okay. If you can put that below, then what I’m doing is getting more engagement on this video. Step number five is going to be your out-tro engagement.
Okay? We want to, we want to keep 06:53 - them engaged. So in the outro, what I do is I offer them some free stuff and I’ll offer it to you. Uh, if you look below right now, there’s going to be a link to a free course. It’s a $97 course. You can click on it. You can get the course for absolutely free, no credit card required. You can click on that. I may also tell them that I use tools like to buddy below in the description, there is a link to, to buddy and you, you, yes, you, if you click on it right now, you can get to buddy absolutely free.
And you can use 07:20 - that to optimize your channel. If later on down the road, you decide to buy two buddy. If you use my link, you’ll get a 30% discount, which is pretty cool stuff. Okay? So make sure you do that. What I’m doing here is I’m getting you more and more engaged. I’m keeping you engaged. I’ll also ask you if you have questions about this video, put those questions in the comment below too. If you put your questions in the comments below, I can answer your questions. I can help you out. And we can further the conversation. I do some live videos, uh, usually on a weekly basis, unless I’m out of town or something like that. And when you subscribe and ring the bell, I can notify you when I go live. And when I go live, we actually have a chat section off to the side and you can actually chat with me and ask me questions live. And I can answer them live on screen, which is pretty cool. That’s section five of scripting.
Your videos is to do something along those 08:14 - lines. Step number six is, continue the conversation. How do we continue the conversation? I tell people below in the description, like I just did that. I have a course. You can get absolutely free. I also have links to my other courses down there. So you may watch one of my videos go. Yeah, I think he knows what he’s talking about. He’s made millions of dollars in digital and physical products. I want to learn more from this guy. I want to get one of his courses. We’ll down below. I put links to those courses. So you can go look at those courses. You can learn from those courses and you can get good results. So that way we keep the engagement going.
So if you follow all of these steps on an Island going basis, if you’re, if you’re 08:52 - scripting your videos so that you hit all these points. And when I say scripting, a lot of people think that means I’ve got to write word for word. No, you don’t have to do that. But you do have to have certain elements. You don’t want to miss the elements that are going to help you grow your channel. I mean, that’s what you need is you need these elements and engagement is so, so very important. I mean, this video is all about engagement and engagement is important because if you put a lot of content out, whether it’s videos or whether it’s blogs or whatever, and nobody cares, nobody cares. You know, they don’t comment. They don’t watch. They don’t like they don’t subscribe. Then what’s the point. What’s the point in your content. So you want to make it engaging.
09:32 - And YouTube knows this, okay? They know that engaged viewers are going to mean more dollars to them because if they’re engaged, if they’re liking, if they’re commenting, YouTube is going to push more of those kinds of videos, more videos from that channel to those people, because they know it keeps them on the platform. How does YouTube make money? They make money from ads and they can’t run ads to people who aren’t on the platform. So if you’re on the platform longer, they figure you have value. You’re, you’re worth something. You’ve got some money there, a value to that particular viewer. So by demonstrating to YouTube that you have engagement, they’re going to help you out.
What they’re going to do is they’re going to start suggesting your videos and 10:12 - a suggested video can get thousands and thousands and thousands of views. Um, I’ve got a couple in there that have done really well. Not enough yet. I know, but I’m getting there. Okay. So if you do that, YouTube is going to help you out. They’re going to say, Hey, you’re helping out our platform. We want to help you out. YouTube is the only place I know where you can actually just do videos and people will show up and pay you money. And it didn’t cost anything to do it. It costs you your time. That’s it.
Today I’m recording 10:37 - a whole bunch of videos and it costs me a whole bunch of time, but I know the payoffs there. I know it’s there. I know every time somebody watches a video, somebody clicks somebody subscribes. It’s building my brand. It’s building my viewer base and you can do the same thing. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, once again, don’t forget to subscribe. Don’t forget to ring the bell, turn on all the bell notification so that you get notified. Every single time I do a new video, give me a thumbs up or thumbs down, got questions. Put them in the comments below. I want your engagement. Okay. If you liked the video, but I like it. I like it. I like it just below the comments. I would really appreciate that.
11:12 - Thank you so much for watching this video and I’ll see you in the next one. .