My ENTIRE Air Jordan 1 Sneaker Collection (60 Pairs in 2020)
Jan 4, 2021 18:00 · 4372 words · 21 minute read
today we’re going to be going over my entire my entire air jordan 1 collection it doubled in size from last year so grab your popcorn kick your feet up let’s go ahead and get into this video welcome back to the channel what’s up with you guys how you doing how you been if you did not know by now my name is dj and this is the dna show now if you haven’t already make sure you hit that subscribe button don’t forget to hit the bell notification for every time i upload a new video and make sure you hit that like button because that helps the algorithm oh so much so we have a lot of sneakers to go through almost 60 pairs of air jordan ones i used to have 30 pairs last year and i doubled that this year so i’m excited to go through every single shoe with you guys and show you guys my new pickups also at the end of the video i have my dad come over so he can check out the shoes and pick out his five favorite sneakers of my entire air jordan 1 collection so make sure you guys stick around to the end of video to see what he thinks about my shoes i’m going to try to get through every single shoe as quick as possible for you guys each shoe will be listed down below in the description and if i have made a video in the past i will make sure i link that video to that shoe as well so you can see more stories and elaborations on how i got it or how much i spent or what i think about the shoe or you know when i got it whatever it may be or any story times or however may go so all that stuff will be linked down below if you guys want to dive deeper into the stories behind each and every single one of these shoes so enough talking let’s get into the kicks we’re going to start with lowe’s then we’re going to go to mids then we’re going to go retro plus ajko and then og highs different samples and a bunch of different exclusive stuff along the way so let’s go ahead and start with number one we have the gold toll air jordan one low i love this sneaker because i got it for a great price and it’s a great throw on sneaker some people love it some people hate it next up we have the royal low top air jordan one and this was gifted to me from one of my subscribers i really really appreciate these and i’m never gonna let these things go number three on my list and my last low top is the travis scott air jordan one i really love this sneaker i got it for a great great deal and i’m so happy to have these in my collection now taking it to the mid top jordans we’re going to start with my first and my favorite air jordan one in the mids and that is the patent leather chicago air jordan one this sneaker right here has so many stories behind it make sure you check out the link down below for this shoe in particular because i really love this shoe so much bro this shoe hits home for me another sneaker that’s been to hell and back with me is this particular pair right here the new love air jordan one these things are beat up the salt is rubbed off the insoles had to be replaced you name it i don’t even care i’m still rocking these today i’ma always have these in my collection and i’ll never let these things go and with that that means i have to have a crispy pair as well this pair has been lightly worn i recently picked these up and i’m definitely excited to start throwing these in my rotation as well now you can’t have the new loves if you don’t have the old loves man you gotta have these in your collection at least that’s how i feel when i first started sneaker collecting this was around that same era in that time when these came out and these right here just hit home for me as well had to add these to my collection i’ve owned multiple packs of this shoe right here and i was finally able to get it back again this time i’m never letting them go another shoe with great high school memories is the carolina air jordan one i got these for 20 bucks about a year ago and i cleaned them up and they look great definitely a great little rocker if you guys got memories behind this shoe drop a comment down below on to the last and final air jordan 1 mid and that is the metallic gold air jordan 1 mid i got two pairs of these because like i told you guys before i really love this shoe i had to double up and i’m excited to start rocking these in the summertime now i only have one ajko left in my collection after all the years of collecting and that is my favorite one of all the chicago ajko with that classic air jordan 1 bottom the vintage look all the vibes bruh because i think this is a very slept on shoe now we got to take it back to my roots one more time this is a sneaker that i’ve literally owned from when i first started collecting and that is the 2008 cdp air jordan 1.
i love this shoe so much i know it is the retro plus with the jump man on the back and on the tongue it is what it is either way these look great on foot and i got to make sure these always stay fresh so i can rock these forever next up is another package and that is the dmp chicago celtics air jordan one pack i finally got these back in my rotation and this time i ain’t letting these joints go i had a ds peck long time ago and i recently picked up a slightly used pack right here as you can see these things are still very crispy and i’m definitely looking forward to rocking these great addition to the collection this year another shoe that i’m very very happy about picking up this year is the laylee may air jordan 1 and i’m telling you right now i don’t think i need to say much when it comes to this shoe because a lot of people appreciate it and i definitely love these now this next shoe i missed out on but i had to make sure i copped it i accidentally bought two pairs and at the end of the day i’m not mad because this is like a grill to me i used to have the old pair they got beat up they got tore up and when they retro i was so happy the japanco metallic air jordan one these things are so fire i love this shoe right here and i’m definitely excited to wear these next summer next up is one of my favorite shoes to beat and that is the shadow air jordan one this thing is a tank man you can rock these all the time clean them up and they look great again every single day this is just like the all-purpose you know i’m saying just it you gotta have these another pickup that i was very happy about this year is the laser anniversary air jordan one this shoe right here i used to have a long time ago i got rid of it and i finally found it again i got these for like 80 or 100 bucks i don’t exactly remember the price check out the video to refer to how much i spent on these but either way i got these for an amazing deal and i’m definitely happy to have these back in my collection next up is another japan co release from this year and that is the navy air jordan one right here and i’m telling you bro these things go crazy when it comes to quality they did their thing and this is a must-have i wanted these back in the day i never got them and i finally got them now definitely never getting rid of these this next sneaker is a shoe that i was very indifferent about i wasn’t sure how i felt about it but i copped it and i liked it when i seen it in person the biohack air jordan 1.
i think they did a great job it’s a very unique sneaker something cool to add to the rotation i heard a lot of people that did like this sneaker let me know how you feel about these down below in the comment section now this next shoe i need multiples of i only have one but that’s okay the mocha air jordan one this was like one of the hottest sneakers oh bro i didn’t even put these on my top 10 list i’m tripping oh well it is what it is anyways yes uh this is a great shoe i messed up oops but oh well on to the next shoe and like everybody says if you have the mochas you probably should have the travis scott air jordan one and we have two pairs right here i hit for both of these on sneakers app and again i am a very happy camper next up is another fire release of 2020.
some people loved it some people hated it me personally i really loved them and that is the black metallic gold patent leather air jordan one i love the old pair from what 2003 2004 these right here have resemblances to that so for me i really like these a lot but something just a little bit better than those came to my collection as well this year and that was the metallic gold jordan brand classic air jordan one these things flew under the radar a lot of people were confused about how they came out the next thing you know the prices were going crazy i got these for a good deal and these for sure ended up in my top 10 pickups of 2020.
like i showed you with the first sneaker i had the low top and you know i gotta have the high top the gold toe air jordan one i really would prefer if they made a version in this exact colorway right here they haven’t yet but if they do i’m definitely copying now this next sneaker right here i personally like to call the frankensteins and that is the zoom air jordan one right here these things look like frankenstein to me i don’t know what it is but for some reason i like these so i had to keep them around now this next sneaker is another zoom sneaker that i have never seen before and i haven’t seen them on the internet yet so i’m excited to show you them now but i will probably give you guys a full review on this shoe later as well and we have a zoom test trial sample right here from 2017 this is basically a wear test sample that they create to see how big the zoom unit should be in the bottom and how it’s configurated and all these different things which i’ll break down in another video but this right here was definitely an amazing addition to the collection next up is a sneaker that i actually ended up tripling up on but i sold one because one wasn’t my size and i kept two 13s we have the royal toe air jordan one this is not my favorite of the royal sneakers that i own simply because i wish they would have changed the color blocking style to the other toe styles that they have done in the past it is what it is these are my old high school colors so either way i had to have them in my collection so you guys have seen this shoe in my collection plenty of times and i’m going to show you again i still kept both pairs and that is the unc off-white air jordan one i hit for these on sneakers app with the exclusive access and i was so so happy and then i ended up getting a second pair from project blitz i appreciate y’all for these for hooking me up next thing you know the prices went stupid and now i’m like bro i’m so happy i kept both of these and with that you have to have the classic and that is the unc air jordan one got these for a great deal and they have been heavy in my rotation been rocking these a lot this fall slash winter time so these right here definitely a great addition to the collection this next shoe means a lot more than value to me simply because this is one of my friends and that is the doernbecher mr boober air jordan one he personally gave these to me and i’m always grateful for this pair i will probably end up never even wearing these just because how much i appreciate them it’s like a trophy item to me and it just means so much to see a homie actually create a shoe especially at air jordan one dope dope piece in my collection and definitely always highly ranked in my collection next up we have a sneaker that i wish i would have purchased multiple of i only end up getting one and they’re still sitting on ice we have the obsidian air jordan one and i’m telling you right now these things go crazy now this sneaker was originally made for women but i didn’t care i seen they made it in my size and i had to have it in my collection and that is the unc the chicago women’s air jordan one the leather on these is so fire everybody that owns the pairs know what i’m talking about this shoe right here is so so clean i ended up getting them in a different size and then i found a pair on stock eggs so i sold my pair and now i got a pair in my size and i’m telling you right now your boy is a happy camper so as you guys know i love a lot of patent leather sneakers and i couldn’t have the women’s version without having the men’s version so i got the unc to chicago air jordan one in the men’s version with the pad leather right here these things are fire i feel like a lot of people slept on these and the next thing you know price started going stupid and everybody started to appreciate and all this stuff but originally when they came out they wasn’t hitting and me personally i love this shoe from then and i still love it now another great shoe that skyrocketed in value and literally got these for an amazing deal is the storm blue air jordan one not that many people was really rocking with these next thing you know everybody wanted them i got these for a great deal before they got hyped up and i’m so happy to have these in my rotation because i love rocking this shoe now this next sneaker is one of my grills and that is the royal air jordan one this is the retro from 2013 and this right here is a warm pair that i recently just purchased and i am looking forward to rocking these bad boys man i’m about to tear these things up and the reason why i’m going to tear these things up is because i have a dead stock pair as well that have literally been sitting on ice since i bought them back in 2013 and these probably will never get worn so i’m definitely excited to rock that previous pair i just showed you and you know i can’t have the old ones without having the new one so i got the 2017 retro as well but i don’t really like the leather on these and it looks like somebody you know what in on them but we gonna keep that in another topic another shoe that brings back great memories from high school right here is a sample air jordan one all royal blue patent leather these were in the locker room at my school they literally gave these to the coaches and then i ended up getting my hands on a pair from one of the players that got a pair from him long story short i got him in my collection and i never ever ever letting this sample go another interesting sneaker in my collection that i’m still like indifferent about but i do like more than i hate so i decided to keep is the top three air jordan one i think it just pays so much homage and respect to the og classic colorways and then being in a collector i feel like i just had to have them in my collection type thing again there’s a lot of other shoes that i would rank higher but i do like these simply for the respect that they show and the homage that they show to og classic colorways so i had to have them now this next one is a sb as we know we have jordan 1 sbs that have came out in the past but this one right here is probably my favorite one and that is the la to chicago air jordan 1sb these things go crazy you got the purple vibes right here with the gold it rubs off and then you got the chicago colorway behind that i can keep going on and on about this but either way at the end of the day this shoe goes crazy if you have these in your collection i’m pretty sure you know what i’m talking about let me know what you guys think about these down below in the comment section i really really like this shoe like i was talking about the toe series earlier when i was referring to the royal toe i really like this purple toe right here i really wish jordan brand would come out with the entire just rainbow of jordan toe colorways every single color i would probably end up copying all of them another sneaker that i tripled up and held on to this year is the quart purple air jordan one i ended up getting three pairs off a sneakers app and i’m telling you right now your boy is a happy camper okay you guys we are on to the final stretch we just went through 49 pairs of shoes make sure you guys hit that like button if you guys are enjoying this don’t forget to hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already let’s take it to the last 10 pairs of shoes now this next shoe right here has been a great pickup of 2020 for me and that is a sample pair of new beginnings air jordan ones i really really love this shoe i love how they went with the og style and the og cut going with actual real leather on this shoe is definitely a dope touch on this sneaker and since we’re on the topic of leather quality let’s talk about the band air jordan 1.
i got these from when they hit the nike outlet back in the day for 109 and they’re still in my collection today this is a sneaker that i’ll never let go of because i remember all the memories of camping out and the hype and all the different stuff that happened along this not even to mention that it’s a bread one like that’s like one of my favorite colorways since we’re on the topic of breads let’s not forget to mention the bread toe air jordan ones this sneaker right here is so-so fire currently haven’t hit my rotation yet because i’m rocking so many breads right now but eventually these are definitely going to hit the toe now one that i have been rocking a lot is this beater pair right here the 2013 bread air jordan 1 i really really love this shoe again i am trying to tear these things up i know people say they still look clean but trust me i haven’t been through hell and back and i plan to go on back again because these right here oh yeah these are some tanks and just like i said with the royals it’s the same situation with the bridge you gotta have a diaz pair sitting on ice so that way one day when you’re ready to beat them up again and pull out a fresh beer you got another one to rock since we’re on that topic of rockers we cannot forget to mention the black toe air jordan 1 it’s a classic og style bruh you can never go wrong with these i love rocking this shoe and i feel like everybody has to have these in their collection another sneaker that’s a rocker and i also feel like you have to have in your collection as well the chicago air jordan ones well i’ll be tearing these things up and i’m sure you guys understand why if you got a beater pair you gotta have a ds pair sitting on ice boy boy boy your boy is a happy camper we are now on to our final two sneakers of the collection and one of those is the black toe air jordan one union collab oh my gosh i don’t even need to speak about it i don’t even need to speak about it leather quality concept everything amazing amazing i love this shoe now last but not least you guys already know what it is the chicago off-white air jordan one i’m pretty sure it’s a grill on a lot of people’s lists and i had to have them i did a little bit of work to get these and i finally got them and i’m telling you right now i ain’t never letting these things go so that was it you guys 59 pairs of air jordan ones in my collection what do you guys think about it drop a comment down below there’s a lot of cool stuff in there that i really really love obviously there’s still stuff that i’m missing that i need to have in my collection and for all you guys that keep saying in the comment section what about the shattered bag boards i’m not a fan of the shattered backboards i’m not buying them just so you guys can be happy about it i want to buy what i want to buy i don’t like the shattered backboards every time i buy them i end up selling them it’s just not for me but besides that let’s talk about a couple shoes that i do need i need the fragments the j balvins and the art basel one those are just a few shoes that are on my hit list for 2021 now let’s go ahead and bring my dad in here and see what he thinks about the shoes i have 59 pairs of air jordan ones pick out five pairs that are your favorite in my collection oh my god five out of 59.
that’s one we gotta get a pair of these do i wanna do those yeah this is hard to go again so out of my entire collection these are the five shoes that he chose this is some heat right here well the whole wall is heat but this is some heat right here so we have a sample grant generals air jordan one we have the band air jordan one got it i have the doernbecher air jordan one travis scott and then the dmp you like this one because it has a jumpman on the back compared to the other ones right yeah yeah okay so let me know what you guys think down below in the comment section right here you can’t go wrong with none of these right here if somebody say something bad oh i’m gonna be mad these are some good choices i don’t know all the shoes but i know these right here right here that’s sticking to me i’ll rock these if there was a 14 he’d come back home like you scuffed my shoes okay so tell the people to like comment share subscribe we go see it in another video like comment share subscribe to big d you know my channel we gotta go i’m out peace yo if you enjoyed this video and you want to make extra money or grow your shoe collection i want to give you a free video with my three tips that were the most powerful that will help you grow your sneaker collection and make an additional 1000 to ten thousand dollars a month all you need to do to get this free video is click on the first link in the description or the comment that’s pinned in the comment section that’ll take you to a page where you can enter your email address and i’ll make sure that i send you a video right away and if you enjoyed this video again don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe my name is dj i’m signing out i gots to go i’m gone peace you.