DDS-CAD 16 | New options for cable management systems and conduits
Oct 15, 2020 08:28 · 231 words · 2 minute read
We’re stepping up electrical design in DDS-CAD 16 with new options for cable management systems and the cable path. First of all you can now connect cable management systems directly to distribution boards. This function generates a consistent link between the two objects. Once you connect the cable management system to the board, the respective circuits will connect to the cable management system. This link will automatically be considered in cable calculations.
00:35 - In addition, the connection between the two objects is perfectly visualised in the model. If a board is repositioned, the cable management systems remain connected to it. It is also possible to connect multiple cable management systems to one distribution board. The other enhancement in DDS-CAD 16 is giving you more options when working with the cable path function. You can now connect the cable path to junction boxes directly. And it’s also possible to convert cable paths into individual conduits. That way every cable can be quickly equipped with its own conduit. Alternatively if you want to have only one conduit for all cables running on the same path, simply deactivate the “Use individual conduits” option. With these new functions in DDS-CAD 16 you can design electrical installations easily, flexibly, and accurately. If you want to see more videos like this subscribe to our channel, and hit the bell to be notified of new videos! .