NO SPICE, NO LIFE!!! Indonesian Food BRINGS THAT HEAT!! | The Most Delicious | MR Halal Reacts
Oct 24, 2020 13:00 · 1799 words · 9 minute read
asalam alykum wr wb hello halal family welcome to the channel i hope you guys are having yourself a wonderful day in today’s video we’ll be reacting to no spice no life indonesian food brings that heat this video was suggested by java cube thank you very much for taking the time to send me your recommendation and suggestion stay tuned guys we’ll be right back with the video welcome back guys inshallah we’re going to get started with our video momentarily and at the end of the video i’ll be sharing with you my observation and reaction so please make sure you stay until the end with that said we’re gonna get started with our video what’s going on y’all it’s max here from my kind of beats ready to bring into indonesia now with over 17 000 islands i barely scratch the surface with the delicious food you can try in indonesia but this video is going to be full of balinese food we’re going to have a lot from jojo which is a place that really balances tradition with forward modernization so it is an absolute food hub and of course i went to monado on north sulawesi which is just full of a fiery cuisine so i hope you are ready for this top rated most delicious indonesia food video we’re gonna head that way back to indonesia and get it started so what you do you come in here and you actually fill up your plate how you want it and they’ll charge you for how you pick it up so you get to pick the number of chilies you get to pick how much chicken you want and what other little things you want to go with it oh this is beautiful just loaded with chili’s the chicken the great skin on it get some right here on top of my rice and go in for a massive bite i’m telling you the flavor from those chilies are everything so glad i got means i did because they’re nice and spicy but just the sweetness and natural flavors coming from those chilis is fabulous it mixes with that fried chicken so you get that greasiness you get that nice lean juicy meat oh that is absolutely wonderful you see what they got here it’s almost like a little fruit mixture putting in like a peanut sauce and then i’m topping it with ice cream oh y’all i never thought i’d have sunball with my dessert welcome to indonesia i’ll eat these spices in there i mean they just attack your face so fragrant and he’s using that huge beautiful duck egg what a master within the girls moving everything moving the walk moving the spatula just perfectly almost like this is a choreographed dance oh look at this got the rice noodle and the flour noodle in here i don’t want to waste any time the egg is just acting like a binder with everything it’s so thick get a little bit of the free range chicken here that is just unbelievable the texture from both styled noodles you get that broth it’s light but yeah it’s still thick and creamy because he busted that duck egg in there oh wow this is phenomenal that is gold that is a magic broth y’all i don’t think i forgot my chili all right y’all forgot to tell y’all we’re about 10 to 15 minutes south outside of georgia at a traditional market where they’re just doing goat everything you see them they got the goat satay they got stews they’re just cooking the bones i mean they are doing everything here with a goat all right so we got the tongsen and the kitty to go along with our goat satay the first one is actually a goat liver cooking broth and the other one is just a stewed up goat meat oh just a huge kick of salt which is helping that goat flavor just explode and then they get that char on it i mean it is just salty pure goat meat and char oh wow um i’m going to give you all a good rule of thumb for when you come here don’t eat anything without that sauce oh that’s phenomenal all right so we’re about to eat satay which is kind of almost like the poor man satay because kelly actually means like you have nothing so what it is it’s satay that was just pure fat it’s melting i mean pure melt in your mouth if you like fattier pieces clearly because it’s purely fat but this is for you because they’re coating it in sugar and sauces it’s just intensifying the melt in your mouth flavor and i just want another bite yes that bite is the definition of flavor because they’ve dried that beef out it’s got such a intense beef flavor marinated with a lot of sugar and soy sauce so it’s sweet it’s umami and then yeah that’s some ball got a kick to it that is just incredible this is a sight of beauty right here y’all that is just falling off i mean i’m just barely touching it that is the definition of smoky not near as spicy as i thought it was going to be it’s got a great depth of flavor indonesian spices the smokiness is just infused all the way through y’all this is gorgeous get a nice piece of plenty of sauce here oh that’s beautiful reminds me of just like a sambal oily broth didn’t you get that box though the actual box of meatball it’s not that spicy you’re getting a great meaty flavor from it it’s nice and tender not too springy y’all this is where it was at this is good until the last drop okay little pro tip i went up there and got it and they had this huge space which you can eat so i kind of got out here try to get away from the crowds but uh get here early grab you one and just come back in here there’s plenty of space don’t feel too you know claustrophobic get a little bit of everything got some sambal egg some veg some chicken get it all oh man i mean that’s pure balinese nasty chum powder i mean the spices and the flavors it’s just pure bolognese coming at you all right so what it looks like is everybody’s just kind of picking what they want to have on top of their nasty oh look at this got like dry pieces of liver here gonna bring out piece of liver they got tons of pieces just a fat and skin get some of that with the loire here everything in here is just pure bony spices and texture everything’s got a little chew to it where it’s ground it’s minced up you’ve got the vegetables in there everything in here it’s just about chewing and getting balmy spice and bologna spice and balinese spice um all right and so there are two different types of good egg a wet and a dry this is actually the dry version which is going to be sweeter and the wet is usually savior awesome guy i’m ready to keep getting after this okay a typical approach little sambal a little ketchup get that mixed in get a bite oh that’s just a meaty sweet bite i mean the meat has even been soaking in that menace sweet sauce and then you do you get that turmeric soaked fluffy rice you get the spicy sauce you get the crunchy little potatoiness oh yeah i was so curious it does not taste like banana at all tastes more like cassava the sambal is really tomatoey very creamy relish like i got a great little kick of sour to it oh there’s smokey back here he’s got a ton of coals what he does it kind of dumps in almost like a little soy sauce little calamansi little mixture right here i’m guessing and then throws it straight on that high heat he has a couple other sauces here which he keeps marinating those fish making sure they’re staying nice and juicy and here’s the beauty of monado cuisine you see here you got three huge bowls all filled full of just chilis and some balls and just sauces the top on your freshly grilled fish look at the chili beautiful sauce just coating this let me get a little extra sour on mine i look around i see people eating both kinds of ways but i’m just gonna go in with my hands that’s such a fresh fish grilled up the perfection with a ton of chilies and just freshness tomatoes for the acid kick a double double not near as spicy as i probably be instead it’s nice it’s oily it’s got no acid coming from it oh wow this is gorgeous mashAllah guys there’s a lot of delicious food the satay we usually call it kebabs so the kebabs or the satay looked amazing there was chicken ones i think there was beef there was one that was fat you know what surprised me was sambal on ice cream like subhanAllah Indonesians for sure love and eat spicy food if you’re adding it to ice cream because he was putting it i thought maybe you know what it’s probably some kind of sauce but i could see like those little um you know the inside of the chili’s in there i was like no it can’t be and he said yes it’s a chili on the ice cream but hey you never know you know there was a restaurant that used to uh sell sushi with chocolate sauce and hot sauce on top of it when i heard about i was like no it doesn’t sound right you know but when i tried it it was delicious so i think looking at it maybe doesn’t sound right but until you try it it’s a different story right so all the food looked delicious amazing i can’t wait inshAllah to try more of these inshAllahone day so thank you very much guys for suggesting this video i hope you guys enjoyed it too if you did please don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe if you like me to react to any other videos please put in comment section below as always guys thank you very much for your love and support i hope you guys have yourself a wonderful day take care of yourself and your family and insha’allah i’ll see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam .