One Halemeister Minute!
Oct 28, 2020 22:56 · 493 words · 3 minute read
Hey, you got a minute? -Yeah. -Hey, guys how you doing? -Hey, it’s Jason the Halemeister! -Yeah. -Yeah, I always have a minute for my Cache Canada friends. -Man, we ever miss you! Caching with you guys in the States, you know with the border closing, and the Covid and all that. Oh. -Yeah, well I really miss you caching in the States as well too, because that’s when I see you all the time. And of course this year I was supposed to go to Canada and I didn’t get to do that either, so, I hope there’s better times ahead.
00:27 - -Hey, Halemeister can you find a cache for our viewers? -Yeah, you know like, because, we can’t get over there and everything. I thought, hey, it would be cool if you could find a cache. -Oh! -Yeah. A Hale- minute. -Well, yeah. I can do that no problem. I was actually going for a cache right inside these woods here. -One cache. -In one minute, right? -Yep, one cache. One minute. -Okay, cue the title. -Start the clock. -Go! [loon call] [loon call] -Hey there Cache Canada viewers, I’m Halemeister and, if we haven’t met before hey, it’s nice to meet you. I hope you’ll take the time to check out my channel when we’re done here and checking out this cache. All right about 75 feet left to go.
01:09 - All right, this cache is called Cardinal Looking from Above, and I have to go about 50 feet into that. Let’s go. All right, I think I’m at Ground Zero now. Looks pretty good. According to the cache name and the terrain rating of 3.5, I think it’s, I think it’s up there. [chuckle] Oh, there it is right there. Yes. [chuckles] Nice Cardinal colored container. Well looks like I’m gonna need a tool for this one. How about a six foot long stick? I think that’ll do the trick. Yes! Ha ha ha. There it is. Cool. I’m glad this one took less than a minute. In three, two, one, cut. [loon call] [loon call] [in unison] -Hey that’s cool! -Well, thank you very much. I’m glad you liked it, and I hope your viewers did too. -Oh, they will. -Hey, check out Halemeister’s Channel. -Yeah, the link is right there in the corner. -Thank you very much. -Check next week to see if Kneel More can find a cache in a minute. -Yeah, that’ll be a lot of fun, but uh, I’ve been caching with Kneel before and uh, I’m not sure if he’s gonna be able to.
02:29 - -Keep watching there’s more caches to be found. [in unison] Where will Geocaching take you? -I really love Geocaching in the fall and the autumn. We have Fall in full swing here. we have the reds, the greens, the oranges, and yellows, the purples are coming out in the flowers, and it’s just beautiful. .