Wall-E is coming to life | Tech Bytes S2 Ep. 7
Jan 5, 2020 14:29 · 447 words · 3 minute read
Hey Guys! Welcome to Tech Bytes S2 Ep. 7. Happy late New Year! This is a series in which I tell you about 4 recent events in the tech industry. You may have noticed that before I had five articles so four is going to be the new norm. Anyway, let’s get started! (Intro) The first article comes from CNET, an American media website that publishes reviews, news, articles, and videos on technology and consumer electronics globally. They report that the new iPhone 11 battery case has been released.
00:19 - This is a pretty old idea, adding more battery to a phone, but this is the most elegant of the ways to add more battery. According to CNET, it isn’t necessary. The new iPhone has such amazing battery life that you can get through a day of battery just fine. I love that Apple is finally taking function over form, and I’m excited for fifty-day battery life! (ehhh….) probably not soon. 😊 The second article comes from Wired, a monthly American magazine, that focuses on how emerging technologies affect culture, the economy, and politics. They report that Segway has released a new hover-boar… Naw. Hover-Chair.
00:33 - Ok… think, what does this remind you of? Ghost saying (Wall-e). Real talk, it’s called the S-Pod it uses Segway’s self-balancing technology to propel the user forward on two wheels, while sitting down. While its speed is locked at 7.5 mph maximum, it can be unlocked to reach 24.8 mph. This could be illegal on many public streets. (Beeee Careful!!!!) The third article comes from CNET, an American media website that publishes reviews, news, articles, and videos on technology and consumer electronics globally. What do you get when you mix a home hub, a touchscreen, and a microwave? Well, thanks to movie magic, you saw it all here folks. It’s called the GE kitchen hub.
00:45 - I think this is actually a really cool product. You (from my understanding can use it as a calendar). You can even use it with any android app that you can find. I know what you’re thinking! “But does it run crisis?!” Well, I don’t know, but I hope this product succeeds in every category. Our fourth article is really just a video. It’s shot on iPhone 11 pro.
00:53 - Take a look with the sound turned off, look how the video changes when I add the sound (wait 3sec) (play video) yeah, I don’t believe the hype *sigh. Thanks for watching. If you loved this video you can like the video, subscribe, and make sure to hit the bell icon too so you see my new videos, Goodbye! (outro) .