Peter Roselle: Why Do the Heathen Rage? (Psalm 2:1)

Feb 4, 2021 20:00 · 1543 words · 8 minute read

- But look, in John 17, when Jesus was praying to the Father, this is also a very strong word for right now, for today.

00:08 - Because Jesus was not afraid of the world. Clearly was fearless and you know, set his face like flint to go be executed.

00:20 - So he’s not some wimpy Jesus and we’re not supposed to be wimpy Christians either.

00:25 - It takes a lot of courage to really speak the truth in love.

00:28 - And Jesus is speaking to the father now and he says “I’ve given them your word,” talking about us, right? Did you know that he was talking about you, all these thousands of years ago, talking about us.

00:39 - “I’ve given them your word and the world has… ” That’s a strong word, isn’t it? Why, why does the world hate us? Well, read Psalm 2.

00:48 - That’s where the, that’s where the clues are.

00:50 - Why did the heathen rage and the people plot a vain thing against the Lord and against his anointed one saying basically, get off my back, stop telling me how I’m supposed to live, I want to do whatever I want to do.

01:03 - And we’re like, yeah, you can, but you will prosper if you learn how to live within the boundaries that God sets for you, because his ways are way high above our ways.

01:13 - So I’m not telling you because it’s gonna be a bad thing.

01:16 - Your life is going to dramatically improve.

01:19 - Would anybody here witness to that, that after you got saved, major problems in your life were solved just by getting saved? Huh? So look, they hate us but that’s because we’re not of the world.

01:32 - Jesus is saying, just as I’m not of this world, “I don’t pray that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil one. ” “They are not of the world, just as I’m not of the world.

01:45 - Sanctify them by your truth. “ There’s that word that I used earlier today, sanctify.

01:50 - Right, we can be sanctified by the truth of the word of God, made holy as we live in an unholy culture.

01:57 - And look, I don’t talk a lot about, let’s just call it critical race theory or some of the other things that are gonna start to be popping up but I know a lot about those things.

02:06 - So I’ve always said, just type in info@kingofkingswc. com, I can send you links to videos if you’re trying to understand what’s going on but there’s a real attack against the moral fabric of our country.

02:19 - And it’s very insidious because there’s all new definitions, there’s all different words that you think you know what they mean by that word and that’s not what they mean by that word.

02:29 - It’s a, it’s a complicated thing. You would wonder why would I know all about that is because I have a son that’s on a college campus right now but he graduated, then went to work for eight years and then went back to get his PhD is what he’s trying to get.

02:42 - And he walked back on the campus and it was like, oh my God, it was only eight years ago, what the heck happened? Because the freshmen that he was meeting were in a whole different mindset than he was used to and it wasn’t a good one.

02:52 - So he would send me links because he was looking for advice.

02:55 - Like, I don’t know how to navigate these waters.

02:58 - I’m not going into detail now, I’m just saying, I could try to help you understand how insidious the attack is.

03:04 - I just don’t think we need to do it from here in the pulpit on a Sunday.

03:07 - You talk to me and I’ll get you the information you need.

03:10 - But the big thing here is sanctify them by your truth.

03:14 - As they’re walking out in the very defiling atmosphere of the world, you sanctify them to be holy people.

03:20 - Not because you pulled them out, because you allowed them to be in there, to be a light in the midst of the darkness.

03:25 - That takes courage. “As you sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. ” Are you them? Little louder please.

03:36 - Yeah, you’re them. We’re them. We’re sent out into the world.

03:41 - Why? Because the light belongs in the darkness.

03:45 - So look at church history. As things have gotten bad, the church shines brighter because the darker it gets in the culture, the brighter that we shine, nothing we have to be afraid of.

03:56 - All right, so John chapter 20, heading down the home stretch.

03:59 - You all know the scene because, you know, we study it at Easter or Resurrection Sunday, Passover season when Jesus has resurrected, he comes into the room where the disciples are hiding in fear, remember? And he didn’t have the key to the door so he just came in the room through the wall.

04:13 - However he did it and he saw them in fear so he said, peace be with you, right? Because it would be a little, that would shake you up if you saw that.

04:22 - And then when he had said this, he showed them his hands at his side and again, he said to them, peace be, peace to you.

04:27 - As the father has sent me, come on, little louder, please.

04:33 - The father has sent me so I send you. So the marching orders are clearly here.

04:39 - However, we got confused into thinking that the Bible is not pertinent to our day-to-day living.

04:45 - Let’s just break that lie off right now, okay? We have to have a voice in the culture or else we’re gonna see just wicked things going on, being called legal because we’ve drifted too far away from the base of the word, amen? All right, so I just want to finish up in a pretty well-known portion of scripture, especially if you’re a part of this church, Hebrews chapter 12, verses 14 and 15, that’s a cornerstone scripture and one of the teachings in the Possessing Your Vessel class that we run and it’s called Bitterroot Judgments, that particular subject.

05:16 - And this is the text, verse four. “Pursue peace with all people. ” Only those in your political party? Oh, all people? Even the ones that you find make you ill? Look, we can agree to disagree on things but we can not show contempt for God’s creation.

05:37 - And every person is God’s creation so you never get to show contempt.

05:41 - You could say, we disagree, this conversation isn’t going anywhere productive so let’s give it break.

05:46 - I don’t care how you do it. But if you represent Christ, he didn’t shame people.

05:51 - You know what I mean? On occasion, you could see, the people that he got the most upset with were the Pharisees, were the ones that were supposed to be representing the father to the people.

05:59 - So, “Pursue peace with all people in holiness, without which no one will see the Lord, looking carefully, lest anyone fall short of the grace of God. ” Big one right there, right? So if you don’t do that, you’ll fall short of the grace of God.

06:13 - Just as God extended grace to you, you’re supposed to extend grace to other people.

06:17 - That doesn’t mean you ignore the facts. You speak the truth to them in love, you pray and you ask the Lord, I have no idea how I’m gonna crack the code of this person because they seem so confused.

06:30 - There it is. “Don’t fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up, causes trouble.

06:36 - And by this many are defiled, become defiled. “ Do you think this is for today? Are there bitterroots springing up in people? Oh my God, it’s the worst I’ve ever seen, on a cultural basis.

06:50 - People just get hijacked emotionally, that bitterroot that springs up in a Christian defiles many people because we’re getting demoted from our place.

07:00 - “As the father sent me,” Jesus said, “So I’m sending you. ” “The prince of the Earth is coming.

07:07 - The prince of this world is coming but he has nothing in me. “ Jesus said, remember, what about me? What about you? Does the enemy have something in me? Well, if we let this root of bitterness spring up in there, yes.

07:19 - Will we be as effective? No. Was Jesus always affective? Yes.

07:24 - So we live in the hiding place of your glory. .