Big Opportunities In The Next 3 Months 2021 - Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan

Feb 27, 2021 08:57 · 3648 words · 18 minute read

Shafat Ya Rasulul Kareem (The Most Generous Prophet), bi madadukum.

00:13 - InshaAllah Allah (AJ) dress us with the holy lights of Rajab and the immense lights of, ”Subhana man huwal Khaliq anNur. ” That we go to the app [MuhammadanWay App] and click on the ‘Month’ and the teachings of the month and the importance of the seventh lunar month and the reality in which Allah’s (AJ) describing to Prophet ﷺ (AJ) that, ‘Rajab is My month and that I reward the servant without anyone having to even know without any cause and effect. ’ That Allah (AJ) will bestow upon his servants the rewards of Allah (AJ) wants, as a result they are all inspired to do more worshipness more practices, the month in which many are in seclusion and go into seclusions and from the teachings of awliyaullah (saints) that, “Subhana man huwal Khaliq anNur,” in which the seventh month which Allah (AJ) is eternally dressing the soul of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and directing us to the heart of the essence the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and then the heart of the Adamic heart of creation.

01:36 - That a point in which creation wanted to be known, when Allah (AJ) wanted to be known and bringing into existence creation.

01:48 - That when Allah (AJ) is describing, “Subhana man huwal Khaliq anNur”- ‘Glory be to the one whom created light. ’ That creation of light is a means in which Allah (AJ) will be known with all of its beatific realities something hidden now is about to reveal what it wants to reveal.

02:12 - So the immensity of Rajab and the blessings of Rajab in which Allah (AJ) is describing that, ‘I give a gift with no one knowing,’ no one has to know not an angel, not a Prophet (as), not a saint, it’s not going to come only by means, that Allah (AJ) will send whatever tajalli (manifestation) Allah (AJ) wants to send upon His creatures and His creation.

02:36 - As a result they’re inspired to do good deeds, extra. . extraordinary deeds, they do their mandatory then they do the obligations that are not mandatory, whatever they can do for the benefit of Allah (AJ) for the benefit of getting Allah’s (AJ) Divinely attention and Grace.

02:58 - With that immensity of light that Allah (AJ) is going to bring into existence this light, it’s also the immense month of the birth of light within our reality and the birth of faith.

03:11 - That Allah (AJ) to rejuvenate our faith in every Rajab and to bless our light within our heart to blossom to become stronger to become more and more of the Muhammadan Haqqaiqs (Muhammadan Realities).

03:27 - So they described that Rajab like the seed, the seed of ishq and love that Allah (AJ) plants in Rajab and that’s why when Allah (AJ) guides He says, ‘There’s no guidance except through when Allah guides,’ and when Allah (AJ) really wants to guide the servant through the true realities of guidance He inspires them to go to “Waliyun murshidun. ” Those guides and murshids (authorised spiritual guides) whom are taking and being dressed from wilayat and sainthood, that they reached a level of tazkiyah (purification) and cleaning, that they are guides from Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Presence from the heart and manifestation of the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ then they exist upon this earth to bring people back into that reality.

04:15 - So when Allah (AJ) want to guide the servant He guides to those teachers that teach you that these are three holy months, that by sitting and observing Rajab to do your ibadah and worshipness, extraordinary care towards goodness and cleanliness and things that make Allah (AJ) to be happy there is an immense reward.

04:39 - That if Allah (AJ) begin to plant that seed of light and that reality of light and rejuvenate that light, if He planted it last year and He rejuvenates it this year and every year the immensity of what Allah (AJ) going to open then imagine all the blessings of the holy month of Rajab.

04:59 - That Allah (AJ) gives us so many opportunities within the holy month of Rajab that the first Thursday of Rajab, because they’re saying that Rajab will be coming in tonight, tomorrow, so first Thursday will be next Thursday - Laylatul Raghaib (Night of Desires) the night in which the holy light of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ passed from his father Sayyidina Abdullah (as) to Sayyidatina Amina (as).

05:28 - And that because of that immensity of light of what Allah (AJ), imagine that all creation created by the understanding that Allah (AJ) wanted to be known and the apex of that knowing, means like the way of ‘arifeen (knowers), the apex of wanting to be known is ‘I’m going to now send the crown of my creation, why I created this creation.

05:55 - All this creation is in existence but you still don’t have any understanding why I made this creation until I send the crown of that reality onto this earth. ’ And the immensity of the reality of the birth and the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, that Allah’s (AJ) manifestations beatific oceans.

06:19 - If everything was beautiful before, by the arrival of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ it is in an ocean of perfection.

06:29 - Immense perfection. If you thought that was beautiful then wait till the arrival of Prophet ﷺ upon this earth how he fragrance and beatifies and takes everything way above anything that mankind could have understood of the character the khuluq and the dress that Allah (AJ) dressing the reality of Prophet ﷺ.

06:55 - That’s what then the understanding of Raghaib is a night in which Allah (AJ). . is a night of forgiveness, a night of immense joy and that whatever you want Allah (AJ) saying ‘Ask.

07:06 - What are the servants asking from Me?’ Because of. . hard to you can’t put into words, when Allah (AJ) is making all this creation out of love and the apex of this love, “Wa maa arsalnaka illa Rahmatal lil’alameen. ” ‘I would not have sent him and this reality except that it’s the mercy of your existence. ’ By Allah (AJ) giving all of these isharats (signs) that the immensity of this reality is coming on to your earth as a result, ‘Ask what you want.

07:43 - You don’t know how much I gave as a favour to your creation, ask what you want. ’ So Shab e Raghaib and the night of Raghaib is immense.

07:51 - Ya Rabbi that grant the healing for those who are sick, take away their difficulty grant a rizq (sustenance) for those who are coming short, grant the jobs for those who can’t find jobs, grant every type of benefit from every type of difficulty take away sicknesses and pains and difficulties from those whom are suffering Ya Rabbi for the sake of Raghaib, for the sake of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

08:21 - That’s how we should be asking, that on this night all the way till Thursday night asking, ‘Ya Rabbi all my amal all my deeds, take away difficulties from what’s coming.

08:33 - Take away the shortness of people’s rizq and sustenance. ’ Whatever we have of difficulties ask ‘Ya Rabbi for the sake of the arrival of Sayyidina Muhammad sws and these beatific realities join us in those blessings Ya Rabbi by means of that arrival take every difficulty away from me Ya Rabbi Allah (AJ) take every difficulty away from my family from my community and all my loved ones.

09:00 - This is the immensity of these lights that are coming, when we pass that immense blessing then Allah (AJ) gave us the immensity of Urs e Mubarak of Sultanul Awliya (King of saints) Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Haqqani (Q).

09:13 - That just to remember, look at his holy face and say that ‘I’m trying to be a student of your way Ya Sultanul Awliya that keep your nazar (gaze) upon me, mention me in a much more beatific association.

09:27 - That I’m going to bring some food for your name I’m going to bring some water to people I’m going to spread a good word and try to do dawah (religious propagation), try to do good works, just please mention me in the presence of Allah (AJ) and the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. ’ Then when we be dressed by the immensity of that blessing Allah (AJ) opens for us the immensity of the birth of Imam Ali (as) on the 13th of Rajab, means you can see how much Allah (AJ) is dressing and blessing all these barakas and blessings in the next three months that are coming for us that, this seed of immense light immense guidance, not a seed of any other seed not a light from any other light but the light of faith that is an eternal light.

10:17 - There’s nothing that you can pay or pray or do that Allah (AJ) give you an eternity, that you reach to a light of eternity, Ya Rabbi take us away from our temporary candle our imitated light and make us to be from the real light and the light of truth Ya Rabbi, that which is eternal and that never extinguishes, the flame of reality that once it burns it never goes off, to make us from those lights and then by the love and observance of the love of Sayyidina Imam Al-Ali (as) and to be dressed from that birth, to be lit from that reality and that he be a guardian over our being.

10:58 - And that Imam Ali (as) to guard us to watch over us to protect us, the one whom is born inside the house of Allah (AJ), who represents the symbol of that reality.

11:09 - That imagine that the heart of the believer is the house of Allah (AJ), Imam Ali (as) born inside the house of Allah (AJ).

11:19 - That what Allah (AJ) gave to the believers when he says ‘I’m going to. . if nobody is guided unless I guide you,’ means that when Allah (AJ) want to guide the servant what type of companionship he gives to that servant, ‘I make your Nabi (Prophet) to be Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, My most beloved. ’ That’s immense guidance.

11:40 - ‘I make your guardian to be Imam Ali (as) to come and defend you and fight for you and take away every type of difficulty from you.

11:48 - I make the holy companions to dress you bless you and to give you the perfection of character and the love that they have and had and served in the way of Allah (AJ) for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. ’ All of this immensity Allah (AJ) dressing the heart of the servant means with all the blessings and then Prophet ﷺ opening the realities of Isra wal Mi’raj (Night Journey and Ascension), that not a single creation reached its reality and its true ahad, its true covenant with Allah (AJ) until the Imam (religious leader) of all creation has to be present.

12:34 - Means whatever every Prophet (as) reached it was less the reality of its complete reality, they were in need for the one whom holds all keys for Allah (AJ) to be present and only behind Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ can they go into their covenant and reach to what Allah (AJ) has promised them to reach.

13:00 - That’s why the reality of Isra wal Mi’raj that Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, because we’re talking now through the ranks of people, now for the ranks of Prophets (as) - Allah (AJ) ‘Go for Isra (Night Journey). ’ Why not just go straight to Allah (AJ), because the Prophets (as) are now in need of you, now you understood what creation was going to get, the Prophets (as) are in need of you.

13:27 - They’re in need to witness you, to pray behind you, to give their shahadah (testimony of faith) to you and make them Muhammadiyoon.

13:37 - And that’s what it’s meant by Prophet ﷺ, ‘I went to al-Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and I prayed with the Prophets. ’ They prayed what? Muhammadiyoon prayer.

13:47 - They’re giving their shahadah to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, ‘Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa Habibuhu wa Rasuluhu. ’ Means at that time they accepted their Islam they accepted Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and now they understood the deen (religion) of Allah (AJ) is always been Islam, the only messenger of Allah (AJ) is Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

14:14 - The immensity of Isra is that, ‘I want all these Prophets and all their agencies to understand you are the Rasulullah, you are the ancient Rasul.

14:26 - You’re the ancient Rasul that in your reality of light you have always been the messenger of Allah (AJ) and nobody approaches Allah (AJ), not an angel, not a Prophet, not anything in creation, they reach to Rasulullah ﷺ. ’ And at that time all the Prophets took their shahadah and the deen of Islam is then known to all the Prophets of Allah (AJ).

14:55 - Then the immensity of the Mi’raj (Ascension) into the heavens to show, to show all the people who don’t stop their understanding and religion to meditate and contemplate.

15:10 - When somebody comes and says, ‘Oh you know mawlid (celebration of the birthday of Prophet ﷺ) maybe is something wasn’t practiced or maybe. . why you guys show so much respect for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ?’ And the problem with people who don’t tafakkur (contemplation) and meditate and contemplate, they don’t see anything that Allah (AJ) is doing, they don’t read anything that Allah (AJ) is writing, but when we slow our life down and just the incident of Isra wal Mi’raj, how much Allah (AJ) is showing and shows that ‘You can never reach what I’m doing, for my beloved servant I sent the angels to give him notifications, not a letter, not a tablet on stone, I send the angels in person.

15:58 - I send them with water from paradise to wash, I send them with the jubba and clothing of paradise to be dressed.

16:07 - I sent him the best of my limousine is a buraq to come and to take his holy presence and move him.

16:16 - And then as I’m going to bring him. . ’ The when, when you understood sultanate and kingdoms, how you greet the king is a sign of adab (manners).

16:30 - When a king arrives you come outside to greet the king, you don’t make the king come to you, you come down to the level of the king you don’t stand up high and say ‘How are you. ’ You bring yourself low so that the king is giving salaams (greetings), it’s a. . the protocol of manners and etiquette that you’re going into that presence.

16:52 - How Allah (AJ) then made all of the angels of every paradise stand outside of their paradise to greet the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, not that they. . he goes to them but he brought them all out from ‘Whoever you are and whatever you think you are you’re nothing because now the king of all creation in his physical presence is arriving as My guest come outside of your abode. ’ They say all the angels of every paradise was out to greet, means they had adorned with all their lights and all their realities to greet the Habib (Beloved) of Allah (AJ), the one whom Allah (AJ) has bestowed His love and named him Habiballah, the one whom Allah (AJ) loves.

17:40 - Everyone in creation is trying to love Allah (AJ) and trying to get Allah (AJ) to understand or to acknowledge them, every Prophet was trying to get Allah (AJ) to acknowledge their existence and to be happy and satisfied with them, with Prophet ﷺ is completely a different reality that Allah (AJ) is named from beginning ‘You are my most beloved creation everything I’m doing to make you to be satisfied to make you to be happy to make you to be understanding the immensity of my Divinely love.

’ That’s the immensity of Isra wal Mi’raj, then imagine people are asking that ridiculous question when Allah (AJ) saying ‘All my creation is meant to show how much I love you.

18:31 - I put this earth in which you were going to step to be beatific. ’ If Allah (AJ) didn’t like somebody He would have sent them to the moon where there’s not a single colour there, there’s not a. . it’s just grey and that’s why they’re all aliens on the moon the bad ones that want to eat you [shaykh laughs], Allah (AJ) said ‘You’re abode is the moon is nothing. ’ But look how when Allah (AJ) wants to show manners to us, so when you’re inviting somebody important how you put the best of what you have you don’t just make your house like a moon for them you make everything to be beautiful, Allah (AJ) say ‘Look your holy feet will one day come upon this earth I make all the beatific flowers,’ look at the thousands of variations of flowers.

19:20 - When someone doesn’t have time for ibadah and worshipness and good actions how Allah (AJ) took this time in which Allah (AJ) has no time but the delicacy of a thousand or ten-thousand variations of flowers of creatures of streams and rivers and water and fragrances beatific fragrances, that everything in creation when it’s happy it exhibits or puts out a beatific fragrance to show the love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

19:50 - That, ‘I they made all of this beautiful for you,’ and people not understanding and that’s why this na’at sharif (Prophetic praising) they’re teaching and continuously teaching people make it beautiful, go above what you could ever imagine and you’re still not a drop in what Allah (AJ) is showing for us of how much Allah (AJ) loves Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

20:16 - So this is the immensity and only just drops of understandings of the immensity of the opportunity Allah (AJ) gives us in this holy month of Rajab, all these blessings, so then fast when you can fast.

20:32 - Then do your worshipness, do the good actions that you can do, Allah (AJ) is handing out lottery tickets immense blessings, things that people can’t even understand.

20:44 - Only people running for the earth and the. . and whatever they can take from the earth for us to understand that Allah’s (AJ) saying ‘These are tickets to paradises and realities and lights that no eye has seen and no ears can understand. ’ That run for every type of action and good deed in Rajab to be dressed by it blessed by it and then when we do all of those actions then Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ comes to make it sweet, sweeten the deal even more.

21:15 - Say now, Sha’ban after you did all of that in Rajab, Sha’ban is my month in which I’m going to dress you and bless you in which the actions you do I will dress you and sweeten you,’ because that’s why awliya taught and with all this love for Prophet ﷺ and then imagine now you’re entering into the month of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, what immense dressings and lights and blessings that Prophet ﷺ going to dress upon us.

21:43 - Then we get all the dress of Sha’ban all the blessings of Sha’ban, Nisf e Sha’ban (Night of mid-Shaban) and the spiritual new year in which every action will be made clear everything will be written of who dies, who lives, what their sustenance will be given, all of the immensity of Laylatul Bara’ah, Shabe Bar’ah of Sha’ban and the dress of it and then Allah’s (AJ) immense Rahmah (mercy) of the month of Ramadan.

22:10 - That ‘What I have given in Rajab and what Prophet ﷺ has increased upon for you in Sha’ban I allowed an ability and a only way that you could receive these dresses is by Ramadan.

22:25 - Ramadan is the month in which Allah (AJ) asks us to do nothing just fast because only way you can achieve what we just described was not by your prayers, not by your salah (prayers), not by zakat (charity) not by anything.

22:41 - The immensity of these lights Allah (AJ) wants to bestow only by the siyam (fasting).

22:48 - That when the servant fasts Allah (AJ) is the one who gives the reward, as soon as the servant enters into these 30 days of immense fasting Allah’s (AJ) dressing with immense light that destroy every sin every wrongdoing every bad character untill the servant by the Eid becomes as if newborn.

23:09 - That every badness and incorrectness was completely destroyed by the blessings of Ramadan and everything that was dressed of Rajab and Sha’ban is bestowed upon the servant’s soul in Ramadan.

23:23 - We pray that Allah (AJ) give us a life in which to see these holy months these holy nights these holy days and that Allah (AJ) give us the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ to be increasing and increasing more and more every day inshaAllah.

23:40 - Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen.

23:46 - Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.

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