[GOING SEVENTEEN 2020] EP.36 세븐틴사이드 아웃 (SVTSIDE OUT)
Oct 12, 2020 13:09 · 5585 words · 27 minute read
[The following video was shot in a safe environment under strict government quarantine orders. ] [The following show was sponsored by Sports Monster of Starfield Hanam Branch. ] [Such a natural hosting. ] -After all the times of working… -What? We were working non-stop.
00:26 - -When did we? -We weren’t working non-stop.
00:27 - Hang on. [The rightful older bro] Stop lying! -So we should take a photo and do some activities. -When did you last worked? [Even now he is working] It’s exciting to hang around with all of you.
00:35 - Not everyone. SeungKwan is missing. [A clever bro] Yeah, we aren’t all together.
00:37 - Alright, everyone except SeungKwan. [SeungKwan♥] It’s exciting since SeungKwan isn’t here.
00:40 - [The host helper] I heard from SeungKwan that we’re in him at the moment.
00:43 - [The concept of Inside Out] Oh, is this SeungKwan? So, if this is his stomach, can we make him sick? [SeungKwan’s bowel movement] Get sick! Get sick! [Happy] So, we must move according to SeungKwan’s emotions.
00:54 - [SeungKwan and emotions of 12 people] Oh, nice! -So we’re in SeungKwan’s emotions. -Right, right.
00:58 - -Are we in SeungKwan? -Yup. Yay~ Happy! Everything will go well! [They found happiness in a mere second. ] [A peaceful SEVENTEEN as usual. ] [Extremely happy / Not so much] [Starting to play] [Joyful] Where should we go? Here! Shall we start with climbing? Nice idea! So we should be happy [Sticking to the concept] even if we fall? Don’t we need a safety guard? [PG-7] Where are you? Where are you? There he is! Hello! [A kidult] -What’s this, a kid’s show? -A round of applause, everyone! [Welcome, Mr.
Safety Guard] I wanna go first. Sure.
01:38 - [He’s not smiling because it’s happy,] This is great.
01:39 - [but his cheekbones ache from smiling too much. ] The pain is a good sign, dude.
01:42 - [If you’re in pain, go to the hospital. ] If you’re in pain, it means you’re young.
01:43 - Look at them! They can’t get through because their shoulders are too broad.
01:46 - [Wide shoulders] I told you to stop exercising.
01:48 - You’re hilarious… Let’s make someone who sucks at it go first.
01:50 - [Selected with all the votes] DK. [Similar buddies] I think we two are the most problematic people here.
01:54 - [A joyful reply] Do you take me for a joke? [Rage] -Yeah, go on, THE 8! -I’m angry! [Sudden rage] Just go on already! Just go! Do it! [Bad tempered] -Hurry up! -Go for it! [Outrage] The safety guard is supposed to rush here! [He doesn’t know how to get mad] The safety guard should be here! [That’s the rage] Hoshi, just call up the safety guard! [He is great at controlling his temper] -Mr. Safety Guard. -Hoshi! [They lost the humanity] Just climb risking your life! Will you? [Emotional labor] Guys, emotions are so hard to control.
02:16 - Do you get it? [Sticking to the concepts] -Get mad, dude! -Why aren’t you doing it? [He does get mad on commend] Stop getting mad at me! [He is into it. ] They say get mad! -Isn’t the helmet too small for you? -Hey, stop fighting! [Outrageous compliment] -Why does it suit you so well? -Me? -Yeah! -Does it suit me? Yeah! You damn…
02:30 - Work, S. COUPS! -Work, you morons! -You don’t have obligations [Working his butts off] to order me around to work! [He flinched] What? Guys! Here I go! Let’s go! Hoshi.
02:38 - [Warm] Don’t you need gloves? [Push and pull] Do whatever you want with it.
02:40 - [Parental speech] Do things your way, and you’ll pay one day.
02:42 - How do we do this? Just hurry up! [Irritated] Then you should come and help! [They start climbing (He is here to do it)] -There goes Kwon Soonyoung! -Ooh, he looks like he’s a pro! There he goes! He’s fast! Wow, he is going well! [Pfft] Oh jeez…
02:57 - Why did you press that? Don’t do something silly! [The one who’s guilty is mad] What? Why? [Flap] Hey, don’t do that to Minghao.
03:04 - Why are you so light anyway? [He doesn’t back down at anything] -You’re gonna fly away. -Who are you? Your team’s member.
03:09 - [Please look at me] -Here I go, guys! -Yeah! -Go for it! -Let’s go! Go! Up you go! Hurry! Speed up! [Rage unexpectedly leads to (A Sparta mode)] -You’re too slow! -Faster! Faster! Do it properly! Look down now.
03:22 - [Sad] The world is blue… [The master of changing pace] Hoshi! [The climbing with tears] [Method acting] Hoshi! [A touching story] You can do it! [Came down roughly] So Hoshi, did you record 26 sec? Yup.
03:41 - [A quick acting] Urgh, the first to go is always bad…
03:43 - I shouldn’t have gone first… Here I go, guys.
03:48 - [Sorrowful] When would it be my turn? [Sad for all sorts of reasons] The gloves don’t fit me… -Same as me…
03:53 - [The detailed facts] It’s because of my thumb…
03:54 - -There goes Jeonghan. Don’t die! -Look down, Jeonghan! I don’t wanna go! Go on! [He was an actor from the childhood. ] Your record has ended! [A sad yipee] Yipee, it’s 17 secs.
04:02 - -Aren’t you scared? -Hey, the record means less.
04:05 - [He gives a quote of the day] The important thing here is to keep climbing.
04:07 - Hoshi won! He did it. [Weeps] He won! He won! [They are working hard] We did it! -I wanna do it too… -Aw, our youngest member is sorrowful.
04:21 - I wanna try too… ! Me too… You even have the gloves on! Someone took my turn…
04:27 - I know it all! [Cut! They failed to concentrate. ] Here goes Joshua.
04:32 - [Tearful departing] Goodbye, Joshua. He’s doing well.
04:34 - See ya~ I can feel the passion from the back view.
04:37 - Joshua, your trousers are getting sucked into you.
04:39 - [Watching his trousers] You are not a black hole, you know! Stop sucking up your pants! [Sucked up] -Joshua is sucking up his pants! -Wow, fast.
04:44 - [Proper descending] Ooh, you know your stuff.
04:46 - [The tears from realization] Cool, so that’s the way.
04:48 - Damn it, I should have done the same… You’re skillful~ So skillful~ Are there are a lot of mountains in LA? [He joked successfully] -There goes Jun! -There he goes! [Successfully pressuring him] Don’t feel too much pressure.
05:00 - Pressure! [A critical hit] -Don’t feel too much pressure. -This is difficult.
05:04 - Is it too hard? [Direct hit from pressure] Ouch! [Inner sadness] What’s with him? He is overwhelmed by the pressure.
05:10 - -He is pressured! -Pressured indeed! Are there [Repeated joke] a lot of cliffs in Simcheon? [Fails to focus] [He is doing his best. ] You’re so bad at this.
05:18 - I have to admit… Be careful! [Amazed] Really? Unbelievable! [A singer who’s enthusiastically entertaining even today] - Woah, Jun is already up there! - Hey, Jun! Amazing! Hey! [Woah] He gave up! [Still sad] ??????? - What’s happening? - Unbelievable! [Amazing power] - Did you give up? Woah, unbelievable! - Hey, did you really give up? Amazing! [Trying to understand the situation] Hey, hey, hey! [Very surprising fact] It’s Minghao’s turn! [Big fuss] - It’s Minghao? - What? Minghao is doing it? I am? Surprising! [Getting bored] Hey, is everyone climbing? Should we end with Minghao? [Sincere] I can’t climb.
05:46 - - Or DK, who wants to do it. . - No x3 I’ve been waiting for awhile, but [Nice, it was smooth] It’s alright, I can skip it.
05:51 - Hey, then shall we pay attention to Minghao? Woah Minghao, you’re doing great! Hey Minghao, with those thin legs [Surprise] You climb very well! Looks a bit like a water strider.
05:59 - [Result] Wow, Minghao and I are the same! [Error with emotions] Wow~ I still beat Minghao.
06:04 - [Bitterly] I suck, why am I here? Shall we move on to the next category? Shall we try this jumping this? [Brave] I’ll go first.
06:09 - [Extremely high jump pad] - Sure, go ahead. - What are you doing? Are you afraid of heights? [Loose-lipped] Oh, what’s happening? What’s happening~? [Have to jump and grab (from here)] - Why is it so far away? - Do you have to jump from there? Hey guys! Wonwoo said he’ll do it.
06:19 - [Gorgeous astonishment] Anybody who wants to do this? - Me! - For those who are playing, you have to wear safety gears.
06:23 - [Coward 1] I’ll just try it. [Coward 2] Okay, I’ll also give it a try then.
06:26 - Hey WOOZI, give climbing a try. Guys, wear your gears, WOOZI is doing it.
06:29 - Okay~ Guys, are we being in shock right now? [Teasing] Sure.
06:32 - [Lonely climbing] [Start] [Moody] Okay, sometimes, let’s look to the sky. .
06:38 - [Okay, sometimes, let’s look at WOOZI] Woah, I’m glad that WOOZI is climbing like that.
06:40 - Can’t believe WOOZI is climbing. [Nostalgic past] Since we were trainees, I loved to see WOOZI rise.
06:44 - I remember my childhood. Us, going up towards our dreams.
06:47 - Hey WOOZI, you can do it! x2 - Him rising up is more beautiful than the flowers are. - Like a performance artist [Loud mood] More beautiful than the flowers~ [Chaos] - Is this moody? - Yup.
06:57 - [Talking about weather indoor] It’s the perfect weather for a glass of wine.
06:59 - [Emotional angle] Woah, this is hard! [Copier of Boo Seungkwan] WOOZI! You can do it! Woah! You’re amazing! Okay, a minute and 17 seconds! [PLEDIS likes this comment] You’re definitely SEVENTEEN! [Touched] [Let’s go jump] - Ah, coming here like this is great. - Sure.
07:11 - We could be together like this Exactly.
07:14 - [Emotions exploding] - Every minute of every hour is precious. - You’re right.
07:17 - [Time of their own] - Hoshi. - Yes. I’m happy to have you on my side.
07:19 - Me too, I’ll always be by your side. Okay, I’ll always be by your side too.
07:23 - [TTT moment] - I hope 13 of us stay together forever. - Right.
07:27 - Jeez, Wonwoo is jumping. [Very far] - Wonwoo, just jump! - Do I grab this from here? Hold on, how’s that possible? Guys, here I go! Let’s go! [Main character of a youth comic] Wonwoo, towards our dream! [Our Dream] You can do it, Jeon Wonwoo! [Earned +1 Our Dream] [Looks a bit like a koala] Is that possible? I’m in awe right now! [DK behind this man] - Hey, DK! - Oh, it’s DK.
07:49 - Why am I looking forward to DK so much? [Ace of jump pad] DK! Are you alright? [Ready] I. . can do it.
07:54 - DK! DK, your hips. . [Sexy back] Hips! Hips… !!! DK, your hips look like an apple.
08:05 - [Cheer overflowing with emotions] Hey, DK! Your hips are sexy~! [We have the right to protect the artist] [Wanted: Eyes that haven’t seen it] - No~! - Don’t do it! x2 DK, get up quickly! DK, turn around.
08:15 - [Unhappy mood / Happy mood] [The 2nd Horror Special] Wow, this seems impossible.
08:17 - [Not giving up] - No x2 You can do it. - Or, let’s change! Ah, you can do it! x2 Just jump Amazing! - DK! - DK, it’s alright anyway.
08:24 - [Logical persuasion] You don’t fall even if you fall.
08:27 - Are you ready? No! [Ready on behalf of him] I’m ready! [Leading like a DJ from Disco Pang-Pang] Guys please cheer for him.
08:31 - Fighting~! Got it! x2 DK! [Fully emotional] Do it while screaming you love SEVENTEEN.
08:39 - [Confessing on behalf] Love you! One, two, three! [Desperate] - Dear members! - Yes.
08:44 - [Warm response] - Are you crying? - Why? Can you change with me? Hey, DK! - No~ - You still have bungee jumping, hurry up.
08:50 - Something comes to mind when I watch you. I don’t think I can do it.
08:54 - Hey, you should get up here. You’ll understand why I’m behaving like this.
08:57 - [Valuable realization] I. . can’t do it. One Ah, good.
09:00 - Two! [Not an instructor] Okay, let’s go! Two and a half! Ah, it’s driving me crazy.
09:06 - You can do it, really. Just jump. Let’s try jumping, one, two, three! [Expert on playing hard to get] You’re good at pushing and pulling DK! [Magical spell] Say the name! SEVENTEEN! Let’s go~! Let’s go~! [Survival instinct] [Falling apple] Good job, DK.
09:31 - [Burned out] Good job x2 Good job~ - I shouldn’t laugh - You’ve done your best x2 You overcame youself! [Sad] You’re the best! [True inspiring story] - You’re the best! - You won! x2 [Thinking of his friend] Please get Mingyu ready.
09:43 - [Timid] I’m constantly worried, will he be alright. . ? If something happens to Dino [Rather aggressive Mr. Timid] There would be no youngest one.
09:50 - I really wasn’t trying to make it funny [Suddenly emaciated] - I was terrified. - You seemed so, really.
09:55 - I was terrified. - Really? - Yup. How would you bungee jump.
09:57 - [Already shot bungee jumping] - I won’t do it. - What? [He came] I won’t go, then.
10:01 - [Far distance (Appears near due to perspective, but is far] Hey, woah! Let’s go, Dino! Dino, I hope you power up.
10:05 - Are you ready? Yes! Let’s try to jump.
10:08 - I’ll count down for you, one, two, three! Nice~ [Succeeded at once] Nice~ Did great.
10:15 - If he succeeds after me. . [COUPS tries] Hey, how do you wear this. Will you teach me? I don’t know how to wear it.
10:19 - DK, it’s better for the safety guard to do it.
10:22 - [Detailed expression of emotion] I also know how to do it.
10:23 - - No, it’s not that. . I didn’t mean that. . - No, but just in case.
10:25 - What would you do if there’s a problem? Will you take the blame? [Timidly immersed] I think that’s too much.
10:28 - [Extremely worried] You’re trying to kill me. .
10:30 - He found out. . [Looking after the leader] Let’s make the distance farthest when COUPS does it.
10:34 - Ah, not bad! - Sure, because he’s the leader. - Good x2 Really? Amazing! [Get surprised first] Wow! I don’t really want to continue doing this [Fellowship] Wouldn’t it be possible to ask Mingyu to do it? [Really good condition] Me~? Ah, Mingyu should do it Hey, even I have done it, so if you can’t do it [A coward is telling a coward] you are really a coward [Alter ego of Park Joonki appears] - Do you want to hear the word ‘coward’ from me? - I would jump straightaway when I go up [Reaction robot] Really? Jack pot! [Bluffing] I wasn’t jumping because it might not have been interesting What did you say, Mingyu? [Lee Seokmin’s plot] You are not wearing the equipment? [Deterioration in his vocabularies due to the fear] I will show you a different look in the mean time What do you mean by you will show us a different look in the mean time? [Insulting] Your language is really good Why does he have such a severe change of emotion? Wow, everyone, S.
COUPS is doing it Wow, S. COUPS is going up! [Quite an amazing thing] S. COUPS is going! [So happy to have sent the leader] Bro, is it scary? [Relaxed] Is it a little bit? Or is it a little rabbit? Wow, that gag wasn’t good at all! Ready one two three! Jump! [Narcissism] [Wiping his nose] [He speaks like this when he is surprised] - Mingyu, you can do it?! - Honestly, it doesn’t take long [Competitive] How many minutes did DK stay there when he got up? [Serious] Mingyu, if you take a long time [Yes, the filming was completed safely] PD hyung is going to make a bungee jump content [He arrived on time] I am not going for that day’s filming Mingyu You really shouldn’t be looking down when you go up there [He is telling him to fail by looking down] You really can’t jump if you look down I am upset! [Warm cheering] - Do it quickly! - Do it quickly! Ah, Kim Mingyu, aren’t you doing it! Hey, don’t take time with this kind of a thing! Why did you say you were going to do it?! Hey, what is it? What is this? [His mind keeps changing] What is it? Why did you do that, Boo Seungkwan? Why, Boo Seungkwan? [Reality] Hey, let’s go x 4 Do it quickly! Let’s go! I am getting angry! Really for the last time Ah, what are you doing? [Possessed by authentic himself] Hey, can’t you be quiet? [Laughing] - Let’s go x 3 - It’s scary - Hey, it has been turned to the side - Why is it going further from me? No, it’s the same [Yes, it’s because of your feeling] No x 4 Hey, do it quickly Ah, jump quickly! Jump quickly!!! [Playing hard to get with the ground] Ah, what is this? Why are you doing that? That’s old fashioned Do it quickly [Pick me] Hey, who grabs the one above? Mingyu hyung if you don’t come down quickly, I’m your hyung.
12:22 - Hyung [Speaking once more as they might not have heard it] Hyung! I am going One two three! [Found his optimal singing voice] [Motivation] You guys are all dead, really - Why? - Nice! Do it with that kind of a mind! Do it! - Wow, he is really a coward - Hey, what are you doing? Two, three! You can do it! You can do it! [Relief] [A compliment from an explosive person] Why are you doing it well! What do I become if you do it well? What game do we play now - Hey, let’s go and play basketball there - Hey! Don’t you try to organize, it’s irritating! We need to know what kind of a game we are playing? - Ah, it’s so loud - By the way [Too much concentration] Why are you filming us? [Returned to the reality] I am sorry [Too much concentration] - I am sorry - Hey! why are you bowing, like that! I didn’t bow! I had expressed my anger by saying “why are you filming us?” Why are you filming us? Hey! Director needs to film us.
Why wouldn’t he not film us? - So, why is he filming - Shall I smash you? What are you doing? Hey! Can’t you see I am playing basketball? I am worried whether I stand or sit Would it be okay? [The person who had asked people to play basketball just then] Ah, I can’t do this Everyone, let’s be careful We can get an injury by doing this [Faithful to the content] I am scared of basketball? [A non-scary method of playing basketball ] This is [So edited] It’s not interesting at all [Haven’t conveyed the emotion yet] - Why is this so small! - How do I know?! - Everyone, it’s timid - Hey, you guys are timid [Content expert] - Are we timid? - Why is this so small? Don’t fight [Grabbing the opportunity] I told you to be careful. . timid… ! [Entered the basketball court] [Pretending to be timid] - Hey~ Why are you doing that? - Sorry Everyone, so, what would be good to do? Shall we play 6 on 6 and bet on three points? 6 on 6, bet on three points? Hey, as we have been separated like this, shall we play seniors vs juniors? [Appropriately timid expression] - May be not? Is it bad? - It seems to be like that [Can’t decide on rules as they are too timid] So, shouldn’t we listen to other people’s opinions? [Emotion escaped] Hey, let’s just go home Hey, what about 1 3 5 7 9 11? [Rationality came back] Okay, let’s do that Then everyone, Shall we have odd numbers to go there and even numbers to come here? - Okay, let’s do that - Okay, even numbers come here I am going to throw I am starting Leaving it to me? One two three! It’s going [Jump ball is also timid] Oh what is that? That was timid! [Genius in interpreting the character] - I am timid - Everyone, you guys need to play timidly - Let’s go! Start! - Can’t get it in anyway [Even number team scored] Wow 1:0~! Wow~ Happy! Everything will go well! [Happy basketball] Nice! x 2 Hey, let’s go! x 3 Ah, happy! Hey! x 3 Nice! x 3 Jeonghan! Hey hey [Intercepts] Nice block! Out! Nice! - Vernon! - Oh nice Quickly! x 3 Ah, S.
COUPS! - Here! I am here, here! - Don’t give it to me Aigo x 3 It’s okay Don’t fight - Nice block - Nice~ It’s ours! Hoshi x 2 [Passed to the opposing team] - Wait a moment - He is not our team! x 2 He is not our team! It’s ours! x 2 Minghao! Hey hey Hey hey [Unexpected attack] Jeonghan! You have to laugh! [Slave of emotions] [SEVENTEEN is happy again today] Ah, happy~ Thank you! [A wild basketball] It’s a mess~? Out x 3 [Hoshi likes the ball] [Changed the game to dodgeball] Ah, Hoshi got hit! [More concerned about the ball than worrying about Hoshi] - That’s right - Hey! [A good willed competition] - Are you okay? - I am okay Hey! x 3 Thank you, he he Soonyoung, run! Okay! Guys! Grab it Hoshi! [Revenge] Hey, you guys are really funny [Defender MVP] Are you playing basketball or doing a wrestling? Nice! Minghao! - I am okay x 2 - Oh, Minghao is good at rebound! Hey, Jun is good at rebound too? [Even number team scored] Nice! [The current score 2:0] How many points are we betting? - It’s a 3 point bet.
- Okay. Soonyoung! [Amazing pass play] [Only looking for Hoshi] Soonyoung! Ugh! Soonyoung~! [Nice catch] Okay shoot [Not a nice shoot] - It’s okay! - You are horrible! It’s okay.
16:13 - Wow Soonyoung [Happy that his colleague is bad] You are really bad at basketball, but it’s okay Let’s go~ Good~ Hyung Go!!!! You should go! [The genre suddenly changes to Zombie apocalypse] Good~ [They’re rivals] [Involved awfully] Do basketball! - Jun is playing really hard. - Get out.
16:32 - Coups be happy. . Soonyoung~! [Going backwards] Soonyoung here! Why are you going the other way? Mingyu! Score! Hey Mingyu! [The Odd number Team scores] [Even number Team 2:1 Odd number Team] Let’s go! Why were you going the other way Hoshi? Hey! Okay Minghao is amazing.
16:54 - [Coming for you] Minghao!x4 Hoshi!x2 [His passion never fades] Jeonghan!x2 [He’s not a coach] Jeonghan!x2 Hey hey! [A lonely fight] Wonwoo! Nice! Okay nice Jun [Free from being a coach] [He’s seen a lot] Okay~DK!x4 [Long rivals] Nice! What kind of shooting was that? Jun!x3 Wow we are horrible! It’s a sad world. .
17:26 - [Perfect emotional control] - We are so bad~! - Why are we so bad Soonyoung quick! [I play basketball. . when I’m sad] - I’m sad! - Mingyu! Sorry I’m bad.
17:35 - Jeonghan! Okay! Hey! This isn’t basketball, it’s violence.
17:43 - [Happy] Are you okay? Hey No Jeonghan has to be sad.
17:47 - [Tear Switch on] Jeonghan. . ! [Doesn’t pass the ball no matter how sad] Wonwoo. . ! I’m so sorry that I’m horrible.
17:57 - [Peculiar crying sound] 3 points~ [Arduous 3 point shoot] Shoot~! [Deploring] Shua! Whoa shoot! Whoa sh-ooes! [Weeping] [His footage +1] Wait that’s why I just said the shoes [He wasn’t swearing don’t get it wrong] I said the shoes! I wasn’t swearing! [Nice people] Not shoes again. .
18:24 - [Gets the ball in the middle of a chaos] I said the shoes! [Failed to score] I said the shoes.
18:28 - He can’t shoot even when there’s no defender! Why can’t you shoot! Dino please just give me a chance.
18:36 - Dino, let’s try. . Hey Joshua! [Even number Team 2 : 2 Odd number Team] - We are even! - We did it We should be sad.
18:46 - [Might change to dodgeball] - Dino! - Dino, I’m here.
18:55 - Wow you are tall. [Finally scores] [The Odd number Team wins] - Good job everyone. - Well done.
19:01 - Let’s all gather. Shall we sit for a while? [Cannot know what’s going on in his mind] Why is Seungkwan sad? I’ve never played basketball that’s this sad.
19:09 - Good job. Wow~I’m happy! Everything will be okay! [Now they are used to it] Wow it’s so much fun~ I’m happy even if we lost.
19:18 - Should we get some drinks then? [Emotion buffering] - Drinks! - You should laugh Minghao.
19:22 - [Finished buffering] It looks good.
19:26 - [Snack Time] Shall we? [He got confused] Is thit what people call youth? [Got infected] Of course Hoshi.
19:32 - Where are you doing it? Did you wash your hands? Oh. .
19:36 - Wow you are. . Caramel Popcorn No reason [No reason and silly] - I’m happy - Me too. .
19:44 - How is it Vernon? [Clear expression of emotions] It’s really good.
19:46 - - It is? - Yeah. [Who wants it?] Wow Joshua.
19:50 - Shua where’s other eleven? Eleven? Go get it yourself.
19:53 - I’m happy. [Happiness returns] Go get it yourself~ The 8~ I’m furious! - How come you only got this? - Why? [Cold outside but warm inside] - Fine, I’ll get more! - Let’s go get it No sit! You sit! Don’t come along [Bitter] Dino.
20:10 - - Huh? - Didn’t you say that you are good at riding a bicycle? Yeah, I’m pretty good why? [Increasing his footage on the show] Go! [There’s a bicycle over there] - Go where? - There’s a bike there! Who are you to make commands? [You won’t die from thirst] I’m dying from thirst why isn’t he coming? [Chaos] Can I have ice cream? [They are meek] - You can’t - Why not? You can’t! I think I’m getting weird because of today’s episode so, He’s here! [Looking nervous] What is this? Vitamin! Just drink it! -Thanks! - Drink all! [Getting irritable thanks to the episode] - I will.
- Give it. Do you see how many people there are? [This isn’t Scream in Silence] - You need more? - Yes! [Very kind] Okay! [Touched] Wow he’s nice Get coke too! [Getting orders furiously] What else? Sit! [Timid shouting] [Fails to be immersed in the concept] Power Ade, Gatorade Okay! Dino, go with him! No don’t. .
20:49 - [Expressing his emotion] He says don’t! [Happy] [Respecting] I want to, but he says not to! Should I? Go! Go! Go! Go! Illionaire Records - Go Can I have some? [Cannot control his emotion] Stop eating [He say him first] What are you looking at? He said that a lot today.
21:10 - You wanna fight? [Chickens out] What do you mean? Rock paper. .
21:14 - I just want to go back to my own characteristic.
21:16 - Extremely nice? No? No? - I’m not nice - You’re acting nice latel.
21:21 - No I didn’t! Yes you did. I said, I didn’t! Jeonghan.
21:25 - Yeah? [Something’s not right] Speaking informally after getting mad is weird, right? [There are no age boundaries in SEVENTEEN] Getting mad is the same as using informal language! Fine, I’m sorry.
21:31 - But things can happen, right? Hey, how about we take a break now? We can’t do that.
21:35 - [He is a hard worker] No one takes a break during a show! [The beauty of breaks] -That’s right! -Hey, we should know how to take a break if we have come this far! This isn’t the time to take a break! [What the heck are we doing?] -This is getting weird… -Are we okay now? Are we… going in a right direction? [They have a feeling that they don’t know what they are doing. ] But I always felt like this when I was in the show called GOING.
21:50 - But as for GOING, [Thank you for your trust. ] they always make sure we’re on the right way.
21:52 - Don’t have doubts! [It’s an emotion they never had before. ] -They are working hard here too. -I didn’t! Why did you hit me there? Sorry.
21:56 - Hey, is that guy making the soda? Let’s pipe down even if we’re angry.
22:00 - It’s too noisy. Stop ordering me to pipe down.
22:03 - [Loud voice from tummy] I’m younger than you! You’re the noisiest here.
22:06 - [Immediate feedback] -I’m younger than you. -There they are.
22:07 - Who ordered Coke? Me! Coke! -That’s Wen Junhui! -You are Wen Junhui! [Here comes SEVENTEEN show again] I have nothing weighing on me! Coconut! Coconut! That’s for me! [Original] Same as me! [Doppelganger] I want it too! [Confused] Who is Wen Junhui? [Another level] Me! [Suddenly a closing the show] It’s great to come to hang around with everyone.
22:26 - -What was that? -Why the sentimental sentence out of the blue? Stop saying such lines! It’s making things boring! [Instant death] Yes sir! The world is sad…
22:36 - [Quick feedback] [Hardest quiz of the day] Why is SeungKwan on an emotional roller coaster today? -He was sensitive from the start. -He is drinking maybe.
22:41 - Shall we move on now? Yeah, let’s go.
22:44 - -What are you trying to do? Let’s decide that first before we go. -Yeah.
22:46 - What should we do? [Trampoline] Or we can go to the closest place around.
22:49 - Let’s go! I’m worried about him no matter what. Would he be alright? I shouldn’t get hurt. What should I do? [For your information, the height here is 4m] What? What? -Hey, what will happen if the trampoline tears? -Oh, no, it is tearing! What’s that? A game? It’s tearing! Tearing apart! It’s pissing me off! [What has made him so angry?] HEY!! [They love hanging around] Chokeslam! [Elders’ love for the young] -It’s gonna fall apart.
-Joshua! What was that? Have you been watching wrestling? [The wanna-be wrestler] -He never watched it. -Then what? [Ha ha ha] Guys, we’re in a rage mode.
23:25 - [Destroying the show] I’m worried sick.
23:29 - Would it be okay? Dino. Ooh, cool Dino.
23:33 - [They are playing treacherously] -So timid. -What is he doing? Yay~ I’m happy! Everything’ll be fine! [The prey] Careful! Bye, Dino! [The youngest member is getting all the attention] Turn on the rage! Rage mode, now! Turn it on! Do the pose! One, two, three! -One, two, three! -Cute! [Talent showoff] -Are you going too, Mingyu? -Mingyu? Oh, are you posing too, Mingyu? What’s with him? [Perceiving] He is trying to take the spotlight because he didn’t do much in the show.
24:07 - -He can’t help but express it. -My whole life is blue…
24:10 - [The master of acting] [Lethargy] Shall we go home? [The mindset of parents when their children are playing in playground] But kids are playing.
24:17 - [Refusing the emotions] You have to cry… You should be sad! Dino, keep being sad! What had happened to Dino? What is SeungKwan even doing? Isn’t it time for SeungKwan to sleep? Let’s go home.
24:31 - Going home! Hey, SeungKwan is asleep! Let’s go! Going home! Home on the way~! [The following show is sponsored by Sports Monster of Starfield Hanam Branch. ] Going home since SeungKwan is asleep.
24:41 - [The end] Bye bye~ One, two, three.
25:01 - Do you know what emotions are there? Yup.
25:03 - I’m sorry, but why are you suddenly hosting the show? Would it go through a makeover? Yup.
25:07 - Really? Joy first. Joy? Alright.
25:12 - Yay~ Umm… Let me take it from the top again.
25:16 - Get a grip. You’re a pro. Yay~ I’m so happy! Everything will work out! [Sad] The world is blue…
25:27 - Let me start over. What am I doing? Don’t tell me it’s a prank.
25:35 - [Fear] I’m worried sick. Would it be alright? Come on, exaggerate it.
25:43 - Alright. I’m worried sick. Would it be alright? Then stop laughing for god’s sake.
25:50 - [Rage] I’m getting angry… ! Why can’t I act angry? I’m mad! Mad… Hang on.
25:57 - I just can’t do this. I need S. COUPS members to ask.
26:01 - I’m angry… ! Jeez, what am I doing? I’m mad…
26:05 - Gah, the rage! Outrageous. It’s too long.
26:18 - I don’t think I can watch this episode. .