Планка // Комплекс упражнений с планкой // Тренировка планка
Nov 22, 2020 14:00 · 1525 words · 8 minute read
Hello everyone, you are on the NB Fitness channel and with you I am Bovt Natalya today I offer you a workout for all groups, you can use the plank plan with the help of a plank plan, this is a universal exercise that is suitable for both beginners and those who have been engaged in fitness for a long time if you want to increase the load, you just increase the time of this exercise, or you add types of plans for advanced, many people think that the plank is an exercise for the abdominal muscles, but in fact it is to use all muscle groups in a complex way, the first thing I suggest is this plank on the elbows and knees we place the elbow joints clearly under the shoulders knees wide the shoulders of the foot together from the buttocks to the coccyx and the tip of the edge should be a clear straight line for those to whom this option of the mouthguard seems simple, you can stand on straight legs, the main thing is to maintain a straight line of the spine with the coccyx, we stretch back with our head stretched forward if you do not control the lower back, you can slightly twist the tailbone under you, clamp the buttocks as well as clamp buttocks and not twist the tailbone , you will not be able to squeeze the buttocks with a deflection of the lower back there is no way to go down relaxed a little breathed restored breathing the next approach we do on straight legs we put our knees shoulder-width apart with our head straight pull the spine forward again we clamp it is not suitable twisting the tailbone under ourselves we must stretch head forward with coccyx back remember ns and straight as a tabletop we do not hold the breath we breathe for those who want to complicate it raise the right leg we stretch our head forward with the leg back the back still we do not hold me back straight breathing and we raise many of the left and we also stretch our legs back with our heads forward we follow we do not bend the lumbar spine, we lowered our leg and lowered ourselves, also relaxed, regained breathing, lay down a little well for the next exercise, put our hands in straight tubercles in front of us, feet also shoulder-width apart and toes, align our knees and perform the bar on straight arms and straight legs all we also stretch our head forward with the coccyx with the heels we stretch backwards we pinch the buttocks we control the lower back we breathe breathing in no case we do not hold the abdominal muscles tense breathe hold do not forget to stretch our head forward with the optician back all the time imagine your spine and stretch it in one straight line among the brushes should be clearly under the shoulder joints we relaxed well each approach of the planks we perform for 45 seconds well slowly rounded the wall and rise we stretch the shoulder girdle shoulders in a circle back and one more straight arms and straight legs along the way we hold the position now for complication we raise our hands alternately raising our hand we stretch our head with the hand forward with the heels coccyx back my hand, and the same are drawn head and hand take coccyx kicked back when I try to hold hands Tass clearly centered from side to side tass not move the belly tucked strained breathing is not delayed again pulled his head by hand during the coccyx n Azad lowered to the floor and stayed 421 sank down and relaxed again and only slowly raise our shoulders with a rounded back in a circle back and the last thing we do on straight arms and legs is an option for advanced ones raise the opposite arm leg and stretch our head with the hand forward with the foot on behind change and again stretched head with hand forward leg backward pay attention we raise exactly the opposite arm leg keep balance we breathe well also when changing arm and leg try to keep it so clearly in the center and not mow it to the side not just lift it, namely we stretch our head with hand forward leg backward we lower it to the floor I ask you to stay and go down completely relax, put your head on your side to completely relax the muscles of your back, lower back, close your eyes and linger a little in this position.The next set of plans that offer this side planks is the simplest and easiest one on bent legs and elbows, raise the pelvis passed and hold this position here t Also, we do not cut on the shoulder joint, pay attention that the elbow also stands clearly under the shoulder joints while breathing, we do not hold the same simple side bar for beginners, we don’t hold our breath and ask the f-series a little more with the following exercise aligned the forks, we rise as an option to simplify this exercise, set one leg forward the second slightly backward legs straight feet directed forward just as we didn’t lift it and hold it on the scales with our head and stretches forward belly pull up God clearly under the shoulder joint to make it a little more difficult put your foot on the foot from above direct your toes ios and hold the position breathe for those to whom this option will seem simple raise the right upper leg and hold the canopy the belly tighten the tass does not sag well rise up fold the legs the supporting arm through the top the belly is pulled up slightly bend over and kenny a large spring so that once it is good for the next plank the arm is straight to the support align the legs from the priests are directed clearly forward under we take out the right hand we draw out the ceiling forming the letter t asm does not sag with the head we stretch the spine forward the stomach tighten the abdominal muscles tense to exhale we twist down into dogs we bring the hand out the ceiling make sure that the pelvis is at one point the pelvis does not loop hold it in place twisting from the lower back performed on exhalation, we start down on a similar well hand on the head remove the leg hold the position above the head and stretch in front of the leg for asking to gain faith the leg lowered itself and again pull the benchmark on the floor and the sides of the stomach are pulled up and a light spring 431 do the same from the other side we begin the simplest planks we rise to the elbow and bent colin tass raised the hold at one point with the head we stretch forward we breathe we hold our breath in no case and the delay remember we have it clearly under the key asustor the stomach is pulled up with the head we stretch the spine forward shoulders to the ears we do not pull the back a straight belly is pulled up quite a bit higher still 441 lowered relaxed well for the next plank align the leg remember the simplified version on straight legs one foot upper on the gel forward right leg slightly needs a cube it is right not a reception lift the stomach there pull up all the same head stretching forward ask for a more complex version return the foot to the foot toes directed forward, recall the elbow under the shoulder joint, the abdomen pulled up with the head, we also stretch out in one word, then lifting the leg complicate this option and stretch the leg in the other direction, breathe, hold our breath, do not hold quite a bit perfectly, we lower it, but we go down the garden, we fold our legs, raise the supporting arm through and stretch upward we make a bend or a light spring empty stomach tighten khash align our legs align the arm we rise up the pelvis does not sag you take your left hand clearly the ceiling forming the letter t we stretch the spine head forward belly tighten we hold we hold well in place on the dishes we twist on inhale the hand we return to the ceiling we must be held in place by twisting we perform under the lower back of the ashan exhale down exhale and what is your hand behind the head we raise but you stayed 4-1 lowered your leg to the bed and lowered ourselves we raise the supporting hand we stretch the liveliness nuri members light tilt for today the lesson is over everyone thanks who was with me put like likes subscribe to my channel and do not forget to click on the bell to see the new video everyone bye .